Some Inaugural Performers Who Have Not Chickened Out: The Piano Guys

This campaign of threats and intimidation against people for daring to perform at a presidential inaugural is really a war on civil society.

Really, not showing up is a "war on civil society"? Odd that, I consider it a non violent protest, allowing the President-elect his final victory party, attended by his supporters, cronies and the obsequious seeking a job.

let's consider how the Tea Party reacted in the summer when Democrats had town meetings:

5 Memorable Moments When Town Hall Meetings Turned To Rage

Tea Party Protests: 'Ni**er,' 'Fa**ot' Shouted At Members Of Congress | The Huffington Post

The right’s hypocrisy on Trump protesters: It was only OK when the Tea Party was crashing Obamacare meetings

Rep. Wilson shouts, 'You lie' to Obama during speech -

Tea Party protests - Wikipedia

Ah, but that's different you see.
This campaign of threats and intimidation against people for daring to perform at a presidential inaugural is really a war on civil society.

Really, not showing up is a "war on civil society"? Odd that, I consider it a non violent protest, allowing the President-elect his final victory party, attended by his supporters, cronies and the obsequious seeking a job.

let's consider how the Tea Party reacted in the summer when Democrats had town meetings:

5 Memorable Moments When Town Hall Meetings Turned To Rage

Tea Party Protests: 'Ni**er,' 'Fa**ot' Shouted At Members Of Congress | The Huffington Post

Proven FALSE!

The right’s hypocrisy on Trump protesters: It was only OK when the Tea Party was crashing Obamacare meetings

Rep. Wilson shouts, 'You lie' to Obama during speech -

Tea Party protests - Wikipedia

You lie, but you're a dimocrap scumbag. Par for the course

Is Video evidence okay or do you need a signed affadavit from God Almighty?

That's what I thought. But God is at an early Happy Hour so yo'll have to make do

dimocraps lie

It's what they do
This campaign of threats and intimidation against people for daring to perform at a presidential inaugural is really a war on civil society.

You consider trump and his supporters civil?

Did you not watch and listen to trump and his supporters during the campaign?

I have yet to see Trump supporters burning down and looting businesses.
Hillary supporters it is a weekly event.

And your support of death threats is noted.

All one has to do is look at the arrests and trash left behind at the occupy events.

Those folks must be demonized. This is america. We cannot have ordinary citizens organizing to question the economic system and Wall Street socialist bailouts.

Of course we can. It's not difficult to be civil and respect private property. Occupy destroyed private property, left trash in the streets, urinated and defecated in the streets like wild animals.

A minority of street people, not the organizers of OWS, engaged in lewd and unruly behavior. You post is another example of a lie by omission by a right wing hack. More likely an echo of a right wing hack whose biases prevented him/her from differentiating fact from meme.
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A truth well written, the event is exclusively for the First and Second Estates, and of course the cronies, obsequious job seekers and Brown Shirts who have no clue.

For the Clergy and the Nobility?

You really a pathetically stupid little bitch
smart people don't want to be associated with Trump.

Pence found a loophole. He gets to be President when Trump is impeached and he'll get Trump die-hards from hating him by pardoning Trump.
A minority of street people, not the organizers of OWS, engaged in lewd and unruly behavior. You post is another example of a lie by omission by a right wing hack. More likely an echo of a right wing hack whose biases prevented him/her from differentiating fact from meme.

YOU are a lying, scum-sucking piece of human FILTH

Occupy Cleveland Turns to Terror | RedState

The arrest totals numbered 7,775

St. Pete for Peace

Is that what you a 'minority' you lying piece of fucking shit?

In the very beginning, 700 scumbags were arrested on ONE DAY in New Yawk Shitty..... A minority?

The number of rapes is uncountable because most of the rape victims won't report the crime out of embarrassment.

Arson crimes were off the chart. Theft by force and by stealth were in the stratosphere, assaults were the norm...

