Socialism Creates Poverty

It certainly expands poverty. Funny, how as poverty expands, so does the democrat voting base.

Liberals are such morons being pulled around by their noses by the rich wicked elite limousine left wing asshole.

"If it feels good then it must be right."

The living philosophy of every left wing elitist moron.

How does Medicaid expand poverty? Who gets poor who formerly wasn't?

Something you think doesn't exist in this country: People who take advantage of the system. Entire generations of parasitic families living off of our society.
US prior to 1913
If what you said were true we should never eliminate any government program.

You mean when Most Americans lived in abject,industrial poverty?

That 1913? Where the Socialist Candidate got 6% of the vote?
Actually most people in the world lived in the same conditions. The improvement in standards from the previous 50 years far outpaces any improvements since.
The greatest improvement in living standards in American history occurred when FDR brought the TVA and the Rural Electrification Project to the southern US. What short memories the southern republicans have, the first decent paycheck a southern man ever received came directly from the US government, before then the south was shithole of constant flooding, failed crops, preventable disease and illiterate dumbasses.
Actually most people in the world lived in the same conditions. The improvement in standards from the previous 50 years far outpaces any improvements since.

That's because of Technology, not capitalism, buddy.

Isn't it strange how countries that don't observe capitalism don't seem to have much in the way of technology?

Is China a "capitalist" country now? They only have one of the best computer hacking groups in the world. What technology they couldn't develop they stole from us. But those Chinese don't have much technology eh?

China abandoned communism about 20 years ago. That's when their economy started growing and 400 million people were raised out of abject poverty.
They talk about the failure of socialism but where is the success of capitalism in Africa, Asia and Latin America?

- Fidel Castro

Capitalism works well in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore, but Castro is right about Africa and Latin America. Nothing works well there. The standard of living is low.

The World Factbook

The crime rate is high.

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Nevertheless, socialized medicine works well in Cuba. The infant mortality rate is lower than in the United States.

The World Factbook

The life expectancy is nearly as high as in the United States.

The World Factbook

The closest approximation to democratic socialism is Scandinavian Social Democracy. By most criteria the quality of life there is better than in the United States.

Wow, that is a really misinformed post.
Why is it that every example of so-called "successful socialism" is really an example of capitalism?
Yes, and every example of "successful capitalism" has a socialistic component to rein it in.

I love it when an absolutists makes statements they can't back up.

In the military we called this a target-rich environment.

You mean when Most Americans lived in abject,industrial poverty?

That 1913? Where the Socialist Candidate got 6% of the vote?
Actually most people in the world lived in the same conditions. The improvement in standards from the previous 50 years far outpaces any improvements since.
The greatest improvement in living standards in American history occurred when FDR brought the TVA and the Rural Electrification Project to the southern US. What short memories the southern republicans have, the first decent paycheck a southern man ever received came directly from the US government, before then the south was shithole of constant flooding, failed crops, preventable disease and illiterate dumbasses.
Actually most people in the world lived in the same conditions. The improvement in standards from the previous 50 years far outpaces any improvements since.

That's because of Technology, not capitalism, buddy.

Isn't it strange how countries that don't observe capitalism don't seem to have much in the way of technology?

Is China a "capitalist" country now? They only have one of the best computer hacking groups in the world. What technology they couldn't develop they stole from us. But those Chinese don't have much technology eh?

China abandoned communism about 20 years ago. That's when their economy started growing and 400 million people were raised out of abject poverty.

Not totally abandoned. Just enough to assure a growing economy.
They talk about the failure of socialism but where is the success of capitalism in Africa, Asia and Latin America?

- Fidel Castro

Capitalism works well in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore, but Castro is right about Africa and Latin America. Nothing works well there. The standard of living is low.

The World Factbook

The crime rate is high.

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Nevertheless, socialized medicine works well in Cuba. The infant mortality rate is lower than in the United States.

The World Factbook

The life expectancy is nearly as high as in the United States.

The World Factbook

The closest approximation to democratic socialism is Scandinavian Social Democracy. By most criteria the quality of life there is better than in the United States.

Wow, that is a really misinformed post.
Why is it that every example of so-called "successful socialism" is really an example of capitalism?
Yes, and every example of "successful capitalism" has a socialistic component to rein it in.

