‘Society Makes Male and Females Athletically Unequal’

If God made made men and women the same, we wouldn't have all the fun from the differences.
Consider the SOLE reason why we have girls' and womens' sports.

Because if we didn't, NO GIRL OR WOMAN COULD COMPETE.

Look closely at the competitions that are measured quantitatively. The best females swimmers in the entire world perform at about the same level as a top high school boy. Same for running, regardless of the distance.

The strongest female weight lifters, shot putters, javelin throwers, etc., could not even compete in a typical state high school championship meet.

The greatest female tennis player of all time - Serena - would not even make the main draw in a major tennis tournament. She would not be ranked in the top one hundred players in the world without separate competitions for men and women.

The explosion of testosterone at puberty in males is responsible for dramatic differences between the genders in size, muscle mass, and processing of oxygen. To suppose that men women are physically equal, and the differences are merely the result of the prevailing culture and expectations is provably preposterous. Indeed, only a PhD liberal could even countenance such idiocy.
Testesterone is clearly higher in Men than Women.
Testosterone clearly builds muscle mass.
Anabolic Steroids are basically Synthetic Testosterone, and there we go.
The explosion of testosterone at puberty in males is responsible for dramatic differences between the genders in size, muscle mass
Well, THAT'S changed dramatically over the last couple generations and we see it in such a large percentage of today's males.
Adults (leftist adults) are to blame for forcing this on children who should be protected from adult perversions. Queer rights supersede the rights of these girls. Disgusting!

This Leftist, quoting a philosophy professor, argues that there is no scientific evidence puberty gives biological males any athletic advantages. Rather, this belief is "based entirely on social perceptions of gender."


I’m speechless at the level of ignorance of the Left.

That philosophy professor is probably light in the loafers and that asshole (in your link) that thinks he can call himself a woman, should have his penis and testicles removed before being allowed to compete on the female level. Also, give him estrogen shots and demand he lose an adequate amount of muscle mass before competing with the girls.
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Men and women will never ever be equal in the way leftyloons are pining for. Maybe some college courses could help wih their understanding.

High school even.

If you are in a second floor apartment and are in danger of becoming roasted giblets- who would you like to climb those stairs to rescue you and your 240 lb. husband...the yummy guy I mean a fella in great shape or little Tiffany who struggles with a 10 pound sack of taters?
This Leftist, quoting a philosophy professor, argues that there is no scientific evidence puberty gives biological males any athletic advantages. Rather, this belief is "based entirely on social perceptions of gender."


I’m speechless at the level of ignorance of the Left.

This is postmodern ideology 101: the belief that every aspect of the human condition, physical, natural or metaphysical, is nothing more than a social construct which can be changed or engineered into something which fits within their ethos and doctrine. Essentially, the postmodernist believes human nature and biology are fluid and can be remade to suit whatever social purpose one might imagine. Of course, the hard sciences absolutely refute this so facts themselves also become social constructs in the postmodernist mind. Further, the postmodern ideology depends on the existence of a thoroughly brainwashed mob to enforce it. Take away or silence the mob and their entire ideological crusade deteriorates.
This Leftist, quoting a philosophy professor, argues that there is no scientific evidence puberty gives biological males any athletic advantages. Rather, this belief is "based entirely on social perceptions of gender."


I’m speechless at the level of ignorance of the Left.

It all boils down to their hubris about their own supposed "superiority". They believe reality bends to their will and desires.

Its like they think 1984 was an instruction manual, not a warning.
Men and women will never ever be equal in the way leftyloons are pining for. Maybe some college courses could help wih their understanding.

High school even.

If you are in a second floor apartment and are in danger of becoming roasted giblets- who would you like to climb those stairs to rescue you and your 240 lb. husband...the yummy guy I mean a fella in great shape or little Tiffany who struggles with a 10 pound sack of taters?

It's ironic progressives hate the one object that make men and women physically equal.
This Leftist, quoting a philosophy professor, argues that there is no scientific evidence puberty gives biological males any athletic advantages. Rather, this belief is "based entirely on social perceptions of gender."


I’m speechless at the level of ignorance of the Left.

