Some Thoughts About Robin Williams Suicide.

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His problems were his own. He victimized no one and he found his own solution. It's none of our fucking business. It is the business of him and his.

It's our business only in that Robin Williams was a PUBLIC figure, and his face and words keep getting thrown into our living rooms by the media, who are all over this. It's also our business in that we can advise younger people to avoid drugs, except as prescribed by doctors. As for "victimized", how about his family and close friends ? No man is an island.
1. You don't know what I deal with.

2. I deal with far more than Robin Williams ever did (bipolar or no bipolar)

I dare say that you don't know what Robin Williams dealt with either. So you have no way of comparing.

I am not minimizing anything you have dealt with. I am just pointing out that comparing is both impossible and inaccurate.

No, it's not impossible to compare. I'm not comparing in a totaled up quantitative sense.
I compare that I never had the wealth Robin had. I did have poverty (at one stage in my life). I have had military injuries (both psychological and physical), and my injuries came as a result of a military draft in 1964, rather than what Robin imposed on himself, if his drug problems caused his health problems, which is not unlikely. As a disabled veteran, I live with my injuries month in and month out. Have had 7 surgeries this year alone. That's an "accurate" count. Some comparisons can be made, and I probably wouldn't have even mentioned my "monsters" had this subject not been brought up by Rosie S, which induced my response.

Do you know anyone who is bipolar or clinically depressed? I know a few people with depression. It's hard to explain because a healthy mind can't really grasp that willpower alone can't fix the problem because willpower is derived from a healthy mind. That depressed mind works on a whole different set of rules. What's easy for us becomes monumentally difficult for the depressed person. Imagine tormenting yourself for 3 weeks trying to summon the willpower to leave your house, get out of your nightgown and go to the beauty parlor when for a normal person that decision is lickety split fast - JUST hop in the car and go. I'm writing this 2 times removed, knowing my friend's mother and hearing his sorrows of dealing with her.

Our reality is constructed by our mind, if the mind is not healthy then the reality gets drastically changed, so its difficult for people with healthy minds to even comprehend what the inner world of the clinically depressed person is really like.
Suicide is ultimately an act of selfishness. But mental illness is also a very tough disease. I hope he did not kill himself because he had a show canceled. That would be monumentally stupid. Horrible loss, he was a very funny and entertaining man.
I dare say that you don't know what Robin Williams dealt with either. So you have no way of comparing.

I am not minimizing anything you have dealt with. I am just pointing out that comparing is both impossible and inaccurate.

No, it's not impossible to compare. I'm not comparing in a totaled up quantitative sense.
I compare that I never had the wealth Robin had. I did have poverty (at one stage in my life). I have had military injuries (both psychological and physical), and my injuries came as a result of a military draft in 1964, rather than what Robin imposed on himself, if his drug problems caused his health problems, which is not unlikely. As a disabled veteran, I live with my injuries month in and month out. Have had 7 surgeries this year alone. That's an "accurate" count. Some comparisons can be made.

Wealth has little to do with mental illness. Since you do not know what sort of mental illnesses he faced or the details of much of his life, the comparison is not valid.

I agree wholeheartedly with what Meathead said, "His problems were his own. He victimized no one and he found his own solution. It's none of our fucking business. It is the business of him and his.".

I also do not see the point of judging his actions or trying to play "My life is tougher than his" in this thread.

My point is that you do not know. Robin Williams did not victimize anyone. He helped people. His solution may not be yours, but that does not mean much.

Wealth and the lack of it can have a whole lot to do with mental illness. Are you a certified psychologist ? I've talked to some who emphatically disagree with you.

As for what Meathead said, I've already responded to that, and the "victimize" notion.

Caution WB. You're starting to look like trolling again (if not stalking). Interesting how of all the threads in this forum, the minute I open up a new one, here you are. :lol:
I agree, but just add that his mental illness was likely from drugs and alcohol, and people (especially kids) should be wary. Too many good people have died this way at much too young an age, and it is regrettable (Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Frankie Lymon, Gram Parsons, Elvis Presly, etc.)

You have no way of knowing whether his mental illness stemmed from his substance abuse or whether his substance abuse stemmed from his mental illness. We do know that he still suffered from his mental illness when he was sober, so that points to the substance abuse being him self-medicating.

Yes, everyone (especially kids) should be very wary of drugs and alcohol. I agree with you there.

Among the dozens of media reports that have been flowing like Niagra Falls, there were a few that stated that his mental problems came from alcohol and drug abuse. True, they aren't 100% confirmed reports at this point. It would not seem to be an unlikely scenario. Maybe we'll hear from Robin's doctors at some point. In any event, my primary point was for the kids to be cautious with alcohol/drugs.

