Socialist left have a new strategy to cover for the failure of their economic policies


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2015
I've noticed that the vast number of people that are unemployed has been underreported by the media in this country. It makes me think that this is being done on purpose but the fact that not one story has been done on this subject makes me think that this is being done on purpose. It is being done so the left no longer has to answer questions about why it is their economic policies stink.
UE at 4.8, a bouncing economy, people doing so well.

If that is the 'socialist left', then we should all convert.

:lol: silly OP
:lol: You are probably the guy downstairs in the garage prepping my cars for the day.

The economy is doing well.

Yellen says there may be three FED hikes this year.
:lol: You are probably the guy downstairs in the garage prepping my cars for the day.

The economy is doing well.

Yellen says there may be three FED hikes this year.
Your car is ready....

Shit for a brain...

Free trade was a republican economic policy...The far left in most cases opposed it and hated Obama for pushing the TPP.

Cutting infrastructure, science and education is the dumbest thing one could ever do.
I've noticed that the vast number of people that are unemployed has been underreported by the media in this country. .
Ok, please share. What is your estimate of the number of unemployed, what is your source and methodology to derive that number, and what definition of unemployed are you using?
I've noticed that the vast number of people that are unemployed has been underreported by the media in this country. It makes me think that this is being done on purpose but the fact that not one story has been done on this subject makes me think that this is being done on purpose. It is being done so the left no longer has to answer questions about why it is their economic policies stink.
Conservative media dominates radio and the internet so there should be a plethora of stories backing up your point. Care to link to one so we know exactly what you are talking about?
I've noticed that the vast number of people that are unemployed has been underreported by the media in this country. It makes me think that this is being done on purpose but the fact that not one story has been done on this subject makes me think that this is being done on purpose. It is being done so the left no longer has to answer questions about why it is their economic policies stink.
some on the left are advocating for unemployment compensation simply for being unemployed in our at-will employment States.
I've noticed that the vast number of people that are unemployed has been underreported by the media in this country. It makes me think that this is being done on purpose but the fact that not one story has been done on this subject makes me think that this is being done on purpose. It is being done so the left no longer has to answer questions about why it is their economic policies stink.
some on the left are advocating for unemployment compensation simply for being unemployed in our at-will employment States.
Our unemployment system is a fine idea but completely in need of reform as so many abuse it. The holes need to be plugged. Do you have a link with more info towards your claim?
UE at 4.8, a bouncing economy, people doing so well.

If that is the 'socialist left', then we should all convert.

:lol: silly OP

The way the government is counting unemployment is misleading because they do not include people who have been looking for work for more than 2 weeks. Now maybe someone thinks that is all the time that is needed but why is it the unemployment numbers for people who have been looking for work for six weeks or more not the same?
I've noticed that the vast number of people that are unemployed has been underreported by the media in this country. It makes me think that this is being done on purpose but the fact that not one story has been done on this subject makes me think that this is being done on purpose. It is being done so the left no longer has to answer questions about why it is their economic policies stink.
Conservative media dominates radio and the internet so there should be a plethora of stories backing up your point. Care to link to one so we know exactly what you are talking about?

I don't actually have to because the numbers come from the US government themselves. THey keep tabs on them and I believe Rasmussen (or Pew) has unemployment at 9.3%. I know that you guys are eating these lies whole but eventually Americans will have to realize that something is wrong when they realize how difficult it is to find a job.
UE at 4.8, a bouncing economy, people doing so well.

If that is the 'socialist left', then we should all convert.

:lol: silly OP

The way the government is counting unemployment is misleading because they do not include people who have been looking for work for more than 2 weeks. Now maybe someone thinks that is all the time that is needed but why is it the unemployment numbers for people who have been looking for work for six weeks or more not the same?
Your comment is misleading, not how the government counts UE. However, the dropping out of the National Labor Participation Rate under Trump creeps towards 100 million out of the work force!!! Oh, noes!!!!
Please post link to the numbers you are talking about. Labor department was showing record number of job openings in last report

America has 5.8 million job openings

Real Unemployment - Department of Labor (U-6)
Thanks. So I guess the important question is, has the same system been used over the past few decades to show the unemployment numbers? If so then the % changes to show increases and decreases is valuable data. I think it's been well known and communicated that there is a difference in unemployment numbers and "real" unemployment numbers. My guess is factors in real unemployment aren't factored in because their isn't a reliable amount measurable accuracy... there seems to be a good amount of estimations and projections in those stats.
UE at 4.8, a bouncing economy, people doing so well.

If that is the 'socialist left', then we should all convert.

:lol: silly OP

The way the government is counting unemployment is misleading because they do not include people who have been looking for work for more than 2 weeks. Now maybe someone thinks that is all the time that is needed but why is it the unemployment numbers for people who have been looking for work for six weeks or more not the same?
Then how do you explain that BLS counts over 1 million people as having been unemployed over a year and an average length of unemployment of 26 weeks?

Everyone who could start a job if offered and who has looked for work in the last 4 weeks is officially unemployed
Please post link to the numbers you are talking about. Labor department was showing record number of job openings in last report

America has 5.8 million job openings

Real Unemployment - Department of Labor (U-6)
A few things..the U-6 is not considered to be an unemployment rate by the BLS...they refer to it as a measure of labor underutilization.
Nobody called it "real unemployment" until Obama's second term.
It's only been a measure since 1994 so is not historically comparable to anything.
It includes in the numerator people who have jobs...including some who have full time jobs.
No one can ever explain how people with jobs and people not trying to get a job are "real unemployment."

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