Some Thoughts About Robin Williams Suicide.

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The only question that I have for those who have done themselves in is this: What makes you think that you'll be the only person who will be affected by your choice of action?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I don't care what a person's reasons are. To me, things do not get any better for anyone whenever someone decides to take their life and I am most definitely sick of other people not mattering enough to those who do decide to wrap things up for themselves. :mad: :mad: :mad:
Robin Williams was bipolar.

He dealt on a daily basis with more monsters than you will in a lifetime.

For the benefit of those who do not want to remain ignorant:

NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness - Mental Health Support, Education and Advocacy

Regards from Rosie

1. You don't know what I deal with.

2. I deal with far more than Robin Williams ever did (bipolar or no bipolar)

You aren't being very sympathetic here, protectionist.

I really would have expected you to be.
Slime Rush Limbaugh says he killed himself because he's liberal.

Rush Limbaugh: Robin Williams killed himself because of a ?political leftist? attitude

One of the comments - that Limbaugh is a shit stain on the underwear of society. Another "While people mourn the death of Robin Williams, many will celebrate Limbaugh's death."

Another of his comments:

“Robin Williams felt guilty that he was still alive while his three friends had died young, and much earlier than he had,” the conservative talker explained. “He could never get over the guilt that they died and he didn’t.”​

What's wrong with this?

That has been going around as one of the reasons. Survivor's guilt can be very powerful in a person already depressed. Especially painful was the loss of Christopher Reeve. They were especially close and had been roommates at Juilliard.

There wasn't a reason. There were probably hundreds of reasons. Not the least of which were two ex wives bleeding him for money and driving him into bankruptcy.
Wealth has little to do with mental illness. Since you do not know what sort of mental illnesses he faced or the details of much of his life, the comparison is not valid.

I agree wholeheartedly with what Meathead said, "His problems were his own. He victimized no one and he found his own solution. It's none of our fucking business. It is the business of him and his.".

I also do not see the point of judging his actions or trying to play "My life is tougher than his" in this thread.

My point is that you do not know. Robin Williams did not victimize anyone. He helped people. His solution may not be yours, but that does not mean much.

Wealth and the lack of it can have a whole lot to do with mental illness. Are you a certified psychologist ? I've talked to some who emphatically disagree with you.

As for what Meathead said, I've already responded to that, and the "victimize" notion.

Caution WB. You're starting to look like trolling again (if not stalking). Interesting how of all the threads in this forum, the minute I open up a new one, here you are. :lol:

My point was not that wealth cannot be an advantage in treating a mental illness, but that wealth or lack of wealth is not the issue concerning bipolar or clinical depression.

As for my trolling, you may continue to report me. What is interesting is that, of all the threads in this forum, I have posted in quite a few. Only when I post in yours is it somehow "trolling". LMAO!!

It is also funny how you do not mention trolling until you are called out on something.

I mention trolling when I see you doing it, the minute I show up in a new thread, and how your posts always seem to be disagreable and argumentive. What other threads you post in has nothing to do with it. That's enough of that. The topic is enough to talk about here. I still think that Robin Williams had a lot more going for him than maybe 99% of people in America, and how he got so bummed out is mysterious. One thing I read about him is that he was experiencing "loneliness". That is strange coming from a guy with a nice family, lots of friends, lots of admiring fans, who would love to be with him.

I just can't help thinking of all the people who really have a lot of reason to feel lonely, and be very bummed out, yet they don't fall apart and go down before their time.
I was discussing this with a retired nurse earlier. She had never and I have never known a cocaine addict that was not a depressive. Even after they quit. Cocaine with its euphoric highs and bottom out lows makes climbing out of depression that much harder.

Williams was a severe cocaine addict. He quit long ago but the depression remained.
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I'm mesmerized by this statement

He later told The New York Times that he hadn't confronted the underlying issues at the root of his addiction.

"There was still, in the background, this voice, like, 'Psst,'" he told the newspaper. "So when I relapsed, I went back hard. The one thing I hadn't dealt with was, how honest do you want to live?"

what was so hard for him to be honest about ?
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Robin Williams was bipolar.

He dealt on a daily basis with more monsters than you will in a lifetime.

For the benefit of those who do not want to remain ignorant:

NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness - Mental Health Support, Education and Advocacy

Regards from Rosie

1. You don't know what I deal with.

2. I deal with far more than Robin Williams ever did (bipolar or no bipolar)

You aren't being very sympathetic here, protectionist.

