Source: Obama wiretapped Trump through the microwave

What does that have to do with the Clinton's and hell?

What do the Clintons have to do with
Source: Obama wiretapped Trump through the microwave
A source (More specifically, Kellyanne Conway) was asked about evidence that Obama wiretapped Donald Trump. She mentioned microwaves.

Of course, she didn't say she or Trump had evidence that such thing had happened. It is possible that Trump microwaved/recorded Obama via the microwave.

Memes poking fun at Conway are already circulating on the Internet Kellyanne Conway suggests Barack Obama was spying on Donald Trump through a microwave
/---- Libtards step in it again before getting all the facts: From a Feb 2016 article: (YOU CAN APOLOGIZE TO THE BOARD NOW FOR BEING AN A**HOLE)
Your desk lamp may be watching you.
Since we've started putting internet-connected sensors and cameras into microwaves, ovens, lightbulbs, watches, thermostats, dolls and vehicles, there's been a creeping suspicion that one day the government would use those sensors against us. Now, government officials are telling us that yes, that's most certainly going to be the case.
The US Government Just Said It'll Likely Use Your Fridge to Spy on You

So Conway's proof that Obama wiretapped Trump's phone is that you can somehow put a camera on a microwave?

Even you should find that a bit demented.
A source (More specifically, Kellyanne Conway) was asked about evidence that Obama wiretapped Donald Trump. She mentioned microwaves.

Of course, she didn't say she or Trump had evidence that such thing had happened. It is possible that Trump microwaved/recorded Obama via the microwave.

Memes poking fun at Conway are already circulating on the Internet Kellyanne Conway suggests Barack Obama was spying on Donald Trump through a microwave
/---- Libtards step in it again before getting all the facts: From a Feb 2016 article: (YOU CAN APOLOGIZE TO THE BOARD NOW FOR BEING AN A**HOLE)
Your desk lamp may be watching you.
Since we've started putting internet-connected sensors and cameras into microwaves, ovens, lightbulbs, watches, thermostats, dolls and vehicles, there's been a creeping suspicion that one day the government would use those sensors against us. Now, government officials are telling us that yes, that's most certainly going to be the case.
The US Government Just Said It'll Likely Use Your Fridge to Spy on You
So the evidence is that it can be done?
/---- Electrolux is doing it now with the cameras pointing inside. But Libtards in denial say it can't be done. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Electrolux Adds a Camera Inside Your Oven

So when will Obama be arrested?
Obama? We've been waiting for years for Clinton to be indicted......when will THAT happen?
I didn't bring up the Clinton's, I was just stating where they were going.
What does that have to do with the Clinton's and hell?

What do the Clintons have to do with
Source: Obama wiretapped Trump through the microwave
/---- Libtards step in it again before getting all the facts: From a Feb 2016 article: (YOU CAN APOLOGIZE TO THE BOARD NOW FOR BEING AN A**HOLE)
Your desk lamp may be watching you.
Since we've started putting internet-connected sensors and cameras into microwaves, ovens, lightbulbs, watches, thermostats, dolls and vehicles, there's been a creeping suspicion that one day the government would use those sensors against us. Now, government officials are telling us that yes, that's most certainly going to be the case.
The US Government Just Said It'll Likely Use Your Fridge to Spy on You

So Conway's proof that Obama wiretapped Trump's phone is that you can somehow put a camera on a microwave?

Even you should find that a bit demented.
/---- Libtards step in it again before getting all the facts: From a Feb 2016 article: (YOU CAN APOLOGIZE TO THE BOARD NOW FOR BEING AN A**HOLE)
Your desk lamp may be watching you.
Since we've started putting internet-connected sensors and cameras into microwaves, ovens, lightbulbs, watches, thermostats, dolls and vehicles, there's been a creeping suspicion that one day the government would use those sensors against us. Now, government officials are telling us that yes, that's most certainly going to be the case.
The US Government Just Said It'll Likely Use Your Fridge to Spy on You
So the evidence is that it can be done?
/---- Electrolux is doing it now with the cameras pointing inside. But Libtards in denial say it can't be done. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Electrolux Adds a Camera Inside Your Oven

So when will Obama be arrested?
Obama? We've been waiting for years for Clinton to be indicted......when will THAT happen?
I didn't bring up the Clinton's, I was just stating where they were going.
As wealthy as the Clinton's are, they probably have more than one microwave in their homes.
What does that have to do with the Clinton's and hell?

What do the Clintons have to do with
Source: Obama wiretapped Trump through the microwave
So Conway's proof that Obama wiretapped Trump's phone is that you can somehow put a camera on a microwave?

Even you should find that a bit demented.
So the evidence is that it can be done?
/---- Electrolux is doing it now with the cameras pointing inside. But Libtards in denial say it can't be done. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Electrolux Adds a Camera Inside Your Oven

So when will Obama be arrested?
Obama? We've been waiting for years for Clinton to be indicted......when will THAT happen?
I didn't bring up the Clinton's, I was just stating where they were going.
As wealthy as the Clinton's are, they probably have more than one microwave in their homes.
Yes probably so, but even if Clinton told you personally they are guilty of all charges. You still wouldn't believe it.
As wealthy as the Clinton's are, they probably have more than one microwave in their homes.

Can a microwave travel from Chappaqua to Manhattan? Perhaps the Clintons are microwaving Trump Tower.
Yes probably so, but even if Clinton told you personally they are guilty of all charges. You still wouldn't believe it.

Are you trying to draw a parallel to when Roger Stone admitted he was a Trump associate and he was in close contact with the hacker of the DNC and Podesta emails?
Breaking News: Barron Trump is Obama's love child
I hope someone corrected your title, again. Fake news seems to be your forte', this morning.
I saw the segment. She stated that spying could be done me through a number smart appliances, among several. Never did she state they did it through the microwave.
In fact, there are eavesdropping devices that use microwaves, not the appliance but actual microwaves, to listen in on conversations wirelessly from a distance. There are also suggestions the Obama administration may have used what is called back door surveillance methods, that is, obtained warrants to surveil other people who would have contact with the Trump campaign in the hope of obtaining politically damaging information about the Trump campaign. This would technically be legal but highly unethical and certainly far more damaging to our democracy that anything the Russians might have hoped to do.

The motion-detectors in a security system detect movement with an interrupted microwave beam and an infra-red beam looking for a heat-signature confirms it's a human.

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