Sounds Like Trump Committed Obstruction

Not as simple as that bucko, there are political implications. The report showed that Trump and those around him lied to the American people time and time again about meeting with Russians. It also showed possible illegal activity by Trump with how he tried to intervene with the investigation. Do you deny either of those things? If so what and why??
ROFL! Those so-called "lies" don't amount to a hill of beans. Shaking the Russian ambassador's hand in a greeting line is not "having a meeting with the Russian Ambassador."

All you're proving is what a colossal paranoid moron you are.
So called lies? You call Obama’s keep your doctor line a lie but you don’t call Trumps “no contacts with Russians” line a lie?! Please explain how that works
No, I don't. For one thing, Obama knew what he said was a lie. For another, any "contact" between the Trump campaign was insignificant and utterly meaningless.
I don’t care if you think it is insignificant or meaningless. That has zero relevance on whether something is a lie or not. Trump said he and his campaign had no contact with Russians. Muellers report shows 8 pages detailing contacts with Russians. He lied plain and simple. You can’t spin your way around it

That includes Sessions shaking the Ambassador's hand in a greeting line. All the other "contacts" were equally meaningless, irrelevant and trivial.
Is that what you think those contacts were? Handshakes at crowded events? I don’t know where you’re getting your news from but I suggest going straight to the source so you don’t sound like such a fool. The mueller report has several pages detailing contacts. Here’s a summary but go read the report for yourself.

Trump lied. Everybody knows it. You’re fighting a losing battle. Just admit you don’t care and move on
Above, is why Trump once stated that he loves the poorly educated and ignorant voters....

Fuckhead, MOST of those prosecutors are RETIRED law enforcement officers and many of them are staunch republicans....NOT Trump cult members. .....LMAO at this idiot's stupidity

Frankly, Nat, I understand what you are doing here, but...

Prosecutors are supposed to follow the law. Period. Trump tried to besmirch U.S. law enforcement as the weaponized arm of the Democratic party (13 angry Democrats, etc.), and your argument implicitly confirms the underlying smear, namely, that their partisan affiliation is even relevant for prosecutors while on the job.

I know, I know, it's hard to escape that kind of argument, since published opinion's first look in all things legal is to look at who appointed that judge or prosecutor, and whether there's an (R) or a (D) associated with him or her. I hold, that's catastrophic for what's supposed to be a nation governed by laws, not men.
You're right about one thing: it is "catastrophic for what's supposed to be a nation governed by laws, not men." However, that's what Obama, Hillary and their minions have wrought. Obama has made a reputation for himself of weaponizing government agencies against his political opponents. Blaming this development on Republicans is the ultimate outrage.
Yes and now Trump is complaining about the 2 years he lost

Well he is the one who fights everything, if your innocent just let it go and you will be exonerated as you have stated

Of course this is America and there will be those who disagree but Fake news are US seems to be the norm for him
Only bootlickers make claims like that.

I see only bootlickers make claims

Quote - I know no one can produce the name of a single honest Republican. That's all I need to know.
"only bootlickers make claims?" What does that even mean?
ROFL! Those so-called "lies" don't amount to a hill of beans. Shaking the Russian ambassador's hand in a greeting line is not "having a meeting with the Russian Ambassador."

All you're proving is what a colossal paranoid moron you are.
So called lies? You call Obama’s keep your doctor line a lie but you don’t call Trumps “no contacts with Russians” line a lie?! Please explain how that works
No, I don't. For one thing, Obama knew what he said was a lie. For another, any "contact" between the Trump campaign was insignificant and utterly meaningless.
I don’t care if you think it is insignificant or meaningless. That has zero relevance on whether something is a lie or not. Trump said he and his campaign had no contact with Russians. Muellers report shows 8 pages detailing contacts with Russians. He lied plain and simple. You can’t spin your way around it

That includes Sessions shaking the Ambassador's hand in a greeting line. All the other "contacts" were equally meaningless, irrelevant and trivial.
Is that what you think those contacts were? Handshakes at crowded events? I don’t know where you’re getting your news from but I suggest going straight to the source so you don’t sound like such a fool. The mueller report has several pages detailing contacts. Here’s a summary but go read the report for yourself.

