Socialism Creates Poverty

I mean creating a system where most people barely eked out a living while those with connections lived like Czars.
IOW the Democrat Party's ideal situation.

Actually, most Russians lived better under Communism than they did under the Tsars.

Right, if you don't count the millions who were sent to the Gulag.

And those party appartecheks might have lived the good life, but nothing compared to the obscene way our wall street assholes live in this country.

Those "Wall Street assholes" haven't killed anyone. Commie apparatchiks have plenty of blood on their hands.
Would say though that capitalism is the system poverty crops up in the most since any system based on greed and selfishness,

Explain to me how someone such as myself that has been financially successful in a system by gaining an education, working hard, and taking risks now wanting to keep more of what I earned is greedy and selfish. Seems you think some uneducated, unskilled person should reap the benefits of what I've done well above their level.

If it is socialism that creates poverty, why was there so damned much of the stuff during the days of feudalism?

Comparing hundreds of years ago to today? Really?

If socialism alleviates poverty, tell me why there is still so damned much of it today compared to only 50 years ago despite the trillions spent in socialist handout programs.
I know how the Czechs lived under communism, and I have heard very very few who want to go back. They are living far better today than their parents and grandparents and enjoy much greater freedom in every conceivable way.

That bird has flown, and good riddance.

Again, the Czechs are the doormats to anyone who wants to wipe their feet on you. The Hapsburgs, the Nazis, The Communists and now big corporations.

No one ever cared what the Czechs thought.
As someone who failed so abjectly even with copious amount of brown nosing you've obviously done, you'd think you'd be more sympathetic to the plight of the oppressed.

Go ask the Hungarians or Poles about your beloved ideology then.
Yes, and every example of "successful capitalism" has a socialistic component to rein it in.

I love it when an absolutists makes statements they can't back up.

In the military we called this a target-rich environment.

Show me an example of a purely capitalistic system that's ever lasted.

I thought I made it clear that I'm not an absolutist.

So, I'm confused. In what way do you see me as an absolutist?

I can read.
Well, maybe you should apply your journalistic eyes then and judge me on what I say rather than what your preconceived notions dictate.
Socialism/Communism doesn't work. That's been proven time & time again all throughout history.

Really? When?
People came to America for the 'Rags to Riches' possibility. Because they knew it wasn't possible in their Socialist/Communist homelands. In those places, the Government seized most of their earnings.

Actually, most people who came from Europe came here because the Capitalism they had in Europe was even more exploitive.

But when Western Europe became a collection of socialist democracies after WWII, you didn't so many people coming here anymore.

It's the 'Rags to Riches' possibilities that brought them here, and still does. 'Rags to Riches' is virtually impossible in Socialist/Communist nations. The Government doesn't allow it. Let's face it, human beings wanna get rich. Or they at least wanna know it's possible. They know it's not possible where they came from. It's the thing that has made our Country stand out.

Socialism/Communism breeds mediocrity and malaise. People should check out what Winston Churchill had to say on the subject. He really did nail it Spot On. I do realize we're moving towards Socialism/Communism though. And that's very sad. It seems more & more Immigrants are coming here thinking they're gonna get Freebies. And that's a far cry from why Immigrants of the past came here. So, times are changing. But not for the better.
I mean creating a system where most people barely eked out a living while those with connections lived like Czars.
IOW the Democrat Party's ideal situation.

Actually, most Russians lived better under Communism than they did under the Tsars.

Right, if you don't count the millions who were sent to the Gulag.

and that was thanks to Lev Bronstein and his fellow jewish cohorts...some estimates are over 20 million people were killed by jews during/post 1917 revolution. Oy Vey!

And those party appartecheks might have lived the good life, but nothing compared to the obscene way our wall street assholes live in this country.

bripat said:
Those "Wall Street assholes" haven't killed anyone. Commie apparatchiks have plenty of blood on their hands.

JULY 16 1918, Tzar Nicholas II and his pious Christian family were shot and bayoneted in cold blood by these Cheka Jews:

1. Jacob Yurovksy, a Jewish Czech
2. Sergei Medvedjev
3. Lev Nikulin, a Jewish Czech
4. Peter Yermakov
5. Fyodor Vaganov, a New York Jew
6. Jacob Sverdlov, (Yankel Solomon), the first President of the Soviet Union. He gave the order to murder the Royal Family. Sverdlov began his Anti Christian career when he joined the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party in 1902.

This was the beginning of the wholesale slaughter of over 8,000,000 Russian Orthodox Christians from 1918 through 1943.
Some estimates are as high as 20 million.
Socialism/Communism doesn't work. That's been proven time & time again all throughout history.

Really? When?
People came to America for the 'Rags to Riches' possibility. Because they knew it wasn't possible in their Socialist/Communist homelands. In those places, the Government seized most of their earnings.

