

Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
If liberals here are claiming Obama won regarding Syria, why is Assad claiming victory?

(Reuters) - Syria's government hailed as a "victory" a Russian-brokered deal that has averted U.S. strikes, while President Barack Obama defended a chemical weapons pact that the rebels fear has bolstered their enemy in the civil war.

President Bashar al-Assad's jets and artillery hit rebel suburbs of the capital again on Sunday in an offensive that residents said began last week when Obama delayed air strikes in the face of opposition from Moscow and his own electorate.

Speaking of the U.S.-Russian deal, Syrian minister Ali Haidar told Moscow's RIA news agency: "These agreements ... are a victory for Syria, achieved thanks to our Russian friends.

Though not close to Assad, Ali was the first Syrian official to react to Saturday's accord in Geneva by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. Bridging an angry East-West rift over Syria, they agreed to back a nine-month U.N. programme to destroy Assad's chemical arsenal.

The deal has put off the threat of air strikes Obama made after poison gas killed hundreds of Syrians on August 21, although he has stressed that force remains an option if Assad reneges. U.S. forces remain in position. Russia still opposes military action but now backs possible U.N. sanctions for non-compliance.

French President Francois Hollande called for a U.N. resolution on Syria backed by the threat of punitive action to be voted by the end of this week. Hollande also said the option of military strikes must remain on the table.

Assad government hails 'victory' in arms deal, troops attack | Reuters
It's a "victory" for both sides because the US gets to pretend Syria will give up its chemical weapons and Syria gets to pretend they are giving up their chemical weapons.
An ideal political, diplomatic solution allows all parties to claim "victory".

Normally, Liberals aren't making blanket statements like that unless their guy was the one who got the short end of the stick. You may as well be moving the goalposts. Putin had more foreign policy acumen than did Obama. It showed.

I mean, Obama was doing all of his saber rattling "oh I'm gonna bomb you if you cross my red line" only to be rebuffed by Putin's plan of chemical disarmament. It made him look like an idiot. That is an undeniable fact of life.

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An ideal political, diplomatic solution allows all parties to claim "victory".

Normally, Liberals aren't making blanket statements like that unless their guy was the one who got the short end of the stick. You may as well be moving the goalposts. Putin had more foreign policy acumen than did Obama. It showed.

I mean, Obama was doing all of his saber rattling "oh I'm gonna bomb you if you cross my red line" only to be rebuffed by Putin's plan of chemical disarmament. It made him look like an idiot. That is an undeniable fact of life.


I don't think Obama ever really wanted to bomb Syria. What Putin did was hand him a convenient out. As theDoctorisin said, what it did was allowed all sides to claim "victory". I somehow doubt Putin's offer was ever really news to the Obama administration. Chances are it had already been discussed secretly behind closed doors.
I don't think Obama ever really wanted to bomb Syria. What Putin did was hand him a convenient out. As theDoctorisin said, what it did was allowed all sides to claim "victory". I somehow doubt Putin's offer was ever really news to the Obama administration. Chances are it had already been discussed secretly behind closed doors.

Who knows..weirder things have happened.

Khrushchev was on a bender when he relinquished the missiles in Cuba.
If liberals here are claiming Obama won regarding Syria, why is Assad claiming victory?

(Reuters) - Syria's government hailed as a "victory" a Russian-brokered deal that has averted U.S. strikes, while President Barack Obama defended a chemical weapons pact that the rebels fear has bolstered their enemy in the civil war.

President Bashar al-Assad's jets and artillery hit rebel suburbs of the capital again on Sunday in an offensive that residents said began last week when Obama delayed air strikes in the face of opposition from Moscow and his own electorate.

Speaking of the U.S.-Russian deal, Syrian minister Ali Haidar told Moscow's RIA news agency: "These agreements ... are a victory for Syria, achieved thanks to our Russian friends.

Though not close to Assad, Ali was the first Syrian official to react to Saturday's accord in Geneva by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. Bridging an angry East-West rift over Syria, they agreed to back a nine-month U.N. programme to destroy Assad's chemical arsenal.

The deal has put off the threat of air strikes Obama made after poison gas killed hundreds of Syrians on August 21, although he has stressed that force remains an option if Assad reneges. U.S. forces remain in position. Russia still opposes military action but now backs possible U.N. sanctions for non-compliance.

French President Francois Hollande called for a U.N. resolution on Syria backed by the threat of punitive action to be voted by the end of this week. Hollande also said the option of military strikes must remain on the table.

Assad government hails 'victory' in arms deal, troops attack | Reuters

It's because Obama is on their team. He hates America and all she stood for.

If you've won then you don't need to claim anything. It is self-evident. The fact that Obama has to tout that he won should tell everyone he's a loser.
An ideal political, diplomatic solution allows all parties to claim "victory".

Normally, Liberals aren't making blanket statements like that unless their guy was the one who got the short end of the stick. You may as well be moving the goalposts. Putin had more foreign policy acumen than did Obama. It showed.

I mean, Obama was doing all of his saber rattling "oh I'm gonna bomb you if you cross my red line" only to be rebuffed by Putin's plan of chemical disarmament. It made him look like an idiot. That is an undeniable fact of life.



Well, since America has clearly shown, by resent re-election of Odummer, that they desire socialism and communist overlords.

So, why not go all in and have the best possible tyrant votes can by?

An ideal political, diplomatic solution allows all parties to claim "victory".

Normally, Liberals aren't making blanket statements like that unless their guy was the one who got the short end of the stick. You may as well be moving the goalposts. Putin had more foreign policy acumen than did Obama. It showed.

I mean, Obama was doing all of his saber rattling "oh I'm gonna bomb you if you cross my red line" only to be rebuffed by Putin's plan of chemical disarmament. It made him look like an idiot. That is an undeniable fact of life.


again, somehow if war breaks out with Syria, I don't see you rushing out to enlist.

Obama got what he wanted without having to fire a shot.

He got the Russian, who for years have claimed they have no control over Assad, to get Assad to turn over his WMD's.

Without a shot being fired.
An ideal political, diplomatic solution allows all parties to claim "victory".

Normally, Liberals aren't making blanket statements like that unless their guy was the one who got the short end of the stick. You may as well be moving the goalposts. Putin had more foreign policy acumen than did Obama. It showed.

I mean, Obama was doing all of his saber rattling "oh I'm gonna bomb you if you cross my red line" only to be rebuffed by Putin's plan of chemical disarmament. It made him look like an idiot. That is an undeniable fact of life.



Normally, Liberals aren't making blanket statements like that unless their guy was the one who got the short end of the stick. You may as well be moving the goalposts. Putin had more foreign policy acumen than did Obama. It showed.

I mean, Obama was doing all of his saber rattling "oh I'm gonna bomb you if you cross my red line" only to be rebuffed by Putin's plan of chemical disarmament. It made him look like an idiot. That is an undeniable fact of life.




That's funny.
332-206...obvious victory.

What do you expect Assad to do??? "I was playing checkers while the superpowers were playing chess" doesn't fire up the people. The ones that are left over there.

We're not bombing them and they're not shooting at us.

Victory enough.

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