So you want a Civil War?

What goes to operate these things are increases in the national debt ceiling level.

What the income tax goes to pay? That is INTEREST on that national debt ceiling level.

Your rhetoric comes straight out of Hannity and Limbaugh, it seriously does. Change the channel over to NPR every now and then.

No, what gets added to our debt are the deficits. That is to say, the spending that our income tax revenues don't cover, that's what gets added to the debt. If our income tax revenues only paid the interest, then we'd be on the verge of an economic collapse because once we can not meet our interest payment obligations, nobody will ever lend us a dime and we would be officially bankrupt.
You just made the best case yet for not handing out to the rich, a $2 trillion dollar tax cut.
How much of what other people earn is your fair share?
Let Texas peacefully and unconditionally leave the Union, and none of you need to die.


These marxist shit-eating rodents are that stereotypical wife-beating stalker.... oh I'll never do it again.... you can't leave me!!!!

The fuck we can't. We don't want to coexist with you filthy animals anymore. The minute you told us we no longer need elections (you'll tell us who won), we're done. Quit sniveling and begging like a cheating wife-beater. It's time to get the divorce. Like most divorces, it can be done very peacefully.

Fuck around and find out.
Let Texas peacefully and unconditionally leave the Union, and none of you need to die.


These marxist shit-eating rodents are that stereotypical wife-beating stalker.... oh I'll never do it again.... you can't leave me!!!!

The fuck we can't. We don't want to coexist with you filthy animals anymore. The minute you told us we no longer need elections (you'll tell us who won), we're done. Quit sniveling and begging like a cheating wife-beater. It's time to get the divorce. Like most divorces, it can be done very peacefully.

Fuck around and find out.

Or.....we don't destroy the United States just because you don't like the outcome of an election.

But don't let me interrupt your impotent little rant.
The fuck we can't. We don't want to coexist with you filthy animals anymore. The minute you told us we no longer need elections (you'll tell us who won), we're done. Quit sniveling and begging like a cheating wife-beater. It's time to get the divorce. Like most divorces, it can be done very peacefully.

Fuck around and find out.

You're whining like a little bitch.

You're not going to do anything.
The fuck we can't. We don't want to coexist with you filthy animals anymore. The minute you told us we no longer need elections (you'll tell us who won), we're done. Quit sniveling and begging like a cheating wife-beater. It's time to get the divorce. Like most divorces, it can be done very peacefully.

Fuck around and find out.

You're whining like a little bitch.

You're not going to do anything.

It makes them feel powerful and relevant.
The fuck we can't. We don't want to coexist with you filthy animals anymore. The minute you told us we no longer need elections (you'll tell us who won), we're done. Quit sniveling and begging like a cheating wife-beater. It's time to get the divorce. Like most divorces, it can be done very peacefully.

Fuck around and find out.

Quit whining like a little bitch.

You're not going to do anything.
This, from a sniveling little shit that's hiding under the bed.

What the fuck have you ever done besides run away before you got beat down like a little bitch?

"Because most whites have not been trained to think with complexity about racism, and because it benefits white dominance not to do so, we have a very limited understanding of it (Kumashiro, 2009; LaDuke, 2009). We are the least likely to see, comprehend, or be invested in validating people of color’s assertions of racism and being honest about their consequences (King, 1991). At the same time, because of white social, economic, and political power within a white dominant culture, whites are the group in the position to legitimize people of color’s assertions of racism.Being in this position engenders a form of racial arrogance, and in this racial arrogance, whites have little compunction about debating the knowledge of people who have thought deeply about race through research, study, peer-reviewed scholarship, deep and on-going critical self-reflection, interracial relationships, and lived experience (Chinnery, 2008). This expertise is often trivialized and countered with simplistic platitudes, such as “people just need to see each other as individuals” or “see each other as humans” or “take personal responsibility.”

White lack of racial humility often leads to declarations of disagreement when in fact the problem is that we do not understand. Whites generally feel free to dismiss informed perspectives rather than have the humility to acknowledge that they are unfamiliar, reflect on them further, seek more information, or sustain a dialogue (DiAngelo & Sensoy, 2009)."
In other words, white people should hate white people.

Imma have to pass.
The fuck we can't. We don't want to coexist with you filthy animals anymore. The minute you told us we no longer need elections (you'll tell us who won), we're done. Quit sniveling and begging like a cheating wife-beater. It's time to get the divorce. Like most divorces, it can be done very peacefully.

