Some media clown just asked Trump if saying the Coronavirus came from China is racist.

I see we've been merged with some pre-existing condition thread, called "
Some media clown just asked Trump if saying the Coronavirus came from China is racist"

What was his answer?

It isn't "racist", it's a blanket/association fallacy. The virus did not come from "China". The virus came from Wuhan.

Interesting how the latest OP (now post 244) somehow extrapolated "some media clown" (singular) into "Dimsocialists" (whatever that might mean). He must have a duplicator device. Mal-Wart must be having a sale on logical fallacies.
Wuhan is in CHINA, Genius.

And did the virus start EVERYWHERE in China, Doofus?

If you buy a Maine lobster, did it come from Idaho?

Or a Georgia peach, is it from Alaska?

Do the Kansas City Chiefs play for Kansas? Oh wait, they do.

Pinpointing the origin to Wuhan, but then ignoring that and diluting it to an entire country., is just Cult of Ignorance writ large. 99% of "China" had nothing to do with it. It's like saying you "don't speak Mexican" because you're too much of a dimwit to recognize "Spanish".
Where did the Spanish flu originate? Where did the German measles originate?

Excellent point. "Spanish Flu" originated most likely in Kansas. The name "Spanish" is more ignorance, attributed to it because Span was the only affected country that actually reported its epidemic honestly. At the same time the US, where Kansas is, was creating a propaganda department to bury that same news. Not because it was from Kansas, but because if Merkins were aware there was an epidemic going on they might not want to go to war, and then they would have had the proverbial war where nobody came.
What town in Germany did the German measles originate?
I see we've been merged with some pre-existing condition thread, called "
Some media clown just asked Trump if saying the Coronavirus came from China is racist"

What was his answer?

It isn't "racist", it's a blanket/association fallacy. The virus did not come from "China". The virus came from Wuhan.

Interesting how the latest OP (now post 244) somehow extrapolated "some media clown" (singular) into "Dimsocialists" (whatever that might mean). He must have a duplicator device. Mal-Wart must be having a sale on logical fallacies.
Wuhan is in CHINA, Genius.

And did the virus start EVERYWHERE in China, Doofus?

If you buy a Maine lobster, did it come from Idaho?

Or a Georgia peach, is it from Alaska?

Do the Kansas City Chiefs play for Kansas? Oh wait, they do.

Pinpointing the origin to Wuhan, but then ignoring that and diluting it to an entire country., is just Cult of Ignorance writ large. 99% of "China" had nothing to do with it. It's like saying you "don't speak Mexican" because you're too much of a dimwit to recognize "Spanish".
Where did the Spanish flu originate? Where did the German measles originate?

Excellent point. "Spanish Flu" originated most likely in Kansas. The name "Spanish" is more ignorance, attributed to it because Span was the only affected country that actually reported its epidemic honestly. At the same time the US, where Kansas is, was creating a propaganda department to bury that same news. Not because it was from Kansas, but because if Merkins were aware there was an epidemic going on they might not want to go to war, and then they would have had the proverbial war where nobody came.
What town in Germany did the German measles originate?

AGAIN ---- Germany didn't exist then. "German Measles" is a colloquial name, derived from the fact that its discoverers were Germans. Its proper name is Rubella.
Wuhan is in CHINA, Genius.

And did the virus start EVERYWHERE in China, Doofus?

If you buy a Maine lobster, did it come from Idaho?

Or a Georgia peach, is it from Alaska?

Do the Kansas City Chiefs play for Kansas? Oh wait, they do.

Pinpointing the origin to Wuhan, but then ignoring that and diluting it to an entire country., is just Cult of Ignorance writ large. 99% of "China" had nothing to do with it. It's like saying you "don't speak Mexican" because you're too much of a dimwit to recognize "Spanish".
Where did the Spanish flu originate? Where did the German measles originate?

Excellent point. "Spanish Flu" originated most likely in Kansas. The name "Spanish" is more ignorance, attributed to it because Span was the only affected country that actually reported its epidemic honestly. At the same time the US, where Kansas is, was creating a propaganda department to bury that same news. Not because it was from Kansas, but because if Merkins were aware there was an epidemic going on they might not want to go to war, and then they would have had the proverbial war where nobody came.
What town in Germany did the German measles originate?

