Soak the Rich, Lose the Rich

they can denounce their citizenship, move to another country and get the hell out of dodge. Who would blame them.

Fred Thompson: " When the democrats start talking about raising taxes on the wealthy, the middle class needs to run for cover.":lol:
wealth is created through labor....

labor is the key to any capitalism society...without the worker, there is NOTHING....

workers are not always human. - Farmers Mull Replacing Illegal Workers With Robots - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News

Technology :: The Future of Japanese Robotics

labor just switched over...

labor is what created and made the robots, and provided the materials put in to them...

still labor that created the wealth! :D

I can tell you this, conservatives by far give more than liberals do, whether it's their churches or other charities.

You see, those conservatives have a tendency to go to Chrisitan churches and it is pounded into them that they need to give. Jesus came to serve and that's what we all should be doing. My church encourages community activites, feeding, clothing and shelter for the homeless, in which I am involved. Many activities and charities to support our military. On and on it goes.
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I can tell you this, conservatives by far give more than liberals do, whether it's their churches or other charities.

i was also wondering if donating to the ARTS was considered charity and this of course would more than likely be some of that democratic charity money that is given?

and is it really just a handful of democrats giving but giving billions like gates and buffet and heinz and this amount when divvied up comes to the $1200 per household per dem?

so many questions! so much to analyze! ;)

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churches do a fine job at charity work and giving....too bad, it is not nearly enough to cover the masses involved... :( without govt donations worldwide as well, the world would be in worse shape!
US Wealth Distribution

US Wealth Distribution

One way to ‘see’ the distribution of wealth in the U.S. is to imagine a group of 100 people who have a $100 between them. Evenly distributed each would have one dollar of wealth. Alas, that is far from the actual distribution. According to the most recent study, Currents and Undercurrents, by the Survey of Consumer Finance (Federal Reserve, Department of Treasury, 2006) wealth is distributed accordingly:

50 individuals at the bottom have a nickel. ($0.05 times 50 = $2.50)

The next 40 each have $0.70 of wealth (40 times $0.70 - $28.00).

The next 9 each have $4.00 of wealth (nine times $4.00 = $36.00)

The last richest individual has $33.40 (one time $33.40).

Now there is no way we want to upset the person taking in $33.40. God forbid he has to do with less but if his wealth were to diminish by 50 cents we could increase the wealth of the bottom 50 by 20%. That would be a significant increase in their standard of living.

















You are so stupid it hurts my eyes to see your shit. You have obviously never been rich.

And with your pea brain you never will be.

Rich people do not start buisiness you fucking moron. Rich people make money artificially with the investment of thier money in the stock market. The people that create the most jobs are the middle class. They are the ones with the combination of innovation, motivation and enough capital and credit to take a chance on a new business. Investment in the markets does not create jobs. It just inflates prices.
from Rush. ( I know you libs will not like it but suck it up anyway)

El Rushbo to New York: Drop Dead
RUSH: Now, let's see. In New York, they've been going back and forth at the state level on budgets. They are over-budget. They have a deficit in the double-digit billions, and they've been going back and forth in the State Assembly in New York over whether to raise taxes. They finally decided to do it over the weekend. "Personal income taxes for the upper-middle class and the rich are about to skyrocket under a secret deal reached last night by Governor Paterson and the leaders of the legislature. It's a two-tier tax plan." You heard about this, Snerdley? "It's a two-tier tax plan. They say it's going to bring in $4 billion annually..." I'll bet you that it does not come close to bringing in $4 billion annually. How's it going to do this? " part by raising income taxes 31% for all New Yorkers making more than $500,000 a year.

