Soros Pimps Money into Fla Election.

George is at it again in Fla. The race for Mayor of Tallahassee is heating up and George has tossed in 250,000 for the election of a Democrat. I have noticed that this guy is really active in the election of Super Liberal candidates in many of the States. Much of the money comes VIA Foundations of the Clinton Sort. It does not seem right that this happens and shuts out the litttle guy who wants to make the difference.

Dan Stubbs

"When posting a new topic do not use the CAPS lock."


YOU voted for this.

Are you saying you were wrong to vote for it?

How about you other RWNJs who constantly lie about Soros? Are you saying you were wrong to vote for it?

Anyone wanna bet tehre's not even one RWNJ, including the OP, who even KNOWS they voted for this?

Silly far left drone!

How does someone vote for George Soros pouring money in to a political campaign?
Do you disapprove of the Koch brother's donations?
Or S. Addelson's or the Mercers or the Russian Oligarchs etc....!!!
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George is at it again in Fla. The race for Mayor of Tallahassee is heating up and George has tossed in 250,000 for the election of a Democrat. I have noticed that this guy is really active in the election of Super Liberal candidates in many of the States. Much of the money comes VIA Foundations of the Clinton Sort. It does not seem right that this happens and shuts out the litttle guy who wants to make the difference.

Interesting point. I wonder what the Koch brothers think about your remarks.

Soros gives them a sore ass.

True, your ilk does indeed love to bend over and let him bang you up the ass a lot.

Conservatives constantly think about their homosexual fantasies, you are obsessed with it just as you are with Hillary.
George is at it again in Fla. The race for Mayor of Tallahassee is heating up and George has tossed in 250,000 for the election of a Democrat. I have noticed that this guy is really active in the election of Super Liberal candidates in many of the States. Much of the money comes VIA Foundations of the Clinton Sort. It does not seem right that this happens and shuts out the litttle guy who wants to make the difference.

Interesting point. I wonder what the Koch brothers think about your remarks.

Soros gives them a sore ass.

True, your ilk does indeed love to bend over and let him bang you up the ass a lot.
It always fascinates me how the trumpanzees love to pull up that imagery.

Isn't it bizarre, they are constantly thinking about it.
Actually even after spending all that money they ended up having to resort to ballot box tampering, and relying on a corrupt party hack sitting as a 'judge' that kept him from a legal challenge and recount, so no, they couldn't win because he was such a 'bad candidate'.

First of all, I'm pretty sure you're now peddling a conspiracy theory. Shame on you. Second of all, if Moore wasn't a bad candidate, Doug Jones wouldn't have been within striking distance in the first place.

Yes you are far left drone!

Accusations count more in public opinion more than facts and courts!
There's that Russian spambot again.

Yes far left drone!

We know you have noting but far left religious dogma!

So you have any facts you wish to post?
Case in point, John Shaw. Notice the repetition.....even when that phrase doesn't fit. Someone who is unfamiliar with American English as a native would be.

He's either a foreigner pretending to be American, or a complete idiot. If I were him, I think I'd rather be the former, though, either way, it's not good.
George is at it again in Fla. The race for Mayor of Tallahassee is heating up and George has tossed in 250,000 for the election of a Democrat. I have noticed that this guy is really active in the election of Super Liberal candidates in many of the States. Much of the money comes VIA Foundations of the Clinton Sort. It does not seem right that this happens and shuts out the litttle guy who wants to make the difference.

Interesting point. I wonder what the Koch brothers think about your remarks.

Soros gives them a sore ass.

True, your ilk does indeed love to bend over and let him bang you up the ass a lot.
It always fascinates me how the trumpanzees love to pull up that imagery.

It doesn't fascinate me that you deviants and homos demand such images be handed out to grade school children, preferable using children in the images as well. We expect deviants to support other deviants and their billionaire Wall street sugar daddies.
George is at it again in Fla. The race for Mayor of Tallahassee is heating up and George has tossed in 250,000 for the election of a Democrat. I have noticed that this guy is really active in the election of Super Liberal candidates in many of the States. Much of the money comes VIA Foundations of the Clinton Sort. It does not seem right that this happens and shuts out the litttle guy who wants to make the difference.