AGAIN ---- Germany didn't exist then. "German Measles" is a colloquial name, derived from the fact that its discoverers were Germans. Its proper name is Rubella.
The point is the Spanish flu and German measles have been known by those terms for years and years. The fact is this disease is called the Chinese flu. Move on.
Poor Pogo............all butthurt that the Chinese flu is called the Chinese flu.
Surely the Chinese will retaliate and start calling the 'Swine flu' of 2009 The "The American Imperialist Pig" Virus.

Your president calls it that because China has been telling its sheep the virus came from our military

Swine flu originated in MEXICO

President Trumpybear calls it that because he is a moron. H1N1 flu originated in America. You okay it being call the American Virus by other countries?

Lying is stupid for something so easily verifiable.

It’s total bitch to worry about the fucking name. The most bitch.

"WHO officials said the agency wanted to avoid a name that refers to geographical location, animals or groups of people to avoid stigmatizing a country or individual group of people. The coronavirus was tentatively referred to as 2019-nCoV, with some calling it the “Wuhan virus,” the Chinese city where the illness is believed to have originated. "

But stigmatizing is Trumpybears abrasive style. It's what he does.

WHO: Coronavirus disease officially named COVID-19

Since when?

Spanish Flu (1918) - Spain
Ebola - Ebola river
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
MERS Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (2012)
Zika (2015) - Ziika forest in Uganda
Hong Kong Flu (1968)
London Flu (1972)
Nipah Virus (1998) - Sungi Nipah, Malaysia
Japanese Encephalitis (2017)
Asian Flu (1956)
Poor Pogo............all butthurt that the Chinese flu is called the Chinese flu.

Actually it's called COVID 19. File that away under "things to go :lalala: about"

Poor Cult of Ignorance............ required by their bizarre Code of Unethcs to reject all knowledge in a bizarre quest to appear stupid.

Yes Wuhan is in China.
And China is in Asia. That makes is an Asian flu.
And Asia is in the Northern Hemisphere. That makes it a Northern flu.
And the Northern Hemisphere is on Earth. That makes it an Terrestrial flu.
And Earth is in the Sol system. That makes it a Solar flu.
And the Sol system is in the Milky Way Galaxy. That makes it a Milky flu.
And the MWG is in the Universe. That makes it a Universal flu.
Can't have too much detail now. We don't want no accuracy here -- what we want is raw emotion.

This is the same lame shit y'all CoI cultists pull when you start yammering about "the South fought for Slavery" --- IGNORING that much of the South did not.

Or that "Democrats were the slaveowners" --- IGNORING the fact that the vast majority were not.

Or that "'Bernie Bros'" did whatever --- IGNORING that the vast majority did not.

Or that "Liberals" this, and "leftists" that, IGNORING the myriad exceptions to the blanket fantasy. Or dumbass threads like this.

Notice the common action there? Here's a hint --- I put it in ALL CAPS. Now watch this.

“There is a cult of IGNORance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”
Last edited:
Surely the Chinese will retaliate and start calling the 'Swine flu' of 2009 The "The American Imperialist Pig" Virus.

Your president calls it that because China has been telling its sheep the virus came from our military

Swine flu originated in MEXICO

President Trumpybear calls it that because he is a moron. H1N1 flu originated in America. You okay it being call the American Virus by other countries?

Lying is stupid for something so easily verifiable.

It’s total bitch to worry about the fucking name. The most bitch.

"WHO officials said the agency wanted to avoid a name that refers to geographical location, animals or groups of people to avoid stigmatizing a country or individual group of people. The coronavirus was tentatively referred to as 2019-nCoV, with some calling it the “Wuhan virus,” the Chinese city where the illness is believed to have originated. "

But stigmatizing is Trumpybears abrasive style. It's what he does.

WHO: Coronavirus disease officially named COVID-19

Since when?

