Some media clown just asked Trump if saying the Coronavirus came from China is racist.

All we fucking have to do is get ankle braclets and we'll feel like we're in home detention.....No wait, we don't need ankle hickies anyway
Where did the Spanish flu originate? Where did the German measles originate?

Excellent point. "Spanish Flu" originated most likely in Kansas. The name "Spanish" is more ignorance, attributed to it because Span was the only affected country that actually reported its epidemic honestly. At the same time the US, where Kansas is, was creating a propaganda department to bury that same news. Not because it was from Kansas, but because if Merkins were aware there was an epidemic going on they might not want to go to war, and then they would have had the proverbial war where nobody came.
What town in Germany did the German measles originate?

AGAIN ---- Germany didn't exist then. "German Measles" is a colloquial name, derived from the fact that its discoverers were Germans. Its proper name is Rubella.
The point is the Spanish flu and German measles have been known by those terms for years and years. The fact is this disease is called the Chinese flu. Move on.

Okay fine, Trumpybear's response once the Chinese Flu epidemic hit our shores, actually encouraged behavior that spread the Chinese Flu among our populations. Why did Trump want to spread the Chinese Flu around Americans? Is he in league with the Chinese now? Maybe we should impeach him over spreading that Chinese Flu in America?

Zat better?
You obviously didn't hear that your Democrat leaders are praising President Trump. Poor baby.
Poor Pogo............all butthurt that the Chinese flu is called the Chinese flu.

Actually it's called COVID 19. File that away under "things to go :lalala: about"

Poor Cult of Ignorance............ required by their bizarre Code of Unethcs to reject all knowledge in a bizarre quest to appear stupid.

Yes Wuhan is in China.
And China is in Asia. That makes is an Asian flu.
And Asia is in the Northern Hemisphere. That makes it a Northern flu.
And the Northern Hemisphere is on Earth. That makes it an Terrestrial flu.
And Earth is in the Sol system. That makes it a Solar flu.
And the Sol system is in the Milky Way Galaxy. That makes it a Milky flu.
And the MWG is in the Universe. That makes it a Universal flu.
Can't have too much detail now. We don't want no accuracy here -- what we want is raw emotion.

This is the same lame shit y'all CoI cultists pull when you start yammering about "the South fought for Slavery" --- IGNORING that much of the South did not.

Or that "Democrats were the slaveowners" --- IGNORING the fact that the vast majority were not.

Or that "'Bernie Bros'" did whatever --- IGNORING that the vast majority did not.

Or that "Liberals" this, and "leftists" that, IGNORING the myriad exceptions to the blanket fantasy. Or dumbass threads like this.

Notice the common action there? Here's a hint --- I put it in ALL CAPS. Now watch this.

“There is a cult of IGNORance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”
China has a great deal of power over the leftwing in America

Xi snaps his fingers and libs march in lockstep
Sounds like COLLUSION to me. We need to investigate
Poor Pogo............all butthurt that the Chinese flu is called the Chinese flu.

Actually it's called COVID 19. File that away under "things to go :lalala: about"

Poor Cult of Ignorance............ required by their bizarre Code of Unethcs to reject all knowledge in a bizarre quest to appear stupid.

Yes Wuhan is in China.
And China is in Asia. That makes is an Asian flu.
And Asia is in the Northern Hemisphere. That makes it a Northern flu.
And the Northern Hemisphere is on Earth. That makes it an Terrestrial flu.
And Earth is in the Sol system. That makes it a Solar flu.
And the Sol system is in the Milky Way Galaxy. That makes it a Milky flu.
And the MWG is in the Universe. That makes it a Universal flu.
Can't have too much detail now. We don't want no accuracy here -- what we want is raw emotion.

This is the same lame shit y'all CoI cultists pull when you start yammering about "the South fought for Slavery" --- IGNORING that much of the South did not.

Or that "Democrats were the slaveowners" --- IGNORING the fact that the vast majority were not.

Or that "'Bernie Bros'" did whatever --- IGNORING that the vast majority did not.

