Socialism Creates Poverty

what do Mulattoes or slavery have to do with "Wall Street assholes?"

Why do you keep defending mass murderers and comparing them to people who have committed no crime other than making a lot of money?

Because you don't make a lot of money wihtout causing a lot of human misery, usually by cheating those who actually did the work.

Really? Who did Henry Ford cheat or make miserable? Apple Computer? General Electric?

But do go on and whine about a civil war that happened a century ago.

You're the one who brought up the Civil War, not me.
Because you don't make a lot of money wihtout causing a lot of human misery, usually by cheating those who actually did the work. are spouting the lies you learned in the government school, controlled by the education wing of the democrat party, that you went to..the real world is out there Joe...try to find it....You'll be happier...

In the real don't make a lot of money in a free market system without making a lot of people happier...since they can buy what they want and you have to make them happy to get them to give you money...

under socialism...the government decides what you need...and that is the crappiest crap out there...

GUy, until about six years ago, I was as right wing as you are. In fact, 2012 was the first year I voted for the Democratic candidate for President.

Do you know what changed my mind. It's when my Romney-loving boss engaged in a year long campaign to get me off the payroll because I had the bad luck to get injured and ran up a lot of medical bills.

That's when I realized that the political interests of the wealthy are really, really not my political interests, and I was fooling myself thinking that they were. It's a hell of an epiphany to come to in your 40's.
what do Mulattoes or slavery have to do with "Wall Street assholes?"

Why do you keep defending mass murderers and comparing them to people who have committed no crime other than making a lot of money?

Because you don't make a lot of money wihtout causing a lot of human misery, usually by cheating those who actually did the work.

Really? Who did Henry Ford cheat or make miserable? Apple Computer? General Electric?

But do go on and whine about a civil war that happened a century ago.

You're the one who brought up the Civil War, not me.

Are you a fucking stupid person? I was referring to you idiots talking about the Russian Civil War as an excuse as to why Communism is bad.
when toilet paper is an acceptable form of common currency.

Especially when they are running out of it...all hail socialism....
I was referring to you idiots talking about the Russian Civil War as an excuse as to why Communism is bad.

Besides killing close to 100 million people to try to get communism right...the lower life expectations, the lower quality of life...and the hoplessness....I'll stick with Free markets any day of the week...
what do Mulattoes or slavery have to do with "Wall Street assholes?"

Why do you keep defending mass murderers and comparing them to people who have committed no crime other than making a lot of money?

Because you don't make a lot of money wihtout causing a lot of human misery, usually by cheating those who actually did the work.

Really? Who did Henry Ford cheat or make miserable? Apple Computer? General Electric?

But do go on and whine about a civil war that happened a century ago.

You're the one who brought up the Civil War, not me.

Are you a fucking stupid person? I was referring to you idiots talking about the Russian Civil War as an excuse as to why Communism is bad.

I don't recall anyone even mentioning the Russian Civil war. Talk about stupid.
I was referring to you idiots talking about the Russian Civil War as an excuse as to why Communism is bad.

Besides killing close to 100 million people to try to get communism right...the lower life expectations, the lower quality of life...and the hoplessness....I'll stick with Free markets any day of the week...

Except your premise is faulty.

The Russian and Chinese civil wars were not about "Getting Communism Right", it was about paybacks in societies that had been battered by wars for decades.

In the case of Russia, they had undergone nearly a decade of social upheaval starting with the revolution of 1905, were battered in World War I, had to deal with several secessionist movements, (Hey remember how America dealt with those) and at the end of it, there were a lot of guys looking for payback.

Same thing with the Chinese. They had been in a state of upheaval pretty much since 1911. The Japanese invasion hadn't helped.

The Taiping Rebellion during the 19th century killed 20 million Chinese before Karl Marx put a single word to paper.

SO your argument is communism is bad because it makes life miserable in places where it was already pretty miserable.

Hey, now that the Russians and Chinese have free markets, their lives are still- well- pretty miserable.
The Taiping Rebellion during the 19th century killed 20 million Chinese before Karl Marx put a single word to paper. is the 70 million mao murdered that concerns communism...not the Taiping rebellion...

and the 25 million stalin murdered...

and 1/3 of the population that pol pot murdered....

and on and on...
The Taiping Rebellion during the 19th century killed 20 million Chinese before Karl Marx put a single word to paper. is the 70 million mao murdered that concerns communism...not the Taiping rebellion...

and the 25 million stalin murdered...

and 1/3 of the population that pol pot murdered....

and on and on...
People have been killing people forever, the excuses have changed but fervent patriotic nationalism is to blame, not exactly a fashionable thing among leftists these days.
The Taiping Rebellion during the 19th century killed 20 million Chinese before Karl Marx put a single word to paper. is the 70 million mao murdered that concerns communism...not the Taiping rebellion...

and the 25 million stalin murdered...

and 1/3 of the population that pol pot murdered....

and on and on...
People have been killing people forever, the excuses have changed but fervent patriotic nationalism is to blame, not exactly a fashionable thing among leftists these days.

