Some People Have A Thirst For A Dictator

Then get rid of the SC and Congress. A dictator is a small government.
How about we get rid of all the Democrat created bureaucracies get rid of the welfare system get rid of the department of education
Department of Education absolutely. Welfare system sure as soon as we reign in corporations paying shit wages and people can start working a 40 hour work week and making a living and raising a family off of it. MOST people who get food stamps already get rid of welfare first we must fix corporate greed,trade deals etc.

I would NOT get rid of the dept of ed.

I believe standards should be set in place and monitored to see that all American children get a good education and all children are treated fairly. I have a strong suspicion that if every state could teach what it wanted some states would teach about the Civil War while others would teach about the War of Northern Aggression.

nothing says "lets have another civil war" like teaching your kids to hate OTHER parts of the country


I would change it to a TEMPORARY WORKFARE system.

Anyone needing assistance would go to them and in return for $ aid to live and eat they would have to 1. get education and training and 2. spend some time each work doing some kind of work for the community.

This would be a TEMPORARY situation until the receiver (with help from the TEMP WORK FARE organization) found a job.

Ultimate goal being to get these people OFF of WORKFARE and back in the workforce as quickly as possible. And an END to welfare for life.
Under the DOE education in America has gone to shit. Return it to the states.



if the DOE has "gone to shit" then it should be fixed.

But allowing Alabama to teach children to hate them northern yankees is a bad idea!
You are taking it a BIT far there..remember teachers still have to go to college and unless you think EVERY teacher is gonna be biased then its not a problem.
How interesting that it is not included in Schiff's plot, eh?

Have someone with better reading skills read to you the Mueller's findings and WHY Mueller recommends that indictments should follow the orange turd once he's out of office.

One more When will you stop laughing?

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Another whistleblower has come forward, this time alleging ‘inappropriate steps’ were taken to influence Trump’s tax audit
An August 8 letter, written by House Ways and Means Chairman Richard Neal to Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, discusses the allegations.
nat4900 what's so funny about pedophilia...I mean I know its something you approve of simply by being a leftist scumbag but I don't find it the least bit funny.

NO, are citing individual BLOGS by your fellow morons just to stir up hatred....just like your orange turd in chief.
nat4900 what's so funny about pedophilia...I mean I know its something you approve of simply by being a leftist scumbag but I don't find it the least bit funny.

NO, are citing individual BLOGS by your fellow morons just to stir up hatred....just like your orange turd in chief.
Nope. Not blogs I gave you what the search its self brought up and I KNOW I have seen people post here about leftists wanting pedophilia to be declared legal and declared a mental illness not a crime...slippery slope started with miscegenation which is essentially just beastiality and then went to homosexuality and now pedophilia is next.
How about we get rid of all the Democrat created bureaucracies get rid of the welfare system get rid of the department of education
Department of Education absolutely. Welfare system sure as soon as we reign in corporations paying shit wages and people can start working a 40 hour work week and making a living and raising a family off of it. MOST people who get food stamps already get rid of welfare first we must fix corporate greed,trade deals etc.

I would NOT get rid of the dept of ed.

I believe standards should be set in place and monitored to see that all American children get a good education and all children are treated fairly. I have a strong suspicion that if every state could teach what it wanted some states would teach about the Civil War while others would teach about the War of Northern Aggression.

nothing says "lets have another civil war" like teaching your kids to hate OTHER parts of the country


I would change it to a TEMPORARY WORKFARE system.

Anyone needing assistance would go to them and in return for $ aid to live and eat they would have to 1. get education and training and 2. spend some time each work doing some kind of work for the community.

This would be a TEMPORARY situation until the receiver (with help from the TEMP WORK FARE organization) found a job.

Ultimate goal being to get these people OFF of WORKFARE and back in the workforce as quickly as possible. And an END to welfare for life.
Under the DOE education in America has gone to shit. Return it to the states.



if the DOE has "gone to shit" then it should be fixed.

But allowing Alabama to teach children to hate them northern yankees is a bad idea!
You are taking it a BIT far there..remember teachers still have to go to college and unless you think EVERY teacher is gonna be biased then its not a problem.


I thought we were talking about letting each state set its own education system and standards.

