
332-206...obvious victory.

What do you expect Assad to do??? "I was playing checkers while the superpowers were playing chess" doesn't fire up the people. The ones that are left over there.

We're not bombing them and they're not shooting at us.

Victory enough.

But Obummer is still POTUS

We're screwed

332-206...obvious victory.

What do you expect Assad to do??? "I was playing checkers while the superpowers were playing chess" doesn't fire up the people. The ones that are left over there.

We're not bombing them and they're not shooting at us.

Victory enough.

Obama never ruled out strikes. He is still searching for an excuse.

And what does this have to do with the election?
332-206...obvious victory.

What do you expect Assad to do??? "I was playing checkers while the superpowers were playing chess" doesn't fire up the people. The ones that are left over there.

We're not bombing them and they're not shooting at us.

Victory enough.

But Obummer is still POTUS

We're screwed


Under the bed...he'll never get you there!!!
332-206...obvious victory.

What do you expect Assad to do??? "I was playing checkers while the superpowers were playing chess" doesn't fire up the people. The ones that are left over there.

We're not bombing them and they're not shooting at us.

Victory enough.

But Obummer is still POTUS

We're screwed


Under the bed...he'll never get you there!!!

Funny, let's see what happens when we mention the word BUSH. You act as if he's the monster hiding in your closet at night.
Speaking of crossing red lines.... I don't know how my mother became part of this conversation... at any rate, Liberals started generalizing after he left office.
If liberals here are claiming Obama won regarding Syria, why is Assad claiming victory?

If they avoided more bloodshed didn't they BOTH win?

Not possible in the GOP mindset.

Much like Robbie the Robot:

Obama....winning....Does Not Compute...polls are is biased....moderators are biased....palin is smart....voter fraud...
Obama draws a red line.

Syria (supposedly) crossed the red line and used chem weapons.

Obama says 'we're gonna git you'.

(Practically) no one agrees with Obama.

Obama herps.

Obama says 'congress, vote'.

Two outcomes: congress says yes, Obama is covered; congress says no, Obama blames GOP (oh come on, you know he would, it's his m.o.) and is covered.

Beta Barry derps. "I never said anything about a red line, someone else said that."

Kerry spouts off-handed remark.

Putin seizes the opportunity within the hour and offers a non-military solution.

Beta Barry: herps and derps (why didn't HE suggests this as a solution? I thought the "anti war" president preferred the diplomatic route)

Obama spin machine goes into overdrive. "He meant for Kerry to say that, he knew what Putin would do"; "Syria was shaking in its boots over a possible "very, very small strike" so of course they agreed to Putin's offer; blah, blah, blah.

Obama says a U.S. strike is still a go if Syria backs out of deal. Oh wait, no we won't strike. Oh now Kerry says we will strike.

Beta Barry looks like the incompetent buffoon that he is and also makes the U.S. look weak.

While all this is going on, the U.S. is arming the rebels, the rebels that include AQ terrorists. <blink, blink>

Obama draws a red line.

Syria (supposedly) crossed the red line and used chem weapons.

Obama says 'we're gonna git you'.

(Practically) no one agrees with Obama.

Obama herps.

Obama says 'congress, vote'.

Two outcomes: congress says yes, Obama is covered; congress says no, Obama blames GOP (oh come on, you know he would, it's his m.o.) and is covered.

Beta Barry derps. "I never said anything about a red line, someone else said that."

Kerry spouts off-handed remark.

Putin seizes the opportunity within the hour and offers a non-military solution.

Beta Barry: herps and derps (why didn't HE suggests this as a solution? I thought the "anti war" president preferred the diplomatic route)

Obama spin machine goes into overdrive. "He meant for Kerry to say that, he knew what Putin would do"; "Syria was shaking in its boots over a possible "very, very small strike" so of course they agreed to Putin's offer; blah, blah, blah.

Obama says a U.S. strike is still a go if Syria backs out of deal. Oh wait, no we won't strike. Oh now Kerry says we will strike.

Beta Barry looks like the incompetent buffoon that he is and also makes the U.S. look weak.