You are a seriously sick shitbag.

A total piece of FILTH
A truth well written, the event is exclusively for the First and Second Estates, and of course the cronies, obsequious job seekers and Brown Shirts who have no clue.

For the Clergy and the Nobility?

You really a pathetically stupid little bitch

You have the class of many a punk I've had the pleasure of putting in a cage. A bad ass foul mouth barely literate petty criminal too dumb to pass the attitude test.

That said, and I'm sorry you are a concrete thinker and cannot abstract the meaning of the First and Second Estates in contemporary American History - not that I expect a bad ass foul mouth and barely literate petty criminal could. For others, the Clergy is mindful of Pence and his comment, a paraphrase, but his message is clear; and trump and his selection of Generals, Wall Streeters and cronies for his administration.

I doubt that a punk like you will get it, but feel free to attack my character and intelligence while hiding behind your keyboard. Oh, and I seem to have forgotten the definition of a punk is a coward. As for my being a bitch, wrong sex and species; and little, well, I'm 6'2"" and weigh 232 pounds at my last physical.
A minority of street people, not the organizers of OWS, engaged in lewd and unruly behavior. You post is another example of a lie by omission by a right wing hack. More likely an echo of a right wing hack whose biases prevented him/her from differentiating fact from meme.

YOU are a lying, scum-sucking piece of human FILTH

Occupy Cleveland Turns to Terror | RedState

The arrest totals numbered 7,775

St. Pete for Peace

Is that what you a 'minority' you lying piece of fucking shit?

In the very beginning, 700 scumbags were arrested on ONE DAY in New Yawk Shitty..... A minority?

The number of rapes is uncountable because most of the rape victims won't report the crime out of embarrassment.

Arson crimes were off the chart. Theft by force and by stealth were in the stratosphere, assaults were the norm...

You are a seriously sick shitbag.

A total piece of FILTH

Are you wrong about everything in real life too? Or just on the internet?
You consider trump and his supporters civil?

Did you not watch and listen to trump and his supporters during the campaign?
I have yet to see Trump supporters burning down and looting businesses.
Hillary supporters it is a weekly event.

And your support of death threats is noted.

All one has to do is look at the arrests and trash left behind at the occupy events.

Those folks must be demonized. This is america. We cannot have ordinary citizens organizing to question the economic system and Wall Street socialist bailouts.

Of course we can. It's not difficult to be civil and respect private property. Occupy destroyed private property, left trash in the streets, urinated and defecated in the streets like wild animals.

A minority of street people, not the organizers of OWS, engaged in lewd and unruly behavior. You post is another example of a lie by omission by a right wing hack. More likely and echo of a right wing hack whose biases prevented him/her from differentiating fact from meme.

Agree, to a point, but look, the media machine is pretty much at this point entirely in the hands of 6 major multinational corporations who control the messaging and to a great extent the perceptual reality of the masses in american society. Most of us either don’t have or won’t take the time to research this stuff for ourselves, and “fake news” is no new phenomenon. The entire corporate media machine painted the protest in that light, not just so called right wing outlets. Neoliberalism has utterly failed society; neoliberals are just as in the pocket of Wall Street and concentrated corporate power as the right is, there is no difference. Occupy was put down in the manner it was by the corporate state and portrayed in the press as it was because it was a grass roots effort of unsubstantial people to confront and question both our corporate controlled economic system and our corporate controlled political system. This is how the power structure will deal with any effort to question the system, we’re all fair game and any who rise up will be demonized.

Ah, but wait, then there was the Cliven Bundy business which was handled quite differently was it not. They actually showed up with weapons and pointed them at legal authorities didn’t they. And then certain outlets portrayed them as patriots and freedom fighters for taking advantage of american taxpayers and not paying to graze on public lands. Wonder what the difference was. Corporate power wants to take over public land just as they’d like to privatize everything. The Koch brother’s Montana cattle operation grazes cattle on public lands at tax payer subsidized rates. Odd that.