Certainly Alabama would TRAIN and HIRE teachers who fit their conservative christian ideology. I doubt they would ever hire someone with the "wrong" beliefs and opinions.
Besides, they would SET the curriculum and standards; you WILL teach the bible, you WILL teach that gays are abnormal and deviants, you will NOT teach that homosexuals should be tolerated, when talking about the War of Northern Aggression you will NEVER use the words "civil war".....

Texas Students Will Now Learn That Slavery Was 'Central' to ... › texas-slavery-social-studies-curriculum

Nov 21, 2018 - Texas is home to about one-tenth of the country's public school ... from Texas Public Radio, though he added that Texans still did not agree on ...
Texas Will Finally Teach That Slavery Was Main Cause of the ... › smart-news › texas-will-finally-teach-sl...

Nov 19, 2018 - Texas Will Finally Teach That Slavery Was Main Cause of the Civil War ... staffed by non-educators, to purchase all public school textbooks, ...
Texas Revises History Education, Again | Perspectives on ... › perspectives-on-history › january-2019 › texa...

Jan 11, 2019 - The Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) is no stranger to controversy. .... the key goals, content, and narratives to teach in K–12 schools.
nat4900 what's so funny about pedophilia...I mean I know its something you approve of simply by being a leftist scumbag but I don't find it the least bit funny.

NO, are citing individual BLOGS by your fellow morons just to stir up hatred....just like your orange turd in chief.
Nope. Not blogs I gave you what the search its self brought up and I KNOW I have seen people post here about leftists wanting pedophilia to be declared legal and declared a mental illness not a crime...slippery slope started with miscegenation which is essentially just beastiality and then went to homosexuality and now pedophilia is next.

"Not blogs I gave you what the search its self brought up and I KNOW I have seen people post here about leftists wanting pedophilia to be declared legal and declared a mental illness not a crime."

Quite possibly you have, indeed, seen and read these things.

I, myself, have not.

I certainly do believe pedophilia is WRONG and should be considered a crime for anyone to commit....

do you?

In Some Evangelical Circles, Grown Men Pursuing Teens Isn't ... › entry › roy-moore-evangelicalism_n_5a05f4f...

Nov 14, 2017 - While the ideal age for girls to get married was 16 or 17, Field said that “below 16 wouldn't be ... 12, to fill Attorney General Jeff Sessions' former Senate seat. ... 14 year old girls courting adult men isn't entirely uncommon.
Evangelical Pastor Marries 12-Year-Old By 'God's Orders' › evangelical-pastor-marries-12-year-old-gods-or...

Sep 7, 2017
Jorge Federico Villareal is an evangelical pastor in the city of México that just announced on social media that ...
How interesting that it is not included in Schiff's plot, eh?

Have someone with better reading skills read to you the Mueller's findings and WHY Mueller recommends that indictments should follow the orange turd once he's out of office.


Your post is equivalent to stating, "why wasn't that bank robber ALSO charged with double-parking during the robbery???"

Every day Trump is sounding more like a dictator Now the whistle blower is a spy??
  • Thanks
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How interesting that it is not included in Schiff's plot, eh?

Have someone with better reading skills read to you the Mueller's findings and WHY Mueller recommends that indictments should follow the orange turd once he's out of office.

One more When will you stop laughing?

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Another whistleblower has come forward, this time alleging ‘inappropriate steps’ were taken to influence Trump’s tax audit
An August 8 letter, written by House Ways and Means Chairman Richard Neal to Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, discusses the allegations.

Have your fun, ed. The judgement cometh, and that right soon.
How interesting that it is not included in Schiff's plot, eh?

Have someone with better reading skills read to you the Mueller's findings and WHY Mueller recommends that indictments should follow the orange turd once he's out of office.

One more When will you stop laughing?

About this website


Another whistleblower has come forward, this time alleging ‘inappropriate steps’ were taken to influence Trump’s tax audit
An August 8 letter, written by House Ways and Means Chairman Richard Neal to Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, discusses the allegations.