Fuck around and find out.

Quit whining like a little bitch.

You're not going to do anything.
This, from a sniveling little shit that's hiding under the bed.

What the fuck have you ever done besides run away before you got beat down like a little bitch?


Cheered for Biden's win?
The fuck we can't. We don't want to coexist with you filthy animals anymore. The minute you told us we no longer need elections (you'll tell us who won), we're done. Quit sniveling and begging like a cheating wife-beater. It's time to get the divorce. Like most divorces, it can be done very peacefully.

Fuck around and find out.

Quit whining like a little bitch.

You're not going to do anything.
This, from a sniveling little shit that's hiding under the bed.

What the fuck have you ever done besides run away before you got beat down like a little bitch?


So "fuck around and find out" means what exactly?

That you're going to continue throwing your little whiny bitch temper tantrum?

Keep crying. Your tears are delicious.
A civil war is not necessary. What we should do is have two countries instead of one. Divided this land north to south. Democrats will get the west part of our current country where their precious Mexican border is, and the conservatives will get the east. They won't have to put up with us, and best of all, we won't have to put up with them. Since I'm on the east side, once the Democrats move out, my property value will double overnight.
Nope. You will live under the laws passed by Congress or you will get the fuck out.
"America -- love it or leave it!"

The left used to condemn such jingoist rhetoric. Now they repeat it like they invented it.
We still do, but when other ones rant about secession and civil war, post about how they could whip us all They are free to move, there will be no civil war in my Country.
It's not up to you, is it?
The fuck we can't. We don't want to coexist with you filthy animals anymore. The minute you told us we no longer need elections (you'll tell us who won), we're done. Quit sniveling and begging like a cheating wife-beater. It's time to get the divorce. Like most divorces, it can be done very peacefully.

Fuck around and find out.

Quit whining like a little bitch.

You're not going to do anything.
This, from a sniveling little shit that's hiding under the bed.

What the fuck have you ever done besides run away before you got beat down like a little bitch?


So "fuck around and find out" means what exactly?

That you're going to continue throwing your little whiny bitch temper tantrum?

Keep crying. Your tears are delicious.

You lick up another man's tears? LOL

That's some seriously twisted faggotry.

Sniveling little shit.
The fuck we can't. We don't want to coexist with you filthy animals anymore. The minute you told us we no longer need elections (you'll tell us who won), we're done. Quit sniveling and begging like a cheating wife-beater. It's time to get the divorce. Like most divorces, it can be done very peacefully.

Fuck around and find out.

Quit whining like a little bitch.

You're not going to do anything.
This, from a sniveling little shit that's hiding under the bed.

What the fuck have you ever done besides run away before you got beat down like a little bitch?


So "fuck around and find out" means what exactly?

That you're going to continue throwing your little whiny bitch temper tantrum?

Keep crying. Your tears are delicious.

You lick up another man's tears? LOL

That's some seriously twisted faggotry.

Sniveling little shit.

Right. So you're not going to do anything other than continue whining like a little bitch.

Go on, bitch. Cry for me some more. I love it. You pathetic harmless little whiny snowflake.

With all that evidence it's a wonder you can't prove it in court. Biden will be the president in January.


Provided Xiden isn't already confined to a laughing academy.

Provided Xiden hasn't mysteriously suicided before then.

Providec Xarris doesn't get all in a rush.
You probably need to be more concerned about the coup being planned by Chairman Trumpeschinsvky to install his dictatorship.
Democrats are drama queens. I swear to Gaea, there's more maturity and emotional stability in an all-girls school 7th grade.
With all that evidence it's a wonder you can't prove it in court. Biden will be the president in January.


Provided Xiden isn't already confined to a laughing academy.

Provided Xiden hasn't mysteriously suicided before then.

Providec Xarris doesn't get all in a rush.
You probably need to be more concerned about the coup being planned by Chairman Trumpeschinsvky to install his dictatorship.

Concerned? They're delighted.

Conservatives really are authoritarians at heart. At best, they tolerate our democratic institutions.

And as all their babble about civil war and martial law demonstrates....this is clearly not their best.
Conservatives want to be left alone. Liberals think they can run everyone's lives for them.