Every dog has fleas. That doesn't mean the dog benefits from the fleas.
Actually most people in the world lived in the same conditions. The improvement in standards from the previous 50 years far outpaces any improvements since.
The greatest improvement in living standards in American history occurred when FDR brought the TVA and the Rural Electrification Project to the southern US. What short memories the southern republicans have, the first decent paycheck a southern man ever received came directly from the US government, before then the south was shithole of constant flooding, failed crops, preventable disease and illiterate dumbasses.
Actually most people in the world lived in the same conditions. The improvement in standards from the previous 50 years far outpaces any improvements since.

That's because of Technology, not capitalism, buddy.

Isn't it strange how countries that don't observe capitalism don't seem to have much in the way of technology?

Is China a "capitalist" country now? They only have one of the best computer hacking groups in the world. What technology they couldn't develop they stole from us. But those Chinese don't have much technology eh?

China abandoned communism about 20 years ago. That's when their economy started growing and 400 million people were raised out of abject poverty.

Not totally abandoned. Just enough to assure a growing economy.

They didn't abandon their authoritarian government.
They talk about the failure of socialism but where is the success of capitalism in Africa, Asia and Latin America?

- Fidel Castro

Capitalism works well in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore, but Castro is right about Africa and Latin America. Nothing works well there. The standard of living is low.

The World Factbook

The crime rate is high.

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Nevertheless, socialized medicine works well in Cuba. The infant mortality rate is lower than in the United States.

The World Factbook

The life expectancy is nearly as high as in the United States.

The World Factbook

The closest approximation to democratic socialism is Scandinavian Social Democracy. By most criteria the quality of life there is better than in the United States.

Wow, that is a really misinformed post.
Why is it that every example of so-called "successful socialism" is really an example of capitalism?
Yes, and every example of "successful capitalism" has a socialistic component to rein it in.

I love it when an absolutists makes statements they can't back up.

In the military we called this a target-rich environment.

Show me an example of a purely capitalistic system that's ever lasted.
They talk about the failure of socialism but where is the success of capitalism in Africa, Asia and Latin America?

- Fidel Castro

Capitalism works well in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore, but Castro is right about Africa and Latin America. Nothing works well there. The standard of living is low.

The World Factbook

The crime rate is high.

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Nevertheless, socialized medicine works well in Cuba. The infant mortality rate is lower than in the United States.

The World Factbook

The life expectancy is nearly as high as in the United States.

The World Factbook

The closest approximation to democratic socialism is Scandinavian Social Democracy. By most criteria the quality of life there is better than in the United States.

Wow, that is a really misinformed post.
Why is it that every example of so-called "successful socialism" is really an example of capitalism?
Yes, and every example of "successful capitalism" has a socialistic component to rein it in.

I love it when an absolutists makes statements they can't back up.

In the military we called this a target-rich environment.

Show me an example of a purely capitalistic system that's ever lasted.
Not necessary for him to prove the point.
Wow, that is a really misinformed post.
Why is it that every example of so-called "successful socialism" is really an example of capitalism?
Yes, and every example of "successful capitalism" has a socialistic component to rein it in.

I love it when an absolutists makes statements they can't back up.

In the military we called this a target-rich environment.

Show me an example of a purely capitalistic system that's ever lasted.
Not necessary for him to prove the point.
No, he can just make unsubtanciated claims and walk away like you always do. I think he has a bit more integrity than you do however.
Why is it that every example of so-called "successful socialism" is really an example of capitalism?
Yes, and every example of "successful capitalism" has a socialistic component to rein it in.

I love it when an absolutists makes statements they can't back up.

In the military we called this a target-rich environment.

Show me an example of a purely capitalistic system that's ever lasted.
Not necessary for him to prove the point.
No, he can just make unsubtanciated claims and walk away like you always do. I think he has a bit more integrity than you do however.
That you think you have any and can judge someone else's is true irony.
They talk about the failure of socialism but where is the success of capitalism in Africa, Asia and Latin America?

- Fidel Castro

Capitalism works well in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore, but Castro is right about Africa and Latin America. Nothing works well there. The standard of living is low.

The World Factbook

The crime rate is high.

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Nevertheless, socialized medicine works well in Cuba. The infant mortality rate is lower than in the United States.

The World Factbook

The life expectancy is nearly as high as in the United States.

The World Factbook

The closest approximation to democratic socialism is Scandinavian Social Democracy. By most criteria the quality of life there is better than in the United States.

Wow, that is a really misinformed post.
Why is it that every example of so-called "successful socialism" is really an example of capitalism?
Yes, and every example of "successful capitalism" has a socialistic component to rein it in.

I love it when an absolutists makes statements they can't back up.