Now, remember Mayor Bloomberg, who opposed this at one point -- I don't know where he stands on it now, but Mayor Bloomberg way back -- said (summarized), "Look, we got eight million people that live here, there are 40 or 50,000 taxpayers -- families, what have you -- that pay so much in tax that they essentially support the city -- and if they start to leave, we've got a big problem." He said, "Even if 5,000 of them leave, we've got a huge problem. We just can't run out there and keep raising taxes on the rich." The governor, Mr. Paterson, didn't hear him. "It's not just people earning over $500,000 a year that are going to get hit. A lower-tier tax increase would increase taxes by 14-1/2 percent for single people between 250 and $500,000 a year, and for married and joint filers earning 300,000 to 500,000. Taxpayers now hit the current top rate of 6.85% when their incomes reach $65,000. The Paterson plan would tax top-tier earners at 8.97%, the second-tier earners at 7.85%.

Yeah, tax the rich and see what happens. You really think they will stay? Good way to kill your revenue.
from Rush. ( I know you libs will not like it but suck it up anyway)

El Rushbo to New York: Drop Dead
RUSH: Now, let's see. In New York, they've been going back and forth at the state level on budgets. They are over-budget. They have a deficit in the double-digit billions, and they've been going back and forth in the State Assembly in New York over whether to raise taxes. They finally decided to do it over the weekend. "Personal income taxes for the upper-middle class and the rich are about to skyrocket under a secret deal reached last night by Governor Paterson and the leaders of the legislature. It's a two-tier tax plan." You heard about this, Snerdley? "It's a two-tier tax plan. They say it's going to bring in $4 billion annually..." I'll bet you that it does not come close to bringing in $4 billion annually. How's it going to do this? " part by raising income taxes 31% for all New Yorkers making more than $500,000 a year.

Now, remember Mayor Bloomberg, who opposed this at one point -- I don't know where he stands on it now, but Mayor Bloomberg way back -- said (summarized), "Look, we got eight million people that live here, there are 40 or 50,000 taxpayers -- families, what have you -- that pay so much in tax that they essentially support the city -- and if they start to leave, we've got a big problem." He said, "Even if 5,000 of them leave, we've got a huge problem. We just can't run out there and keep raising taxes on the rich." The governor, Mr. Paterson, didn't hear him. "It's not just people earning over $500,000 a year that are going to get hit. A lower-tier tax increase would increase taxes by 14-1/2 percent for single people between 250 and $500,000 a year, and for married and joint filers earning 300,000 to 500,000. Taxpayers now hit the current top rate of 6.85% when their incomes reach $65,000. The Paterson plan would tax top-tier earners at 8.97%, the second-tier earners at 7.85%.

Yeah, tax the rich and see what happens. You really think they will stay? Good way to kill your revenue.

you think they can sell their mansions and businesses if there was a mass exodus of the wealthy? what country will they go to, with the safety and luxuries they have in the us, and security in their investments? will they give up their citizenships when they move out of the usa? or are they just moving their businesses out? this is being done already and the rich have the lowest tax rates they have EVER HAD IN OUR HISTORY?
from Rush. ( I know you libs will not like it but suck it up anyway)

El Rushbo to New York: Drop Dead
RUSH: Now, let's see. In New York, they've been going back and forth at the state level on budgets. They are over-budget. They have a deficit in the double-digit billions, and they've been going back and forth in the State Assembly in New York over whether to raise taxes. They finally decided to do it over the weekend. "Personal income taxes for the upper-middle class and the rich are about to skyrocket under a secret deal reached last night by Governor Paterson and the leaders of the legislature. It's a two-tier tax plan." You heard about this, Snerdley? "It's a two-tier tax plan. They say it's going to bring in $4 billion annually..." I'll bet you that it does not come close to bringing in $4 billion annually. How's it going to do this? " part by raising income taxes 31% for all New Yorkers making more than $500,000 a year.

Now, remember Mayor Bloomberg, who opposed this at one point -- I don't know where he stands on it now, but Mayor Bloomberg way back -- said (summarized), "Look, we got eight million people that live here, there are 40 or 50,000 taxpayers -- families, what have you -- that pay so much in tax that they essentially support the city -- and if they start to leave, we've got a big problem." He said, "Even if 5,000 of them leave, we've got a huge problem. We just can't run out there and keep raising taxes on the rich." The governor, Mr. Paterson, didn't hear him. "It's not just people earning over $500,000 a year that are going to get hit. A lower-tier tax increase would increase taxes by 14-1/2 percent for single people between 250 and $500,000 a year, and for married and joint filers earning 300,000 to 500,000. Taxpayers now hit the current top rate of 6.85% when their incomes reach $65,000. The Paterson plan would tax top-tier earners at 8.97%, the second-tier earners at 7.85%.