Or that "Liberals" this, and "leftists" that, IGNORING the myriad exceptions to the blanket fantasy. Or dumbass threads like this.

Notice the common action there? Here's a hint --- I put it in ALL CAPS. Now watch this.

“There is a cult of IGNORance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”
China has a great deal of power over the leftwing in America

Xi snaps his fingers and libs march in lockstep

This inchoate babble has fuckingly WHAT to do with my post about fallacies of ignorance?

Read much?
Question: "The president continues to call this the 'Chinese virus.'"

Sen. Lindsey Graham: "It is, it came from China."

Question: "You think it's ok for him to say that?"

Sen. Graham: "Yeah, I do."

:2up: we like it!

· Mar 19, 2020
The Hill on Twitter

So who the hell is Lindsey Graham that can make that kind of standards for Americans that hate racism.

Between you and Graham is no difference a Trump die hard supporter. You are racist dog shit. Does it make any difference?

Pathetically you just whine and cry about something so insignificant that it makes you look more foolish than usual. President Trump throws the bait out on the water and you and your fellow America haters rise to it every time.

Is the MERS Virus racist?

We have enough problems as it is. Then Trump and people like you and the rest here displaying the ugliness of American garbage behavior.

That's right, we have a massive problem with a worldwide pandemic and all good folks like you can do, since President Trump is doing so well, is to whine and moan about the NAME of a virus.

Once the MERS Virus racist?

That’s what you think. Then why bother used those term that are offensive to American Asian?

You don’t know how these people feel because you are a racist.

MERS Virus a racist? What is that has anything to do with covid 19?
Question: "The president continues to call this the 'Chinese virus.'"

Sen. Lindsey Graham: "It is, it came from China."

Question: "You think it's ok for him to say that?"

Sen. Graham: "Yeah, I do."

:2up: we like it!

· Mar 19, 2020
The Hill on Twitter

So who the hell is Lindsey Graham that can make that kind of standards for Americans that hate racism.

Between you and Graham is no difference a Trump die hard supporter. You are racist dog shit. Does it make any difference?

Pathetically you just whine and cry about something so insignificant that it makes you look more foolish than usual. President Trump throws the bait out on the water and you and your fellow America haters rise to it every time.

Is the MERS Virus racist?

And why should I look foolish?

You're defending the communist Chinese government. You're a traitor and an anti-American piece of shit.

I will let you know when you are qualified to talk to me.
Trash talking doesn’t change anything which you are good for.

But I will not lower my class to your low class miserable life.
Poor Pogo............all butthurt that the Chinese flu is called the Chinese flu.

Actually it's called COVID 19. File that away under "things to go :lalala: about"

Poor Cult of Ignorance............ required by their bizarre Code of Unethcs to reject all knowledge in a bizarre quest to appear stupid.

Yes Wuhan is in China.
And China is in Asia. That makes is an Asian flu.
And Asia is in the Northern Hemisphere. That makes it a Northern flu.
And the Northern Hemisphere is on Earth. That makes it an Terrestrial flu.
And Earth is in the Sol system. That makes it a Solar flu.
And the Sol system is in the Milky Way Galaxy. That makes it a Milky flu.
And the MWG is in the Universe. That makes it a Universal flu.
Can't have too much detail now. We don't want no accuracy here -- what we want is raw emotion.

This is the same lame shit y'all CoI cultists pull when you start yammering about "the South fought for Slavery" --- IGNORING that much of the South did not.

Or that "Democrats were the slaveowners" --- IGNORING the fact that the vast majority were not.

Or that "'Bernie Bros'" did whatever --- IGNORING that the vast majority did not.

Or that "Liberals" this, and "leftists" that, IGNORING the myriad exceptions to the blanket fantasy. Or dumbass threads like this.

Notice the common action there? Here's a hint --- I put it in ALL CAPS. Now watch this.

“There is a cult of IGNORance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”
China has a great deal of power over the leftwing in America

Xi snaps his fingers and libs march in lockstep

This inchoate babble has fuckingly WHAT to do with my post about fallacies of ignorance?