Spanish Flu (1918) - Spain
Ebola - Ebola river
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
MERS Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (2012)
Zika (2015) - Ziika forest in Uganda
Hong Kong Flu (1968)
London Flu (1972)
Nipah Virus (1998) - Sungi Nipah, Malaysia
Japanese Encephalitis (2017)
Asian Flu (1956)

Once AGAIN --- the "Spanish Flu" DID NOT COME FROM SPAIN. The name is dishonest.

READ the thread.
Poor Pogo............all butthurt that the Chinese flu is called the Chinese flu.

Poor Cult of Ignorance............ required by their bizarre Code of Unethcs to reject all knowledge in a bizarre quest to appear stupid.

Yes Wuhan is in China.
And China is in Asia. That makes is an Asian flu.
And Asia is in the Northern Hemisphere. That makes it a Northern flu.
And the Northern Hemisphere is on Earth. That makes it an Terrestrial flu.
And Earth is in the Sol system. That makes it a Solar flu.
And the Sol system is in the Milky Way Galaxy. That makes it a Milky flu.
And the MWG is in the Universe. That makes it a Universal flu.
Can't have too much detail now. We don't want no accuracy here -- what we want is raw emotion.

This is the same lame shit y'all CoI cultists pull when you start yammering about "the South fought for Slavery" --- IGNORING that much of the South did not.

Or that "Democrats were the slaveowners" --- IGNORING the fact that the vast majority were not.

Or that "'Bernie Bros'" did whatever --- IGNORING that the vast majority did not.

Or that "Liberals" this, and "leftists" that, IGNORING the myriad exceptions to the blanket fantasy.

Notice the common action there? Here's a hint --- I put it in ALL CAPS.

“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”
^^^^Massive butthurt over the Chinese flu being called the Chinese flu.^^^^^^^

Surely the Chinese will retaliate and start calling the 'Swine flu' of 2009 The "The American Imperialist Pig" Virus.

Your president calls it that because China has been telling its sheep the virus came from our military

Swine flu originated in MEXICO

President Trumpybear calls it that because he is a moron. H1N1 flu originated in America. You okay it being call the American Virus by other countries?

Lying is stupid for something so easily verifiable.

It’s total bitch to worry about the fucking name. The most bitch.

"WHO officials said the agency wanted to avoid a name that refers to geographical location, animals or groups of people to avoid stigmatizing a country or individual group of people. The coronavirus was tentatively referred to as 2019-nCoV, with some calling it the “Wuhan virus,” the Chinese city where the illness is believed to have originated. "

But stigmatizing is Trumpybears abrasive style. It's what he does.

WHO: Coronavirus disease officially named COVID-19

Since when?

Spanish Flu (1918) - Spain
Ebola - Ebola river
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
MERS Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (2012)
Zika (2015) - Ziika forest in Uganda
Hong Kong Flu (1968)
London Flu (1972)
Nipah Virus (1998) - Sungi Nipah, Malaysia
Japanese Encephalitis (2017)
Asian Flu (1956)

My first reaction was to make a propaganda joke about it. It of course is a disingenuous way for a President to refer to it, but that's what we've come to expect from a man of such low character. Even dumber is the press's knee jerk reaction to it.
Your president calls it that because China has been telling its sheep the virus came from our military

Swine flu originated in MEXICO

President Trumpybear calls it that because he is a moron. H1N1 flu originated in America. You okay it being call the American Virus by other countries?

Lying is stupid for something so easily verifiable.

It’s total bitch to worry about the fucking name. The most bitch.

"WHO officials said the agency wanted to avoid a name that refers to geographical location, animals or groups of people to avoid stigmatizing a country or individual group of people. The coronavirus was tentatively referred to as 2019-nCoV, with some calling it the “Wuhan virus,” the Chinese city where the illness is believed to have originated. "

But stigmatizing is Trumpybears abrasive style. It's what he does.

WHO: Coronavirus disease officially named COVID-19

Since when?

Spanish Flu (1918) - Spain
Ebola - Ebola river
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
MERS Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (2012)
Zika (2015) - Ziika forest in Uganda
Hong Kong Flu (1968)
London Flu (1972)
Nipah Virus (1998) - Sungi Nipah, Malaysia
Japanese Encephalitis (2017)
Asian Flu (1956)

Once AGAIN --- the "Spanish Flu" DID NOT COME FROM SPAIN. The name is dishonest.

