
If liberals here are claiming Obama won regarding Syria, why is Assad claiming victory?

(Reuters) - Syria's government hailed as a "victory" a Russian-brokered deal that has averted U.S. strikes, while President Barack Obama defended a chemical weapons pact that the rebels fear has bolstered their enemy in the civil war.

President Bashar al-Assad's jets and artillery hit rebel suburbs of the capital again on Sunday in an offensive that residents said began last week when Obama delayed air strikes in the face of opposition from Moscow and his own electorate.

Speaking of the U.S.-Russian deal, Syrian minister Ali Haidar told Moscow's RIA news agency: "These agreements ... are a victory for Syria, achieved thanks to our Russian friends.

Though not close to Assad, Ali was the first Syrian official to react to Saturday's accord in Geneva by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. Bridging an angry East-West rift over Syria, they agreed to back a nine-month U.N. programme to destroy Assad's chemical arsenal.

The deal has put off the threat of air strikes Obama made after poison gas killed hundreds of Syrians on August 21, although he has stressed that force remains an option if Assad reneges. U.S. forces remain in position. Russia still opposes military action but now backs possible U.N. sanctions for non-compliance.

French President Francois Hollande called for a U.N. resolution on Syria backed by the threat of punitive action to be voted by the end of this week. Hollande also said the option of military strikes must remain on the table.

Assad government hails 'victory' in arms deal, troops attack | Reuters

What would an American 'win' be?
332-206...obvious victory.

What do you expect Assad to do??? "I was playing checkers while the superpowers were playing chess" doesn't fire up the people. The ones that are left over there.

We're not bombing them and they're not shooting at us.

Victory enough.

Obama never ruled out strikes. He is still searching for an excuse.

And what does this have to do with the election?

Searching for a reason?

You guys crack me up.

First you are like "We have to do something about Syria", then when something is done? You are like "No way we want to go to war", then when we are not going to war? They won. And now? Obama is searching for a reason.

There really is no right answer with you folks.

The only right answer is that you folks want to rule.

That's it.

This sharing power thing is for the birds for you folks.


The apparent handover of Syria's chemical weapons without a shot being fired or the loss of one drop of American blood is a crushing defeat for Obama; obviously. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Obama never ruled out strikes. He is still searching for an excuse.

And what does this have to do with the election?

Searching for a reason?

You guys crack me up.

First you are like "We have to do something about Syria", then when something is done? You are like "No way we want to go to war", then when we are not going to war? They won. And now? Obama is searching for a reason.

There really is no right answer with you folks.

The only right answer is that you folks want to rule.

That's it.

This sharing power thing is for the birds for you folks.


The apparent handover of Syria's chemical weapons without a shot being fired or the loss of one drop of American blood is a crushing defeat for Obama; obviously. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

ROFLMAO! You really believe Assad will hand over all his chemical weapons to russia? Then again, you voted for Obama so I guess you'll believe anything.
Assad is claiming victory because he is still alive
Look at it this way, obama is claiming that Iran is willing to discuss their nuclear capability because the president of Iran has agreed to pass him in the hallway.

Iran's Rouhani may meet Obama at UN after American president reaches out | World news | The Guardian

Parsi added that if Obama was to meet Rouhani it was likely to be an orchestrated encounter in a corridor

Meanwhile, President Putin is having a full bore, all hands on deck, meeting.

obama will spin and lie about anything to bolster his failing presiduncey.
Searching for a reason?

You guys crack me up.

First you are like "We have to do something about Syria", then when something is done? You are like "No way we want to go to war", then when we are not going to war? They won. And now? Obama is searching for a reason.

There really is no right answer with you folks.

The only right answer is that you folks want to rule.

That's it.

This sharing power thing is for the birds for you folks.


The apparent handover of Syria's chemical weapons without a shot being fired or the loss of one drop of American blood is a crushing defeat for Obama; obviously. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

ROFLMAO! You really believe Assad will hand over all his chemical weapons to russia? Then again, you voted for Obama so I guess you'll believe anything.

After Assad hand over all (ahem) of his weapons to the UN, the next chemical attack can only come from one place, the rebels.

It's a dream set up.

Who claimed victory in the Syria agreement? Obama, Assad, Putin
Who lost? The Republicans
Since republicans were leading the fight to stop obama from using our missiles to help al quaeda, the republicans won no matter who else won.
The US won because we finally got Assad to admit he has a stockpile of chemical weapons, and now he is at the table negotiating with us to remove them. This is an unequivocally good thing.

Assad won because he has not been put up against a wall by the rebels and shot, which would have been made more likely had we bombed his military infrastructure.
The US won because we finally got Assad to admit he has a stockpile of chemical weapons, and now he is at the table negotiating with us to remove them. This is an unequivocally good thing.