Actually, most people who came from Europe came here because the Capitalism they had in Europe was even more exploitive.

But when Western Europe became a collection of socialist democracies after WWII, you didn't so many people coming here anymore.

It's the 'Rags to Riches' possibilities that brought them here, and still does. 'Rags to Riches' is virtually impossible in Socialist/Communist nations. The Government doesn't allow it. Let's face it, human beings wanna get rich. Or they at least wanna know it's possible. They know it's not possible where they came from. It's the thing that has made our Country stand out.

Socialism/Communism breeds mediocrity and malaise. People should check out what Winston Churchill had to say on the subject. He really did nail it Spot On. I do realize we're moving towards Socialism/Communism though. And that's very sad. It seems more & more Immigrants are coming here thinking they're gonna get Freebies. And that's a far cry from why Immigrants of the past came here. So, times are changing. But not for the better.

The problem is these nitwits buy into the bullshit mythical notion of some utopia out there. Pushed by the robinhood fairy tale and 60s music, steal from the rich and give to the poor.

They are too arrogant in their so called educated minds (most of which have worthless degrees from the school of Arts and Letters) to see that they are used as pawns by the democrats to acquire and maintain power over the people.

Meanwhile, under the guidance of socialist ideals, the poor class expands, the middle class is destroyed, and somehow some way the democrats behind propaganda reporting blames the free market enterprise.

How man things have been discovered or invented that we use today and take for granted that was made possible through the free market incentives?

These fucking ignorant pawns are simply swept up by bandwagon reasoning. The approval from each other and having even the slightest appearance that they are capitalists is their worst nightmare. The cool parties will be gone.

They are so pathetic.
Socialism/Communism doesn't work. That's been proven time & time again all throughout history.

Really? When?
People came to America for the 'Rags to Riches' possibility. Because they knew it wasn't possible in their Socialist/Communist homelands. In those places, the Government seized most of their earnings.

Actually, most people who came from Europe came here because the Capitalism they had in Europe was even more exploitive.

But when Western Europe became a collection of socialist democracies after WWII, you didn't so many people coming here anymore.

It's the 'Rags to Riches' possibilities that brought them here, and still does. 'Rags to Riches' is virtually impossible in Socialist/Communist nations. The Government doesn't allow it. Let's face it, human beings wanna get rich. Or they at least wanna know it's possible. They know it's not possible where they came from. It's the thing that has made our Country stand out.

Socialism/Communism breeds mediocrity and malaise. People should check out what Winston Churchill had to say on the subject. He really did nail it Spot On. I do realize we're moving towards Socialism/Communism though. And that's very sad. It seems more & more Immigrants are coming here thinking they're gonna get Freebies. And that's a far cry from why Immigrants of the past came here. So, times are changing. But not for the better.

The problem is these nitwits buy into the bullshit mythical notion of some utopia out there. Pushed by the robinhood fairy tale and 60s music, steal from the rich and give to the poor.

They are too arrogant in their so called educated minds (most of which have worthless degrees from the school of Arts and Letters) to see that they are used as pawns by the democrats to acquire and maintain power over the people.

Meanwhile, under the guidance of socialist ideals, the poor class expands, the middle class is destroyed, and somehow some way the democrats behind propaganda reporting blames the free market enterprise.

How man things have been discovered or invented that we use today and take for granted that was made possible through the free market incentives?

These fucking ignorant pawns are simply swept up by bandwagon reasoning. The approval from each other and having even the slightest appearance that they are capitalists is their worst nightmare. The cool parties will be gone.

They are so pathetic.

Socialism/Communism breeds mediocrity and malaise. The opportunity to achieve maximum prosperity, is what drives most human beings. That's what has separated us from most of the world. People who come here just want an opportunity to get rich. They know that isn't possible where they came from.

That being said, many people won't make it in America. It is a gamble. It's not for everyone. But it's that gamble and those possibilities that has made our Country the greatest in the world. It's not Socialism/Communism.
I mean creating a system where most people barely eked out a living while those with connections lived like Czars.
IOW the Democrat Party's ideal situation.

Actually, most Russians lived better under Communism than they did under the Tsars.

Right, if you don't count the millions who were sent to the Gulag.

and that was thanks to Lev Bronstein and his fellow jewish cohorts...some estimates are over 20 million people were killed by jews during/post 1917 revolution. Oy Vey!

And those party appartecheks might have lived the good life, but nothing compared to the obscene way our wall street assholes live in this country.

bripat said:
Those "Wall Street assholes" haven't killed anyone. Commie apparatchiks have plenty of blood on their hands.

JULY 16 1918, Tzar Nicholas II and his pious Christian family were shot and bayoneted in cold blood by these Cheka Jews:

1. Jacob Yurovksy, a Jewish Czech
2. Sergei Medvedjev
3. Lev Nikulin, a Jewish Czech
4. Peter Yermakov
5. Fyodor Vaganov, a New York Jew
6. Jacob Sverdlov, (Yankel Solomon), the first President of the Soviet Union. He gave the order to murder the Royal Family. Sverdlov began his Anti Christian career when he joined the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party in 1902.

