So you want a Civil War?

This ex-military guy wrote this Twitter thread. All the fantasy tough guys should read it before grabbing your next bag of Cheetos.

Are you calling for civil war?

You’ve clearly never seen what civil war can wreak, because you don’t want that shit for your people.

You can’t handle wearing a mask for a few minutes, but you think you’ll be fine when power goes out, telecommunications are cut?

You think it will be fun hiking to the nearest semi uncontaminated water source because water’s been knocked out and your shitter hasn’t flushed in a month? You’ll be ok waiting in line with thousands of others for food while hoping a bomb didn’t drop off target and hit you?

Every one of you thinks you’ll be the tough warlord while you’re at best likely to end up as someone’s supply mule, forced to cough up whatever you’ve scraped up to some badder thug than you, because 99.9% chances are you ain’t the top dog

You think you’ll be ok because you’ve got a bunch of guns and you’ve been training, but what happens to your kids, your mom combattant family? No matter how tough things can be now, they’ll be a thousand times worse for everyone if SHTF.

Looking for a place to stay alive in February when your house is a bombed out husk or has been burnt to the ground is fucking awesome, trust me.

Think you’re too well prepared and that won’t happen to you and your family? Check out the civil wars that have happened in other countries in the past 20 years. A 2.0 will be just as bad or worse.

You may think you want that. To live your little adventure sticking it to libs or whatever, but reality will hit you in the face like a sledge hammer at some point, and you’ll realize that this is all way more than you bargained for.

If you think you have nothing to lose, I guarantee you’ll look back and realize how much you had and just tossed it into America’s funeral pyre so that you could satisfy a fantasy rather than dealing with reality.

So that you could do everything America’s enemies have been praying and pushing for America to do: tear itself apart. Because that is the only way it can be defeated.

You’re a patriot that wants America to be strong and relevant? Then don’t let it come to this, because the biggest loser will be America, and you’ll be handing victory to those enemies on a silver platter.

I'm glad this thread is resonating.

I don't have a SoundCloud, but remember that climate change amplifies all the issues that lead to conflict and has led to the collapse of many mighty civilizations in the past.

It's a national security imperative to address it.

Presenting my excuses to all my brothers and sisters in arms commenting on here. This thread has blown up and I don’t have time to write to each of you. Thank you so much for your response & your input.

You all have important stories to tell to help bring the national conversation back to reality and help bring people back from the edge of the chasm we are edging toward.

The original tweet:

Well said and true for sure. Many trumpers are not able to see the big picture that you have just outlined in very understandable language. You pointed out the scenario that will definitely unfold if they carry out their threats of violence.

I watched citizens get attacked for simply wearing a MAGA cap. Go fuck yourself.

Does that mean that you are going to get even? 2 wrongs? Fuck you. Those "MAGA" hats that you wear
when you attend your armed "non-violent" protests tell a different story and are inciteful, which is exactly what you want.

Hats are inciteful?

Maybe y'all should learn to control your emotions. No one else is obligated to do it for you.

No, your approach is inciteful. Maybe you should learn to control your actions instead of threatening
violence and looking for trouble.

Maybe you should learn the difference between warning and threat. Maybe you should consider the fact that it is your actions that are causing the problem.

No, your ilk is causing the problem.

We aren't the ones who want to "fundamentally change this country" That's you.

Thus YOU are the problem.
Sorry, Dummy, I have a degree in history from the University of Illinois...
Did you keep the receipt? Maybe you could get your money back.

Oh, but you do hate being white. And you insist other white people should hate themselves, too.

Racist non-whites appreciate the passionate ass-kissing, but they still hate you.
Actually, quite the reverse.... A lot of people who've I've treated decently have returned the favor in my life, including people of color. On the other hand, most of the misery that's been inflicted on me has come from other white males. .
Probably because you tried to talk them into hating themselves.
You don't get a receipt, hotshot. Education is the name of the game along with the social stimulation that goes with it---exactly what you are lacking.
No receipt? Too bad. He's definitely got a case for educational malpractice.

