Sounds Like Trump Committed Obstruction

Let me tell ALL of YOU how this works, and it is easy, lol...…….which is very bad for the Left-)

It was a non-profit, Leftist organization, that explains 1/2 of the story, but here is the other 1/2!

Notice that it said 300 and something Federal Prosecutors, and they would indict? OMG, OMG you say!

Well then, where is the other 1/2 of the equation?

What do I mean?

EXAMPLE--------------> I put out a poll on USMB that says--------------> If you agree that President Trump should be prosecuted, check this box, no matter which party you are from. So I get 20 boxes checked, put out the stats, and everyone goes, OMG, OMG!

BUT, where is the poll that says------------------> If you are a prosecutor and think Trump should be prosecuted, check this box, but if you don't, check this one-)

It is called-------------> FORCING the results you want! It is like the other thread on here about picking between Ginsburg and Kavanaugh. They made a MISTAKE, so they took it down, lol. If they would have WORDED it instead----------------->If you like Justices like GINSBBURG, check this box and left it at that...……….maybe they got 2000 votes for Justices like Ginsburg, post it, and everyone goes OMG, OMG. But they screwed the pooch and gave choice, FORCING them to take it down because the RESULT was NOT what they wanted.

Think about this-------------------> How many RETIRED Federal Prosecutors are there? They are all over the place. If they get a normal Fed deal I am sure, 20 or 25 and out if they so choose. And they got LESS than 400, heheheheheheheheheheheheheehehe.

Just remember, this is a non event, lol. No matter WHAT this thing said, unless nobody responded, they would hail it as PROOF! If it would have been 50, they would be screaming it from here, to there, to everywhere. With no other choice to pick from, they automatically win!

In essence, this is phony-e-baloney, but then you already knew that intuitively, because you are aware the LEFT is full of...…...PHONY-E-BALONEY'S!
now you've really gone off the deep end
You could smack a right winger right in the face with a plate full of evidence and they would still refuse to see it.


It's amazing how high, mighty and morally superior they were when Bill Clinton was in office and now they ate cheering at Trump's lawlessness.
Yeah, in this case Democrats want the AG to break the law.

Democrats support:

  • Illegal immigration
  • Terrorism
  • Coddling murderers
  • Attacking cops
  • Cheating in elections
You have some nerve calling us lawless

I am not a democrat but that post is horseshit.
I can sight examples.

  • Democrats support sanctuary cities and open borders
  • Democrats want illegals to have the right to vote
  • Democrats want illegals to have free health care
  • Democrats want driver's licenses for illegals
  • Democrats support The Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas
  • Democrats are against the death penalty and want murderers to vote in elections
  • Democrats attack cops that shoot thugs and criminals
  • Democrats practice "Vote Harvesting"
  • Democrats practice human-trafficking with illegals
Last edited:
Hundreds of former Justice officials assert Trump would be facing felony charges if he were not President - CNNPolitics

Hundreds of former Justice Department officials said in an open letter released Monday
that President Donald Trump would be facing multiple felony charges stemming from the Russia investigation if he were not President.

The letter posted online by Justice Department alumni, who served under presidents from both parties, said the report from special counsel Robert Mueller contained repeated instances of Trump committing obstruction of justice, and that he would have been charged with obstruction if he was not protected as President by an opinion from the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel that Mueller cited.


I guess Trump will call this 'fake nuwz' ............ LOFL
Anonymous sources say.....whatever Democrats said was good enough for them.

who said anything about "Anonymous sources?"

I guess you FAILED to read the thread, just like most of the brain dead jack asses around here
Hundreds of former members......
Anonymous former members...

What the fuck are you talking about?

You actually believe that people are signing this thing anonymously?

Really; you actually believe that stupid shit?

What fucking cave did you escape from?
Nope.....I'm just seeing a pattern.
And you folks lap this shit up like it's real.
Where's the list of names and their accompanying statements???
Names please...or its just more fake hews bullshit....

Uh Obama, Bush 43, Clinton, Bush 41, Reagan, Carter, Ford...………………………...

All of them?

300+ attorneys say they think Trump obstructed justice

"The letter was signed by officials from a wide-range of backgrounds, and included former US attorneys and other top officials from both parties.

"The Washington Post, which previously reported on the letter, which said signatories to the letter included officials whose time in government included every administration since President Dwight Eisenhower."

Judges would not opine without a trail. The prosecutors are saying there is enough to charge.

When you cannot refute, name call.
Lib 101

Let me tell ALL of YOU how this works, and it is easy, lol...…….which is very bad for the Left-)

It was a non-profit, Leftist organization, that explains 1/2 of the story, but here is the other 1/2!

Notice that it said 300 and something Federal Prosecutors, and they would indict? OMG, OMG you say!

Well then, where is the other 1/2 of the equation?

What do I mean?

EXAMPLE--------------> I put out a poll on USMB that says--------------> If you agree that President Trump should be prosecuted, check this box, no matter which party you are from. So I get 20 boxes checked, put out the stats, and everyone goes, OMG, OMG!

BUT, where is the poll that says------------------> If you are a prosecutor and think Trump should be prosecuted, check this box, but if you don't, check this one-)

It is called-------------> FORCING the results you want! It is like the other thread on here about picking between Ginsburg and Kavanaugh. They made a MISTAKE, so they took it down, lol. If they would have WORDED it instead----------------->If you like Justices like GINSBBURG, check this box and left it at that...……….maybe they got 2000 votes for Justices like Ginsburg, post it, and everyone goes OMG, OMG. But they screwed the pooch and gave choice, FORCING them to take it down because the RESULT was NOT what they wanted.

Think about this-------------------> How many RETIRED Federal Prosecutors are there? They are all over the place. If they get a normal Fed deal I am sure, 20 or 25 and out if they so choose. And they got LESS than 400, heheheheheheheheheheheheheehehe.

Just remember, this is a non event, lol. No matter WHAT this thing said, unless nobody responded, they would hail it as PROOF! If it would have been 50, they would be screaming it from here, to there, to everywhere. With no other choice to pick from, they automatically win!

In essence, this is phony-e-baloney, but then you already knew that intuitively, because you are aware the LEFT is full of...…...PHONY-E-BALONEY'S!
now you've really gone off the deep end
You could smack a right winger right in the face with a plate full of evidence and they would still refuse to see it.


It's amazing how high, mighty and morally superior they were when Bill Clinton was in office and now they ate cheering at Trump's lawlessness.
Yeah, in this case Democrats want the AG to break the law.

Democrats support:

  • Illegal immigration
  • Terrorism
  • Coddling murderers
  • Attacking cops
  • Cheating in elections
You have some nerve calling us lawless
yes, its all here:

Illegal immigration
: golf club giving out fake green cards

Terrorism: DHS disbands domestic terror unit

Coddling murderers: Trump supporters love to shoot

Attacking cops: discrediting law enforcement

Cheating in elections
: yep, documented case here

(except its all from Trump or republicans)

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