Read much?
When your side babbles about how trump is being unfair to china I know libs have forgotten which side they are on
Question: "The president continues to call this the 'Chinese virus.'"

Sen. Lindsey Graham: "It is, it came from China."

Question: "You think it's ok for him to say that?"

Sen. Graham: "Yeah, I do."

:2up: we like it!

· Mar 19, 2020
The Hill on Twitter

So who the hell is Lindsey Graham that can make that kind of standards for Americans that hate racism.

Between you and Graham is no difference a Trump die hard supporter. You are racist dog shit. Does it make any difference?

Pathetically you just whine and cry about something so insignificant that it makes you look more foolish than usual. President Trump throws the bait out on the water and you and your fellow America haters rise to it every time.

Is the MERS Virus racist?

Meaning you are racist dog shit. That is why you don’t even know the difference if Chinese Virus is offensive.
Keep it up.

Ex-NBA player Jeremy Lin rips Donald Trump for 'empowering' racism with coronavirus term

Oh no.... not a tree hockey felon! You're wanting me to be lectured by someone with 1/10th the education of me because he could put a ball into a round hoop?

LOL, you're a twisted fuck. Here's what you need.... look on Ebay...


Is that a rebuttal?

Where is my rebuttal #193?

You don’t know anything Dude.
Just an FYI, In case anyone doesn't know, the corona virus, which originates in bats, including the common cold, has never been transmitted from bats directly to humans....So those stories about selling bats to eat at Wuhan markets is simply not true....FALSE, MADE UP. I had read this in the Lancet.

All corona virus strains like the common cold, SARS Mers, SARS Co2, COVID19 etc make their jump from bats to a domestic animal and then jumps from that domestic animal, to humans....
Are you really this stupid that you don’t even know you are a racist dog?
Asian people cares. That is why they called it Covid 19.

Do you know the difference of ALL Asians? I don’t.

So if any of you racist piece of shit attack an Asian in the streets because that is already happening. That is acceptable? Why not bring ropes?

Trumpy supporters are the most ignorant and dummiest form of Americans in this planet.

I DON’T LIKE RACIST DOG SHIT PEOPLE. WE have enough problems as it is then you and this unfit fucking president and you promoting racism.

You expect Trump will be attacked.
Please provide links to these attacks that have been proven they were caused by this virus originating in China.

See post #105. Read do not stare at it.
Um, one link was from early Feb..................

The other two are opinion pieces who have less evidence than your post.

You lose.

Please up your pathetic game, Loser.:iyfyus.jpg:

One link? How about the other 2?

Trump just started his xenophobic racist attacks against Asian. That means more attacks are coming. Pay attention.

You are defending the ugly part of American racism behavior where you belong. We have enough problems as it is. Then you have this moron adding saying nonsense. That is why they called it Covid-19.

I’m sure you don’t care how Trump offended the Asian American communities. Good for Trump.

You are a pathetic loser like Trump.
why is that important?

How would you know? You are a racist dog your self?

Asians are offended. There are several ethnic asians in this country.
No link, presser on now.

What a moron. The press is full of leftwing hack idiots.
Why is no one asking this??.....We had a pandemic 10 years ago and not a god damned thing was done by Obama.

Now we're all in F prison.

You mean the "Fascist Piggy Flu" </sar>

We had a vaccine within 6 months. We were lucky that the summer weather did slow it down. and by the fall we were ready, so it didn't overwhelm the system. Can't we just hope for a similar outcome this year.
The Chinese people are to blame too, not just their government.

You must be so excited.
Nice counter argument. You suck at debating.


Do you really think your brainless, uneducated racism merits serious Consideration?

You still have no effective counter argument?
To what? We know where the virus began. We know you have a long record of mindless racism on this site. So, Nothing is in dispute except the laughable notion that anything you have to say deserves to be taken seriously.
Yep, we do know where it began. It began in China with Chinese retards selling and eating wild meat. Now if you have facts to refute that claim, lets hear them. Otherwise, shut your bitch ass up.
Oh, and the specific species of bats resides in Asia (China) and Europe, and are not in the Americas....