I really would have expected you to be.

You're missing the point. I am sorry for Robin Williams, and I certainly wish he and his great humor and smile were still with us. But I'm thinking about the sympathy that needs to go to his wife, his kids, his other relatives and close friends who he left behind.

I also very sympathetic to the thousands of US troops who have died recently, defending this country while movie stars were out partying hard, and nobody even knows their names, much less has every cable news network offering condolences round the clock. I just can't help thinking about them, and how so many people don't even think about or mention them, even on Memorial Day.

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Wealth and the lack of it can have a whole lot to do with mental illness. Are you a certified psychologist ? I've talked to some who emphatically disagree with you.

As for what Meathead said, I've already responded to that, and the "victimize" notion.

Caution WB. You're starting to look like trolling again (if not stalking). Interesting how of all the threads in this forum, the minute I open up a new one, here you are. :lol:

My point was not that wealth cannot be an advantage in treating a mental illness, but that wealth or lack of wealth is not the issue concerning bipolar or clinical depression.

As for my trolling, you may continue to report me. What is interesting is that, of all the threads in this forum, I have posted in quite a few. Only when I post in yours is it somehow "trolling". LMAO!!

It is also funny how you do not mention trolling until you are called out on something.

I mention trolling when I see you doing it, the minute I show up in a new thread, and how your posts always seem to be disagreable and argumentive. What other threads you post in has nothing to do with it. That's enough of that. The topic is enough to talk about here. I still think that Robin Williams had a lot more going for him than maybe 99% of people in America, and how he got so bummed out is mysterious. One thing I read about him is that he was experiencing "loneliness". That is strange coming from a guy with a nice family, lots of friends, lots of admiring fans, who would love to be with him.

I just can't help thinking of all the people who really have a lot of reason to feel lonely, and be very bummed out, yet they don't fall apart and go down before their time.

Clinical depression has little to do with the circumstances in their life. It is a chemical imbalance in the brain that causes depression. It is not, as I said before, like getting the blues about some event. It is your brain sabotaging your outlook on life.
The only question that I have for those who have done themselves in is this: What makes you think that you'll be the only person who will be affected by your choice of action?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I don't care what a person's reasons are. To me, things do not get any better for anyone whenever someone decides to take their life and I am most definitely sick of other people not mattering enough to those who do decide to wrap things up for themselves. :mad: :mad: :mad:

They not only kill themselves, they kill a large part of the loved ones they leave behind.

Never been to a funeral of a person who committed suicide that was anything close to a celebration of their life.
I'm mesmerized by this statement

He later told The New York Times that he hadn't confronted the underlying issues at the root of his addiction.

"There was still, in the background, this voice, like, 'Psst,'" he told the newspaper. "So when I relapsed, I went back hard. The one thing I hadn't dealt with was, how honest do you want to live?"

what was so hard for him to be honest about ?

'It Lays in Wait' _ Robin Williams' Lifelong Fight - ABC News

Who really knows....some mumbo-jumbo therapists throw around during AA meetings to get the discussion rolling.
The only question that I have for those who have done themselves in is this: What makes you think that you'll be the only person who will be affected by your choice of action?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I don't care what a person's reasons are. To me, things do not get any better for anyone whenever someone decides to take their life and I am most definitely sick of other people not mattering enough to those who do decide to wrap things up for themselves. :mad: :mad: :mad:

They not only kill themselves, they kill a large part of the loved ones they leave behind.

Never been to a funeral of a person who committed suicide that was anything close to a celebration of their life.

How many suicides' funerals have you attended?
My point was not that wealth cannot be an advantage in treating a mental illness, but that wealth or lack of wealth is not the issue concerning bipolar or clinical depression.

As for my trolling, you may continue to report me. What is interesting is that, of all the threads in this forum, I have posted in quite a few. Only when I post in yours is it somehow "trolling". LMAO!!

It is also funny how you do not mention trolling until you are called out on something.

I mention trolling when I see you doing it, the minute I show up in a new thread, and how your posts always seem to be disagreable and argumentive. What other threads you post in has nothing to do with it. That's enough of that. The topic is enough to talk about here. I still think that Robin Williams had a lot more going for him than maybe 99% of people in America, and how he got so bummed out is mysterious. One thing I read about him is that he was experiencing "loneliness". That is strange coming from a guy with a nice family, lots of friends, lots of admiring fans, who would love to be with him.

