Soak the Rich, Lose the Rich

First ed you are comparing apples to oranges. It is mostly libs who are second generation wealthy. It is even more interesting to note that our current tax structure doean't penalize inparticular old money but makes the generation of more wealth far more difficult and far more time consumng. So basically it is the left passing laws the let them hang on to their wealth while preventing anyone else from being able to catch up.

Of course, it's always the Libs fault. :rofl:
Maybe I'm losing something here, it seems to me that the system should be fair, regardless of when wealth was earned. When it comes to taxes, let's lay all income on the line. Make it taxable whether earned or unearned, but set the amount. Indeed the wealthy will pay more, whether earned or unearned, but everyone will pay their 'fair share.' No brainer.
Maybe I'm losing something here, it seems to me that the system should be fair, regardless of when wealth was earned. When it comes to taxes, let's lay all income on the line. Make it taxable whether earned or unearned, but set the amount. Indeed the wealthy will pay more, whether earned or unearned, but everyone will pay their 'fair share.' No brainer.

I agree! I'm a flat taxer as long as there are no deductions.
Maybe I'm losing something here, it seems to me that the system should be fair, regardless of when wealth was earned. When it comes to taxes, let's lay all income on the line. Make it taxable whether earned or unearned, but set the amount. Indeed the wealthy will pay more, whether earned or unearned, but everyone will pay their 'fair share.' No brainer.

Oddly, that's about where we are now. Most of the deductions the rich get are for donations to non-profits, simply put, they choose where they help.
First ed you are comparing apples to oranges.


It is mostly libs who are second generation wealthy.

More nonsense

It is even more interesting to note that our current tax structure doean't penalize inparticular old money but makes the generation of more wealth far more difficult and far more time consumng.


So basically it is the left passing laws the let them hang on to their wealth while preventing anyone else from being able to catch up.

Are you really so dense that you imagine that liberals exist who control the government?

do you really see the world as divided between clueless liberals and sage conservatives?

I mean seiously are you that fucking dumb?

Honey, the rich control the government.

Whether they call themselves liberals or conservatives doesn't mean a damned thing, except to fools.
First ed you are comparing apples to oranges.


It is mostly libs who are second generation wealthy.

More nonsense

It is even more interesting to note that our current tax structure doean't penalize inparticular old money but makes the generation of more wealth far more difficult and far more time consumng.


So basically it is the left passing laws the let them hang on to their wealth while preventing anyone else from being able to catch up.

Are you really so dense that you imagine that liberals exist who control the government?

do you really see the world as divided between clueless liberals and sage conservatives?

I mean seiously are you that fucking dumb?

Honey, the rich control the government.

Whether they call themselves liberals or conservatives doesn't mean a damned thing, except to fools.

so how do you see this healthcare thing playing out?
Also, once the wealthy are paying taxes they won't let their government political puppets waste their tax money. Right now they don't care how much of the middle class' money their government puppets piss away, but as soon as it's THEIR money that's wasted they will put an end to the overspending.

i think that definitely has some sound logic in it....and they would have the power to do it too! :)
You do know that Libs earn on the average 6% more income than the envious CON$, don't you???? :cuckoo:

America, where are you now
Don't you care about your sons and daughters.
America, we need you now
We can't fight alone against the Monster.

If that's true, then why are the "libs" for paying more taxes? If they were making more money then why do they feel the need to force themselves to do the right thing in the first place? :cuckoo:

It is true, the stat comes from the CON$ themselves when they boast about how generous they are.
A better question is why are CON$ so upset with Libs taxing themselves???

RealClearPolitics - Articles - Conservatives More Liberal Givers
March 27, 2008
Conservatives More Liberal Givers
By George Will

Although liberal families' incomes average 6 percent higher than those of conservative families, conservative-headed households give, on average, 30 percent more to charity than the average liberal-headed household ($1,600 per year vs. $1,227).

youre very generous with other peoples money, how fucking noble of you
If that's true, then why are the "libs" for paying more taxes? If they were making more money then why do they feel the need to force themselves to do the right thing in the first place? :cuckoo:

It is true, the stat comes from the CON$ themselves when they boast about how generous they are.
A better question is why are CON$ so upset with Libs taxing themselves???

RealClearPolitics - Articles - Conservatives More Liberal Givers
March 27, 2008
Conservatives More Liberal Givers
By George Will

Although liberal families' incomes average 6 percent higher than those of conservative families, conservative-headed households give, on average, 30 percent more to charity than the average liberal-headed household ($1,600 per year vs. $1,227).

youre very generous with other peoples money, how fucking noble of you

CON$ can only spew their programmed talking points no matter how irrelevant they are. :cuckoo:
It is true, the stat comes from the CON$ themselves when they boast about how generous they are.
A better question is why are CON$ so upset with Libs taxing themselves???

RealClearPolitics - Articles - Conservatives More Liberal Givers
March 27, 2008
Conservatives More Liberal Givers
By George Will

Although liberal families' incomes average 6 percent higher than those of conservative families, conservative-headed households give, on average, 30 percent more to charity than the average liberal-headed household ($1,600 per year vs. $1,227).

youre very generous with other peoples money, how fucking noble of you

CON$ can only spew their programmed talking points no matter how irrelevant they are. :cuckoo:

Actually no, he has a point ... if the left's spin on who pays the higher taxes is correct. ;)
youre very generous with other peoples money, how fucking noble of you

CON$ can only spew their programmed talking points no matter how irrelevant they are. :cuckoo:

Actually no, he has a point ... if the left's spin on who pays the higher taxes is correct. ;)

Now you are just being contentious.
First of all, the link was provided to show even CON$ admit Libs are the more successful achievers. It is only coincidence that CON$ revealed that fact while bragging about their own generosity, otherwise generosity would have never entered this discussion.