So any Corona Virus that exists or is to come, will come from there...
No link, presser on now.

What a moron. The press is full of leftwing hack idiots.
Why is no one asking this??.....We had a pandemic 10 years ago and not a god damned thing was done by Obama.

Now we're all in F prison.

You mean the "Fascist Piggy Flu" </sar>

We had a vaccine within 6 months. We were lucky that the summer weather did slow it down. and by the fall we were ready, so it didn't overwhelm the system. Can't we just hope for a similar outcome this year.
No. I'm talking about preparing for this. It could never happen right?????????????

A flu vaccine is easy. This has never existed before. Your country failed you son. Glad we'll at least fix it despite a Depression.
Poor Pogo............all butthurt that the Chinese flu is called the Chinese flu.

Actually it's called COVID 19. File that away under "things to go :lalala: about"

Poor Cult of Ignorance............ required by their bizarre Code of Unethcs to reject all knowledge in a bizarre quest to appear stupid.

Yes Wuhan is in China.
And China is in Asia. That makes is an Asian flu.
And Asia is in the Northern Hemisphere. That makes it a Northern flu.
And the Northern Hemisphere is on Earth. That makes it an Terrestrial flu.
And Earth is in the Sol system. That makes it a Solar flu.
And the Sol system is in the Milky Way Galaxy. That makes it a Milky flu.
And the MWG is in the Universe. That makes it a Universal flu.
Can't have too much detail now. We don't want no accuracy here -- what we want is raw emotion.

This is the same lame shit y'all CoI cultists pull when you start yammering about "the South fought for Slavery" --- IGNORING that much of the South did not.

Or that "Democrats were the slaveowners" --- IGNORING the fact that the vast majority were not.

Or that "'Bernie Bros'" did whatever --- IGNORING that the vast majority did not.

Or that "Liberals" this, and "leftists" that, IGNORING the myriad exceptions to the blanket fantasy. Or dumbass threads like this.

Notice the common action there? Here's a hint --- I put it in ALL CAPS. Now watch this.

“There is a cult of IGNORance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”
China has a great deal of power over the leftwing in America

Xi snaps his fingers and libs march in lockstep

This inchoate babble has fuckingly WHAT to do with my post about fallacies of ignorance?

Read much?
When your side babbles about how trump is being unfair to china I know libs have forgotten which side they are on

I don't have a "side", Princess Pea. I posted about the Cult of Ignorance and how it tries to bullshit, and in response you dredged up some cockamamie shit about "Xi" and "leftwing". You're a fucking moron.

I am one (1) person. Get over your childish GI Joe game of fucking "sides" and "tribes". And learn how the fuck to read. You've just illustrated Cult of Ignorance all over again.
Excellent point. "Spanish Flu" originated most likely in Kansas. The name "Spanish" is more ignorance, attributed to it because Span was the only affected country that actually reported its epidemic honestly. At the same time the US, where Kansas is, was creating a propaganda department to bury that same news. Not because it was from Kansas, but because if Merkins were aware there was an epidemic going on they might not want to go to war, and then they would have had the proverbial war where nobody came.
What town in Germany did the German measles originate?

AGAIN ---- Germany didn't exist then. "German Measles" is a colloquial name, derived from the fact that its discoverers were Germans. Its proper name is Rubella.
The point is the Spanish flu and German measles have been known by those terms for years and years. The fact is this disease is called the Chinese flu. Move on.

Okay fine, Trumpybear's response once the Chinese Flu epidemic hit our shores, actually encouraged behavior that spread the Chinese Flu among our populations. Why did Trump want to spread the Chinese Flu around Americans? Is he in league with the Chinese now? Maybe we should impeach him over spreading that Chinese Flu in America?

Zat better?
You obviously didn't hear that your Democrat leaders are praising President Trump. Poor baby.

I'm sure Trumpybear loves being praise by the squad, and getting a hand clapping emoji probably made his day!

Rep. Ilhan Omar commended President Trump for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic in an unexpected moment of rare praise.