Like the plague, drugs* can kill even if one isn't depressed.

*(ALCOHOL is a drug.)
I dare say that you don't know what Robin Williams dealt with either. So you have no way of comparing.

I am not minimizing anything you have dealt with. I am just pointing out that comparing is both impossible and inaccurate.

No, it's not impossible to compare. I'm not comparing in a totaled up quantitative sense.
I compare that I never had the wealth Robin had. I did have poverty (at one stage in my life). I have had military injuries (both psychological and physical), and my injuries came as a result of a military draft in 1964, rather than what Robin imposed on himself, if his drug problems caused his health problems, which is not unlikely. As a disabled veteran, I live with my injuries month in and month out. Have had 7 surgeries this year alone. That's an "accurate" count. Some comparisons can be made, and I probably wouldn't have even mentioned my "monsters" had this subject not been brought up by Rosie S, which induced my response.

Do you know anyone who is bipolar or clinically depressed? I know a few people with depression. It's hard to explain because a healthy mind can't really grasp that willpower alone can't fix the problem because willpower is derived from a healthy mind. That depressed mind works on a whole different set of rules. What's easy for us becomes monumentally difficult for the depressed person. Imagine tormenting yourself for 3 weeks trying to summon the willpower to leave your house, get out of your nightgown and go to the beauty parlor when for a normal person that decision is lickety split fast - JUST hop in the car and go. I'm writing this 2 times removed, knowing my friend's mother and hearing his sorrows of dealing with her.

Our reality is constructed by our mind, if the mind is not healthy then the reality gets drastically changed, so its difficult for people with healthy minds to even comprehend what the inner world of the clinically depressed person is really like.

I have been suffering from mental illnesses for almost 50 years. I've been treated and am much better now, but I still have limitations which I cannot, and would not ever try to go beyond. I know exactly what you're talking about.
I compare that I never had the wealth Robin had

And that is the crux of the problems some have of grasping that of which they know nothing of. Wealth has NOTHING to do with mental illnes. Do you think anyone "in their right mind" would rather have dollars than peace of mind? Really? Just because he continued on fighting his disease and actually made something of himself has SQUAT to do with his mental issues.

But I waste my breath. He had money, and therefore he is selfish and offed himself.

Eye roll.
His problems were his own. He victimized no one and he found his own solution. It's none of our fucking business. It is the business of him and his.

It's our business only in that Robin Williams was a PUBLIC figure, and his face and words keep getting thrown into our living rooms by the media, who are all over this. It's also our business in that we can advise younger people to avoid drugs, except as prescribed by doctors. As for "victimized", how about his family and close friends ? No man is an island.

As Meathead said, "It is the business of him and his.".

I was specifically addressing your claim that you know what Williams was going through, and comparing your own situation to it.
His problems were his own. He victimized no one and he found his own solution. It's none of our fucking business. It is the business of him and his.

It's our business only in that Robin Williams was a PUBLIC figure, and his face and words keep getting thrown into our living rooms by the media, who are all over this. It's also our business in that we can advise younger people to avoid drugs, except as prescribed by doctors. As for "victimized", how about his family and close friends ? No man is an island.
Few of us lead perfect lives. Robin accomplished brought far more than joy in peoples lives in the last several decades than anyone else. Bear with us as we honor our dead. It may well be a personal level that you have not yet achieved.
No, it's not impossible to compare. I'm not comparing in a totaled up quantitative sense.
I compare that I never had the wealth Robin had. I did have poverty (at one stage in my life). I have had military injuries (both psychological and physical), and my injuries came as a result of a military draft in 1964, rather than what Robin imposed on himself, if his drug problems caused his health problems, which is not unlikely. As a disabled veteran, I live with my injuries month in and month out. Have had 7 surgeries this year alone. That's an "accurate" count. Some comparisons can be made.

Wealth has little to do with mental illness. Since you do not know what sort of mental illnesses he faced or the details of much of his life, the comparison is not valid.

I agree wholeheartedly with what Meathead said, "His problems were his own. He victimized no one and he found his own solution. It's none of our fucking business. It is the business of him and his.".

I also do not see the point of judging his actions or trying to play "My life is tougher than his" in this thread.

My point is that you do not know. Robin Williams did not victimize anyone. He helped people. His solution may not be yours, but that does not mean much.

Wealth and the lack of it can have a whole lot to do with mental illness. Are you a certified psychologist ? I've talked to some who emphatically disagree with you.

As for what Meathead said, I've already responded to that, and the "victimize" notion.