And secondly, rather than ME being generous with other peoples money, as he was programmed to reply, a more correct statement would have been, "Libs being generous with other Libs money." Which actually supports my question, "why should CON$ care if Libs tax themselves?"
edthecynic: Although liberal families' incomes average 6 percent higher than those of conservative families, conservative-headed households give, on average, 30 percent more to charity than the average liberal-headed household ($1,600 per year vs. $1,227).

Double challenge: cons should work on improving themselvess, libs should grow a larger heart.
YouTube - Ten Years After - I'd Love To Change The World

"Everywhere is freaks and hairies
Dykes and fairies, tell me where is sanity
Tax the rich, feed the poor
Till there are no rich no more"

nutters who hate rich people are just fucking envious welfare recipient beggars who would love to be rich but arent willing to do what it takes to get there. being poor is a matter of choice, so is being rich

You do know that Libs earn on the average 6% more income than the envious CON$, don't you???? :cuckoo:

America, where are you now
Don't you care about your sons and daughters.
America, we need you now
We can't fight alone against the Monster.

If that's true, then why are the "libs" for paying more taxes? If they were making more money then why do they feel the need to force themselves to do the right thing in the first place? :cuckoo:

Enlightened self interest.

They know that society costs money to keep going.

They know that it takes more than a military and police force and courts to make a society work.
First ed you are comparing apples to oranges.


More nonsense


So basically it is the left passing laws the let them hang on to their wealth while preventing anyone else from being able to catch up.

Are you really so dense that you imagine that liberals exist who control the government?

do you really see the world as divided between clueless liberals and sage conservatives?

I mean seiously are you that fucking dumb?

Honey, the rich control the government.

Whether they call themselves liberals or conservatives doesn't mean a damned thing, except to fools.

so how do you see this healthcare thing playing out?

I epxect that something will pass.

I do not expect it to solve the problem, really\, although it may help out those whose now have no access to HC.

I expect that the continuing rise in the cost of health care will force us to revisit this problem again and again until we understand that the problem is not stemming from how its funded, but how much it costs.

I am actually in agreement with the detractors of the plan who insist that it will simply drive prices of HC higher than they already are.

Ironically, I ALSO agree with the Obamans who insist that doing nothing leads to things getting worse, too.

Thinkgs will continue to get worse because the demand for HC outstrips the supply of HC.

And far as I can tell, nobody in power seems to be addressing THAT issue.
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Nobody is denying the right of the rich to be rich. For the most part, they have earned or their family has earned the money that they have. The problem comes with the overwhelmingly disproportionate distribution of wealth in this country compared to other industrialized countries.
The increase in CEO pay compared to worker pay has skyrocketed while CEO pay globally has increased at a more modest pace. The percentage of available wealth that is held by the top 2% is grossly disproportionate.
If the rich want to move, they can move anytime they want. There are already island nations with no taxes that are havens for the rich. Just like the jobs we send to China, we can never compete with these tax haven nations no matter how much we slash taxes.
The tinkle down theory is a myth. It didn't work for Reagan/David Stockman and it doesn't work now. All than tinkles down is debt not jobs.
Nobody is proposing making rich people poor. Only returning to the levels we had 20-30 years ago. The standard of living for working americans is declining. Americans have to work harder and acheive higher education levels to maintain the same standard of living while the rich continue to receive the benifits
Do Conservatives give to complete strangers who have nothing in common with them, or only to their churches and immediate neighbors? I was just wondering if the statistics are broken down?
Nobody is denying the right of the rich to be rich.

That's right.

For the most part, they have earned or their family has earned the money that they have.


The problem comes with the overwhelmingly disproportionate distribution of wealth in this country compared to other industrialized countries.


The increase in CEO pay compared to worker pay has skyrocketed while CEO pay globally has increased at a more modest pace. The percentage of available wealth that is held by the top 2% is grossly disproportionate


If the rich want to move, they can move anytime they want.

the truly wealthy live in the state of the affluent. It is a world-wide nation that know no boundries.

The concept of nationality is basically meaningless to them, even though it looms as so important to most of us.

There are already island nations with no taxes that are havens for the rich.

Yes, and that's where some people stash their dough, and where some corporations open mailbox headquarters to evade national taxes.

Just like the jobs we send to China, we can never compete with these tax haven nations no matter how much we slash taxes.

But we can definitely go bankrupt trying to appease the rich, can't we?

That's all they want. They just want us to acknowledge that we're nothing and they're everything.

That's not asking too much, is it?

The tinkle down theory is a myth.

A lie, actually.

Myths typically have some social redeeming value even if they're fairy tales.

It didn't work for Reagan/David Stockman and it doesn't work now. All than tinkles down is debt not jobs.

It ddn't work the 19th century, or the early 20th century either. It never works because the wealth doesn't move from top to bottom but from bottom to top.

Wealth is created by labor, not by money. Money is a tool that helps us divide labor.

Nobody is proposing making rich people poor.

Who are the rich, anyway? A lot of deluded fools here think we're talking about them when we say "the rich".

Only returning to the levels we had 20-30 years ago. The standard of living for working americans is declining. Americans have to work harder and acheive higher education levels to maintain the same standard of living while the rich continue to receive the benifits

Good idea.

It's not gonna happen, though.
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The "richness" in America has always been the creation and maintenance of a middle class that can propel our mass consumer economy. Corporatists care nothing about that or the welfare of America, only their wealth portfolios.

The corporatists of the health insurance industry manipulated their mindless minions in the far right very well in this last debate.

The pressure for health care reform will continue to build, and when it eventually does, the corporatists are going to be very unhappy with their personal outcomes.
wealth is created through labor....

labor is the key to any capitalism society...without the worker, there is NOTHING....

this is forgotten by many....

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