Some Democrats start calling for Biden to step aside and 'throw in the towel' on 2024


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
But will Jill listen? Probably not, 'power' apparently is more important to her than her husbands health.

Some Democrats began calling for President Joe Biden to step aside so the party can nominate another candidate after he stumbled badly in Thursday's debate against his Republican rival, former President Donald Trump.

"This was like a champion boxer who gets in the ring past his prime and needs his corner to throw in the towel," said a Democratic lawmaker, adding that he meant Biden should exit the race.
But will Jill listen? Probably not, 'power' apparently is more important to her than her husbands health.

if joe has Parkinson & Lewy-Bodies he has about 30 - 60 days to live.
wouldn't be surprised to see him in a wheel chair in a couple of weeks
Announcement is coming out soon about his giving it up. He is at Camp David today with the family....then when he returns is supposedly going to make a few phone calls and then have a press conference or release.

Kamala is upset she isn't being considered for anything....not for president or even VP. (Watchout, she is vindictive)

Speculation abounds with who will be given the nod. RFK Jr.? Michelle Obama? Or someone else. This year is a disaster year with rebuilding for the foreseeable future....

The House is decidedly Republican....Senate is leaning that way too. Now with the SCOTUS and White House going all Republican....

Democrats are rethinking their entire platform.
Whoever runs for president, it will be an unknown, according to polls, unknowns do the best against Trump. I would not doubt that the will wait as long as possible to replace Biden. Closer to September so they person does not have to run against Trump.
Announcement is coming out soon about his giving it up. He is at Camp David today with the family....then when he returns is supposedly going to make a few phone calls and then have a press conference or release.

Kamala is upset she isn't being considered for anything....not for president or even VP. (Watchout, she is vindictive)

Speculation abounds with who will be given the nod. RFK Jr.? Michelle Obama? Or someone else. This year is a disaster year with rebuilding for the foreseeable future....

The House is decidedly Republican....Senate is leaning that way too. Now with the SCOTUS and White House going all Republican....

Democrats are rethinking their entire platform.
Joee Biden's campaign Saturday denied a report that he "is expected to discuss the future of his re-election campaign with family at Camp David on Sunday" after a problematic debate.

Biden has been called on to drop out of the race after he fumbled his words at the CNN debate versus Donald Trump. Raw Story reported this weekend that he was reportedly "meeting with his campaign co-chair in the Hamptons" amid the growing concerns about his age and mental state.

Later in the day, NBC News reported that "he and first lady Jill Biden are scheduled to join their children and grandchildren" at the pre-planned event.
The actual number is over 161 million.

But some folks just believe what they're told, without questioning it.

It is just a meme cartoon I stole....but if you want you can correct it for me.

There is evidence of collusion and vote fraud especially in Swing states. There usually is in every's just that in this one it was enough to get Biden elected.
But if the race wasn't close it wouldn't have mattered. It just happened too this time.

So....moving forward....Trump will get yet another SCOTUS pick. The Senate might lean R and the House is going to remain R for a long time.

So....three branches of Government going Conservative? Not exactly a good thing without strong leadership. You end up with a buggy without a horse.
Joee Biden's campaign Saturday denied a report that he "is expected to discuss the future of his re-election campaign with family at Camp David on Sunday" after a problematic debate.

Biden has been called on to drop out of the race after he fumbled his words at the CNN debate versus Donald Trump. Raw Story reported this weekend that he was reportedly "meeting with his campaign co-chair in the Hamptons" amid the growing concerns about his age and mental state.

Later in the day, NBC News reported that "he and first lady Jill Biden are scheduled to join their children and grandchildren" at the pre-planned event.
We shall see what comes....NYT has 20+ articles discussing Biden's step down.
I think the party bigwigs and the media have had this scripted for years. They knew Biden would never handle it but they also knew all his potential replacements were dogshit. So, to limit his replacement's exposure to the public, they're going to delay the switch for as long as possible. It'll be just like Joe hiding in his basement in 2020. The Democrat party and our crooked media that is so far up Democrat's asses, are what will destroy this country. MAGA
Drooling *Joe is the candidate. They will hide him until the election and use their media to bash Trump 24/7.
If Biden is unfit to run, then he's also unfit to be President now. Put Kamala in there. The same Marxist Democrats will still be calling the shots so nothing will change. That way, the nomination should theoretically go to Kamala. After all, she IS the one they chose to be Biden's replacement (VP). Or will the Democrats shitcan her for Whitey? It's really no surprise that they can't run our country. They can't even run their own party, even with the full backing of the media, the deep state and our education system. Democrats gotta go. MAGA
It is just a meme cartoon I stole....but if you want you can correct it for me.

There is evidence of collusion and vote fraud especially in Swing states. There usually is in every's just that in this one it was enough to get Biden elected.
But if the race wasn't close it wouldn't have mattered. It just happened too this time.

So....moving forward....Trump will get yet another SCOTUS pick. The Senate might lean R and the House is going to remain R for a long time.

So....three branches of Government going Conservative? Not exactly a good thing without strong leadership. You end up with a buggy without a horse.
It will definitely be strong. Lots of changes. So we'll see
if joe has Parkinson & Lewy-Bodies he has about 30 - 60 days to live.
wouldn't be surprised to see him in a wheel chair in a couple of weeks

The way he is walking now compared to just a year ago, you have to seriously wonder if something other than age is going on.

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