Caution WB. You're starting to look like trolling again (if not stalking). Interesting how of all the threads in this forum, the minute I open up a new one, here you are. :lol:

My point was not that wealth cannot be an advantage in treating a mental illness, but that wealth or lack of wealth is not the issue concerning bipolar or clinical depression.

As for my trolling, you may continue to report me. What is interesting is that, of all the threads in this forum, I have posted in quite a few. Only when I post in yours is it somehow "trolling". LMAO!!

It is also funny how you do not mention trolling until you are called out on something.
His problems were his own. He victimized no one and he found his own solution. It's none of our fucking business. It is the business of him and his.

you are absolutely right. Too often we act like Paparazzi peeking in a window to get one last titillating glimpse of a larger than life icon who has been in and out of our lives for decades.

On the other hand there are deeper layers to our concern other than prurient curiousity, as has been demonstrated by several posters in this thread. And not surprisingly we often turn to other "entertainers" for some comfort in the knowledge that the human condition is in the end universal.

"No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend's or of thine own were: any man's death diminishes me,
because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bells tolls; it tolls for thee."

Is Robin William's tragic death any of our business? Well, we have no right to sift through his garbage to find headlines for the National Enquirer, a real human being wouldn't do that. But hopefully in our contemplation we may be reminded, as Marley's ghost cried out in his great lament;

“Mankind was my business. The common welfare was my business; charity, mercy, forbearance, benevolence, were all my business. The dealings of my trade were but a drop of water in the comprehensive ocean of my business! "
Robin Williams was bipolar.

He dealt on a daily basis with more monsters than you will in a lifetime.

For the benefit of those who do not want to remain ignorant:

NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness - Mental Health Support, Education and Advocacy

Regards from Rosie

1. You don't know what I deal with.

2. I deal with far more than Robin Williams ever did (bipolar or no bipolar)

I dare say that you don't know what Robin Williams dealt with either. So you have no way of comparing.

I am not minimizing anything you have dealt with. I am just pointing out that comparing is both impossible and inaccurate.

“Be kind. Everyone you meet is carrying a heavy burden.”
1. You don't know what I deal with.

2. I deal with far more than Robin Williams ever did (bipolar or no bipolar)

I dare say that you don't know what Robin Williams dealt with either. So you have no way of comparing.

I am not minimizing anything you have dealt with. I am just pointing out that comparing is both impossible and inaccurate.

“Be kind. Everyone you meet is carrying a heavy burden.”

Indeed they are. And we have no way of fully knowing the other's burden.
Robin Williams was bipolar.

He dealt on a daily basis with more monsters than you will in a lifetime.

For the benefit of those who do not want to remain ignorant:

NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness - Mental Health Support, Education and Advocacy

Regards from Rosie

he was in a drug rehab last month in Minnesota

he had a long history of "self medicating"

The photo, taken earlier this summer at a Lindstrom, Minnesota, Dairy Queen, shows Williams in the midst of his recent rehab stay at Minnesota’s Hazelden Addiction Treatment Center.


Radar Online | Robin Williams Was Gaunt, Subdued, In Haunting Last Image
His problems were his own. He victimized no one and he found his own solution. It's none of our fucking business. It is the business of him and his.

Jaysus you're thick, son.

Once again you seem to have found the point of the thread somewhat illusive.

Williams is only an Example of a Suicide.

Suicide is the Topic.
Suicide is ultimately an act of selfishness. But mental illness is also a very tough disease. I hope he did not kill himself because he had a show canceled. That would be monumentally stupid. Horrible loss, he was a very funny and entertaining man.


I'm certain his wife and kids are well provided for.

At 63, Williams had lived a full life.
Slime Rush Limbaugh says he killed himself because he's liberal.

Rush Limbaugh: Robin Williams killed himself because of a ?political leftist? attitude

One of the comments - that Limbaugh is a shit stain on the underwear of society. Another "While people mourn the death of Robin Williams, many will celebrate Limbaugh's death."

Another of his comments:

“Robin Williams felt guilty that he was still alive while his three friends had died young, and much earlier than he had,” the conservative talker explained. “He could never get over the guilt that they died and he didn’t.”​

What's wrong with this?
Slime Rush Limbaugh says he killed himself because he's liberal.

Rush Limbaugh: Robin Williams killed himself because of a ?political leftist? attitude

One of the comments - that Limbaugh is a shit stain on the underwear of society. Another "While people mourn the death of Robin Williams, many will celebrate Limbaugh's death."

Another of his comments:

“Robin Williams felt guilty that he was still alive while his three friends had died young, and much earlier than he had,” the conservative talker explained. “He could never get over the guilt that they died and he didn’t.”​

What's wrong with this?

Nothing. Ludely read on a liberal blog she should be offended, so naturally she's jumping on the bandwagon.
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