Interesting point. I wonder what the Koch brothers think about your remarks.

Soros gives them a sore ass.

True, your ilk does indeed love to bend over and let him bang you up the ass a lot.
It always fascinates me how the trumpanzees love to pull up that imagery.

Isn't it bizarre, they are constantly thinking about it.

No surprise the same fags constantly comment on who comments on their fetishes. Really sucks for you NAMBLA fans, doesn't it? Makes you all upset the propaganda isn't shutting anybody up like it's supposed to.
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Cost the criminal syndicate something like $40 million just to defeat Moore in Alabama. This election cycle is going to be very very expensive for them , even with almost total control of American airwaves and media. I doubt they can fund many such 'victories', in fact we know they can't, and they will have that much less for the 2020 elections. They can't fire up their base any more, no matter how much they spend, and they have less than zero cred with indies and even their own base now.

They thought the fix was in in 2016 and got sloppy and arrogant; they are still just as arrogant, and they're still going to lose. they have nothing left but the Moron Vote, and that is losing momentum.

It took a lot more than money to defeat Moore, it took accusations and the far left propaganda sites like the Washington Post.

The money did not do much, it was the unproven accusations in court of public opinion that did Moore in.

In another special election the (D) candidate separated himself from the far left Pelosi and ran as a Blue Dog Democrat.

The far left can not admit that Hilary was a horrid candidate, but it is not like they much of choice in this.

Yes, that and how totally embarrassing it was they could barely beat Moore, who had no money, no friends on the bench to protect him from crooks, and no support from his own Party establishment, and they still had to resort to illegal voting and ballot box stuffing to 'win'. It's hilarious how they keep telling themselves otherwise.
"illegal voting and ballot box stuffing"...:71: Well, since you have all this evidence of such illegalities, what's keeping you from providing that evidence to the Authorities?

What's keeping you from reading the other dozen threads on it? Oh yeah, the fact that you will see the evidence that has already been posted a dozen times. Never mind, we know you don't really want to know, you've already seen it all and never could deny it, you're just a troll and deviant..
George is at it again in Fla. The race for Mayor of Tallahassee is heating up and George has tossed in 250,000 for the election of a Democrat. I have noticed that this guy is really active in the election of Super Liberal candidates in many of the States. Much of the money comes VIA Foundations of the Clinton Sort. It does not seem right that this happens and shuts out the litttle guy who wants to make the difference.

Interesting point. I wonder what the Koch brothers think about your remarks.

Soros gives them a sore ass.

True, your ilk does indeed love to bend over and let him bang you up the ass a lot.

Conservatives constantly think about their homosexual fantasies, you are obsessed with it just as you are with Hillary.

We've all noted the idiotic schoolyard 'I'm rubber you're glue!!' 'reverse psychology' gimmick you fags dreamed up years ago; it's just another fact you gimps can't think for yourselves and rely totally on whatever is invented by your dumbass media hacks to fill your posts. You trolls can't come up with new material, another clue you're mentally ill and merely puppets.
I wonder how relevant the Puerto Ricans will be in Florida now. I remember that there was some speculation that they would move to Florida and turn the state blue, because of how poorly PR was handled compared to TX.
Remember the NRA and its blood cult minions trashing one of the school shooting victims for being Cuban American? Cuban Americans remember that kind of thing.
The Voters will remember the dumb left wing knuttjobs trashing the NRA and the right to bear arms.
And we also remember the NRA profiting off of every mass shooting and how their blood cultists trash victims of shootings.