I just can't help thinking of all the people who really have a lot of reason to feel lonely, and be very bummed out, yet they don't fall apart and go down before their time.

Clinical depression has little to do with the circumstances in their life. It is a chemical imbalance in the brain that causes depression. It is not, as I said before, like getting the blues about some event. It is your brain sabotaging your outlook on life.

"substance abuse can also be a cause of depression rather than the result of it" Web MD > Major Depression (Clinical Depression) Symptoms, Treatments, and More
The only question that I have for those who have done themselves in is this: What makes you think that you'll be the only person who will be affected by your choice of action?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I don't care what a person's reasons are. To me, things do not get any better for anyone whenever someone decides to take their life and I am most definitely sick of other people not mattering enough to those who do decide to wrap things up for themselves. :mad: :mad: :mad:

They not only kill themselves, they kill a large part of the loved ones they leave behind.

Never been to a funeral of a person who committed suicide that was anything close to a celebration of their life.

How many suicides' funerals have you attended?

5 total

One actually was ruled an accidental overdose. But those closest to her didn't think it was accidental at all.

Very sad affairs
I mention trolling when I see you doing it, the minute I show up in a new thread, and how your posts always seem to be disagreable and argumentive. What other threads you post in has nothing to do with it. That's enough of that. The topic is enough to talk about here. I still think that Robin Williams had a lot more going for him than maybe 99% of people in America, and how he got so bummed out is mysterious. One thing I read about him is that he was experiencing "loneliness". That is strange coming from a guy with a nice family, lots of friends, lots of admiring fans, who would love to be with him.

I just can't help thinking of all the people who really have a lot of reason to feel lonely, and be very bummed out, yet they don't fall apart and go down before their time.

Clinical depression has little to do with the circumstances in their life. It is a chemical imbalance in the brain that causes depression. It is not, as I said before, like getting the blues about some event. It is your brain sabotaging your outlook on life.

"substance abuse can also be a cause of depression rather than the result of it" Web MD > Major Depression (Clinical Depression) Symptoms, Treatments, and More
"The authors empirically studied the self-medication hypothesis of drug abuse by examining drug effects and motivation for drug use in 494 hospitalized drug abusers. Most patients reported that they used drugs in response to depressive symptoms and experienced mood elevation, regardless of their drug of choice. Drug use to relieve depressive symptoms was far more likely in men if they had major depression, but was equally common in women with and without major depression."

Recognizing Forms of Self-Medication with Depression

Robin Williams, the Best Help Money Can Buy & Self Medicating*|*Carrie Armstrong

Addiction as Self-Medication | Psychology Today
"A famous study using a huge sample (17,000) looked at Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) in relation to subsequent physical and mental problems. The results of the study are nicely summarized in the Sept. 25/2011 issue of The Fix. Take-home message: the relationship between trauma and addiction is unquestionable. An ACE score was calculated for each participant, based on the number of types of adverse experience they reported during childhood or adolescence. The higher the ACE score, the more likely people were to end up an alcoholic, drug-user, food-addict, or smoker (among other things)."

There is no way for anyone to say for sure whether Robin Williams substance abuse issues came from his mental health issues, or whether he was trying to self-medicate his mental health issues.
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How many suicides' funerals have you attended?

5 total

One actually was ruled an accidental overdose. But those closest to her didn't think it was accidental at all.

Very sad affairs
No disrespect intended of course, but to me there is nothing accidental about those who do over dose. They continue to take whatever it is that they are on for a reason. I believe that if being alive meant enough to them, they would do whatever it is that would take them to get cleaned up from their addiction.

God bless you always!!!

How many suicides' funerals have you attended?

5 total

One actually was ruled an accidental overdose. But those closest to her didn't think it was accidental at all.

Very sad affairs
No disrespect intended of course, but to me there is nothing accidental about those who do over dose. They continue to take whatever it is that they are on for a reason. I believe that if being alive meant enough to them, they would do whatever it is that would take them to get cleaned up from their addiction.

God bless you always!!!