Trump lied. Everybody knows it. You’re fighting a losing battle. Just admit you don’t care and move on
List one for us that isn't totally innocuous.
300+ attorneys say they think Trump obstructed justice

"Hundreds of former Justice Department officials said in an open letter released Monday that President Donald Trump would be facing multiple felony charges stemming from the Russia investigation if he were not President.

"The letter posted online by Justice Department alumni, who served under presidents from both parties, said the report from special counsel Robert Mueller contained repeated instances of Trump committing obstruction of justice, and that he would have been charged with obstruction if he was not protected as President by an opinion from the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel that Mueller cited."

Bipartisan support that includes one career prosecutor who worked with Rudy Giuliani says the Rudy he knew would not have hesitated to charge Trump based on the evidence Mueller has supplied.

Trump's actions today confirm he is still actively obstructing justice, and provides ample evidence he will do little to prevent his "Fancy Bear" buddies from helping in 2020.


Hundreds of former Justice officials assert Trump would be facing felony charges if he were not President - CNNPolitics

Hundreds of former Justice Department officials said in an open letter released Monday
that President Donald Trump would be facing multiple felony charges stemming from the Russia investigation if he were not President.

The letter posted online by Justice Department alumni, who served under presidents from both parties, said the report from special counsel Robert Mueller contained repeated instances of Trump committing obstruction of justice, and that he would have been charged with obstruction if he was not protected as President by an opinion from the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel that Mueller cited.


I guess Trump will call this 'fake nuwz' ............ LOFL

So what are they going to do about it....just more crying?

Because they are now out-of-work Obamabots!

Above, is why Trump once stated that he loves the poorly educated and ignorant voters....

Fuckhead, MOST of those prosecutors are RETIRED law enforcement officers and many of them are staunch republicans....NOT Trump cult members. .....LMAO at this idiot's stupidity
Really? Can you name any Republicans? The article doesn't actually say any of them are Republicans. It says they "served" Republicans. The fact is they are all Democrats.
How do you know all the signatories are Democrats as a "fact"? Do you have access to a list of signatories or is your silly claim just more of your misinformation nonsense?
I know no one can produce the name of a single honest Republican. That's all I need to know.
You claimed your assertion to be a fact. Now you are admitting it is only your speculation and opinion based on your partisan imagination or tendency to just make things up as you go. Sort of a form of lying.
What assertion? It's a fact that no one has named anyone but Weld to sign this piece of shit who is a Republican. That isn't speculation.
300+ attorneys say they think Trump obstructed justice

"Hundreds of former Justice Department officials said in an open letter released Monday that President Donald Trump would be facing multiple felony charges stemming from the Russia investigation if he were not President.

"The letter posted online by Justice Department alumni, who served under presidents from both parties, said the report from special counsel Robert Mueller contained repeated instances of Trump committing obstruction of justice, and that he would have been charged with obstruction if he was not protected as President by an opinion from the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel that Mueller cited."

Bipartisan support that includes one career prosecutor who worked with Rudy Giuliani says the Rudy he knew would not have hesitated to charge Trump based on the evidence Mueller has supplied.

Trump's actions today confirm he is still actively obstructing justice, and provides ample evidence he will do little to prevent his "Fancy Bear" buddies from helping in 2020.
How many Republicans were there, two?

Here's their list of "Republicans."

"It also includes the signature of Jeffrey Harris, who worked for Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani when he was the then-associate attorney general under President Ronald Reagan."

It doesn't say he was a Republican. It says he worked for a Republican. You don't have to be a Republican to become Associate AG under a Republican. You can get that job simply by being a Career DOJ employee.

That's why they used the term "served both parties." They weren't from both parties. Weld ran as a libertarian in the 2016 election. The libertarian party disgraced itself when they nominated this statist douchebag to be their vice presidential candidate.

"Bill Weld, a former assistant U.S. attorney during the Reagan administration running as a Republican against Trump in 2020, also signed the letter."
Bill Weld is a Romney style Republican, which means he is indistinguishable from a Democrat. He was also a governor of Massachusetts, just like Romney.