How do you know I lack social stimulation? I've lived and worked all over the world. I think you're letting your irrational hatred of conservatives do your thinking for you, and thus no thinking is getting done..
I am a moderate and an independent and do not hate conservatives. Trumpets are not conservatives. They are whatever trump tells them to be. Let's not forget that trump was a liberal Democrat who supported abortion and contributed to the Clinton campaign. He may change his tune in the morning
if he can make money from it.
I submit you know little about conservatives and Trump supporters and rely solely on what the leftist media tells you about both.
I don't need the media to see what trump is doing to our country. Listen to him and if you are going to ask me "what is he doing?" then don't bother. Just keep watching Hannity and Tucky.
You need to change the channel.
Trump killed the bad guys (notice there haven’t been any muslim mass murder to report?), he lifted regulations that have allowed us to become energy independent which has led to prosperity. The only issue has been this calculated and propagated virus. Not his fault at all. Total chicom/democrat thing.
The poor handling of the virus is indeed his fault.
There are plenty of bad organizations floating around that are not Muslim that he has not killed, and has in fact supported. The FBI has reported that the white supremacists are a serious problem and trump refused to allow the FBI to tackle this terror group.
Lifting environmental regulations in the name of money only serve to hurt the environment and will come back to haunt us.
Factbox: U.S. oil and gas regulatory rollbacks under Trump ... › us-usa-climate-regulations-factbox

Aug 29, 2019 — The Trump administration has moved broadly to relax Obama-era rules ... drilling safety, fuel economy and wetlands rules that impact oil, gas and ... failed to consider potential damage to offshore safety and the environment.

Trump's fracking rules allow chemicals like VOCs linked to ... › trump-epa-fracking-pollution-regulati...

Oct 27, 2020 — Trump's pullback of pollution controls is even more hazardous than you think ... is also ground zero for the worst oil and gas air pollution in the country. ... by environmentalists, had a little-noticed side effect: Experts say it could lead to ... and said the regulations would have “virtually no impact” on reducing ...

The country was on its way back to prosperity when trump took office. He goosed an already recovering economy and that will come back haunt us. Also, prosperity is in the hands of the wealthy while the rest of the country is getting by. The middle class is on its way to extinction and we will be left with rich.....and poor. Not good.
This ex-military guy wrote this Twitter thread. All the fantasy tough guys should read it before grabbing your next bag of Cheetos.

Are you calling for civil war?

You’ve clearly never seen what civil war can wreak, because you don’t want that shit for your people.

You can’t handle wearing a mask for a few minutes, but you think you’ll be fine when power goes out, telecommunications are cut?

You think it will be fun hiking to the nearest semi uncontaminated water source because water’s been knocked out and your shitter hasn’t flushed in a month? You’ll be ok waiting in line with thousands of others for food while hoping a bomb didn’t drop off target and hit you?

Every one of you thinks you’ll be the tough warlord while you’re at best likely to end up as someone’s supply mule, forced to cough up whatever you’ve scraped up to some badder thug than you, because 99.9% chances are you ain’t the top dog

You think you’ll be ok because you’ve got a bunch of guns and you’ve been training, but what happens to your kids, your mom combattant family? No matter how tough things can be now, they’ll be a thousand times worse for everyone if SHTF.

Looking for a place to stay alive in February when your house is a bombed out husk or has been burnt to the ground is fucking awesome, trust me.

Think you’re too well prepared and that won’t happen to you and your family? Check out the civil wars that have happened in other countries in the past 20 years. A 2.0 will be just as bad or worse.

You may think you want that. To live your little adventure sticking it to libs or whatever, but reality will hit you in the face like a sledge hammer at some point, and you’ll realize that this is all way more than you bargained for.

If you think you have nothing to lose, I guarantee you’ll look back and realize how much you had and just tossed it into America’s funeral pyre so that you could satisfy a fantasy rather than dealing with reality.

So that you could do everything America’s enemies have been praying and pushing for America to do: tear itself apart. Because that is the only way it can be defeated.

You’re a patriot that wants America to be strong and relevant? Then don’t let it come to this, because the biggest loser will be America, and you’ll be handing victory to those enemies on a silver platter.