While all this is going on, the U.S. is arming the rebels, the rebels that include AQ terrorists. <blink, blink>


We are now dependent on the Syrian regime to help with the process of eliminating it's chemical weapons but at the same time trying to depose it by aiding the rebels ( which as you say is comprised of large numbers of Islamic extremists)

Nearly half according to this article.

Syria: nearly half rebel fighters are jihadists or hardline Islamists, says IHS Jane's report - Telegraph
332-206...obvious victory.

What do you expect Assad to do??? "I was playing checkers while the superpowers were playing chess" doesn't fire up the people. The ones that are left over there.

We're not bombing them and they're not shooting at us.

Victory enough.

Obama never ruled out strikes. He is still searching for an excuse.

And what does this have to do with the election?

Searching for a reason?

You guys crack me up.

First you are like "We have to do something about Syria", then when something is done? You are like "No way we want to go to war", then when we are not going to war? They won. And now? Obama is searching for a reason.

There really is no right answer with you folks.

The only right answer is that you folks want to rule.

That's it.

This sharing power thing is for the birds for you folks.

If liberals here are claiming Obama won regarding Syria, why is Assad claiming victory?

(Reuters) - Syria's government hailed as a "victory" a Russian-brokered deal that has averted U.S. strikes, while President Barack Obama defended a chemical weapons pact that the rebels fear has bolstered their enemy in the civil war.

President Bashar al-Assad's jets and artillery hit rebel suburbs of the capital again on Sunday in an offensive that residents said began last week when Obama delayed air strikes in the face of opposition from Moscow and his own electorate.

Speaking of the U.S.-Russian deal, Syrian minister Ali Haidar told Moscow's RIA news agency: "These agreements ... are a victory for Syria, achieved thanks to our Russian friends.

Though not close to Assad, Ali was the first Syrian official to react to Saturday's accord in Geneva by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. Bridging an angry East-West rift over Syria, they agreed to back a nine-month U.N. programme to destroy Assad's chemical arsenal.

The deal has put off the threat of air strikes Obama made after poison gas killed hundreds of Syrians on August 21, although he has stressed that force remains an option if Assad reneges. U.S. forces remain in position. Russia still opposes military action but now backs possible U.N. sanctions for non-compliance.

French President Francois Hollande called for a U.N. resolution on Syria backed by the threat of punitive action to be voted by the end of this week. Hollande also said the option of military strikes must remain on the table.

Assad government hails 'victory' in arms deal, troops attack | Reuters

It's the typical rhetoric heard from any foreign power like that.
obama said that Assad must go. Assad is still there and there is no agreement under which he must go. He can obviously claim victory.
It's a "victory" for both sides because the US gets to pretend Syria will give up its chemical weapons and Syria gets to pretend they are giving up their chemical weapons.

What prevents Russia from supplying them with a fresh supply of CW or Assad from manufacturing a whole lot more?
Well it was a huge diplomatic victory over the chemical weapons.

Of course Assad still knows that Obama is attempting to depose him by supplying arms and training to the radical Islamists.

That won't change any time soon.

But think about the future with all sorts of foreign UN Inspectors swarming all thru the country. I wonder what the barbaric butchers of Team Obama will want to do to them?

Well it was a huge diplomatic victory over the chemical weapons.

Of course Assad still knows that Obama is attempting to depose him by supplying arms and training to the radical Islamists.

That won't change any time soon.

But think about the future with all sorts of foreign UN Inspectors swarming all thru the country. I wonder what the barbaric butchers of Team Obama will want to do to them?


They will behead the infidel inspectors.

Now that Assad has given up his chemical weapons and promised never to use them again, when they are used, it will be obvious that it was the jihadist rebels. Then obama's support for terrorists will be appropriately dealt with.

Putin is infinitely smarter and more experienced than obama. Right now obama is slathering himself with praise at his own brilliance. Putin has a double cross built in! He knows how conceited and egotistical obama is. The agreement was nothing more than luring obama in with his favorite bait, flattery.

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