Jeff Harris (politician) - Wikipedia

Jeff Harris (born October 7, 1964) is an attorney and a Missouri Democratic politician. He represented the 23rd District of Missouri in the Missouri House of Representatives from 2003–2009 and ran unsuccessfully for the office of attorney general in 2008. He served as Minority Floor Leader before giving up the post in order to focus more time on the attorney general race.
How many Republicans were there, two?

Here's their list of "Republicans."

"It also includes the signature of Jeffrey Harris, who worked for Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani when he was the then-associate attorney general under President Ronald Reagan."
It doesn't say he was a Republican. It says he worked for a Republican. You don't have to be a Republican to become Associate AG under a Republican. You can get that job simply by being a Career DOJ employee.
The count is currently up to 566 former federal prosecutors who have served in the administrations of both major parties believe Trump committed multiple felonies involving obstruction of justice.

How many similarly qualified former prosecutors can you find who believe Don the Con did NOT commit obstruction of justice?


"We are former federal prosecutors. We served under both Republican and Democratic administrations at different levels of the federal system: as line attorneys, supervisors, special prosecutors, United States Attorneys, and senior officials at the Department of Justice.

"The offices in which we served were small, medium, and large; urban, suburban, and rural; and located in all parts of our country.

"Each of us believes that the conduct of President Trump described in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report would, in the case of any other person not covered by the Office of Legal Counsel policy against indicting a sitting President, result in multiple felony charges for obstruction of justice."

Because they are now out-of-work Obamabots!

"The letter posted online by Justice Department alumni, who served under presidents from both parties,

I guess from BOTH parties just didn't register with you.
/——-/ “I guess from BOTH parties just didn't register with you.”
Trump haters are in both parties. Ever hear of Republican John McCain?

Because they are now out-of-work Obamabots!
All of them?

300+ attorneys say they think Trump obstructed justice

"The letter was signed by officials from a wide-range of backgrounds, and included former US attorneys and other top officials from both parties.

"The Washington Post, which previously reported on the letter, which said signatories to the letter included officials whose time in government included every administration since President Dwight Eisenhower."
"A wide range of backgrounds," except for being an honest Republican.
"A wide range of backgrounds," except for being an honest Republican.

From Party of Ideas to Party of Dittoheads - Quillette
Above, is why Trump once stated that he loves the poorly educated and ignorant voters....

Fuckhead, MOST of those prosecutors are RETIRED law enforcement officers and many of them are staunch republicans....NOT Trump cult members. .....LMAO at this idiot's stupidity
Really? Can you name any Republicans? The article doesn't actually say any of them are Republicans. It says they "served" Republicans. The fact is they are all Democrats.
How do you know all the signatories are Democrats as a "fact"? Do you have access to a list of signatories or is your silly claim just more of your misinformation nonsense?
I know no one can produce the name of a single honest Republican. That's all I need to know.
You claimed your assertion to be a fact. Now you are admitting it is only your speculation and opinion based on your partisan imagination or tendency to just make things up as you go. Sort of a form of lying.
What assertion? It's a fact that no one has named anyone but Weld to sign this piece of shit who is a Republican. That isn't speculation.
What assertion? It's a fact that no one has named anyone but Weld to sign this piece of shit who is a Republican. That isn't speculation.
How many of the 566 former prosecutors who have already signed this letter are Democrats?
300+ attorneys say they think Trump obstructed justice

"Hundreds of former Justice Department officials said in an open letter released Monday that President Donald Trump would be facing multiple felony charges stemming from the Russia investigation if he were not President.

"The letter posted online by Justice Department alumni, who served under presidents from both parties, said the report from special counsel Robert Mueller contained repeated instances of Trump committing obstruction of justice, and that he would have been charged with obstruction if he was not protected as President by an opinion from the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel that Mueller cited."

Bipartisan support that includes one career prosecutor who worked with Rudy Giuliani says the Rudy he knew would not have hesitated to charge Trump based on the evidence Mueller has supplied.

Trump's actions today confirm he is still actively obstructing justice, and provides ample evidence he will do little to prevent his "Fancy Bear" buddies from helping in 2020.




Fmr. CIA official: American freedom requires Trump impeachment
Hundreds of former Justice officials assert Trump would be facing felony charges if he were not President - CNNPolitics

Hundreds of former Justice Department officials said in an open letter released Monday
that President Donald Trump would be facing multiple felony charges stemming from the Russia investigation if he were not President.

