Socialism Creates Poverty

They talk about the failure of socialism but where is the success of capitalism in Africa, Asia and Latin America?

- Fidel Castro

Capitalism works well in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore, but Castro is right about Africa and Latin America. Nothing works well there. The standard of living is low.

The World Factbook

The crime rate is high.

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Nevertheless, socialized medicine works well in Cuba. The infant mortality rate is lower than in the United States.

The World Factbook

The life expectancy is nearly as high as in the United States.

The World Factbook

The closest approximation to democratic socialism is Scandinavian Social Democracy. By most criteria the quality of life there is better than in the United States.

Wow, that is a really misinformed post.
Why is it that every example of so-called "successful socialism" is really an example of capitalism?
Yes, and every example of "successful capitalism" has a socialistic component to rein it in.

I love it when an absolutists makes statements they can't back up.

In the military we called this a target-rich environment.

Show me an example of a purely capitalistic system that's ever lasted.

I thought I made it clear that I'm not an absolutist.

Why is it that every example of so-called "successful socialism" is really an example of capitalism?
Yes, and every example of "successful capitalism" has a socialistic component to rein it in.

I love it when an absolutists makes statements they can't back up.

In the military we called this a target-rich environment.

Show me an example of a purely capitalistic system that's ever lasted.

Lasted how long? Laissez-faire capitalism never lasts because the People will not put up with the horrific suffering it produces.
Arent you also claiming that no such society exists?
How can it not last long if it never exists?

Historically to the extent laissez-faire capitalism ever existed, for example in the early Industrial Revolution in places like England,

the People have rebelled - in one way or another - to rein it in with regulation and reform.
It certainly expands poverty. Funny, how as poverty expands, so does the democrat voting base.

Liberals are such morons being pulled around by their noses by the rich wicked elite limousine left wing asshole.

"If it feels good then it must be right."

The living philosophy of every left wing elitist moron.

How does Medicaid expand poverty? Who gets poor who formerly wasn't?

Something you think doesn't exist in this country: People who take advantage of the system. Entire generations of parasitic families living off of our society.

If we had universal single payer healthcare, poor people wouldn't have to worry about getting a job that might raise their income to the point where they no longer qualified for income based programs like Medicaid.

Ever think about that?
Hell, if we had guaranteed income poor people wouldnt ahve to sorry about getting a job, period. Ever think about that?
It certainly expands poverty. Funny, how as poverty expands, so does the democrat voting base.

Liberals are such morons being pulled around by their noses by the rich wicked elite limousine left wing asshole.

"If it feels good then it must be right."

The living philosophy of every left wing elitist moron.

How does Medicaid expand poverty? Who gets poor who formerly wasn't?

Something you think doesn't exist in this country: People who take advantage of the system. Entire generations of parasitic families living off of our society.

If we had universal single payer healthcare, poor people wouldn't have to worry about getting a job that might raise their income to the point where they no longer qualified for income based programs like Medicaid.

Ever think about that?

So where's the incentives?

If your goal is shitty healthcare that's what single-payer will give you in this country.
Yes, and every example of "successful capitalism" has a socialistic component to rein it in.

I love it when an absolutists makes statements they can't back up.

In the military we called this a target-rich environment.

Show me an example of a purely capitalistic system that's ever lasted.

Lasted how long? Laissez-faire capitalism never lasts because the People will not put up with the horrific suffering it produces.
Arent you also claiming that no such society exists?
How can it not last long if it never exists?

Historically to the extent laissez-faire capitalism ever existed, for example in the early Industrial Revolution in places like England,

the People have rebelled - in one way or another - to rein it in with regulation and reform.
You think you know somethng about history. That's really funny.
Socialism/Communism doesn't work. That's been proven time & time again all throughout history. People came to America for the 'Rags to Riches' possibility. Because they knew it wasn't possible in their Socialist/Communist homelands. In those places, the Government seized most of their earnings.

However, it is true many don't make in America. But the possibility of 'Rags to Riches' is much greater here than anywhere else in the World. And that's why they still come. They don't have to fear their Government stealing all their earnings. But that may be changing. It is clear our Nation is moving towards Socialism/Communism. And that's just plain sad. Hopefully, we can reverse this course.
Wow, that is a really misinformed post.
Why is it that every example of so-called "successful socialism" is really an example of capitalism?
Yes, and every example of "successful capitalism" has a socialistic component to rein it in.

I love it when an absolutists makes statements they can't back up.

In the military we called this a target-rich environment.

Show me an example of a purely capitalistic system that's ever lasted.

Lasted how long? Laissez-faire capitalism never lasts because the People will not put up with the horrific suffering it produces.
That's exactly my point.
Lasted how long? Laissez-faire capitalism never lasts because the People will not put up with the horrific suffering it produces.

As we see in this country...the more successful a country becomes through free enterprise...the more statist politicians take the money from the government and start handing it out to cronies...and people they want to get hooked on government welfare...then they get more voting power from those not paying taxes...and use that power to attack people who work, and people who run businesses...and the system can't handle it...
Wow, that is a really misinformed post.
Why is it that every example of so-called "successful socialism" is really an example of capitalism?
Yes, and every example of "successful capitalism" has a socialistic component to rein it in.

I love it when an absolutists makes statements they can't back up.

In the military we called this a target-rich environment.

Show me an example of a purely capitalistic system that's ever lasted.

I thought I made it clear that I'm not an absolutist.