Have your fun, ed. The judgement cometh, and that right soon.
Billy watching this moron this mentally sick idiot in the wh is no fun He speaks like a dictator would Whistle blower is a spy?? Shoot immigrants in the legs etc etc
How about we get rid of all the Democrat created bureaucracies get rid of the welfare system get rid of the department of education
Department of Education absolutely. Welfare system sure as soon as we reign in corporations paying shit wages and people can start working a 40 hour work week and making a living and raising a family off of it. MOST people who get food stamps already get rid of welfare first we must fix corporate greed,trade deals etc.

I would NOT get rid of the dept of ed.

I believe standards should be set in place and monitored to see that all American children get a good education and all children are treated fairly. I have a strong suspicion that if every state could teach what it wanted some states would teach about the Civil War while others would teach about the War of Northern Aggression.

nothing says "lets have another civil war" like teaching your kids to hate OTHER parts of the country


I would change it to a TEMPORARY WORKFARE system.

Anyone needing assistance would go to them and in return for $ aid to live and eat they would have to 1. get education and training and 2. spend some time each work doing some kind of work for the community.

This would be a TEMPORARY situation until the receiver (with help from the TEMP WORK FARE organization) found a job.

Ultimate goal being to get these people OFF of WORKFARE and back in the workforce as quickly as possible. And an END to welfare for life.
Under the DOE education in America has gone to shit. Return it to the states.



if the DOE has "gone to shit" then it should be fixed.

But allowing Alabama to teach children to hate them northern yankees is a bad idea!
You are taking it a BIT far there..remember teachers still have to go to college and unless you think EVERY teacher is gonna be biased then its not a problem.
Thanks to the obstructionist democrat-controlled Congress

You had just enough in the Senate to obstruct.

Lets see......Throughout 2017-2018 your orange turd had the WH ALL of Congress and a right wing majority in the SCOTUS.....and you......STILL blame democrats????................You're the very definition of a Trump cult member and ass kisser......LMAO

Bubba yearned for a third term. FDR was our last dictator.
Please show me where Conservatives are asking for Trump to be President for Life.

To help you educate these articles or have someone read them to you.

'President for Life'? Trump's Remarks About Xi Find Fans in ...

'Dictator envy': Trump's praise of Kim Jong Un widens his ...

'Maybe we'll give that a shot': Donald Trump praises Xi ...

Bubba yearned for a third term. FDR was our last dictator.

Bubba yearned for a third term.

did he?

I'm sure you can post evidence.

"FDR was our last dictator."

Please show me where Conservatives are asking for Trump to be President for Life.

To help you educate these articles or have someone read them to you.

'President for Life'? Trump's Remarks About Xi Find Fans in ...

'Dictator envy': Trump's praise of Kim Jong Un widens his ...

'Maybe we'll give that a shot': Donald Trump praises Xi ...

Bubba yearned for a third term. FDR was our last dictator.

Bubba yearned for a third term.

did he?

I'm sure you can post evidence.

"FDR was our last dictator."

Please show me where Conservatives are asking for Trump to be President for Life.

To help you educate these articles or have someone read them to you.

'President for Life'? Trump's Remarks About Xi Find Fans in ...

'Dictator envy': Trump's praise of Kim Jong Un widens his ...

'Maybe we'll give that a shot': Donald Trump praises Xi ...
Manager: Trump family building 'dynasty' for decades to come

Trump's own campaign manager talking about his "dynasty"...
Every day Trump is sounding more like a dictator Now the whistle blower is a spy??

...and not just that, my friend, Trump is labeling some political opponents as "traitors"..............I'm sure he means traitors to his cult membership.
Please show me where Conservatives are asking for Trump to be President for Life.

To help you educate these articles or have someone read them to you.

'President for Life'? Trump's Remarks About Xi Find Fans in ...

'Dictator envy': Trump's praise of Kim Jong Un widens his ...

'Maybe we'll give that a shot': Donald Trump praises Xi ...

Bubba yearned for a third term. FDR was our last dictator.

Bubba yearned for a third term.

did he?

I'm sure you can post evidence.

"FDR was our last dictator."


Thank you.

That is, indeed, evidence.
Every day Trump is sounding more like a dictator Now the whistle blower is a spy??

...and not just that, my friend, Trump is labeling some political opponents as "traitors"..............I'm sure he means traitors to his cult membership.
And Obama referred the republicans as the "enemy". It's politics

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