I'm glad this thread is resonating.

I don't have a SoundCloud, but remember that climate change amplifies all the issues that lead to conflict and has led to the collapse of many mighty civilizations in the past.

It's a national security imperative to address it.

Presenting my excuses to all my brothers and sisters in arms commenting on here. This thread has blown up and I don’t have time to write to each of you. Thank you so much for your response & your input.

You all have important stories to tell to help bring the national conversation back to reality and help bring people back from the edge of the chasm we are edging toward.

The original tweet:

Well said and true for sure. Many trumpers are not able to see the big picture that you have just outlined in very understandable language. You pointed out the scenario that will definitely unfold if they carry out their threats of violence.

I watched citizens get attacked for simply wearing a MAGA cap. Go fuck yourself.

Does that mean that you are going to get even? 2 wrongs? Fuck you. Those "MAGA" hats that you wear
when you attend your armed "non-violent" protests tell a different story and are inciteful, which is exactly what you want.

Hats are inciteful?

Maybe y'all should learn to control your emotions. No one else is obligated to do it for you.

No, your approach is inciteful. Maybe you should learn to control your actions instead of threatening
violence and looking for trouble.

Pot meet kettle. Wearing a hat is not an incitement to violence. The fact that people, like you, decide that the 1st Amendment no longer applies to you is the problem.

Wearing a hat, in itself, is not an incitement for violence. The fact that people, like you, "protest"
while armed and shouting threats AND wearing trump hats is the problem. Tells a story.
This ex-military guy wrote this Twitter thread. All the fantasy tough guys should read it before grabbing your next bag of Cheetos.

Are you calling for civil war?

You’ve clearly never seen what civil war can wreak, because you don’t want that shit for your people.

You can’t handle wearing a mask for a few minutes, but you think you’ll be fine when power goes out, telecommunications are cut?

You think it will be fun hiking to the nearest semi uncontaminated water source because water’s been knocked out and your shitter hasn’t flushed in a month? You’ll be ok waiting in line with thousands of others for food while hoping a bomb didn’t drop off target and hit you?

Every one of you thinks you’ll be the tough warlord while you’re at best likely to end up as someone’s supply mule, forced to cough up whatever you’ve scraped up to some badder thug than you, because 99.9% chances are you ain’t the top dog

You think you’ll be ok because you’ve got a bunch of guns and you’ve been training, but what happens to your kids, your mom combattant family? No matter how tough things can be now, they’ll be a thousand times worse for everyone if SHTF.

Looking for a place to stay alive in February when your house is a bombed out husk or has been burnt to the ground is fucking awesome, trust me.

Think you’re too well prepared and that won’t happen to you and your family? Check out the civil wars that have happened in other countries in the past 20 years. A 2.0 will be just as bad or worse.

You may think you want that. To live your little adventure sticking it to libs or whatever, but reality will hit you in the face like a sledge hammer at some point, and you’ll realize that this is all way more than you bargained for.

If you think you have nothing to lose, I guarantee you’ll look back and realize how much you had and just tossed it into America’s funeral pyre so that you could satisfy a fantasy rather than dealing with reality.

So that you could do everything America’s enemies have been praying and pushing for America to do: tear itself apart. Because that is the only way it can be defeated.

You’re a patriot that wants America to be strong and relevant? Then don’t let it come to this, because the biggest loser will be America, and you’ll be handing victory to those enemies on a silver platter.

I'm glad this thread is resonating.

I don't have a SoundCloud, but remember that climate change amplifies all the issues that lead to conflict and has led to the collapse of many mighty civilizations in the past.

It's a national security imperative to address it.

Presenting my excuses to all my brothers and sisters in arms commenting on here. This thread has blown up and I don’t have time to write to each of you. Thank you so much for your response & your input.

You all have important stories to tell to help bring the national conversation back to reality and help bring people back from the edge of the chasm we are edging toward.

The original tweet:

Well said and true for sure. Many trumpers are not able to see the big picture that you have just outlined in very understandable language. You pointed out the scenario that will definitely unfold if they carry out their threats of violence.

