Some perspective on mass shootings. CARS kill 100 americans every DAY

Number of guns death in the USA: 33,636 in 2014. shootspeeders loses again.


The Americas have by far the worst gun problem in the world, with the weapons used in 66% of homicides. That compares with 13% to 28% in other regions, according to a 2013 United Nations report.

The region, which includes North America, South America, and the Caribbean islands, also has the world's highest murder rate, at 16.3 per 100,000 people. The global average is 6.2 per 100,000, according to the report. The Americas' extreme gun problem, in one chart

Citation Alpers, Philip, Amélie Rossetti and Daniel Salinas. 2015. Guns in the United States: Total Number of Gun Deaths.Sydney School of Public Health, The University of Sydney., 23 November.Accessed 3 December 2015. at: United States – Total Number of Gun Deaths

Please adjust your numbers as suicides do not count
Of course they count. They are intentionally inflicted.
Cars are a way to travel from point A to point B. Cars are a necessity of life. When cars KILL it is by ACCIDENT, not by conscientious and willful pull of a trigger or analogously, the accidental and unintentional jerk of the steering wheel or failing to step on the break pedal.

Who cares?? Dead is dead. Would you rather have your kid killed or crippled by a reckless driver as opposed to a shooter? THINK
Number of guns death in the USA: 33,636 in 2014. shootspeeders loses again.


The Americas have by far the worst gun problem in the world, with the weapons used in 66% of homicides. That compares with 13% to 28% in other regions, according to a 2013 United Nations report.

The region, which includes North America, South America, and the Caribbean islands, also has the world's highest murder rate, at 16.3 per 100,000 people. The global average is 6.2 per 100,000, according to the report. The Americas' extreme gun problem, in one chart

Citation Alpers, Philip, Amélie Rossetti and Daniel Salinas. 2015. Guns in the United States: Total Number of Gun Deaths.Sydney School of Public Health, The University of Sydney., 23 November.Accessed 3 December 2015. at: United States – Total Number of Gun Deaths

Please adjust your numbers as suicides do not count
Of course they count. They are intentionally inflicted.

Suicide is not a crime therefore the death is not a crime no one is hurt but the person pulling the trigger

Suicide is a choice, voluntary and is not a measure of violence or murder
Number of guns death in the USA: 33,636 in 2014. shootspeeders loses again.


The Americas have by far the worst gun problem in the world, with the weapons used in 66% of homicides. That compares with 13% to 28% in other regions, according to a 2013 United Nations report.

The region, which includes North America, South America, and the Caribbean islands, also has the world's highest murder rate, at 16.3 per 100,000 people. The global average is 6.2 per 100,000, according to the report. The Americas' extreme gun problem, in one chart

Citation Alpers, Philip, Amélie Rossetti and Daniel Salinas. 2015. Guns in the United States: Total Number of Gun Deaths.Sydney School of Public Health, The University of Sydney., 23 November.Accessed 3 December 2015. at: United States – Total Number of Gun Deaths

Please adjust your numbers as suicides do not count
Of course they count. They are intentionally inflicted.

Suicide is not a crime therefore the death is not a crime no one is hurt but the person pulling the trigger

Suicide is a choice, voluntary and is not a measure of violence or murder
It is intentionally inflicted. It is an intentional death by firearm. You can't get away from this, sp. Give it up.
Cars are a way to travel from point A to point B. Cars are a necessity of life. When cars KILL it is by ACCIDENT, not by conscientious and willful pull of a trigger or analogously, the accidental and unintentional jerk of the steering wheel or failing to step on the break pedal.

Who cares?? Dead is dead. Would you rather have your kid killed or crippled by a reckless driver as opposed to a shooter? THINK
I would rather have my child alive. Don't be stupid, ss.
Cars are a way to travel from point A to point B. Cars are a necessity of life. When cars KILL it is by ACCIDENT, not by conscientious and willful pull of a trigger or analogously, the accidental and unintentional jerk of the steering wheel or failing to step on the break pedal.

Who cares?? Dead is dead. Would you rather have your kid killed or crippled by a reckless driver as opposed to a shooter? THINK

I would be far more forgiving if my child was dead by an accident, than if he was dead by a willful act of barbaric Muslim terrorism.

Your attempt of equating/conflating the two scenarios is a perfect reflection of your moral turpitude..
Number of guns death in the USA: 33,636 in 2014. shootspeeders loses again.


The Americas have by far the worst gun problem in the world, with the weapons used in 66% of homicides. That compares with 13% to 28% in other regions, according to a 2013 United Nations report.

The region, which includes North America, South America, and the Caribbean islands, also has the world's highest murder rate, at 16.3 per 100,000 people. The global average is 6.2 per 100,000, according to the report. The Americas' extreme gun problem, in one chart

Citation Alpers, Philip, Amélie Rossetti and Daniel Salinas. 2015. Guns in the United States: Total Number of Gun Deaths.Sydney School of Public Health, The University of Sydney., 23 November.Accessed 3 December 2015. at: United States – Total Number of Gun Deaths

Please adjust your numbers as suicides do not count
Of course they count. They are intentionally inflicted.