READ the thread.

That's not the point. The point is, does calling it 'Spanish flu' make one a racist? The entire POINT of the OP and the thread as a whole. I'm sorry this escapes you...
And did the virus start EVERYWHERE in China, Doofus?

If you buy a Maine lobster, did it come from Idaho?

Or a Georgia peach, is it from Alaska?

Do the Kansas City Chiefs play for Kansas? Oh wait, they do.

Pinpointing the origin to Wuhan, but then ignoring that and diluting it to an entire country., is just Cult of Ignorance writ large. 99% of "China" had nothing to do with it. It's like saying you "don't speak Mexican" because you're too much of a dimwit to recognize "Spanish".
Where did the Spanish flu originate? Where did the German measles originate?

Excellent point. "Spanish Flu" originated most likely in Kansas. The name "Spanish" is more ignorance, attributed to it because Span was the only affected country that actually reported its epidemic honestly. At the same time the US, where Kansas is, was creating a propaganda department to bury that same news. Not because it was from Kansas, but because if Merkins were aware there was an epidemic going on they might not want to go to war, and then they would have had the proverbial war where nobody came.
What town in Germany did the German measles originate?

AGAIN ---- Germany didn't exist then. "German Measles" is a colloquial name, derived from the fact that its discoverers were Germans. Its proper name is Rubella.
The point is the Spanish flu and German measles have been known by those terms for years and years. The fact is this disease is called the Chinese flu. Move on.

Okay fine, Trumpybear's response once the Chinese Flu epidemic hit our shores, actually encouraged behavior that spread the Chinese Flu among our populations. Why did Trump want to spread the Chinese Flu around Americans? Is he in league with the Chinese now? Maybe we should impeach him over spreading that Chinese Flu in America?

Zat better?
President Trumpybear calls it that because he is a moron. H1N1 flu originated in America. You okay it being call the American Virus by other countries?

Lying is stupid for something so easily verifiable.

It’s total bitch to worry about the fucking name. The most bitch.

"WHO officials said the agency wanted to avoid a name that refers to geographical location, animals or groups of people to avoid stigmatizing a country or individual group of people. The coronavirus was tentatively referred to as 2019-nCoV, with some calling it the “Wuhan virus,” the Chinese city where the illness is believed to have originated. "

But stigmatizing is Trumpybears abrasive style. It's what he does.

WHO: Coronavirus disease officially named COVID-19

Since when?

Spanish Flu (1918) - Spain
Ebola - Ebola river
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
MERS Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (2012)
Zika (2015) - Ziika forest in Uganda
Hong Kong Flu (1968)
London Flu (1972)
Nipah Virus (1998) - Sungi Nipah, Malaysia
Japanese Encephalitis (2017)
Asian Flu (1956)

Once AGAIN --- the "Spanish Flu" DID NOT COME FROM SPAIN. The name is dishonest.

READ the thread.

That's not the point. The point is, does calling it 'Spanish flu' make one a racist? The entire POINT of the OP and the thread as a whole. I'm sorry this escapes you...

That would be impossible. "Spanish" is not a race. Duh?

Calling it the "Spanish Flu" is not racist -- it's STUPID. It's ignorant of the history.

I haven't seen the OP here. The strawman thread I was in, got merged with this older one.
Lying is stupid for something so easily verifiable.

It’s total bitch to worry about the fucking name. The most bitch.

"WHO officials said the agency wanted to avoid a name that refers to geographical location, animals or groups of people to avoid stigmatizing a country or individual group of people. The coronavirus was tentatively referred to as 2019-nCoV, with some calling it the “Wuhan virus,” the Chinese city where the illness is believed to have originated. "

But stigmatizing is Trumpybears abrasive style. It's what he does.

WHO: Coronavirus disease officially named COVID-19

Since when?

