Solid Majority Of Americans Say Senate Acquittal Did Not Clear Trump Of Wrongdoing

By a 15-point margin Americans say that, despite being acquitted in the Senate, Donald Trump has not been cleared of wrongdoing in the Ukraine matter. Fully 55% say Trump has not been exonerated by his acquittal while 40% believe he has, according a new Quinnipiac poll released Monday. The views of independents track almost perfectly with those findings, with 54% saying Trump has not been cleared and 40% saying he has.

Solid majority of Americans say Senate acquittal did not clear Trump of wrongdoing

In other words Not total acquittal.

In fact, Trump wasn’t ‘acquitted’ at all.

Trump engaged in abuse of power and contempt of Congress – that’s why he was impeached.

The Senate vote solely addressed the question as to whether Trump should be removed from office the consequence of the fact that he engaged in abuse of power and contempt of Congress.
Utter bullshit. An indictment doesn't prove guilt. That is for a trial.

Trump was exonerated forever at trial.

Deal with it, Loser.
Trump engaged in abuse of power and contempt of Congress – that’s why he was impeached.


Nobody’s vote is going to be changed by the excessive expense and time wasting thst lead to this impeachment debacle. Come November here folks will remember where their bread is buttered and vote for Trump. I have no worries about that.
Doesn't matter much. Trump will go down in the history books alongside Clinton as a president who was impeached, but allowed to remain in office. And, that is going to stick for the rest of time, no matter how much Trump supporters wish otherwise.
Impeachment is not a conviction of anything, moron.
By a 15-point margin Americans say that, despite being acquitted in the Senate, Donald Trump has not been cleared of wrongdoing in the Ukraine matter. Fully 55% say Trump has not been exonerated by his acquittal while 40% believe he has, according a new Quinnipiac poll released Monday. The views of independents track almost perfectly with those findings, with 54% saying Trump has not been cleared and 40% saying he has.

Solid majority of Americans say Senate acquittal did not clear Trump of wrongdoing

In other words Not total acquittal.

In fact, Trump wasn’t ‘acquitted’ at all.

Trump engaged in abuse of power and contempt of Congress – that’s why he was impeached.

The Senate vote solely addressed the question as to whether Trump should be removed from office the consequence of the fact that he engaged in abuse of power and contempt of Congress.
Wrong. The reason he was impeached is the fact that Democrats know they are going to lose in November. Impeachment is meaningless without a conviction, you fucking dumbass.
By a 15-point margin Americans say that, despite being acquitted in the Senate, Donald Trump has not been cleared of wrongdoing in the Ukraine matter. Fully 55% say Trump has not been exonerated by his acquittal while 40% believe he has, according a new Quinnipiac poll released Monday. The views of independents track almost perfectly with those findings, with 54% saying Trump has not been cleared and 40% saying he has.

Solid majority of Americans say Senate acquittal did not clear Trump of wrongdoing

In other words Not total acquittal.

When the Republicans take back the House, there will be a motion to expunge the impeachment and the Senate will vote to approve. That's how filthy the liberal commies were.

Actually is shows how pathetic the right are in the US
By a 15-point margin Americans say that, despite being acquitted in the Senate, Donald Trump has not been cleared of wrongdoing in the Ukraine matter. Fully 55% say Trump has not been exonerated by his acquittal while 40% believe he has, according a new Quinnipiac poll released Monday. The views of independents track almost perfectly with those findings, with 54% saying Trump has not been cleared and 40% saying he has.

Solid majority of Americans say Senate acquittal did not clear Trump of wrongdoing

In other words Not total acquittal.

When the Republicans take back the House, there will be a motion to expunge the impeachment and the Senate will vote to approve. That's how filthy the liberal commies were.

Actually is shows how pathetic the right are in the US
The fact that the Dims believe they have won something shows how pathetic they are.
By a 15-point margin Americans say that, despite being acquitted in the Senate, Donald Trump has not been cleared of wrongdoing in the Ukraine matter. Fully 55% say Trump has not been exonerated by his acquittal while 40% believe he has, according a new Quinnipiac poll released Monday. The views of independents track almost perfectly with those findings, with 54% saying Trump has not been cleared and 40% saying he has.