I find it odd that americans have pretty much bought into this orchestrated meme that concentrated govt power is what we need to focus on. Sure, always, but I would argue that concentrated corporate wealth and power that takes over your govt is just as sinister, and perhaps more so.

These political parties, personalities and partisanshit are merely a curtain that the wizards hide behind. The massive surveillance state initiated under Bush II in the aftermath of 9/11 blew up under Obama’s steroid injections. Then he “legalized” the targeted assassination of american citizens. You have a for profit prison system, a growth industry now by the way, that requires full capacity for maximal profitability. Add to that, that in some states it is once again “legal” to lease out convict labor to corporations. You really think corporate power needs a jobs program?

Think about it. Private prison corporation stock is traded on Wall Street, and of course the industry has a stable of lawyers and lobbyists who draft legislation to benefit the industry. So now we have a profit motive in this society for more criminalized behaviors, longer sentencing, even higher rates of incarceration within the world’s premier incarceration society, higher rates of recidivism, and higher crime rates in society. Additionally once the system can tag someone with the “felon” moniker; no rights, no vote (whether permanent or varyingly temporary subject to location), no problem.

Then we have the ongoing american sacrifice zones phenomenon. We’ve always had them; any major city ghetto, Appalachia, Native “reservations”. They’ve become militarized occupation sites as Ferguson demonstrated. The poor must be controlled, especially when they question power. If you think you’re off limits because you’re white I would suggest you might want to rethink that. Or you can elect to wait until you no longer can. These things are always rolled out first on a group that the larger society will tolerate, conditioning them to what comes later.

And it is all utterly bipartisan. The vote is a ruse because swapping out personalities alters nothing but the face you are allowed to openly despise and screech at each other over, while the societal trajectory marches on, a half century on now, utterly unabated.

I’m sorry; I simply cannot turn on those with the will and courage to question the system. If it was just the system would not have to fear the people.
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A truth well written, the event is exclusively for the First and Second Estates, and of course the cronies, obsequious job seekers and Brown Shirts who have no clue.

For the Clergy and the Nobility?

You really a pathetically stupid little bitch

You have the class of many a punk I've had the pleasure of putting in a cage. A bad ass foul mouth barely literate petty criminal too dumb to pass the attitude test.

That said, and I'm sorry you are a concrete thinker and cannot abstract the meaning of the First and Second Estates in contemporary American History - not that I expect a bad ass foul mouth and barely literate petty criminal could. For others, the Clergy is mindful of Pence and his comment, a paraphrase, but his message is clear; and trump and his selection of Generals, Wall Streeters and cronies for his administration.

I doubt that a punk like you will get it, but feel free to attack my character and intelligence while hiding behind your keyboard. Oh, and I seem to have forgotten the definition of a punk is a coward. As for my being a bitch, wrong sex and species; and little, well, I'm 6'2"" and weigh 232 pounds at my last physical.
Snowflake is melting down.
You have the class of many a punk I've had the pleasure of putting in a cage. A bad ass foul mouth barely literate petty criminal too dumb to pass the attitude test.

That said, and I'm sorry you are a concrete thinker and cannot abstract the meaning of the First and Second Estates in contemporary American History - not that I expect a bad ass foul mouth and barely literate petty criminal could. For others, the Clergy is mindful of Pence and his comment, a paraphrase, but his message is clear; and trump and his selection of Generals, Wall Streeters and cronies for his administration.

I doubt that a punk like you will get it, but feel free to attack my character and intelligence while hiding behind your keyboard. Oh, and I seem to have forgotten the definition of a punk is a coward. As for my being a bitch, wrong sex and species; and little, well, I'm 6'2"" and weigh 232 pounds at my last physical.

Here's a solution, stop lying like a scumbag bitch and I'll stop calling you a lying scumbag bitch.

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