Something Weird Is Going on in Fulton County, Where Trump Is Expected to Be Indicted

We're still waiting for your definition.
I asked you. You're the one going around calling everyone a Leninist and a Marxist. But here's a better question. Since you dont know what either of them are, how do you know you arent one?
White Christian Nationalist.
So you believe that a god is somehow invested in the success of white christians from whatever country you reside and that the Christian religion (take your pick) should be inserted into the government and various facets of your country's life such as public education. Violence and racial purity are basic tenants of your beliefs.
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I asked you. You're the one going around calling everyone a Leninist and a Marxist. But here's a better question. Since you dont know what either of them are, how do you know you arent one?

So you believe that a god is somehow invested in the success of white christians from whatever country you reside and that the Christian religion (take your pick) should be inserted into the government and various facets of your country's life such as public education.
Whatever. You still haven't offered your definition of a Marxist. All I can say about this now is you're just an ignorant troll.
Whatever. You still haven't offered your definition of a Marxist. All I can say about this now is you're just an ignorant troll.
I dont have to. I'm not flinging the word around in response to everyone I disagree with.

As an aside, I see for you the appeal of Trump. Being a White Christian Nationalist, you align yourself with Trumps end of times vision and violent struggles that will come.

You are sick in the head.
Can you refute that Republicans in the 60's ran on strategy of flipping southern segregationists to their party? No you can't.
Sure. Only one of the Southern Segrationists in congress became a REpub.
I dont have to. I'm not flinging the word around in response to everyone I disagree with.

As an aside, I see for you the appeal of Trump. Being a White Christian Nationalist, you align yourself with Trumps end of times vision and violent struggles that will come.

You are sick in the head.
You're worse. You're an ignorant condescending elitist Marxist Leninist prick.
No, you assholes want to do this to ANYBODY disagreeing with you. Unfortunately for you snowflakes, most people will fight back. Sending you running for the hills in tears.
If 1/6 right wing nut jobs is the best you got, you're in a lot of trouble, pal.
I think that last statement shows who the ignorant one is between us. And yes. I'm smarter than you.
Says you. You're your biggest fan, huh. You're smarter, but can't define what a Marxist is. I accommodated your request. Looks like I described you perfectly.

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