The letter posted online by Justice Department alumni, who served under presidents from both parties, said the report from special counsel Robert Mueller contained repeated instances of Trump committing obstruction of justice, and that he would have been charged with obstruction if he was not protected as President by an opinion from the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel that Mueller cited.


I guess Trump will call this 'fake nuwz' ............ LOFL

Nothing fake about it.

Mueller found no collusion or conspiracy with Russia and could not conclude that Obstruction had been committed.
That's the official report and the end of the story.

That it is but the boneheaded Dems just can't accept that Mueller's report didn't say what they hoped and prayed it would.

Now they are holding investigation after investigation and hearing after hearing grasping at any straw they can grab still trying to hang Trump.

What wonderful people. They are paving the way to a Trump win in 2020.

God bless them every one.
So called lies? You call Obama’s keep your doctor line a lie but you don’t call Trumps “no contacts with Russians” line a lie?! Please explain how that works
No, I don't. For one thing, Obama knew what he said was a lie. For another, any "contact" between the Trump campaign was insignificant and utterly meaningless.
I don’t care if you think it is insignificant or meaningless. That has zero relevance on whether something is a lie or not. Trump said he and his campaign had no contact with Russians. Muellers report shows 8 pages detailing contacts with Russians. He lied plain and simple. You can’t spin your way around it

That includes Sessions shaking the Ambassador's hand in a greeting line. All the other "contacts" were equally meaningless, irrelevant and trivial.
Is that what you think those contacts were? Handshakes at crowded events? I don’t know where you’re getting your news from but I suggest going straight to the source so you don’t sound like such a fool. The mueller report has several pages detailing contacts. Here’s a summary but go read the report for yourself.

Trump lied. Everybody knows it. You’re fighting a losing battle. Just admit you don’t care and move on
List one for us that isn't totally innocuous.
There is no point in doing so... I’m sure you will call all of them innocuous, but that doesn’t make any difference in determining whether he lied or not. Call them harmless lies if you like, that’s your opinion and that’s fine. But the fact remains that he lied several times. Why can’t you just admit that?
300+ attorneys say they think Trump obstructed justice

"Hundreds of former Justice Department officials said in an open letter released Monday that President Donald Trump would be facing multiple felony charges stemming from the Russia investigation if he were not President.

"The letter posted online by Justice Department alumni, who served under presidents from both parties, said the report from special counsel Robert Mueller contained repeated instances of Trump committing obstruction of justice, and that he would have been charged with obstruction if he was not protected as President by an opinion from the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel that Mueller cited."

Bipartisan support that includes one career prosecutor who worked with Rudy Giuliani says the Rudy he knew would not have hesitated to charge Trump based on the evidence Mueller has supplied.

Trump's actions today confirm he is still actively obstructing justice, and provides ample evidence he will do little to prevent his "Fancy Bear" buddies from helping in 2020.




Fmr. CIA official: American freedom requires Trump impeachment

Oh please do it. GO FOR IT

Less than 30% of the American population wants impeachment. So DO IT
Hundreds of former Justice officials assert Trump would be facing felony charges if he were not President - CNNPolitics

Hundreds of former Justice Department officials said in an open letter released Monday
that President Donald Trump would be facing multiple felony charges stemming from the Russia investigation if he were not President.

The letter posted online by Justice Department alumni, who served under presidents from both parties, said the report from special counsel Robert Mueller contained repeated instances of Trump committing obstruction of justice, and that he would have been charged with obstruction if he was not protected as President by an opinion from the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel that Mueller cited.


I guess Trump will call this 'fake nuwz' ............ LOFL

Nothing fake about it.

Mueller found no collusion or conspiracy with Russia and could not conclude that Obstruction had been committed.
That's the official report and the end of the story.

That it is but the boneheaded Dems just can't accept that Mueller's report didn't say what they hoped and prayed it would.

Now they are holding investigation after investigation and hearing after hearing grasping at any straw they can grab still trying to hang Trump.

What wonderful people. They are paving the way to a Trump win in 2020.

God bless them every one.
So far, 566 former prosecutors from both political parties have signed on to a formal letter that they believe Trump probably should be charged with felony obstruction of justice. Perhaps Mueller's report did in fact answer questions for Democrats.