I watched citizens get attacked for simply wearing a MAGA cap. Go fuck yourself.

Does that mean that you are going to get even? 2 wrongs? Fuck you. Those "MAGA" hats that you wear
when you attend your armed "non-violent" protests tell a different story and are inciteful, which is exactly what you want.

Hats are inciteful?

Maybe y'all should learn to control your emotions. No one else is obligated to do it for you.

No, your approach is inciteful. Maybe you should learn to control your actions instead of threatening
violence and looking for trouble.

Maybe you should learn the difference between warning and threat. Maybe you should consider the fact that it is your actions that are causing the problem.

No, your ilk is causing the problem.

We aren't the ones who want to "fundamentally change this country" That's you.

Thus YOU are the problem.

No, trump is trying to "fundamentally change this country" from a Democracy" into an autocracy with him in the dictator seat and his inciteful, divisive behavior is indicative of that. Putting his opposition in jail is the first step.
The FBI has reported that the white supremacists are a serious problem and trump refused...

You've GOT to be kidding. It wasn't "white supremacists" that burned and looted half the country in 2020. Besides, the FBI is an uber-corrupt organization whose love, loyalty, and devotion is to serving their masters of the Democratic Party.
What goes to operate these things are increases in the national debt ceiling level.

What the income tax goes to pay? That is INTEREST on that national debt ceiling level.

Your rhetoric comes straight out of Hannity and Limbaugh, it seriously does. Change the channel over to NPR every now and then.

No, what gets added to our debt are the deficits. That is to say, the spending that our income tax revenues don't cover, that's what gets added to the debt. If our income tax revenues only paid the interest, then we'd be on the verge of an economic collapse because once we can not meet our interest payment obligations, nobody will ever lend us a dime and we would be officially bankrupt.
You just made the best case yet for not handing out to the rich, a $2 trillion dollar tax cut.
How much of what other people earn is your fair share?
You are the typical horse and buggy idiot, who feels beholden to corporations. And you must be the horse who hasn't the sense enough to understand that it's the other way around.
It's always funny when people who can't think for themselves believe they can dictate what other people think.
You aren't thinking.
You serve your masters well, and you will be rewarded.

LOL! Just kidding. They don't give a shit about you. Before the next election they'll give a few speeches in black churches and say they gonna he'p the po black folk this time fo sho, and you'll make heart eyes at them and pull the D lever exactly as programmed.
So, you take a non-existent argument that you gave up on, and turn into racist rant. You really do have problems. People like you must be miserable souls.
Not at all. I'm satisfied with what I've earned. I don't demand what other people have.

As far as your hollow racism charge, I believe you can succeed on your own without the help of white liberals.

Democrats disagree. And you've taken their side. Pathetic.
You can't be that ignorant of math. No one is that fucking ignorant.
Sorry, Dummy, I have a degree in history from the University of Illinois...
Did you keep the receipt? Maybe you could get your money back.

Oh, but you do hate being white. And you insist other white people should hate themselves, too.

Racist non-whites appreciate the passionate ass-kissing, but they still hate you.
Actually, quite the reverse.... A lot of people who've I've treated decently have returned the favor in my life, including people of color. On the other hand, most of the misery that's been inflicted on me has come from other white males. .
Probably because you tried to talk them into hating themselves.
You don't get a receipt, hotshot. Education is the name of the game along with the social stimulation that goes with it---exactly what you are lacking.
No receipt? Too bad. He's definitely got a case for educational malpractice.