Rubbish. you gimps and your media shills didn't give a shit about school shootings being an everyday thing in the Hoods, as long as one of your protected gangster thug supporters and dope dealers were doing the shootings; now you are, and what's the difference between then and now? The focus on the NRA, of course. You're just shallow and hypocritical as usual. You only 'care' about what your bosses tell you to 'care' about.

I bet you still can't say 'Islamic terrorist' either, too brainwashed.
George is at it again in Fla. The race for Mayor of Tallahassee is heating up and George has tossed in 250,000 for the election of a Democrat. I have noticed that this guy is really active in the election of Super Liberal candidates in many of the States. Much of the money comes VIA Foundations of the Clinton Sort. It does not seem right that this happens and shuts out the litttle guy who wants to make the difference.

Dan Stubbs

"When posting a new topic do not use the CAPS lock."

do you have a link to the story by any chance?

So now you're all going to play stupid on your Party moneybags being in bed with the oligarchs, same as you are on Hillary's, Obama's, and Podesta's crooked deals and treason? How boring, and completely expected.
First of all, I'm pretty sure you're now peddling a conspiracy theory. Shame on you. Second of all, if Moore wasn't a bad candidate, Doug Jones wouldn't have been within striking distance in the first place.

Yes you are far left drone!

Accusations count more in public opinion more than facts and courts!
There's that Russian spambot again.

Yes far left drone!

We know you have noting but far left religious dogma!

So you have any facts you wish to post?
Case in point, John Shaw. Notice the repetition.....even when that phrase doesn't fit. Someone who is unfamiliar with American English as a native would be.

He's either a foreigner pretending to be American, or a complete idiot. If I were him, I think I'd rather be the former, though, either way, it's not good.
Either way you believe a pile of crap, super duper.
Soros interference is as bad as Russia

A distinction without a difference, as is the case with substituting any Democrats' name in, though Gore and Bill Clinton loved Red Chinese money more than Russian, since Russia was down the tubes at the time; Hillary and the Democrats needed new sources, so the Russians have obliged.

Next thing needs to be done is tracing the kickbacks they're going to get from the Iranians and all that untraceable cash they handed to them; we know they didn't give it to them because of anything like 'principles'. The 'Clinton Foundation' is certainly a very handy front to have for that sort of laundering, too, as good as having a teenage daughter with a company allegedly worth $300 million' virtually overnight, peddling cosmetics, as per the Obamas ...
George is at it again in Fla. The race for Mayor of Tallahassee is heating up and George has tossed in 250,000 for the election of a Democrat. I have noticed that this guy is really active in the election of Super Liberal candidates in many of the States. Much of the money comes VIA Foundations of the Clinton Sort. It does not seem right that this happens and shuts out the litttle guy who wants to make the difference.

Dan Stubbs

"When posting a new topic do not use the CAPS lock."

do you have a link to the story by any chance?

So now you're all going to play stupid on your Party moneybags being in bed with the oligarchs, same as you are on Hillary's, Obama's, and Podesta's crooked deals and treason? How boring, and completely expected.
It's a conspiracy!!! Actually no it's a GOP scam as usual... and no our wonderful justice system is not a conspiracy super dupes...
George is at it again in Fla. The race for Mayor of Tallahassee is heating up and George has tossed in 250,000 for the election of a Democrat. I have noticed that this guy is really active in the election of Super Liberal candidates in many of the States. Much of the money comes VIA Foundations of the Clinton Sort. It does not seem right that this happens and shuts out the litttle guy who wants to make the difference.

Dan Stubbs

"When posting a new topic do not use the CAPS lock."

do you have a link to the story by any chance?

So now you're all going to play stupid on your Party moneybags being in bed with the oligarchs, same as you are on Hillary's, Obama's, and Podesta's crooked deals and treason? How boring, and completely expected.
It's a conspiracy!!! Actually no it's a GOP scam as usual... and no our wonderful justice system is not a conspiracy super dupes...

Smoke some more of that meth. Your criminals have already been caught red-handed, no matter how much you silly neurotic gimps jump up and down and wet yourselves denying it all.

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