Spanish Flu (1918) - Spain
Ebola - Ebola river
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
MERS Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (2012)
Zika (2015) - Ziika forest in Uganda
Hong Kong Flu (1968)
London Flu (1972)
Nipah Virus (1998) - Sungi Nipah, Malaysia
Japanese Encephalitis (2017)
Asian Flu (1956)

Once AGAIN --- the "Spanish Flu" DID NOT COME FROM SPAIN. The name is dishonest.

READ the thread.

That's not the point. The point is, does calling it 'Spanish flu' make one a racist? The entire POINT of the OP and the thread as a whole. I'm sorry this escapes you...

That would be impossible. "Spanish" is not a race. Duh?

Calling it the "Spanish Flu" is not racist -- it's STUPID. It's ignorant of the history.

I haven't seen the OP here. The strawman thread I was in, got merged with this older one.
Chinese is not a race.
"WHO officials said the agency wanted to avoid a name that refers to geographical location, animals or groups of people to avoid stigmatizing a country or individual group of people. The coronavirus was tentatively referred to as 2019-nCoV, with some calling it the “Wuhan virus,” the Chinese city where the illness is believed to have originated. "

But stigmatizing is Trumpybears abrasive style. It's what he does.

WHO: Coronavirus disease officially named COVID-19

Since when?

Spanish Flu (1918) - Spain
Ebola - Ebola river
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
MERS Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (2012)
Zika (2015) - Ziika forest in Uganda
Hong Kong Flu (1968)
London Flu (1972)
Nipah Virus (1998) - Sungi Nipah, Malaysia
Japanese Encephalitis (2017)
Asian Flu (1956)

Once AGAIN --- the "Spanish Flu" DID NOT COME FROM SPAIN. The name is dishonest.

READ the thread.

That's not the point. The point is, does calling it 'Spanish flu' make one a racist? The entire POINT of the OP and the thread as a whole. I'm sorry this escapes you...

That would be impossible. "Spanish" is not a race. Duh?

Calling it the "Spanish Flu" is not racist -- it's STUPID. It's ignorant of the history.

I haven't seen the OP here. The strawman thread I was in, got merged with this older one.
Chinese is not a race.

No shit Shellock. Still carrying that strawman around like a Linus blanket?
Lying is stupid for something so easily verifiable.

It’s total bitch to worry about the fucking name. The most bitch.

"WHO officials said the agency wanted to avoid a name that refers to geographical location, animals or groups of people to avoid stigmatizing a country or individual group of people. The coronavirus was tentatively referred to as 2019-nCoV, with some calling it the “Wuhan virus,” the Chinese city where the illness is believed to have originated. "

But stigmatizing is Trumpybears abrasive style. It's what he does.

WHO: Coronavirus disease officially named COVID-19

Since when?

Spanish Flu (1918) - Spain
Ebola - Ebola river
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
MERS Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (2012)
Zika (2015) - Ziika forest in Uganda
Hong Kong Flu (1968)
London Flu (1972)
Nipah Virus (1998) - Sungi Nipah, Malaysia
Japanese Encephalitis (2017)
Asian Flu (1956)

Once AGAIN --- the "Spanish Flu" DID NOT COME FROM SPAIN. The name is dishonest.

READ the thread.

That's not the point. The point is, does calling it 'Spanish flu' make one a racist? The entire POINT of the OP and the thread as a whole. I'm sorry this escapes you...

That would be impossible. "Spanish" is not a race. Duh?

Calling it the "Spanish Flu" is not racist -- it's STUPID. It's ignorant of the history.

I haven't seen the OP here. The strawman thread I was in, got merged with this older one.

So I just clicked back to the older OP of the older thread to see where we are.

Turns out it's the same moron who just started another thread on the same thing. And as he's done before, "NO LINK". It should have been closed, locked and sent to hell for lack of substance. I guess he just WASN'T GETTING ENOUGH ATTENTION.

Hey where's the cake? Oh that's right --- Nostril took it.
Lying is stupid for something so easily verifiable.

It’s total bitch to worry about the fucking name. The most bitch.

"WHO officials said the agency wanted to avoid a name that refers to geographical location, animals or groups of people to avoid stigmatizing a country or individual group of people. The coronavirus was tentatively referred to as 2019-nCoV, with some calling it the “Wuhan virus,” the Chinese city where the illness is believed to have originated. "

But stigmatizing is Trumpybears abrasive style. It's what he does.