How do you know I lack social stimulation? I've lived and worked all over the world. I think you're letting your irrational hatred of conservatives do your thinking for you, and thus no thinking is getting done..
I am a moderate and an independent and do not hate conservatives. Trumpets are not conservatives. They are whatever trump tells them to be. Let's not forget that trump was a liberal Democrat who supported abortion and contributed to the Clinton campaign. He may change his tune in the morning
if he can make money from it.
I submit you know little about conservatives and Trump supporters and rely solely on what the leftist media tells you about both.
I don't need the media to see what trump is doing to our country. Listen to him and if you are going to ask me "what is he doing?" then don't bother. Just keep watching Hannity and Tucky.
You need to change the channel.
Trump killed the bad guys (notice there haven’t been any muslim mass murder to report?), he lifted regulations that have allowed us to become energy independent which has led to prosperity. The only issue has been this calculated and propagated virus. Not his fault at all. Total chicom/democrat thing.
The poor handling of the virus is indeed his fault.
There are plenty of bad organizations floating around that are not Muslim that he has not killed, and has in fact supported. The FBI has reported that the white supremacists are a serious problem and trump refused to allow the FBI to tackle this terror group.
Lifting environmental regulations in the name of money only serve to hurt the environment and will come back to haunt us.
Factbox: U.S. oil and gas regulatory rollbacks under Trump ... › us-usa-climate-regulations-factbox

Aug 29, 2019 — The Trump administration has moved broadly to relax Obama-era rules ... drilling safety, fuel economy and wetlands rules that impact oil, gas and ... failed to consider potential damage to offshore safety and the environment.

Trump's fracking rules allow chemicals like VOCs linked to ... › trump-epa-fracking-pollution-regulati...

Oct 27, 2020 — Trump's pullback of pollution controls is even more hazardous than you think ... is also ground zero for the worst oil and gas air pollution in the country. ... by environmentalists, had a little-noticed side effect: Experts say it could lead to ... and said the regulations would have “virtually no impact” on reducing ...

The country was on its way back to prosperity when trump took office. He goosed an already recovering economy and that will come back haunt us. Also, prosperity is in the hands of the wealthy while the rest of the country is getting by. The middle class is on its way to extinction and we will be left with rich.....and poor. Not good.
Obama opposed the efforts that led to prosperity. Obama caused the economic hardship. Obama abetted Muslim terrorism.
You go broke and abet Muslim murder. Just keep me out of it.
The country was on its way back to prosperity when trump took office. He goosed an already recovering economy and that will come back haunt us. Also, prosperity is in the hands of the wealthy while the rest of the country is getting by. The middle class is on its way to extinction and we will be left with rich.....and poor. Not good.

And what do you want to bet under Biden and possibly a Democrat Congress, nothing will change. Government doesn't make the middle class--the middle-class make themselves. This leftist theory that the reason some have to little is because others have too much is flawed at the least. In a great country like ours, if you want to be poor, you will be poor. If you want to be middle-class, you will be middle-class. If you want to be wealthy, you can take a lot of risks, give up a lot of things, and take a shot at being wealthy.
I am a moderate and an independent and do not hate conservatives. Trumpets are not conservatives. They are whatever trump tells them to be. Let's not forget that trump was a liberal Democrat who supported abortion and contributed to the Clinton campaign. He may change his tune in the morning
if he can make money from it.

I think you'll find many conservatives were once liberal. I know I was. However as I aged and became wiser, I understood how un-American liberalism actually was. While Trump never claimed to be a conservative, can you tell me the last President we had that led more conservatively than President Trump?
The problem is that trump is not a leader and did not lead.

Trump is the best President we had since Reagan. He accomplished more in a positive way than the last two administrations combined.
The poor handling of the virus is indeed his fault.

Trump did everything that Fauci recommended. You're talking out your ass.
Trump has been no where to be found for weeks with covid. He called it a hoax, and lied to us about its severity. Trump recommended Hydroxychloroquine. Fauci did not.

Trump hosted daily briefings every day.

The fact is, you're a partisan hack. Trump could have snapped his fingers and made all human beings immortal and made it Christmas every day and you'd still bitch.
Our Gov't is out of touch.
Our Gov't won't save you.
You won't get nothing and you'll damn well like it!

And have a Merry, Merry, Christmas!! And to all, a Good Night!!!
Maybe you should learn the difference between warning and threat. Maybe you should consider the fact that it is your actions that are causing the problem.
Sounds like something an abusive husband would say to justify beating his wife.

"If you would only turn the cans so we can see the labels I wouldn't have to smack you around!"
Maybe so but that doesn't make it any less true.
What goes to operate these things are increases in the national debt ceiling level.

