Sotomayor Falsely Claims 100,000 Children in ‘Serious Condition’ from Covid

And take note.

ALL of these Justices are vaxxed AND boosted

Alito...Thomas...all of em

Take note, there are 5 Americans on the court who support the Constitution, 3 lying scumbag Marxists, and Roberts. If Roberts joins with the Marxists, as he usually does, they still will be the minority.

I'd place bets on liberty rather than fascism.

Have a good cry now,
Take note, there are 5 Americans on the court who support the Constitution, 3 lying scumbag Marxists, and Roberts. If Roberts joins with the Marxists, as he usually does, they still will be the minority.

I'd place bets on liberty rather than fascism.

Have a good cry now,
I imagine that what you know about Marxism would not fill a shot glass.
So basically you are saying there is not one Latina woman qualified to be a SCOTUS judge. But you are too rabid and dense to understand the words.coming out of your own mouth.

You are really quite stupid - it's why you're a Nazi.

I'm saying that the lady making sweet breads at the corner bakery is more qualified to be on the SCOTUS than the blithering retard Sotomayor.
You are really quite stupid - it's why you're a Nazi.

I'm saying that the lady making sweet breads at the corner bakery is more qualified to be on the SCOTUS than the blithering retard Sotomayor.
Yes I know. Because you know nothing about her. Only that she is brown and female and liberal. And those are your top 3 trigger points.
I imagine that what you know about Marxism would not fill a shot glass.

I imagine you struggled desperately to pass 1st grade, which is why you gave up without trying to finish 2nd grade.

Three Marxists blatantly lied. Kagan isn't stupid - she's evil as all fuck, but not stupid. The three Marxist justices sought to further a POLITICAL agenda and subvert the United States Constitution.
Yes I know. Because you know nothing about her. Only that she is brown and female and liberal. And those are your top 3 trigger points.

I know plenty about her, an affirmative action justice - utterly unqualified and flat out stupid.

She is pliable and will further the agenda of the Reich. No concerns she will ever think for herself.
Take note, there are 5 Americans on the court who support the Constitution, 3 lying scumbag Marxists, and Roberts. If Roberts joins with the Marxists, as he usually does, they still will be the minority.

I'd place bets on liberty rather than fascism.

Have a good cry now,
Again, they are all vaxxed and boosted

All of em
Again, they are all vaxxed and boosted

All of em
Was any of them threatened to lose their job if they weren't............hmmmm

Or any of the other FASCISM going on right now that has NO BUSINESS under the CONSTITUTION in this country.?
A. So you need 100% protection or nothing stupid?

B.clearly kids are more affected than ever
A. The vaccinated spread the virus. That's why it is spreading.

B. I guess that's your admission that Sotomayer did indeed tell a falsehood for political purposes. You would think that Supreme Court justices would be above telling lies.
After DELIBERATELY spreading misinformation and engaging in fear-mongering she should be forced to recuse herself from hearing the case againstforced mandates. mandates.

She proved her own ignorance - or willingness to spread lies, disqualifying her.

I don't believe she is that stupid, not being a USSC Justice, which means she is deliberately attempting to Basehor decision on lies. If she really is that stupid then her ignorance disqualifies her.
She's further proof how useless Democrats have become. She was appointed by Obama for political appearances because....



A. She's a woman
B. She's leftist
C. She'll advance the communist agenda.

I tell no lies, and the proof is Sotomayor herself. On the flipside, anyone know a incompetent judge appointed by the right? Nope, you don't.

Meanwhile the left continue to support the Demonicrats. Why? Because they're dependent and/or twisted.
She’s a mentally retarded leftist. As dumb as she is, she is the perfect example of the lunatic left. Of course she has no business being on SCOTUS, but that is exactly why the Hussein put her there.
After DELIBERATELY spreading misinformation and engaging in fear-mongering she should be forced to recuse herself from hearing the case againstforced mandates. mandates.

She proved her own ignorance - or willingness to spread lies, disqualifying her.

I don't believe she is that stupid, not being a USSC Justice, which means she is deliberately attempting to Basehor decision on lies. If she really is that stupid then her ignorance disqualifies her.
Didn't Obozo appoint her?

Yes, she is that stupid.

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