Sounds like a yes/no forum category

Again, there is no such thing as a "certainty".

Those who believe in such a thing are a great cause of our suffering throughout history.

Quantum physics shows repeatedly that particles are based on uncertainty.

And those particles can form to combine humans and human thought, which are definitely the most uncertain things we know about...

List of fallacies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I highly disagree yiostheoy.

From your first post, once you settle in your mind whether that there is or isn't a "god", there is no reason to combine yourself with another group of people...

In that case if you concluded that there was/is a God and you decided there was no need to proceed any further then you are a Deist judging from your own words.

Theism would then be useless to you. No need to find a specific organized religion.

I myself am Deist.

Ergo the God exists, the God created us, and the God has left us on our own.

No guardian angels, no prophets.

And if there is an evil genius as well, it is only a demigod and not a full God.

Why the God created the demigod is unknown other than the classic Zoroastrian view of the need for duality.

And the need for duality would presuppose a need for testing and proving.

And then testing and proving would provide a meaning for all the creations of God.

Nice to hear a Deist perspective on here. I thought I might be the only one!
Deism is all that philosophy can "prove".

It cannot prove or disprove Theism neither for Ahura Mazda, Anu, El, Bael, YHVH, Jesus, Allah, etc.

Aristotle embraced the Prime Mover concept probably because he spent so much time stargazing.

For him it was self evident a-priori that Someone had to put the Moon, the Sun, the planets, the comets, and the asteroids into motion. This Immovable Mover is God.

Prime Mover is just a corollary to First Cause.

There are also the proofs of Artistic Artificer and of Purposeful Designer. These 4 total are the most powerful philosophical arguments. For Aristotle, Augustine, Aquinas, Leibniz, and Kant they are irrefutable.

Faith from philosophical analysis.
I highly disagree yiostheoy.

From your first post, once you settle in your mind whether that there is or isn't a "god", there is no reason to combine yourself with another group of people...

In that case if you concluded that there was/is a God and you decided there was no need to proceed any further then you are a Deist judging from your own words.

Theism would then be useless to you. No need to find a specific organized religion.

I myself am Deist.

Ergo the God exists, the God created us, and the God has left us on our own.

No guardian angels, no prophets.

And if there is an evil genius as well, it is only a demigod and not a full God.

Why the God created the demigod is unknown other than the classic Zoroastrian view of the need for duality.

And the need for duality would presuppose a need for testing and proving.

And then testing and proving would provide a meaning for all the creations of God.

You proceed from a priori reasoning, the mark of almost all believers (and non-believers).
I highly disagree yiostheoy.

From your first post, once you settle in your mind whether that there is or isn't a "god", there is no reason to combine yourself with another group of people...

In that case if you concluded that there was/is a God and you decided there was no need to proceed any further then you are a Deist judging from your own words.

Theism would then be useless to you. No need to find a specific organized religion.

I myself am Deist.

Ergo the God exists, the God created us, and the God has left us on our own.

No guardian angels, no prophets.

And if there is an evil genius as well, it is only a demigod and not a full God.

Why the God created the demigod is unknown other than the classic Zoroastrian view of the need for duality.

And the need for duality would presuppose a need for testing and proving.

And then testing and proving would provide a meaning for all the creations of God.

You proceed from a priori reasoning, the mark of almost all believers (and non-believers).
Isn't that what Immanuel Kant said to do ?!

Wasn't that the whole point of defining a-priori and a-posteriori ?!
Zi may. :)

Have you considered that while the "gods" may exist, they are extra-terrestrial beings, and not supernatural ones?
Once again, you should study Aristotle on this, before you plunge into science fiction.
You did not do well in debate, did you?
What makes you say that, Stupid Sh!t ?! I actually won more debates than I lost at the NCAA level.
So did I, but that makes neither of us a debating genius, as you well know. You simply are not as good as you think.
Can I make a joke? Based upon the above?

I promise it will be... not so nic
Again, there is no such thing as a "certainty".

Those who believe in such a thing are a great cause of our suffering throughout history.

Quantum physics shows repeatedly that particles are based on uncertainty.

And those particles can form to combine humans and human thought, which are definitely the most uncertain things we know about...

List of fallacies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do you know what that means?

Jus sayin...
Zi may. :)

Have you considered that while the "gods" may exist, they are extra-terrestrial beings, and not supernatural ones?
Once again, you should study Aristotle on this, before you plunge into science fiction.
You did not do well in debate, did you?
What makes you say that, Stupid Sh!t ?! I actually won more debates than I lost at the NCAA level.
So did I, but that makes neither of us a debating genius, as you well know. You simply are not as good as you think.
Your opinion is worthless to me, Protestant Boy.
Can I make a joke? Based upon the above?

I promise it will be... not so nic
Again, there is no such thing as a "certainty".

Those who believe in such a thing are a great cause of our suffering throughout history.

Quantum physics shows repeatedly that particles are based on uncertainty.

And those particles can form to combine humans and human thought, which are definitely the most uncertain things we know about...

List of fallacies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do you know what that means?

Jus sayin...
Was that your joke?
Or was that your question?
Deism is all that philosophy can "prove".

It cannot prove or disprove Theism neither for Ahura Mazda, Anu, El, Bael, YHVH, Jesus, Allah, etc.

Aristotle embraced the Prime Mover concept probably because he spent so much time stargazing.

For him it was self evident a-priori that Someone had to put the Moon, the Sun, the planets, the comets, and the asteroids into motion. This Immovable Mover is God.

Prime Mover is just a corollary to First Cause.

There are also the proofs of Artistic Artificer and of Purposeful Designer. These 4 total are the most powerful philosophical arguments. For Aristotle, Augustine, Aquinas, Leibniz, and Kant they are irrefutable.

Faith from philosophical analysis.

OMG... you need to read a little more before you suggest yourself as historically accurate... :)

I suggest starting with Enuma Elish. Just as a starter. And then there are many more you need to understand afterwards, before you continue to make a fool of yourself. Jus sayn... I know my shit! :)
So my joke?

What does a daddy buffalo say to his kid as he goes off to school?


You asked for it...
Heck yeah. But my experience with buffalo is about as long as the sequences in "Dances With Wolves", which is one of my all-time favs!!!

I just want to promote truth and logic in this world.

So please let's get back on subject...
A particle can be here, or there, or everywhere, or nowhere.

It's all maybe's.

That's the new math.
Zi may. :)

Have you considered that while the "gods" may exist, they are extra-terrestrial beings, and not supernatural ones?
Once again, you should study Aristotle on this, before you plunge into science fiction.
You did not do well in debate, did you?
What makes you say that, Stupid Sh!t ?! I actually won more debates than I lost at the NCAA level.
So did I, but that makes neither of us a debating genius, as you well know. You simply are not as good as you think.
Your opinion is worthless to me, Protestant Boy.
It's not opinion, it is fact based on the body of your postings on the Board.
The correct answer to most questions is "I don't know" but modern people seem unwilling to admit this.
Absolutely. High five!

I'm representing truth. For everyone. Just takes stepping out of the box for a bit...
Zi may. :)

Have you considered that while the "gods" may exist, they are extra-terrestrial beings, and not supernatural ones?
Then they aren't gods. They too imagine a God made them in his image and even though they are way smarter than us, they don't know either. But someone on their planet tried to claim God visited and gave him ten commandments but the citizens of that planet were too smart to buy it

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