WHO: Coronavirus disease officially named COVID-19

Since when?

Spanish Flu (1918) - Spain
Ebola - Ebola river
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
MERS Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (2012)
Zika (2015) - Ziika forest in Uganda
Hong Kong Flu (1968)
London Flu (1972)
Nipah Virus (1998) - Sungi Nipah, Malaysia
Japanese Encephalitis (2017)
Asian Flu (1956)

Once AGAIN --- the "Spanish Flu" DID NOT COME FROM SPAIN. The name is dishonest.

READ the thread.

That's not the point. The point is, does calling it 'Spanish flu' make one a racist? The entire POINT of the OP and the thread as a whole. I'm sorry this escapes you...

That would be impossible. "Spanish" is not a race. Duh?

Calling it the "Spanish Flu" is not racist -- it's STUPID. It's ignorant of the history.

I haven't seen the OP here. The strawman thread I was in, got merged with this older one.

Let me help; this is the title of the thread you're posting in;

Some media clown just asked Trump if saying the Coronavirus came from China is racist.
"WHO officials said the agency wanted to avoid a name that refers to geographical location, animals or groups of people to avoid stigmatizing a country or individual group of people. The coronavirus was tentatively referred to as 2019-nCoV, with some calling it the “Wuhan virus,” the Chinese city where the illness is believed to have originated. "

But stigmatizing is Trumpybears abrasive style. It's what he does.

WHO: Coronavirus disease officially named COVID-19

Since when?

Spanish Flu (1918) - Spain
Ebola - Ebola river
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
MERS Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (2012)
Zika (2015) - Ziika forest in Uganda
Hong Kong Flu (1968)
London Flu (1972)
Nipah Virus (1998) - Sungi Nipah, Malaysia
Japanese Encephalitis (2017)
Asian Flu (1956)

Once AGAIN --- the "Spanish Flu" DID NOT COME FROM SPAIN. The name is dishonest.

READ the thread.

That's not the point. The point is, does calling it 'Spanish flu' make one a racist? The entire POINT of the OP and the thread as a whole. I'm sorry this escapes you...

That would be impossible. "Spanish" is not a race. Duh?

Calling it the "Spanish Flu" is not racist -- it's STUPID. It's ignorant of the history.

I haven't seen the OP here. The strawman thread I was in, got merged with this older one.

Let me help; this is the title of the thread you're posting in;

Some media clown just asked Trump if saying the Coronavirus came from China is racist.

Yes, again, I just checked that. See the post above. The one where he confessed to having "NO LINK".
Poor Pogo............all butthurt that the Chinese flu is called the Chinese flu.

Actually it's called COVID 19. File that away under "things to go :lalala: about"

Poor Cult of Ignorance............ required by their bizarre Code of Unethcs to reject all knowledge in a bizarre quest to appear stupid.

Yes Wuhan is in China.
And China is in Asia. That makes is an Asian flu.
And Asia is in the Northern Hemisphere. That makes it a Northern flu.
And the Northern Hemisphere is on Earth. That makes it an Terrestrial flu.
And Earth is in the Sol system. That makes it a Solar flu.
And the Sol system is in the Milky Way Galaxy. That makes it a Milky flu.
And the MWG is in the Universe. That makes it a Universal flu.
Can't have too much detail now. We don't want no accuracy here -- what we want is raw emotion.

This is the same lame shit y'all CoI cultists pull when you start yammering about "the South fought for Slavery" --- IGNORING that much of the South did not.

Or that "Democrats were the slaveowners" --- IGNORING the fact that the vast majority were not.

Or that "'Bernie Bros'" did whatever --- IGNORING that the vast majority did not.

Or that "Liberals" this, and "leftists" that, IGNORING the myriad exceptions to the blanket fantasy. Or dumbass threads like this.

Notice the common action there? Here's a hint --- I put it in ALL CAPS. Now watch this.

“There is a cult of IGNORance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”
China has a great deal of power over the leftwing in America

Xi snaps his fingers and libs march in lockstep

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