What the income tax goes to pay? That is INTEREST on that national debt ceiling level.

Your rhetoric comes straight out of Hannity and Limbaugh, it seriously does. Change the channel over to NPR every now and then.

No, what gets added to our debt are the deficits. That is to say, the spending that our income tax revenues don't cover, that's what gets added to the debt. If our income tax revenues only paid the interest, then we'd be on the verge of an economic collapse because once we can not meet our interest payment obligations, nobody will ever lend us a dime and we would be officially bankrupt.
You just made the best case yet for not handing out to the rich, a $2 trillion dollar tax cut.
How much of what other people earn is your fair share?
You are the typical horse and buggy idiot, who feels beholden to corporations. And you must be the horse who hasn't the sense enough to understand that it's the other way around.
It's always funny when people who can't think for themselves believe they can dictate what other people think.
You aren't thinking.
You serve your masters well, and you will be rewarded.

LOL! Just kidding. They don't give a shit about you. Before the next election they'll give a few speeches in black churches and say they gonna he'p the po black folk this time fo sho, and you'll make heart eyes at them and pull the D lever exactly as programmed.
So, you take a non-existent argument that you gave up on, and turn into racist rant. You really do have problems. People like you must be miserable souls.
Not at all. I'm satisfied with what I've earned. I don't demand what other people have.

As far as your hollow racism charge, I believe you can succeed on your own without the help of white liberals.

Democrats disagree. And you've taken their side. Pathetic.
You can't be that ignorant of math. No one is that fucking ignorant.

And yet, you are.
This ex-military guy wrote this Twitter thread. All the fantasy tough guys should read it before grabbing your next bag of Cheetos.

Are you calling for civil war?

You’ve clearly never seen what civil war can wreak, because you don’t want that shit for your people.

You can’t handle wearing a mask for a few minutes, but you think you’ll be fine when power goes out, telecommunications are cut?

You think it will be fun hiking to the nearest semi uncontaminated water source because water’s been knocked out and your shitter hasn’t flushed in a month? You’ll be ok waiting in line with thousands of others for food while hoping a bomb didn’t drop off target and hit you?

Every one of you thinks you’ll be the tough warlord while you’re at best likely to end up as someone’s supply mule, forced to cough up whatever you’ve scraped up to some badder thug than you, because 99.9% chances are you ain’t the top dog

You think you’ll be ok because you’ve got a bunch of guns and you’ve been training, but what happens to your kids, your mom combattant family? No matter how tough things can be now, they’ll be a thousand times worse for everyone if SHTF.

Looking for a place to stay alive in February when your house is a bombed out husk or has been burnt to the ground is fucking awesome, trust me.

Think you’re too well prepared and that won’t happen to you and your family? Check out the civil wars that have happened in other countries in the past 20 years. A 2.0 will be just as bad or worse.

You may think you want that. To live your little adventure sticking it to libs or whatever, but reality will hit you in the face like a sledge hammer at some point, and you’ll realize that this is all way more than you bargained for.

If you think you have nothing to lose, I guarantee you’ll look back and realize how much you had and just tossed it into America’s funeral pyre so that you could satisfy a fantasy rather than dealing with reality.

So that you could do everything America’s enemies have been praying and pushing for America to do: tear itself apart. Because that is the only way it can be defeated.

You’re a patriot that wants America to be strong and relevant? Then don’t let it come to this, because the biggest loser will be America, and you’ll be handing victory to those enemies on a silver platter.

I'm glad this thread is resonating.

I don't have a SoundCloud, but remember that climate change amplifies all the issues that lead to conflict and has led to the collapse of many mighty civilizations in the past.

It's a national security imperative to address it.

Presenting my excuses to all my brothers and sisters in arms commenting on here. This thread has blown up and I don’t have time to write to each of you. Thank you so much for your response & your input.

You all have important stories to tell to help bring the national conversation back to reality and help bring people back from the edge of the chasm we are edging toward.