Holly, you don't understand depression. When a person is in the midst of untreatable depression, being alive does not mean a lot to them, in fact it is difficult. Not everyone who is depressed in addicted to a drug... they are not taking the proper prescription to treat their depression. If they were taking the right medicine, it would allow them to be themselves and they would want to live.
Clinical depression has little to do with the circumstances in their life. It is a chemical imbalance in the brain that causes depression. It is not, as I said before, like getting the blues about some event. It is your brain sabotaging your outlook on life.

"substance abuse can also be a cause of depression rather than the result of it" Web MD > Major Depression (Clinical Depression) Symptoms, Treatments, and More

Recognizing Forms of Self-Medication with Depression
"The authors empirically studied the self-medication hypothesis of drug abuse by examining drug effects and motivation for drug use in 494 hospitalized drug abusers. Most patients reported that they used drugs in response to depressive symptoms and experienced mood elevation, regardless of their drug of choice. Drug use to relieve depressive symptoms was far more likely in men if they had major depression, but was equally common in women with and without major depression."

Recognizing Forms of Self-Medication with Depression

Robin Williams, the Best Help Money Can Buy & Self Medicating*|*Carrie Armstrong

Addiction as Self-Medication | Psychology Today
"A famous study using a huge sample (17,000) looked at Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) in relation to subsequent physical and mental problems. The results of the study are nicely summarized in the Sept. 25/2011 issue of The Fix. Take-home message: the relationship between trauma and addiction is unquestionable. An ACE score was calculated for each participant, based on the number of types of adverse experience they reported during childhood or adolescence. The higher the ACE score, the more likely people were to end up an alcoholic, drug-user, food-addict, or smoker (among other things)."

There is no way for anyone to say for sure whether Robin Williams substance abuse issues came from his mental health issues, or whether he was trying to self-medicate his mental health issues.

Perhaps one way is to look at the chronological history of his substance abuse. He engaged in it as far back as the 1960s, long before he had any mental health problems. This continued well into the 70s, and was a basis for his later problems.
Slime Rush Limbaugh says he killed himself because he's liberal.

Rush Limbaugh: Robin Williams killed himself because of a ?political leftist? attitude

One of the comments - that Limbaugh is a shit stain on the underwear of society. Another "While people mourn the death of Robin Williams, many will celebrate Limbaugh's death."

Another of his comments:

“Robin Williams felt guilty that he was still alive while his three friends had died young, and much earlier than he had,” the conservative talker explained. “He could never get over the guilt that they died and he didn’t.”​

What's wrong with this?

That has been going around as one of the reasons. Survivor's guilt can be very powerful in a person already depressed. Especially painful was the loss of Christopher Reeve. They were especially close and had been roommates at Juilliard.

There wasn't a reason. There were probably hundreds of reasons. Not the least of which were two ex wives bleeding him for money and driving him into bankruptcy.

his drug addiction cost him more than those two ex wives. :up:
"substance abuse can also be a cause of depression rather than the result of it" Web MD > Major Depression (Clinical Depression) Symptoms, Treatments, and More

Recognizing Forms of Self-Medication with Depression
"The authors empirically studied the self-medication hypothesis of drug abuse by examining drug effects and motivation for drug use in 494 hospitalized drug abusers. Most patients reported that they used drugs in response to depressive symptoms and experienced mood elevation, regardless of their drug of choice. Drug use to relieve depressive symptoms was far more likely in men if they had major depression, but was equally common in women with and without major depression."

Recognizing Forms of Self-Medication with Depression

Robin Williams, the Best Help Money Can Buy & Self Medicating*|*Carrie Armstrong

Addiction as Self-Medication | Psychology Today
"A famous study using a huge sample (17,000) looked at Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) in relation to subsequent physical and mental problems. The results of the study are nicely summarized in the Sept. 25/2011 issue of The Fix. Take-home message: the relationship between trauma and addiction is unquestionable. An ACE score was calculated for each participant, based on the number of types of adverse experience they reported during childhood or adolescence. The higher the ACE score, the more likely people were to end up an alcoholic, drug-user, food-addict, or smoker (among other things)."

There is no way for anyone to say for sure whether Robin Williams substance abuse issues came from his mental health issues, or whether he was trying to self-medicate his mental health issues.

Perhaps one way is to look at the chronological history of his substance abuse. He engaged in it as far back as the 1960s, long before he had any mental health problems. This continued well into the 70s, and was a basis for his later problems.

How do you know when his mental problems began? Do you have a link for this information?
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