So, I'm confused. In what way do you see me as an absolutist?
Venezuela's Chavez was a big hero of the Left here. He came in with a program of Hope and Change that involved every leftist's wet dream: punish the rich, nationalize industry, screw the big corporations.
How'd that work out?
The country is out of basic necessities. Every adverse event was followed by more and stricter government controls. These in turn led to more problems. Price controls led to people diverting toilet paper across the border.
You cannot legislate laws of economics out of existence. Which is what the left here wants.

Socialism creates poverty, another vague generic premise. One could just as easily say the same about capitalism; a free market society creates poverty too. It becomes a question of how much poverty a society can tolerate and ignore......since all economic systems create poverty.
One could say that. If he were a complete numbskull totally ignorant of the facts. As you appear to be.

Good come back, who could possibly argue with that. So then capitalism doesn't produce that part of your premise?
It's taken you this long to figure that out?
No, capitalism overall produces prosperity. Socialism produces poverty. Just repeat those last two sentences to yourself and eventually you might get it and quit posting stupid shit.

But your premise is wrong. Why would I keep repeating that?
Yes, and every example of "successful capitalism" has a socialistic component to rein it in.

I love it when an absolutists makes statements they can't back up.

In the military we called this a target-rich environment.

Show me an example of a purely capitalistic system that's ever lasted.

Lasted how long? Laissez-faire capitalism never lasts because the People will not put up with the horrific suffering it produces.
Arent you also claiming that no such society exists?
How can it not last long if it never exists?

Historically to the extent laissez-faire capitalism ever existed, for example in the early Industrial Revolution in places like England,

the People have rebelled - in one way or another - to rein it in with regulation and reform.

Actually not. England never had laizzes faire capitalism. During the mercantilist phase, industry was highly regulated. Gradually England abolished many of its controls on commerce, but it never got rid of all of them.

People rebelled against capitalism right from the very beginning. That's what the luddite riots were all about. The luddites were hand weavers who opposed the introduction of power looms into the weaving industry. If they would have got their way, a pair of pants would now cost $1000.

All you proved is that you're an ignoramus.
Why is it that every example of so-called "successful socialism" is really an example of capitalism?
Yes, and every example of "successful capitalism" has a socialistic component to rein it in.

I love it when an absolutists makes statements they can't back up.

In the military we called this a target-rich environment.

Show me an example of a purely capitalistic system that's ever lasted.

I thought I made it clear that I'm not an absolutist.

So, I'm confused. In what way do you see me as an absolutist?

I can read.
Venezuela's Chavez was a big hero of the Left here. He came in with a program of Hope and Change that involved every leftist's wet dream: punish the rich, nationalize industry, screw the big corporations.
How'd that work out?
The country is out of basic necessities. Every adverse event was followed by more and stricter government controls. These in turn led to more problems. Price controls led to people diverting toilet paper across the border.
You cannot legislate laws of economics out of existence. Which is what the left here wants.


We have socialized schools.

Socialized police and emergency services.

Socialized medical for vets, the elderly, and poor families.

Socialized libraries, parks, rivers and lakes.

You'd think with all that socialism, we wouldn't be the 2nd wealthiest country in the world.

Venezuela's Chavez was a big hero of the Left here. He came in with a program of Hope and Change that involved every leftist's wet dream: punish the rich, nationalize industry, screw the big corporations.
How'd that work out?
The country is out of basic necessities. Every adverse event was followed by more and stricter government controls. These in turn led to more problems. Price controls led to people diverting toilet paper across the border.
You cannot legislate laws of economics out of existence. Which is what the left here wants.


We have socialized schools.

Socialized police and emergency services.

Socialized medical for vets, the elderly, and poor families.

Socialized libraries, parks, rivers and lakes.

You'd think with all that socialism, we wouldn't be the 2nd wealthiest country in the world.


Yeah what ever happened to that?
Venezuela's Chavez was a big hero of the Left here. He came in with a program of Hope and Change that involved every leftist's wet dream: punish the rich, nationalize industry, screw the big corporations.
How'd that work out?
The country is out of basic necessities. Every adverse event was followed by more and stricter government controls. These in turn led to more problems. Price controls led to people diverting toilet paper across the border.
You cannot legislate laws of economics out of existence. Which is what the left here wants.


We have socialized schools.

Socialized police and emergency services.

Socialized medical for vets, the elderly, and poor families.

Socialized libraries, parks, rivers and lakes.

You'd think with all that socialism, we wouldn't be the 2nd wealthiest country in the world.

Venzuela had socialized food. Socialized medicine. Socialized power. Socialized gasoline.
That's why they don't have any of those things anymore.
Hell, if we had guaranteed income poor people wouldnt ahve to sorry about getting a job, period. Ever think about that?

so how about having guaranteed jobs?

Frankly, I'd rather have someone doing the work getting paid to do it.

Over the weekend, I had to deal with my e-mail being hacked. SO I called my cable provider. 10 minutes of dealing with machines before I got to a real person who was from India and had no idea what I was talking about.

OH, no real help on my problem, either.

Wow, here's a crazy idea. INstead of Comcast making a shitload of money, how about having a REAL PERSON answering those phones?
Capitalism with safety nets to help those in poverty is the best system. For someone working 40 hours a week and making min wage, I say give them the help.
Socialism/Communism doesn't work. That's been proven time & time again all throughout history.

Really? When?
People came to America for the 'Rags to Riches' possibility. Because they knew it wasn't possible in their Socialist/Communist homelands. In those places, the Government seized most of their earnings.

Actually, most people who came from Europe came here because the Capitalism they had in Europe was even more exploitive.

But when Western Europe became a collection of socialist democracies after WWII, you didn't so many people coming here anymore.

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