Some People Have A Thirst For A Dictator

Must be conservatives.

Who all seem to think that making trump president for life is a good idea....
Nope. Trump for two terms and Pence for two terms. Then the USA will be back on track.
How you figure? The SC still controls what laws are allowed to go into affect. "Conservatives" haven't conserved jack shit...abortion is still legal,homosexual "marriage",eventually incest,pedophilia etc.Endless wars,undying loyalty to a foreign nation,healthcare system in shambles, etc...I can go on for HOURS...but BOTH parties completely SUCK! The entire system SUCKS!
Do you really think he would actually try to remain in office unconstitutionally?

Are you that deranged by TDS that you actually believe that?

ALL that I'm educating you on is the REAL fact that your orange turd DID openly state that he is envious of those countries where dictatorships are acceptable.

The fact that the idiot-in-chief actually "thinks" that way should give ass kissers like you some pause....don't you think?

It's amazing how you assume something is verbatim when it suits your interests, yet dig into nuances about other statements when it also suits your interests.


Go play in traffic.

"It's amazing how you assume something is verbatim when it suits your interests, yet dig into nuances about other statements when it also suits your interests."

did you actually think that only conservatives are allowed to do this?

First, learn to use the quote function properly, you room temperature IQ hack.

2nd, nice-non response, and stop trying to white knight for nat-moron, you have a hard enough time defending your own posts coherently.

Of course we all know progressives can't take a joke without crying about microaggressions, like the pansies they are.

Ass kissers DO "excuse" Trump's jokes quite a lot, don't you......Along with accepting "alternate facts" as truth is EXACTLY what makes you ass kissers and cult members..

And overreacting to any statement he makes just shows how much of a deranged bedwetting twat you are.


you are obviously over-reacting

the way cons do on EVERY issue....

I say I believe our laws should NOT be based on the christian religion and cons IMMEDIATLY "OVERREACT" by calling me a god hater and a terrorist lover....

i say I believe pot should be legal and cons immediately claim i want doctors getting stoned before surgery

I say I believe gays should have the same rights as everyone else and cons IMMEDIATLY accuse me of wanting people to marry their goats and their dogs....

and here YOU are "over-reacting...."

shock and yawn......

Must be conservatives.

Who all seem to think that making trump president for life is a good idea....

Please show me where Conservatives are asking for Trump to be President for Life.

it is rather sad and pathetic that so many conservatives are so dangerously deranged.

you believe the most awful lies

you have the most awful desire to hurt and kill people

and anytime someone says some TRUE thing that offends you you refuse to believe it. honest.....wouldn't YOU like trump to be president for MORE than 2 terms?

wouldn't it make you happy to be able to keep him president for life?
And you think it's just the conservatives........

:rofl: :lmao: :rofl:

Must be conservatives.

Who all seem to think that making trump president for life is a good idea....
Nope. Trump for two terms and Pence for two terms. Then the USA will be back on track.
How you figure? The SC still controls what laws are allowed to go into affect. "Conservatives" haven't conserved jack shit...abortion is still legal,homosexual "marriage",eventually incest,pedophilia etc.Endless wars,undying loyalty to a foreign nation,healthcare system in shambles, etc...I can go on for HOURS...but BOTH parties completely SUCK! The entire system SUCKS!

"but BOTH parties completely SUCK! The entire system SUCKS"

I agree.

Of course we all know progressives can't take a joke without crying about microaggressions, like the pansies they are.

Ass kissers DO "excuse" Trump's jokes quite a lot, don't you......Along with accepting "alternate facts" as truth is EXACTLY what makes you ass kissers and cult members..

And overreacting to any statement he makes just shows how much of a deranged bedwetting twat you are.


you are obviously over-reacting

the way cons do on EVERY issue....

I say I believe our laws should NOT be based on the christian religion and cons IMMEDIATLY "OVERREACT" by calling me a god hater and a terrorist lover....

i say I believe pot should be legal and cons immediately claim i want doctors getting stoned before surgery

I say I believe gays should have the same rights as everyone else and cons IMMEDIATLY accuse me of wanting people to marry their goats and their dogs....

and here YOU are "over-reacting...."

shock and yawn......

Why are you going off on a tangent about "cons" when you can point out MY responses to various things?


Do you really think he would actually try to remain in office unconstitutionally?

Are you that deranged by TDS that you actually believe that?

ALL that I'm educating you on is the REAL fact that your orange turd DID openly state that he is envious of those countries where dictatorships are acceptable.

The fact that the idiot-in-chief actually "thinks" that way should give ass kissers like you some pause....don't you think?

It's amazing how you assume something is verbatim when it suits your interests, yet dig into nuances about other statements when it also suits your interests.


Go play in traffic.

"It's amazing how you assume something is verbatim when it suits your interests, yet dig into nuances about other statements when it also suits your interests."

did you actually think that only conservatives are allowed to do this?

First, learn to use the quote function properly, you room temperature IQ hack.

2nd, nice-non response, and stop trying to white knight for nat-moron, you have a hard enough time defending your own posts coherently.

Being a free citizen of the USA I freely choose to post the way I post.

If you are a snowflake and this bothers you perhaps you should go to your room and cry for a while...?

maybe that would help.

My response, which you are obviously too stupid to understand, was merely;

cons do the same thing....only more so.

I don't expect you to agree with it or ever understand it because, obviously, being a conservative, you are just too stupid.

And I hardly EVER defend my posts (this being something of an exception).

cons post lies and nonsense.

I post facts and truth

cons attack with insults, personal attacks and more lies....

I ignore and move on to the next topic.

Must be conservatives.

Who all seem to think that making trump president for life is a good idea....
Conservatives want a small government
Then get rid of the SC and Congress. A dictator is a small government.
How about we get rid of all the Democrat created bureaucracies get rid of the welfare system get rid of the department of education

Of course we all know progressives can't take a joke without crying about microaggressions, like the pansies they are.

Ass kissers DO "excuse" Trump's jokes quite a lot, don't you......Along with accepting "alternate facts" as truth is EXACTLY what makes you ass kissers and cult members..

And overreacting to any statement he makes just shows how much of a deranged bedwetting twat you are.


you are obviously over-reacting

the way cons do on EVERY issue....

I say I believe our laws should NOT be based on the christian religion and cons IMMEDIATLY "OVERREACT" by calling me a god hater and a terrorist lover....

i say I believe pot should be legal and cons immediately claim i want doctors getting stoned before surgery

I say I believe gays should have the same rights as everyone else and cons IMMEDIATLY accuse me of wanting people to marry their goats and their dogs....

and here YOU are "over-reacting...."

shock and yawn......
The problem is you give degeneracy an inch it eventually takes a mile. We ALREADY see people trying to get pedophilia legalized etc.

Must be conservatives.

Who all seem to think that making trump president for life is a good idea....
Conservatives want a small government
Then get rid of the SC and Congress. A dictator is a small government.
How about we get rid of all the Democrat created bureaucracies get rid of the welfare system get rid of the department of education
Department of Education absolutely. Welfare system sure as soon as we reign in corporations paying shit wages and people can start working a 40 hour work week and making a living and raising a family off of it. MOST people who get food stamps already get rid of welfare first we must fix corporate greed,trade deals etc.

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