"some girls rape so easy"

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Roger Rivard, Wisconsin Legislator, Criticized Over 'Some Girls Rape Easy' Remark

"He also told me one thing, 'If you do (have premarital sex), just remember, consensual sex can turn into rape in an awful hurry,'" Rivard said. "Because all of a sudden a young lady gets pregnant and the parents are madder than a wet hen and she's not going to say, 'Oh, yeah, I was part of the program.' All that she has to say or the parents have to say is it was rape because she's underage. And he just said, 'Remember, Roger, if you go down that road, some girls,' he said, 'they rape so easy.'

"What the whole genesis of it was, it was advice to me, telling me, 'If you're going to go down that road, you may have consensual sex that night and then the next morning it may be rape.' So the way he said it was, 'Just remember, Roger, some girls, they rape so easy. It may be rape the next morning.'

"So it's been kind of taken out of context."

This is the kind of bullshit one expects from extremely immature college/high school boys but certainly not from real MEN. And, from a GOP LAWMAKER??????????

Every day, we get more and more information about how vile and disgusting and low life the pubpots are but, my bet is that the rw's will defend this asshole too.
His comments were disgraceful, but I think I get what he was trying to say. It is true that some girls will accuse a bloke of rape because they changed their mind the next morning. I just think he used the wrong words to explain what he meant.
While there are cases of false rape accusations, I think the real tragedy of statements like this is that they are used to try to make all rapes look fake in order to so that the candidate's position against all abortion doesn't appear to be the cold-hearted and ignorant policy that it actually is.
Roger Rivard, Wisconsin Legislator, Criticized Over 'Some Girls Rape Easy' Remark

"He also told me one thing, 'If you do (have premarital sex), just remember, consensual sex can turn into rape in an awful hurry,'" Rivard said. "Because all of a sudden a young lady gets pregnant and the parents are madder than a wet hen and she's not going to say, 'Oh, yeah, I was part of the program.' All that she has to say or the parents have to say is it was rape because she's underage. And he just said, 'Remember, Roger, if you go down that road, some girls,' he said, 'they rape so easy.'

"What the whole genesis of it was, it was advice to me, telling me, 'If you're going to go down that road, you may have consensual sex that night and then the next morning it may be rape.' So the way he said it was, 'Just remember, Roger, some girls, they rape so easy. It may be rape the next morning.'

"So it's been kind of taken out of context."

This is the kind of bullshit one expects from extremely immature college/high school boys but certainly not from real MEN. And, from a GOP LAWMAKER??????????

Every day, we get more and more information about how vile and disgusting and low life the pubpots are but, my bet is that the rw's will defend this asshole too.

Taken out of context??? lmfao...This dudes views on women are apparently up there with Romney and his ilk. lol...what next? "She shouldn't have worn that dress" ? - stp -
What a asshole.
Consensual sex often turns into an easy rape. It's called a one night stand. He said he would call and didn't turns into "I've been raped" all too often.
Consensual sex often turns into an easy rape. It's called a one night stand. He said he would call and didn't turns into "I've been raped" all too often.

You're very ignorant and so incredibly full of anger, bitterness and hate.
Consensual sex often turns into an easy rape. It's called a one night stand. He said he would call and didn't turns into "I've been raped" all too often.

And where is your evidence of it being "all too often?"
Consensual sex often turns into an easy rape. It's called a one night stand. He said he would call and didn't turns into "I've been raped" all too often.

And where is your evidence of it being "all too often?"

The number of women who later claim that they got pregnant as a result of rape and now want a free abortion. They just don't want to report it as a rape.

However, for statistical purposes, the FBI statistics show that 8% to as high as 15% of REPORTED rapes are false. For the purposes of THIS topic, rape includes unreported rape, meaning rape that exists solely in the mind of the rape victim.

The Forensic Examiner | Archive | Spring 09
Degrees of "Not True"
A certain percentage of rape complaints are classified as "unfounded" by the police and excluded from the FBI's statistics. For example, in 1995, 8% of all forcible rape cases were closed as unfounded, as were 15% in 1996 (Greenfeld, 1997). According to the FBI, a report should only be considered unfounded when investigation revealed that the elements of the crime were not met or the report was "false" (which is not defined) (FBI, 2007).
Say what??...
Judges overturn rape conviction, urge law change
4 Jan.`13 — California appellate judges urged legislators to update an arcane 19th century law, as the panel reversed the rape conviction of a man who authorities say pretended to be a sleeping woman's boyfriend before initiating intercourse.
The Los Angeles-based appeals court said that the 1872 measure doesn't give single women the same protections as their married counterparts in certain rape cases. Julio Morales had been convicted and sentenced to three years in state prison, found guilty of entering a woman's bedroom late one night once her boyfriend had gone home and initiating sexual intercourse while she was asleep, after a night of drinking. But a panel of judges overturned the trial court's conviction and remanded it for retrial, in a decision posted this week.

The victim said her boyfriend was in the room when she fell asleep, and they'd decided against having sex that night because he didn't have a condom and he had to be somewhere early the next day. Morales pretended to be her boyfriend in the darkened room, and it wasn't until a ray of light from outside the room flashed across his face that she realized he wasn't her boyfriend, according to prosecutors. "Has the man committed rape? Because of historical anomalies in the law and the statutory definition of rape, the answer is no, even though, if the woman had been married and the man had impersonated her husband, the answer would be yes," Judge Thomas L. Willhite Jr. wrote in the court's decision.

The appeals court added that prosecutors argued two theories, and it was unclear if the jury convicted Morales because the defendant tricked the victim or because sex with a sleeping person is defined as rape by law. The court said the case should be retried to ensure the jury's conviction is supported by the latter argument. The decision also urges the Legislature to examine the law, which was first written in response to cases in England that concluded fraudulent impersonation to have sex wasn't rape because the victim would consent, even if they were being tricked into thinking the perpetrator was their husband.

Willhite noted that the law has been applied inconsistently over the years in California. In 2010, a similar law in Idaho prevented an unmarried woman from pressing rape charges after being tricked into sex with a stranger by her then-boyfriend. The judge called what happened "despicable" but said the state's law left the court with no choice. Idaho's law was amended to cover all women in 2011. Morales' attorney Edward Schulman declined comment when reached by phone Thursday. Prior to the conviction, Schulman had argued Morales believed the sex was consensual because the victim responded to his kisses and caresses, according to the decision.

Another media matters scoop? MM never sleeps as long as there is an elected republican somewhere. We still have bubba Bill Clinton bumbling around to rave left wing audiences even though credible testimony from a victim implicated him in a class #1 rape felony. Democrats breathed a sigh of relief that the statute of limitations expired and quickly forgot about the sleaze bag and his criminally enabler wife.
[ame=http://youtu.be/8hhu-OyHqZM]Stone Temple Pilots - Sex Type Thing (Video) - YouTube[/ame]
My guess is that you could have caught Hillary saying the same thing if we ever had the same sources of biased eves dropping on the right as we have on the left.
Consensual sex often turns into an easy rape. It's called a one night stand. He said he would call and didn't turns into "I've been raped" all too often.

That's why you always introduce yourself as Bob at the club.:eusa_clap:

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