Something Weird Is Going on in Fulton County, Where Trump Is Expected to Be Indicted

It's comical when Dems / Marxists lecture others on foreign policy goals. The only foreign policy goal of Sloppy Joe regarding Ukraine was to maintain his degenerate kid in a position to make boatloads of money with a cut for the "Big Guy".
What is a Marxist?
I'm explaining to you the history you clearly do not understand and you are telling me to go learn history?

Are you stupid or something?

Can you refute that Republicans in the 60's ran on strategy of flipping southern segregationists to their party? No you can't.
I'm explaining to you the history of the "Party of Slavery" the Democrat party. I understand that Dems / Marxists don't like to be confronted with the lurid history that defines their ideology but the facts are undeniable... except to the neo-Bolsheviks who want to deny the degeneracy of their history.
Parties dont change over 150 years, do they? You do realize Nixon wanted all handguns banned, right? Does that make the republican party of 2023 the anti-handgun party? You sure are dumb.
That wasn't a Republican Party idea. Try again.

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