The original tweet:

Well said and true for sure. Many trumpers are not able to see the big picture that you have just outlined in very understandable language. You pointed out the scenario that will definitely unfold if they carry out their threats of violence.

I watched citizens get attacked for simply wearing a MAGA cap. Go fuck yourself.

Does that mean that you are going to get even? 2 wrongs? Fuck you. Those "MAGA" hats that you wear
when you attend your armed "non-violent" protests tell a different story and are inciteful, which is exactly what you want.

Hats are inciteful?

Maybe y'all should learn to control your emotions. No one else is obligated to do it for you.

No, your approach is inciteful. Maybe you should learn to control your actions instead of threatening
violence and looking for trouble.

Pot meet kettle. Wearing a hat is not an incitement to violence. The fact that people, like you, decide that the 1st Amendment no longer applies to you is the problem.

Wearing a hat, in itself, is not an incitement for violence. The fact that people, like you, "protest"
while armed and shouting threats AND wearing trump hats is the problem. Tells a story.

So you think only the left has the protection of the 1st amendment? Of what you complained about, what do you not consider perfectly legal?
This ex-military guy wrote this Twitter thread. All the fantasy tough guys should read it before grabbing your next bag of Cheetos.

Are you calling for civil war?

You’ve clearly never seen what civil war can wreak, because you don’t want that shit for your people.

You can’t handle wearing a mask for a few minutes, but you think you’ll be fine when power goes out, telecommunications are cut?

You think it will be fun hiking to the nearest semi uncontaminated water source because water’s been knocked out and your shitter hasn’t flushed in a month? You’ll be ok waiting in line with thousands of others for food while hoping a bomb didn’t drop off target and hit you?

Every one of you thinks you’ll be the tough warlord while you’re at best likely to end up as someone’s supply mule, forced to cough up whatever you’ve scraped up to some badder thug than you, because 99.9% chances are you ain’t the top dog

You think you’ll be ok because you’ve got a bunch of guns and you’ve been training, but what happens to your kids, your mom combattant family? No matter how tough things can be now, they’ll be a thousand times worse for everyone if SHTF.

Looking for a place to stay alive in February when your house is a bombed out husk or has been burnt to the ground is fucking awesome, trust me.

Think you’re too well prepared and that won’t happen to you and your family? Check out the civil wars that have happened in other countries in the past 20 years. A 2.0 will be just as bad or worse.

You may think you want that. To live your little adventure sticking it to libs or whatever, but reality will hit you in the face like a sledge hammer at some point, and you’ll realize that this is all way more than you bargained for.

If you think you have nothing to lose, I guarantee you’ll look back and realize how much you had and just tossed it into America’s funeral pyre so that you could satisfy a fantasy rather than dealing with reality.

So that you could do everything America’s enemies have been praying and pushing for America to do: tear itself apart. Because that is the only way it can be defeated.

You’re a patriot that wants America to be strong and relevant? Then don’t let it come to this, because the biggest loser will be America, and you’ll be handing victory to those enemies on a silver platter.

I'm glad this thread is resonating.

I don't have a SoundCloud, but remember that climate change amplifies all the issues that lead to conflict and has led to the collapse of many mighty civilizations in the past.

It's a national security imperative to address it.

Presenting my excuses to all my brothers and sisters in arms commenting on here. This thread has blown up and I don’t have time to write to each of you. Thank you so much for your response & your input.

You all have important stories to tell to help bring the national conversation back to reality and help bring people back from the edge of the chasm we are edging toward.

The original tweet:

Well said and true for sure. Many trumpers are not able to see the big picture that you have just outlined in very understandable language. You pointed out the scenario that will definitely unfold if they carry out their threats of violence.

I watched citizens get attacked for simply wearing a MAGA cap. Go fuck yourself.

Does that mean that you are going to get even? 2 wrongs? Fuck you. Those "MAGA" hats that you wear
when you attend your armed "non-violent" protests tell a different story and are inciteful, which is exactly what you want.

Hats are inciteful?

Maybe y'all should learn to control your emotions. No one else is obligated to do it for you.