“Politics aside, this is incredible and the right response in this critical time,” Omar (D-Minn.) tweeted Wednesday evening alongside a hand-clapping emoji.

The frequent Trump critic and member of “The Squad” was responding to a tweet about the commander in chief’s recent actions to combat the coronavirus, including, as the quote read, “suspending mortgage foreclosures, demanding cash payments to Americans, now invoking the Defense Production Act to force private firms to produce needed supplies.”

“Finally, we should never let politics get in the way of good policy. This is a great start and hope others will be part of a united front to push for good policies that will help us work through the economic anxiety the country is feeling right now,” Omar wrote.
Poor Pogo............all butthurt that the Chinese flu is called the Chinese flu.

Actually it's called COVID 19. File that away under "things to go :lalala: about"

Poor Cult of Ignorance............ required by their bizarre Code of Unethcs to reject all knowledge in a bizarre quest to appear stupid.

Yes Wuhan is in China.
And China is in Asia. That makes is an Asian flu.
And Asia is in the Northern Hemisphere. That makes it a Northern flu.
And the Northern Hemisphere is on Earth. That makes it an Terrestrial flu.
And Earth is in the Sol system. That makes it a Solar flu.
And the Sol system is in the Milky Way Galaxy. That makes it a Milky flu.
And the MWG is in the Universe. That makes it a Universal flu.
Can't have too much detail now. We don't want no accuracy here -- what we want is raw emotion.

This is the same lame shit y'all CoI cultists pull when you start yammering about "the South fought for Slavery" --- IGNORING that much of the South did not.

Or that "Democrats were the slaveowners" --- IGNORING the fact that the vast majority were not.

Or that "'Bernie Bros'" did whatever --- IGNORING that the vast majority did not.

Or that "Liberals" this, and "leftists" that, IGNORING the myriad exceptions to the blanket fantasy. Or dumbass threads like this.

Notice the common action there? Here's a hint --- I put it in ALL CAPS. Now watch this.

“There is a cult of IGNORance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”
China has a great deal of power over the leftwing in America

Xi snaps his fingers and libs march in lockstep

This inchoate babble has fuckingly WHAT to do with my post about fallacies of ignorance?

Read much?
When your side babbles about how trump is being unfair to china I know libs have forgotten which side they are on

I don't have a "side", Princess Pea. I posted about the Cult of Ignorance and how it tries to bullshit, and in response you dredged up some cockamamie shit about "Xi" and "leftwing". You're a fucking moron.

I am one (1) person. Get over your childish GI Joe game of fucking "sides" and "tribes". And learn how the fuck to read. You've just illustrated Cult of Ignorance all over again.
If you dont have a side then you are just the chronic malcontents who complains about everything
Actually it's called COVID 19. File that away under "things to go :lalala: about"

Poor Cult of Ignorance............ required by their bizarre Code of Unethcs to reject all knowledge in a bizarre quest to appear stupid.

Yes Wuhan is in China.
And China is in Asia. That makes is an Asian flu.
And Asia is in the Northern Hemisphere. That makes it a Northern flu.
And the Northern Hemisphere is on Earth. That makes it an Terrestrial flu.
And Earth is in the Sol system. That makes it a Solar flu.
And the Sol system is in the Milky Way Galaxy. That makes it a Milky flu.
And the MWG is in the Universe. That makes it a Universal flu.
Can't have too much detail now. We don't want no accuracy here -- what we want is raw emotion.

This is the same lame shit y'all CoI cultists pull when you start yammering about "the South fought for Slavery" --- IGNORING that much of the South did not.

Or that "Democrats were the slaveowners" --- IGNORING the fact that the vast majority were not.

Or that "'Bernie Bros'" did whatever --- IGNORING that the vast majority did not.

Or that "Liberals" this, and "leftists" that, IGNORING the myriad exceptions to the blanket fantasy. Or dumbass threads like this.

Notice the common action there? Here's a hint --- I put it in ALL CAPS. Now watch this.