Solid majority of Americans say Senate acquittal did not clear Trump of wrongdoing

In other words Not total acquittal.
Yeah right. This won't end until the DOJ investigates every single ringleader of this Democratic led putsch and removes them from office or puts them in jail. Nobody wants this, or likes where this is going.

Political purges eh? How ....Russian.
Trying to remove lawfully elected president without any proof of an indictable crime? The psychological warfare (gaslighting) the democrats are indulging in..that sounds like something out of Stalins playbook.

Show me please where it says anything in the impeachment rules that there must be an indictable crime? That's you making up the rules.

In fact, it's quite the opposite...

Gas lighting? Purges? That's YOUR playbook at this moment.
I keep reading this same bollocks. Get this through your head: YOU CANNOT REMOVE A PRESIDENT ON UNSUBSTANTIATED SUBJECTIVE ALLEGATIONS! Its so basic perhaps you missed that.
I keep reading this same bollocks. Get this through your head: YOU CANNOT REMOVE A PRESIDENT ON UNSUBSTANTIATED SUBJECTIVE ALLEGATIONS! Its so basic perhaps you missed that.

They are absolutely substantive...
Doesn't matter much. Trump will go down in the history books alongside Clinton as a president who was impeached, but allowed to remain in office. And, that is going to stick for the rest of time, no matter how much Trump supporters wish otherwise.
All that means is a flawed accusation was rendered...and rejected. Big friggen whoop!
By a 15-point margin Americans say that, despite being acquitted in the Senate, Donald Trump has not been cleared of wrongdoing in the Ukraine matter. Fully 55% say Trump has not been exonerated by his acquittal while 40% believe he has, according a new Quinnipiac poll released Monday. The views of independents track almost perfectly with those findings, with 54% saying Trump has not been cleared and 40% saying he has.

Solid majority of Americans say Senate acquittal did not clear Trump of wrongdoing

In other words Not total acquittal.
thinking so much of something that is so insignificant is a CLEAR sign of TDS
I guess EVERY American participated in the poll???!!!! hahahahaha
NO they did not --DUH
Wait, so polls are only accurate if every American participates?

friggin dumfuk
I wonder if the polling companies even make contact with people anymore. I am assuming they just make the polls up on the fly now. They have predicted Dem wins in just about every contested race for the last 20 years. How many races have they polled in favor of a Republican that was lost on election day? Its always Dem by 10 points, yet often the GOP wins.

Most of the time polls have been right. Even in the last presidential election. Hillary got 3 million more votes than the Fuckwit In Chief. That reflected the polls. The antiquated EC was the reason he won.
I wonder if the polling companies even make contact with people anymore. I am assuming they just make the polls up on the fly now. They have predicted Dem wins in just about every contested race for the last 20 years. How many races have they polled in favor of a Republican that was lost on election day? Its always Dem by 10 points, yet often the GOP wins.

Most of the time polls have been right. Even in the last presidential election. Hillary got 3 million more votes than the Fuckwit In Chief. That reflected the polls. The antiquated EC was the reason he won.
You won't admit that Obama was not a good President. He was a one termer. But the color of his skin overruled the content of his character and was reelected. Mother nature if given a path, can correct a lot of the damage done in the least damaging way itself. And that is what happened. If Hillary won, our nation would be in trouble. It would be over. I do not know if there would be any violence from the deplorables. But the move to going massively further left would have continued unabated. And Progs no matter how much they scream about the rich, love taking from the working class. Especially the working class not in privileged jobs. And Trump did beat her in votes. The Prog vote fraud and the Prog illegal votes gave Hillary more.
Our system of jurisprudence is the fact that prevails and not liberal feelings, wishes and suspicions.
Candyasses find your safe spaces.
90% of liberals when polled said hits and not runs determine, or they feel should determine, the outcome of a baseball game.

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