In the military we called this a target-rich environment.

Show me an example of a purely capitalistic system that's ever lasted.

Would you stop insinuating socialism is a utopia please?

In fact stop selling the fact that some utopia exists out there.

Tell you what. Why don't tou tell us the cons of socialism. I will start out by saying it diminishes incentives and expands the poor class.

Now, your turn.
They talk about the failure of socialism but where is the success of capitalism in Africa, Asia and Latin America?

- Fidel Castro

Capitalism works well in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore, but Castro is right about Africa and Latin America. Nothing works well there. The standard of living is low.

The World Factbook

The crime rate is high.

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Nevertheless, socialized medicine works well in Cuba. The infant mortality rate is lower than in the United States.

The World Factbook

The life expectancy is nearly as high as in the United States.

The World Factbook

The closest approximation to democratic socialism is Scandinavian Social Democracy. By most criteria the quality of life there is better than in the United States.

Wow, that is a really misinformed post.
Why is it that every example of so-called "successful socialism" is really an example of capitalism?
Yes, and every example of "successful capitalism" has a socialistic component to rein it in.

I love it when an absolutists makes statements they can't back up.

In the military we called this a target-rich environment.

Show me an example of a purely capitalistic system that's ever lasted.

Lasted how long? Laissez-faire capitalism never lasts because the People will not put up with the horrific suffering it produces.
Wow, that is a really misinformed post.
Why is it that every example of so-called "successful socialism" is really an example of capitalism?
Yes, and every example of "successful capitalism" has a socialistic component to rein it in.

I love it when an absolutists makes statements they can't back up.

In the military we called this a target-rich environment.

Show me an example of a purely capitalistic system that's ever lasted.

Would you stop insinuating socialism is a utopia please?

In fact stop selling the fact that some utopia exists out there.

Tell you what. Why don't tou tell us the cons of socialism. I will start out by saying it diminishes incentives and expands the poor class.

Now, your turn.
It makes it harder for rich people to buy yachts.

Seriously, the idiots here think socialism is some kind of Euro paradise, with free university, free health care, free housing, etc. That's what they imagine.
Of course that exists only in imagination. In real life it looks like Greece: desperate clawing for a living to avoid starvation.
Wow, that is a really misinformed post.
Why is it that every example of so-called "successful socialism" is really an example of capitalism?
Yes, and every example of "successful capitalism" has a socialistic component to rein it in.

I love it when an absolutists makes statements they can't back up.

In the military we called this a target-rich environment.

Show me an example of a purely capitalistic system that's ever lasted.

Would you stop insinuating socialism is a utopia please?

In fact stop selling the fact that some utopia exists out there.

Tell you what. Why don't tou tell us the cons of socialism. I will start out by saying it diminishes incentives and expands the poor class.

Now, your turn.
The cons of socialism are that it can diminish personal drive. That's why pure socialism doesn't work.
It certainly expands poverty. Funny, how as poverty expands, so does the democrat voting base.

Liberals are such morons being pulled around by their noses by the rich wicked elite limousine left wing asshole.

"If it feels good then it must be right."

The living philosophy of every left wing elitist moron.

How does Medicaid expand poverty? Who gets poor who formerly wasn't?

Something you think doesn't exist in this country: People who take advantage of the system. Entire generations of parasitic families living off of our society.

Medicaid put them into poverty? End Medicaid and they'll no longer be poor?
Wow, that is a really misinformed post.
Why is it that every example of so-called "successful socialism" is really an example of capitalism?
Yes, and every example of "successful capitalism" has a socialistic component to rein it in.

I love it when an absolutists makes statements they can't back up.

In the military we called this a target-rich environment.

Show me an example of a purely capitalistic system that's ever lasted.

Lasted how long? Laissez-faire capitalism never lasts because the People will not put up with the horrific suffering it produces.
Arent you also claiming that no such society exists?
How can it not last long if it never exists?
It certainly expands poverty. Funny, how as poverty expands, so does the democrat voting base.

Liberals are such morons being pulled around by their noses by the rich wicked elite limousine left wing asshole.

"If it feels good then it must be right."

The living philosophy of every left wing elitist moron.

How does Medicaid expand poverty? Who gets poor who formerly wasn't?

Something you think doesn't exist in this country: People who take advantage of the system. Entire generations of parasitic families living off of our society.

If we had universal single payer healthcare, poor people wouldn't have to worry about getting a job that might raise their income to the point where they no longer qualified for income based programs like Medicaid.

Ever think about that?

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