The authoritarianism is the left's.
The fuck we can't. We don't want to coexist with you filthy animals anymore. The minute you told us we no longer need elections (you'll tell us who won), we're done. Quit sniveling and begging like a cheating wife-beater. It's time to get the divorce. Like most divorces, it can be done very peacefully.

Fuck around and find out.

Quit whining like a little bitch.

You're not going to do anything.
This, from a sniveling little shit that's hiding under the bed.

What the fuck have you ever done besides run away before you got beat down like a little bitch?


So "fuck around and find out" means what exactly?

That you're going to continue throwing your little whiny bitch temper tantrum?

Keep crying. Your tears are delicious.

You lick up another man's tears? LOL

That's some seriously twisted faggotry.

Sniveling little shit.

Right. So you're not going to do anything other than continue whining like a little bitch.

Go on, bitch. Cry for me some more. I love it. You pathetic harmless little whiny snowflake.

Bring it to me little bitch. You can catch a round right in the throat. Your final look will depend on whether I can work up a steamer before the sheriff shows up.

I don't see YOU doing a goddamn thing except whining and sniveling. Fucking twat.
The fuck we can't. We don't want to coexist with you filthy animals anymore. The minute you told us we no longer need elections (you'll tell us who won), we're done. Quit sniveling and begging like a cheating wife-beater. It's time to get the divorce. Like most divorces, it can be done very peacefully.

Fuck around and find out.

Quit whining like a little bitch.

You're not going to do anything.
This, from a sniveling little shit that's hiding under the bed.

What the fuck have you ever done besides run away before you got beat down like a little bitch?


So "fuck around and find out" means what exactly?

That you're going to continue throwing your little whiny bitch temper tantrum?

Keep crying. Your tears are delicious.

You lick up another man's tears? LOL

That's some seriously twisted faggotry.

Sniveling little shit.

Right. So you're not going to do anything other than continue whining like a little bitch.

Go on, bitch. Cry for me some more. I love it. You pathetic harmless little whiny snowflake.

Bring it to me little bitch. You can catch a round right in the throat. Your final look will depend on whether I can work up a steamer before the sheriff shows up.

I don't see YOU doing a goddamn thing except whining and sniveling. Fucking twat.

What would Chaos need to do?

Remember, Biden won.
Wake the fuck up.
TRANSLATION: Stay asleep, but share my dream.
Sadly doofuses never get it. They must support the oligarchs at all costs.
I've never heard an original thought out of an anarchist. Most of them act like tired toddlers who don't want to take a nap.
Funny. Just about everything from an anarchist is original and entirely different from the status quo. It’s certainly non-establishmentarian unlike you.
I knew you were going to say that.

History has shown anarchism to be a failure. Take your nap.
The fuck we can't. We don't want to coexist with you filthy animals anymore. The minute you told us we no longer need elections (you'll tell us who won), we're done. Quit sniveling and begging like a cheating wife-beater. It's time to get the divorce. Like most divorces, it can be done very peacefully.

Fuck around and find out.

Quit whining like a little bitch.

You're not going to do anything.
This, from a sniveling little shit that's hiding under the bed.

What the fuck have you ever done besides run away before you got beat down like a little bitch?


So "fuck around and find out" means what exactly?

That you're going to continue throwing your little whiny bitch temper tantrum?

Keep crying. Your tears are delicious.

You lick up another man's tears? LOL

That's some seriously twisted faggotry.

Sniveling little shit.

Right. So you're not going to do anything other than continue whining like a little bitch.

Go on, bitch. Cry for me some more. I love it. You pathetic harmless little whiny snowflake.

Bring it to me little bitch. You can catch a round right in the throat. Your final look will depend on whether I can work up a steamer before the sheriff shows up.

I don't see YOU doing a goddamn thing except whining and sniveling. Fucking twat.

What would Chaos need to do?

Remember, Biden won.
We're talking about secession. If you or that other little bitch want to come into Texas and try to oppress me, or my kind, we're talking about shooting you in the face.

Are you caught up now?
Bring it to me little bitch. You can catch a round right in the throat.

Hahahahahaha :laughing0301:

You're a harmless little bitch. You're not going to do anything at all.

Do you think you're fooling anyone? Do you think I can't see what a gigantic pussy you are? You're TALKING on an anonymous message board, retard. That's ALL you're going to do.

Go ahead and keep proving me right. You idiots aren't hard to predict at all.

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