Yeah, tax the rich and see what happens. You really think they will stay? Good way to kill your revenue.

Oh really?... where are they going to go? I hear kidnappings are up all over the world.
I love the groundswell of sympathy for the rich

The open fearmongering that somehow the rich are going to sell their homes in the Hamptons and move to Mississippi if New York raises their taxes. They make money because they are in New York. You have to tax where the money is and right now 70% of the wealth resides with 10% of the people.
I love the groundswell of sympathy for the rich

The open fearmongering that somehow the rich are going to sell their homes in the Hamptons and move to Mississippi if New York raises their taxes. They make money because they are in New York. You have to tax where the money is and right now 70% of the wealth resides with 10% of the people.

Yeah. shame. what would Karl Marx say? He must be spinning in his grave.
I wonder what kept the wealthiest among Americans here in the USA when their income tax rate was 70%? I would have high tailed it out of Dodge back then, not NOW, while the wealthiest on average only pay 17% of their total earnings in income taxes?
I love the groundswell of sympathy for the rich

The open fearmongering that somehow the rich are going to sell their homes in the Hamptons and move to Mississippi if New York raises their taxes. They make money because they are in New York. You have to tax where the money is and right now 70% of the wealth resides with 10% of the people.

Yeah. shame. what would Karl Marx say? He must be spinning in his grave.

That commie straw man is getting a little old don't ya think? The cold war has been over for twenty years. Why are you neo cons allways the last to find shit out?

Not that it will ever be your problem but it is time for the super rich to pay.
I love the groundswell of sympathy for the rich

The open fearmongering that somehow the rich are going to sell their homes in the Hamptons and move to Mississippi if New York raises their taxes. They make money because they are in New York. You have to tax where the money is and right now 70% of the wealth resides with 10% of the people.

Yeah. shame. what would Karl Marx say? He must be spinning in his grave.

That commie straw man is getting a little old don't ya think? The cold war has been over for twenty years. Why are you neo cons allways the last to find shit out?

Not that it will ever be your problem but it is time for the super rich to pay.

I'm not a neocon, but nice try. I know when the Cold War ended. Why should the super-rich pay a higher percentage than anyone else? Because they played the game better? and actually it WILL be my problem, but hey, nice try there, too.
no, it's time for ALL good men, to come to the aid of their country.... :D financially, for our country's sake!

it's time for congress to do some soul searching on their waste as well....

i know, i know....good luck on both!
no, it's time for ALL good men, to come to the aid of their country.... :D financially, for our country's sake!

it's time for congress to do some soul searching on their waste as well....

i know, i know....good luck on both!

everyone should pay the same percentage with no shortcuts. make it easy.
wealth is created through labor....

labor is the key to any capitalism society...without the worker, there is NOTHING....

workers are not always human. - Farmers Mull Replacing Illegal Workers With Robots - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News

Technology :: The Future of Japanese Robotics

Its not only undocumented workers replaced by automation. Citizens and loyal employees that thought they were investing in their own futures by stashing money in that 401k? Their money was invested in the R&D that researched and developed automation, and cost them their jobs before they could collect on those 401ks. That the capital used to develop these labor saving and job ending technologies comes directly from labor’s own retirement investments is a cruel joke on a society that commonly believes that industry investment is industry’s alone . A better understanding of where investment money comes from might make society understand that layoff notices are not an acceptable return.

Rifkin, J. (2004) The End of Work: The Decline of the Global Labor Force and the Dawn of the Post-Market Era NY, Penguin Group, Inc. pgs. 227-228

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