Assad won because he has not been put up against a wall by the rebels and shot, which would have been made more likely had we bombed his military infrastructure.

We won because Syria admitted to having WMDs ?

again----the entire world already knew this and Syria admitted this over A YEAR AGO.

Apparently this is the only talking point that the left has in trying to spin this as some kind of win.
If liberals here are claiming Obama won regarding Syria, why is Assad claiming victory?

Why would anyone think Assad would say he just had his dick knocked in the dirt?
Same with Putin. He was ready to defend Assad - until President Obama talked to him.

You rw traitors never let facts get in the way of siding against your own country. You'd be a lot happier if you just packed up and went to live in PutinLand. And, believe me, the US would be far better off without you here.
An ideal political, diplomatic solution allows all parties to claim "victory".

Normally, Liberals aren't making blanket statements like that unless their guy was the one who got the short end of the stick. You may as well be moving the goalposts. Putin had more foreign policy acumen than did Obama. It showed.

I mean, Obama was doing all of his saber rattling "oh I'm gonna bomb you if you cross my red line" only to be rebuffed by Putin's plan of chemical disarmament. It made him look like an idiot. That is an undeniable fact of life.


again, somehow if war breaks out with Syria, I don't see you rushing out to enlist.

Obama got what he wanted without having to fire a shot.

He got the Russian, who for years have claimed they have no control over Assad, to get Assad to turn over his WMD's.

Without a shot being fired.

Of course, not. Have seen the clown's pic? The only thing to get him to rush out of the basement is a lit up Krispy Kreme sign.

It's hilarious to see the USMB Right Wing Nut Brigade all hugged up on Putin's nuts. There isn't a sorrier bunch of losers on the Internet this side of 4chan.
The US won because we finally got Assad to admit he has a stockpile of chemical weapons, and now he is at the table negotiating with us to remove them. This is an unequivocally good thing.

Assad won because he has not been put up against a wall by the rebels and shot, which would have been made more likely had we bombed his military infrastructure.

We won because Syria admitted to having WMDs ?

again----the entire world already knew this and Syria admitted this over A YEAR AGO.

Apparently this is the only talking point that the left has in trying to spin this as some kind of win.

More lies.

Please provide evidence Syria admitted to having chemical weapons over a year ago.

And the victory for the US lies in getting Syria to negotiate their removal.
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Since republicans were leading the fight to stop obama from using our missiles to help al quaeda, the republicans won no matter who else won.

Why did Republicans lose?

They had Obama in a no-win situation. He had promised to take action against Syria and Congress was set to cut his legs out from underneath him
Republicans were already gloating about how they would use Syria against Obama in 2014. They had his ass this time

Instead....Obama walks away untouched and all Republicans can do is pout
September 10, 2013:
Nearly buried in the diplomatic din over Syria, the country’s foreign minister acknowledged for the first time on Tuesday that the Syrian government possessed chemical arms, something it had never admitted before, and declared that the country aimed to become a signatory to the international convention banning the weapons.

In Shift, Syrian Official Admits Government Has Chemical Arms
The US won because we finally got Assad to admit he has a stockpile of chemical weapons, and now he is at the table negotiating with us to remove them. This is an unequivocally good thing.

Assad won because he has not been put up against a wall by the rebels and shot, which would have been made more likely had we bombed his military infrastructure.

We won because Syria admitted to having WMDs ?

again----the entire world already knew this and Syria admitted this over A YEAR AGO.

Apparently this is the only talking point that the left has in trying to spin this as some kind of win.

Please provide evidence Syria admitted to having chemical weapons over a year ago.

And the victory for the US lies in getting Syria to negotiate their removal.

“Any stock of W.M.D. or unconventional weapons that the Syrian Army possesses will never, never be used against the Syrian people or civilians during this crisis, under any circumstances,” a Foreign Ministry spokesman, Jihad Makdissi, said at a news conference shown live on Syrian state television, using the initials for weapons of mass destruction. “These weapons are made to be used strictly and only in the event of external aggression against the Syrian Arab Republic.”

Mr. Makdissi said that any such weapons were carefully monitored by the Syrian Army, and that ultimately their use would be decided by generals.

Russia negotiated the removal.
The oblique admission by the foreign minister, Walid Moallem, came as he suggested that President Bashar al-Assad’s government was ready to accept a deal advanced by Russia, Syria’s most powerful ally, to place the weapons under international supervision to avoid a threatened American military strike.

“We are ready to reveal the locations of the chemical weapon sites and to stop producing chemical weapons and make these sites available for inspection by representatives of Russia, other countries and the United Nations,” Mr. Moallem said in a statement, which he read on Al Mayadeen, a Lebanese television station that leans in favor of the Syrian government.

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