No, your approach is inciteful. Maybe you should learn to control your actions instead of threatening
violence and looking for trouble.

Pot meet kettle. Wearing a hat is not an incitement to violence. The fact that people, like you, decide that the 1st Amendment no longer applies to you is the problem.

Wearing a hat, in itself, is not an incitement for violence. The fact that people, like you, "protest"
while armed and shouting threats AND wearing trump hats is the problem. Tells a story.

Hmm, no one who was wearing a hat was armed and was attacked by YOUR assholes. Had they been armed, I really doubt that your silly folk would have had the balls to attack them. So, it looks like going armed prevents the violence that YOUR people love to engage in.
Civil War is never voluntarily decided upon, it is an act of desperation when that point is reached by a society where the avoid-avoid equilibrium can no longer be maintained by the population and the pain of war no longer exceeds the pain of not acting to remedy it.
What makes you think that a civil war remedies anything?

FIRST show me where I ever said that I thought civil war was a remedy to anything just because societies may use it as such in the search for a remedy?

THEN tell me how you made the leap from reading what I wrote to the conclusion / assumption that I was endorsing it.

FINALLY explain how by implication you are suggesting that civil wars DON'T remedy anything when our own of 1865 saved the secession of the southern states, freed the slaves and changed the direction of our country and industry.

Then maybe you'll have some idea how poorly most people read and understand what others write these days and how it so often leads to misunderstanding and arguments even when two parties agree.
This ex-military guy wrote this Twitter thread. All the fantasy tough guys should read it before grabbing your next bag of Cheetos.

Are you calling for civil war?

You’ve clearly never seen what civil war can wreak, because you don’t want that shit for your people.

You can’t handle wearing a mask for a few minutes, but you think you’ll be fine when power goes out, telecommunications are cut?

You think it will be fun hiking to the nearest semi uncontaminated water source because water’s been knocked out and your shitter hasn’t flushed in a month? You’ll be ok waiting in line with thousands of others for food while hoping a bomb didn’t drop off target and hit you?

Every one of you thinks you’ll be the tough warlord while you’re at best likely to end up as someone’s supply mule, forced to cough up whatever you’ve scraped up to some badder thug than you, because 99.9% chances are you ain’t the top dog

You think you’ll be ok because you’ve got a bunch of guns and you’ve been training, but what happens to your kids, your mom combattant family? No matter how tough things can be now, they’ll be a thousand times worse for everyone if SHTF.

Looking for a place to stay alive in February when your house is a bombed out husk or has been burnt to the ground is fucking awesome, trust me.

Think you’re too well prepared and that won’t happen to you and your family? Check out the civil wars that have happened in other countries in the past 20 years. A 2.0 will be just as bad or worse.

You may think you want that. To live your little adventure sticking it to libs or whatever, but reality will hit you in the face like a sledge hammer at some point, and you’ll realize that this is all way more than you bargained for.

If you think you have nothing to lose, I guarantee you’ll look back and realize how much you had and just tossed it into America’s funeral pyre so that you could satisfy a fantasy rather than dealing with reality.

So that you could do everything America’s enemies have been praying and pushing for America to do: tear itself apart. Because that is the only way it can be defeated.

You’re a patriot that wants America to be strong and relevant? Then don’t let it come to this, because the biggest loser will be America, and you’ll be handing victory to those enemies on a silver platter.

I'm glad this thread is resonating.

I don't have a SoundCloud, but remember that climate change amplifies all the issues that lead to conflict and has led to the collapse of many mighty civilizations in the past.

It's a national security imperative to address it.

Presenting my excuses to all my brothers and sisters in arms commenting on here. This thread has blown up and I don’t have time to write to each of you. Thank you so much for your response & your input.

You all have important stories to tell to help bring the national conversation back to reality and help bring people back from the edge of the chasm we are edging toward.

The original tweet:

I don't foresee a civil war coming to America, even if it's demonstrated beyond doubt that Trump was cheated out of a second term. If there is a civil war, it will NOT be fought like the first civil war.

I believe an American civil war would entail small groups and "lone wolves" engaging in terror attacks and assassinations.

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