Outside of wars, killing people on an industrial scale didn't occur until Communism got control of a nation.

Nationalism isn't to blame for all the people Stalin killed in the Gulag or deliberately starved to death or simply executed.
One reason killings weren't on a massive scale was it was too difficult. I mean it takes weapons that can do the job quickly and
efficiently before people tire of the job. Chopping off heads hour after hour can get to be a real bore.
150 years of conservative policies and they are terrible disasters.

Bush tried following GOP policies.

Kansas has tried following GOP policies.

Crispie tried following GOP policies.

Scott Walker tried following GOP policies.

Everywhere GOP policies are followed, failure happens soon after.
The Taiping Rebellion during the 19th century killed 20 million Chinese before Karl Marx put a single word to paper. is the 70 million mao murdered that concerns communism...not the Taiping rebellion...

and the 25 million stalin murdered...

and 1/3 of the population that pol pot murdered....

and on and on...

Okay, besides the fact those numbers aren't even close to what is presented.... (Poor Old Stalin gets credit for people who died in famines.)

America complete genocided the Native Americans. Wiped out entire nations. Can we chalk that up to "Capitalism is Evil?"

All three of those countries had civil wars that were pretty brutal before the Communists took over. For instance, the US bombed the shit out of Cambodia, driving millions of people from their homes and into the arms of the Khmer Rogue.
Venezuela's Chavez was a big hero of the Left here. He came in with a program of Hope and Change that involved every leftist's wet dream: punish the rich, nationalize industry, screw the big corporations.
How'd that work out?
The country is out of basic necessities. Every adverse event was followed by more and stricter government controls. These in turn led to more problems. Price controls led to people diverting toilet paper across the border.
You cannot legislate laws of economics out of existence. Which is what the left here wants.

The Murdoch Street Journal strikes again. must watch fox alot
Venezuela's Chavez was a big hero of the Left here. He came in with a program of Hope and Change that involved every leftist's wet dream: punish the rich, nationalize industry, screw the big corporations.
How'd that work out?
The country is out of basic necessities. Every adverse event was followed by more and stricter government controls. These in turn led to more problems. Price controls led to people diverting toilet paper across the border.
You cannot legislate laws of economics out of existence. Which is what the left here wants.

The Murdoch Street Journal strikes again. must watch fox alot

The article is correct. Venezuela has been having shortages in basics for some time.

What they have been doing is what statists have been doing for decades. They create inflation, demonize capitalists for their own incompetence, implement price controls, then shortages appear. That has happened in Latin America over and over again for decades.
Venezuela's Chavez was a big hero of the Left here. He came in with a program of Hope and Change that involved every leftist's wet dream: punish the rich, nationalize industry, screw the big corporations.
How'd that work out?
The country is out of basic necessities. Every adverse event was followed by more and stricter government controls. These in turn led to more problems. Price controls led to people diverting toilet paper across the border.
You cannot legislate laws of economics out of existence. Which is what the left here wants.

Poverty exists in every system. Would say though that capitalism is the system poverty crops up in the most since any system based on greed and selfishness, as capitalism is, is going to see takers take and those too polite or kind to take from other suffer and become empoverished.

Sucky as that is, I don't think there's a better way of doing things.
Our poverty is upper middle class elsewhere.
That's a big talking point from the Right. Denying that the US has poor people.
Most communist governments have to murder their way into power.

And in Germany, the far right murdered it's way into power.

And here in the US, it is not the left that is contantly talking of taking power with the gun, but the right. Just look at how many on this board are cheering for an armed revolution in the US, because they realize that they can never get voted into power.
The Nazi's were left wing. Not sure why you can't recognize they were pretty much the same as the Russians and communism and just had some very slight differences about how to achieve the same failed goal.
Bull Shit.
Venezuela's Chavez was a big hero of the Left here. He came in with a program of Hope and Change that involved every leftist's wet dream: punish the rich, nationalize industry, screw the big corporations.
How'd that work out?
The country is out of basic necessities. Every adverse event was followed by more and stricter government controls. These in turn led to more problems. Price controls led to people diverting toilet paper across the border.
You cannot legislate laws of economics out of existence. Which is what the left here wants.

The Murdoch Street Journal strikes again. must watch fox alot

The article is correct. Venezuela has been having shortages in basics for some time.

What they have been doing is what statists have been doing for decades. They create inflation, demonize capitalists for their own incompetence, implement price controls, then shortages appear. That has happened in Latin America over and over again for decades.
What has actually happened in Latin America is what has happened everywhere in the developing world. There is great power in such places in using populism as a political tool, which is fine, but as soon as some leader actually moves in the direction of socialism the capitalist world with America in the lead does everything in their power to undermine them up to and including assassination. It is actually unknown how socialism works because it has never been allowed to operate unhampered on any scale that matters. From a purely scientific standpoint no socialist experiment has ever been properly done, any example of socialist economic failure must also include what was done in opposition.

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