Suicide is not a crime therefore the death is not a crime no one is hurt but the person pulling the trigger

Suicide is a choice, voluntary and is not a measure of violence or murder
It is intentionally inflicted. It is an intentional death by firearm. You can't get away from this, sp. Give it up.

Intentional suicide is not a crime

You people like to use the suicide stat because it pads your your numbers and makes the problem of gun violence look worse that it is but it's a red herring

The more relevant stats are murders by gun then accidental death by guns
Cars are a way to travel from point A to point B. Cars are a necessity of life. When cars KILL it is by ACCIDENT, not by conscientious and willful pull of a trigger or analogously, the accidental and unintentional jerk of the steering wheel or failing to step on the break pedal.

Who cares?? Dead is dead. Would you rather have your kid killed or crippled by a reckless driver as opposed to a shooter? THINK

I would be far more forgiving if my child was dead by an accident, than if he was dead by a willful act of barbaric Muslim terrorism.

Your attempt of equating/conflating the two scenarios is a perfect reflection of your moral turpitude..
Ok, now that scene from "Porky's" just popped into my head....."moral turpitude!"
This topic is perfect. Here is something I've been posting for a while:

LIBTARD: Guns just killed some more people. We must ban them.

RUBE: Cars kill a lot more people than guns. So I guess we should ban them, too, right? Right? Right?

FOX NEWS: Some more Muslims just killed some more people. Every time any Muslim anywhere kills someone, we will be right here to tell you all about it, with doom music.


Cars are inanimate objects and do not kill. The ones who killed the disabled people were muslims.

What about the ones who killed that cop at PP?
Number of guns death in the USA: 33,636 in 2014. shootspeeders loses again.


The Americas have by far the worst gun problem in the world, with the weapons used in 66% of homicides. That compares with 13% to 28% in other regions, according to a 2013 United Nations report.

The region, which includes North America, South America, and the Caribbean islands, also has the world's highest murder rate, at 16.3 per 100,000 people. The global average is 6.2 per 100,000, according to the report. The Americas' extreme gun problem, in one chart

Citation Alpers, Philip, Amélie Rossetti and Daniel Salinas. 2015. Guns in the United States: Total Number of Gun Deaths.Sydney School of Public Health, The University of Sydney., 23 November.Accessed 3 December 2015. at: United States – Total Number of Gun Deaths

Please adjust your numbers as suicides do not count
Of course they count. They are intentionally inflicted.

Suicide is not a crime therefore the death is not a crime no one is hurt but the person pulling the trigger

Suicide is a choice, voluntary and is not a measure of violence or murder
It is intentionally inflicted. It is an intentional death by firearm. You can't get away from this, sp. Give it up.

Intentional suicide is not a crime

You people like to use the suicide stat because it pads your your numbers and makes the problem of gun violence look worse that it is but it's a red herring

The more relevant stats are murders by gun then accidental death by guns
Your objection has already been noted and overruled. Your comments are a red herring and will be ignored.

That's an interesting graph and i wish you would give a link. I went to DOT and couldn't find it. BTW - it would be better to see a graph of deaths per mile instead of per person.

Notice the big drop around 1974. That's when we went to the 55 mph speed limit. We'd get a similar drop if we did it today but libs say no way. want the speed limit back to 55? You're nuts.
Obvious the left doesn't care about saving lives since they not only accept without complaint the much bigger highway homicide problem, but also the million abortions every year in america.

We all voluntarily assume the risks driving. No one's volunteering themselves to be the victim of a weak federal government and terrorists on US soil.

That's an interesting graph and i wish you would give a link. I went to DOT and couldn't find it. BTW - it would be better to see a graph of deaths per mile instead of per person.

Notice the big drop around 1974. That's when we went to the 55 mph speed limit. We'd get a similar drop if we did it today but libs say no way. want the speed limit back to 55? You're nuts.
It's the cons that say no way. We can drive 75 in Texas on two lane roads, one each way, undivided, and the Texas lege is as con as they come, ss.
You are the one trying to deflect the conversation. Libs hate it when conservatives point out that car violence is a far bigger problem than gun violence. They hate it because they have no answer.
"Car Violence" ???:eusa_eh:

Are you serious??? Are you saying speeding and drunk driving are NOT violent crimes??? The mind boggles at the depth of liberal stupidity.
I agree with you, ss, but the cons won't allow it.

They want to speed.
This topic is perfect. Here is something I've been posting for a while:

LIBTARD: Guns just killed some more people. We must ban them.

RUBE: Cars kill a lot more people than guns. So I guess we should ban them, too, right? Right? Right?

FOX NEWS: Some more Muslims just killed some more people. Every time any Muslim anywhere kills someone, we will be right here to tell you all about it, with doom music.


Cars are inanimate objects and do not kill. The ones who killed the disabled people were muslims.

What about the ones who killed that cop at PP?

What about it? He's a murderer also. You need to play gotcha with the kids, CC.

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