“There is a cult of IGNORance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”
China has a great deal of power over the leftwing in America

Xi snaps his fingers and libs march in lockstep

This inchoate babble has fuckingly WHAT to do with my post about fallacies of ignorance?

Read much?
When your side babbles about how trump is being unfair to china I know libs have forgotten which side they are on

I don't have a "side", Princess Pea. I posted about the Cult of Ignorance and how it tries to bullshit, and in response you dredged up some cockamamie shit about "Xi" and "leftwing". You're a fucking moron.

I am one (1) person. Get over your childish GI Joe game of fucking "sides" and "tribes". And learn how the fuck to read. You've just illustrated Cult of Ignorance all over again.
If you dont have a side then you are just the chronic malcontents who complains about everything

Actually what it means is you're just too god damn stupid to deal with concepts like "individuals".
Poor Pogo............all butthurt that the Chinese flu is called the Chinese flu.

Actually it's called COVID 19. File that away under "things to go :lalala: about"

Poor Cult of Ignorance............ required by their bizarre Code of Unethcs to reject all knowledge in a bizarre quest to appear stupid.

Yes Wuhan is in China.
And China is in Asia. That makes is an Asian flu.
And Asia is in the Northern Hemisphere. That makes it a Northern flu.
And the Northern Hemisphere is on Earth. That makes it an Terrestrial flu.
And Earth is in the Sol system. That makes it a Solar flu.
And the Sol system is in the Milky Way Galaxy. That makes it a Milky flu.
And the MWG is in the Universe. That makes it a Universal flu.
Can't have too much detail now. We don't want no accuracy here -- what we want is raw emotion.

This is the same lame shit y'all CoI cultists pull when you start yammering about "the South fought for Slavery" --- IGNORING that much of the South did not.

Or that "Democrats were the slaveowners" --- IGNORING the fact that the vast majority were not.

Or that "'Bernie Bros'" did whatever --- IGNORING that the vast majority did not.

Or that "Liberals" this, and "leftists" that, IGNORING the myriad exceptions to the blanket fantasy. Or dumbass threads like this.

Notice the common action there? Here's a hint --- I put it in ALL CAPS. Now watch this.

“There is a cult of IGNORance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”
China has a great deal of power over the leftwing in America

Xi snaps his fingers and libs march in lockstep

This inchoate babble has fuckingly WHAT to do with my post about fallacies of ignorance?

Read much?
When your side babbles about how trump is being unfair to china I know libs have forgotten which side they are on
What town in Germany did the German measles originate?

AGAIN ---- Germany didn't exist then. "German Measles" is a colloquial name, derived from the fact that its discoverers were Germans. Its proper name is Rubella.
The point is the Spanish flu and German measles have been known by those terms for years and years. The fact is this disease is called the Chinese flu. Move on.

Okay fine, Trumpybear's response once the Chinese Flu epidemic hit our shores, actually encouraged behavior that spread the Chinese Flu among our populations. Why did Trump want to spread the Chinese Flu around Americans? Is he in league with the Chinese now? Maybe we should impeach him over spreading that Chinese Flu in America?

Zat better?
You obviously didn't hear that your Democrat leaders are praising President Trump. Poor baby.

I'm sure Trumpybear loves being praise by the squad, and getting a hand clapping emoji probably made his day!

Rep. Ilhan Omar commended President Trump for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic in an unexpected moment of rare praise.

“Politics aside, this is incredible and the right response in this critical time,” Omar (D-Minn.) tweeted Wednesday evening alongside a hand-clapping emoji.

The frequent Trump critic and member of “The Squad” was responding to a tweet about the commander in chief’s recent actions to combat the coronavirus, including, as the quote read, “suspending mortgage foreclosures, demanding cash payments to Americans, now invoking the Defense Production Act to force private firms to produce needed supplies.”

“Finally, we should never let politics get in the way of good policy. This is a great start and hope others will be part of a united front to push for good policies that will help us work through the economic anxiety the country is feeling right now,” Omar wrote.
She wants to be reelected. Minnesota is probably turning red this November.

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