This was the beginning of the wholesale slaughter of over 8,000,000 Russian Orthodox Christians from 1918 through 1943.
Some estimates are as high as 20 million.

The fact is they are not "real Jews" anyway. They are the wolves in sheeps clothung that the prophets wared about for millenia.

This is where the descendants of the Charles Schumers etc come from. Ethel and Julius Rosenberg along with those that control the propaganda.

They are no friends to Israel.
No we didn't. We actually won in Vietnam. Also Afghanistan and Iraq. Unfortunately, Dims decided to hand them over to the enemy.

We didn't win in Vietnam.

Winning is when you acheive your objectives. Our objective was to establish a democratically elected government that adhered to our values.

But the minute we left, the Quislings we left in charge got defeated.

Same thing in Iraq. Same thing in Afghanistan.
I mean creating a system where most people barely eked out a living while those with connections lived like Czars.
IOW the Democrat Party's ideal situation.

Actually, most Russians lived better under Communism than they did under the Tsars.

Right, if you don't count the millions who were sent to the Gulag.

And those party appartecheks might have lived the good life, but nothing compared to the obscene way our wall street assholes live in this country.

Those "Wall Street assholes" haven't killed anyone. Commie apparatchiks have plenty of blood on their hands.

You seem very good at knowing who fathered all the mulatoes on the neighbor's plantations.

This country was built on Genocide and slavery, we've fought wars of aggression to try to secure markets.

But keep repeating some Bircher propaganda about the Gulag.
But the minute we left, the Quislings we left in charge got defeated.

The South lost because the democrats betrayed them...they refused to honor our side of the terms that ended the war...
The South lost because the democrats betrayed them...they refused to honor our side of the terms that ended the war...

No, guy, the South Lost because no one was all that keen on fighting for a few corrupt generals in Saigon who all flew the coop when they heard the Commies were coming.

Get it? There was a civil war, we picked the side no one really wanted to win.
I mean creating a system where most people barely eked out a living while those with connections lived like Czars.
IOW the Democrat Party's ideal situation.

Actually, most Russians lived better under Communism than they did under the Tsars.

Right, if you don't count the millions who were sent to the Gulag.

And those party appartecheks might have lived the good life, but nothing compared to the obscene way our wall street assholes live in this country.

Those "Wall Street assholes" haven't killed anyone. Commie apparatchiks have plenty of blood on their hands.

You seem very good at knowing who fathered all the mulatoes on the neighbor's plantations.

This country was built on Genocide and slavery, we've fought wars of aggression to try to secure markets.

But keep repeating some Bircher propaganda about the Gulag.

what do Mulattoes or slavery have to do with "Wall Street assholes?"

Why do you keep defending mass murderers and comparing them to people who have committed no crime other than making a lot of money?
No we didn't. We actually won in Vietnam. Also Afghanistan and Iraq. Unfortunately, Dims decided to hand them over to the enemy.

We didn't win in Vietnam.

Winning is when you acheive your objectives. Our objective was to establish a democratically elected government that adhered to our values.

But the minute we left, the Quislings we left in charge got defeated.

Same thing in Iraq. Same thing in Afghanistan.

The Democrats pulled the rug out from the government of South Vietnam and stopped all military funding. It did the same thing in Iraq. It will do the same in Afghanistan. That is the nature of Democrats, to extract defeat from the jaws of victory.
what do Mulattoes or slavery have to do with "Wall Street assholes?"

Why do you keep defending mass murderers and comparing them to people who have committed no crime other than making a lot of money?

Because you don't make a lot of money wihtout causing a lot of human misery, usually by cheating those who actually did the work.

But do go on and whine about a civil war that happened a century ago.
Because you don't make a lot of money wihtout causing a lot of human misery, usually by cheating those who actually did the work. are spouting the lies you learned in the government school, controlled by the education wing of the democrat party, that you went to..the real world is out there Joe...try to find it....You'll be happier...

In the real don't make a lot of money in a free market system without making a lot of people happier...since they can buy what they want and you have to make them happy to get them to give you money...

under socialism...the government decides what you need...and that is the crappiest crap out there...
Venezuela's Chavez was a big hero of the Left here. He came in with a program of Hope and Change that involved every leftist's wet dream: punish the rich, nationalize industry, screw the big corporations.
How'd that work out?
The country is out of basic necessities. Every adverse event was followed by more and stricter government controls. These in turn led to more problems. Price controls led to people diverting toilet paper across the border.
You cannot legislate laws of economics out of existence. Which is what the left here wants.


You know that the shit has hit the fan when toilet paper is an acceptable form of common currency.


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