Some of my fellow Trump supporters. Stop making accusations of antisemitism about your fellow Americans.

You’re fellow Trump supporters?

You’re desperate to have people agree with your antisemitism

Trump is totally pro-Zionist, his son-in-law is Jewish, and he was the only president to move the US embassy to Jerusalem, which is supposed to be Palestinian.
Sure Hitler murdered Jews and that was bad.
But all of Germany was starving from the blockade, and the Jews in Germany were of questionable loyalty, since some had sold government secrets in WWI.
Chaim Weizmann and David ben Gurion had stolen the Zimmerman Letter and the formula for synthetic acetone for cordite, in exchange for the Balfour Declaration from the British and US entering the war.

What I presented was NOT at all an "exception to the norm".
Essentially the Jews bought no land at all, and instead murdered all the Arabs they could, so they could steal their homes.
Again, look at the statistics.
In 1920, Jews were fewer than 5% of the population, and essentially owned 0% land.
They never paid for any land significantly.

And the violation of the UN partition was by Israel, illegally invading Jerusalem and the West Bank in 1967.
So it was only 53 years ago.

How many Swastikas do you have on your car, Adolf?
Trump is totally pro-Zionist, his son-in-law is Jewish, and he was the only president to move the US embassy to Jerusalem, which is supposed to be Palestinian.
What’s your point?
The word Semitic evolves from Shem, son of Noah.

And Judaism was around 2,000 years before Muhammed........

Noah and Shem were not Jewish, but Arab.
We have zero history for Hebrew before Egypt, and they did not invade the Land of Canaan and massacre the Canaanites, until around 1000 BC.
And the Assyrians then defeated and kicked them out around 850 BC.
That 150 years is their only claim, and it is invalid since they slaughtered innocent Canaanites.
How many Swastikas do you have on your car, Adolf?
Just the one --

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The Jews in Israel are the guilty ones who caused it all, not anyone else.

Yes, Jewish families having picnics in the park was a provocation no one could ignore, the Palestinians had to slaughter them.

This all sounds so familiar ...

I'll put you down as a yes vote, Rigby
The Jews in Israel are the guilty ones who caused it all, not anyone else.
Nope. No one is buying your Jew hating bullshit. Palestinians targeted and butchered, literally butchered, infants, toddlers, pregnant women, grandmothers. Targeted and butchered
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Exactly. Rigby5 brings up things that happened, but he presents it as if the exception was the norm and he ignores all Arab atrocities against the Jews completely
I don't have intimate knowledge of the workings during and immediately after WW1 re: Palestine but wasn't it the property of Turkey?

And didn't Turkey lose in WW1? And didn't they cede all that land to the British, which made it British land?

And don't you have the right to do with YOUR land whatever you want? So if the Brits want to give it to Jews, that is their prerogative?

Correct me if I'm wrong on any of that....
It’s a straight forward topic, and we all know the definition of racism and antisemitism. Anybody who makes an accusation that somebody is anti-Semitic must prove it.

The point is criticizing Israel is not anti-semitic . How can you not agree with that.
Demonizing everything about Israel in order to justify the actions of those committed to their genocide is well BEYOND ordinary antisemitism, Muzzie boy.
Exactly. Rigby5 brings up things that happened, but he presents it as if the exception was the norm and he ignores all Arab atrocities against the Jews completely

There were NO Arab atrocities against Jews, never were, and never could be.
Historically Moslems and Jew always got along.

The violence, like the Hebron riots, were entirely due to Zionists deliberately starting them by shooting unarmed Arabs.
If you read the statistics, more Moslems were killed than Jews.
The Zionists were armed, and natives had always been kept unarmed.
Nope. No one is buying your Jew hating bullshit. Palestinians targeted and butchered, literally butchered, infants, toddlers, pregnant women, grandmothers. Targeted and butchered

That has been already proven to be a lie, many times.
Rigby5 when did that happen? Seems to me you’re full of shit. Not to mention it has nothing to do with my post that you replied to.
Yes, Jewish families having picnics in the park was a provocation no one could ignore, the Palestinians had to slaughter them.

This all sounds so familiar ...

I'll put you down as a yes vote, Rigby

There were no innocents slaughtered by all factual accounts in this latest conflict.
I think it's my fault. I asked if anyone likes ice cream and Rigby5 heard who wants to slaughter Jews. Natural mistake ...

The Palestinians were there first, and they never harmed the small Jewish minority who also lived there.
So then obviously anyone claiming Palestinians hate Jews, is lying.
Because there’s a few Trump supporters on the US message board , accusing people of antisemitism just for criticizing Israel. So they’re wrong. There’s no logic behind that accusation.
I have seen a lot more posters here who have stated that they wanted Gaza wiped off the map while accusing other of being Anti-Semitic..
Demonizing everything about Israel in order to justify the actions of those committed to their genocide is well BEYOND ordinary antisemitism, Muzzie boy.

Palestinians never had any weapons, so anyone claiming they were "committed to genocide" has to be lying.
They invited the Jews to immigrate.
Was that some sort of secret ploy, so they could then be murdered?
How did all the Jews in Israel get to own homes they never paid for?

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