This is postmodern ideology 101: the belief that every aspect of the human condition, physical, natural or metaphysical, is nothing more than a social construct which can be changed or engineered into something which fits within their ethos and doctrine. Essentially, the postmodernist believes human nature and biology are fluid and can be remade to suit whatever social purpose one might imagine. Of course, the hard sciences absolutely refute this so facts themselves also become social constructs in the postmodernist mind. Further, the postmodern ideology depends on the existence of a thoroughly brainwashed mob to enforce it. Take away or silence the mob and their entire ideological crusade deteriorates.

Technological advances have tended to equalize males and females regarding certain tasks, jobs, etc. Ignorant people think that is proof that males can 'identify' as females and visa versa. It is amazing that in this day and age, we have to be subjected to such colossal fools.
The major difference that equality can not be achieved with all the good reasons of competition other posters typed that is reality, is that men die and are casualties in other ways in dangerous situations. Women don't. This is a general statement and not specific as there are women who have died. So when we had midnight basketball in poverty areas a couple of decades or so ago even with some snickers there was a reason. As the extreme feminist agendas expand even more, you will see even more males get violent as the emasculation and the eunichization due to quotas and lowering of standards brings rage to the forefront to those who snap or do not care. p.s...in my younger days after playing baseball and going into softball my local league took it seriously as it was not just beer. Many other leagues were the same. A team of guys from my neighborhood league from that time would beat any female softball team you see on TV today.
This Leftist, quoting a philosophy professor, argues that there is no scientific evidence puberty gives biological males any athletic advantages. Rather, this belief is "based entirely on social perceptions of gender."


I’m speechless at the level of ignorance of the Left.
Deadspin is a leftist sports outlet and it's not surprising they would quote someone who knows nothing about human physiology, apparently.
Bone density, greater muscle mass, the ability to carry more oxygen to those muscles, narrower hips and wider shoulders, etc. The list goes on and this sums it up well.
Athletes' rights expert and philosophy prof: Biological males having an athletic advantage is only a 'social perception'
The greatest symbol of equality is a human infant. 2 fairly disparate organisms coming together to create a life completely separate of each of them. Both organisms are equally needed and each have their own contributory strengths based on genetic differences. It's life......And to ignore it is, frankly, retarded.
Regressive twats that promote this transgender crap are biology deniers.
The XY chromosome doesn’t change, the sex doesn’t change, the gender doesn’t change. Mutilating your body, taking drugs, and cross dressing doesn’t change anything, except of course putting your mental illness on display.
This Leftist, quoting a philosophy professor, argues that there is no scientific evidence puberty gives biological males any athletic advantages. Rather, this belief is "based entirely on social perceptions of gender."


I’m speechless at the level of ignorance of the Left.

Yep, men and women are pretty much the same...well except for-

Breasts vs. chests
Women have breasts, whereas men have flat chests (but still with nipples on them). Why?
Big apple vs. small
Men and women both have cartilage surrounding their voice boxes, but because men have bigger boxes (which give them deeper voices), their chunks of cartilage protrude more. This gives them neck lumps called Adam's apples.
Square vs. heart-shaped faces
The more testosterone a man has, the stronger his brow, cheekbones and jaw line. Meanwhile, the more estrogen a woman has, the wider her face, fuller her lips and the higher her eyebrows. In short, sex hormones control the divergence of male and female facial features.
Hairy vs. not
From puberty on, men grow much more hair on their bodies and especially their faces than women. This is because sex hormones called androgens stimulate hair growth, and men have more of those hormones.
Muscular vs. curvy
Men are, in general, more muscular than women. Women are just over half as strong as men in their upper bodies, and about two-thirds as strong in their lower bodies. [What's the Strongest Muscle In the Human Body? ]

While the male metabolism burns calories faster, the female metabolism tends to convert more food to fat. Women store the extra fat in their breasts, hips, buttocks, and as subcutaneous fat in the bottom layer of their skin giving a woman's skin its softer, plumper feel.

Male and female bodies are well-designed for each gender's role in a primitive society. Women are built for carrying and birthing children, and must have wider hips and keep extra fat in store for the ordeal of pregnancy. Men, free from the requirements of childbirth, benefit from being as strong and lithe as possible, both in their search for food, and when in competition with other men.

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