I plainly don't understand why this is even mildly surprising.

Mueller said, he can't charge a sitting president due to DoJ guidelines.

He said he didn't charge Trump with obstruction, but also wouldn't exonerate (not bring charges).

He also said, if his decision were to decline charges, he would say so.

Since to bring charges, or not, is a binary decision, and not bringing charges is not an option, the only conclusion is there's enough evidence to charge. That is, this is the only conclusion for whoever has read the Mueller report.

So, all these 300+ attorneys were doing is to make plain what Mueller had pretty plainly stated before. Quite predictably, the subservient mouthbreathers and other Trumpletons are out in hordes to decry the plain truth, as they are trained to do. Good doggies...
So, all these 300+ attorneys were doing is to make plain what Mueller had pretty plainly stated before. Quite predictably, the subservient mouthbreathers and other Trumpletons are out in hordes to decry the plain truth, as they are trained to do. Good doggies...
I haven't seen any numbers detailing how many Americans have read all or part of Mueller's report, but it seems Republicans have decided the figure is low enough they can chant "move on" and get away with it.

If Barr is able to block Mueller's public testimony before Congress, it's possible Trump will survive to run again in 2020.

What Happens Next with the Mueller Report? The Answer May Lie in the Footnotes

"If there’s one thing that lawyers know about reading documents, it’s to pay attention to the footnotes. In fact, oftentimes the most important information is buried there.

"America’s entire 14th Amendment jurisprudence, for instance, came out of a single footnote in a 1932 case now know as the 'famous footnote.'

"The Mueller Report is no different.

"Buried in the footnotes of the Special Counsel’s two-volume tome are some of its most important nuggets, many of which address and refute popular talking points emanating from the Trump White House.

"Even if you don’t read the entire document, here are a few footnotes worth paying attention to — including one that seems to explain the possible results of Mueller’s findings.

"The devil is truly in the details."
300+ attorneys say they think Trump obstructed justice

"Hundreds of former Justice Department officials said in an open letter released Monday that President Donald Trump would be facing multiple felony charges stemming from the Russia investigation if he were not President.

"The letter posted online by Justice Department alumni, who served under presidents from both parties, said the report from special counsel Robert Mueller contained repeated instances of Trump committing obstruction of justice, and that he would have been charged with obstruction if he was not protected as President by an opinion from the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel that Mueller cited."

Bipartisan support that includes one career prosecutor who worked with Rudy Giuliani says the Rudy he knew would not have hesitated to charge Trump based on the evidence Mueller has supplied.

Trump's actions today confirm he is still actively obstructing justice, and provides ample evidence he will do little to prevent his "Fancy Bear" buddies from helping in 2020.




Fmr. CIA official: American freedom requires Trump impeachment

Oh please do it. GO FOR IT

Less than 30% of the American population wants impeachment. So DO IT
300+ attorneys say they think Trump obstructed justice

"Hundreds of former Justice Department officials said in an open letter released Monday that President Donald Trump would be facing multiple felony charges stemming from the Russia investigation if he were not President.

"The letter posted online by Justice Department alumni, who served under presidents from both parties, said the report from special counsel Robert Mueller contained repeated instances of Trump committing obstruction of justice, and that he would have been charged with obstruction if he was not protected as President by an opinion from the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel that Mueller cited."

Bipartisan support that includes one career prosecutor who worked with Rudy Giuliani says the Rudy he knew would not have hesitated to charge Trump based on the evidence Mueller has supplied.

Trump's actions today confirm he is still actively obstructing justice, and provides ample evidence he will do little to prevent his "Fancy Bear" buddies from helping in 2020.




Fmr. CIA official: American freedom requires Trump impeachment

Oh please do it. GO FOR IT

Less than 30% of the American population wants impeachment. So DO IT
Oh please do it. GO FOR IT

Less than 30% of the American population wants impeachment. So DO IT
What percentage of Americans are currently familiar with the contents of Mueller's report?

Majority of Americans oppose Trump impeachment hearings after Mueller report, but questions remain

How will today's number change after Mueller and Don McGahn finish testifying before Congress?

Beto O'Rourke's impeachment rhetoric shifts as Mueller report sinks in

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