Source says Obama had worst grades in Harvard

Did he graduate from Harvard? If he did, he couldn't have had the worst grades in the history of the school.

Of course he could have. My source is from my uncle who lived in Florida and personally knew a retired City janitor from New York whose brother told him that Obama got straight D's.

Quality post. :D

So, has anyone actually managed to identify the "Source" yet?
My money is on McCain.
Boy, if creating 4.5 million jobs in the wake of the worst financial catastrophe since the First Depression, increasing the DOW by 50% over three years (done only four other times in history), and saving the auto industry is failing, I can't wait to vote for four more years of failure.

Unemployment is up.

anyone with any sense at all would call that a fail.

But you're a liberal, so we understand the need to lie to yourself

Unemployment is up because we lost about millions of jobs before Obama got the seat warm. I know you guys on the Right like to gloss right over that and call Obama out for making excuses, but pretty much everyone outside your bubble still cuts him slack for that.

Also, you want him to make the unemployment rate go down a full percentage point in a month? Let him increase public sector employment at the same rate Reagan and Bush II did during their recessions.

Oh, and speaking of Ronnie, his unemployment rate was 9% during his first term at its highest. Unemployment is a big factor, sure. But to think it's the only thing that will determine the outcome of this election is shortsightedness; a key component of Neo-Conservative thought.

Still Bush's fault.
In a reference to allegations levied by Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) who said GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney paid no taxes for 10 years without providing proof, radio host Rush Limbaugh told his audience on Thursday that a source who went to Harvard University with President Barack Obama told him that the President received the lowest grades in the history of the university. Limbaugh said the source further alleged that Obama’s professors would often cover for him when he did not show up to class. “It’s up to Obama to prove it,” said Limbaugh. “The allegation is out there.”

Limbaugh: A Source Told Me Obama Got Worst Grades In Harvard University’s History | Mediaite
Sounds like a Yali fan to me.

Was his grades worse that Bushes?
Rush the conviced drug abuser is at it again. he could not even testify in a court of law because of his convictions.

As you can see, Limbaugh can testify in any court of law, since his single conviction has been dismissed.

"I am pleased to announce that the State Attorney's Office and Mr. Limbaugh have reached an agreement whereby a single count charge of doctor shopping filed today by the State Attorney will be dismissed in 18 months. As a primary condition of the dismissal, Mr. Limbaugh must continue to seek treatment from the doctor he has seen for the past two and one half years. This is the same doctor under whose care Mr. Limbaugh has remained free of his addiction without relapse.

Rush Limbaugh Takes Deal on Prescription Fraud Charges - TalkLeft: The Politics Of Crime
Source says Obama had worst grades in Harvard

Well, they were obviously good enough for him to teach constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School for 12 years. Go Obama!!!!!
Did he graduate from Harvard? If he did, he couldn't have had the worst grades in the history of the school.

Of course he could have. My source is from my uncle who lived in Florida and personally knew a retired City janitor from New York whose brother told him that Obama got straight D's.

That is funny because i have a source that says your source is completely imaginary.
Sarah Palin flunked out of like 6 colleges too. These Repubs have a lot of nerve trying to make people believe Obama is the stupid one.

Hannity and Glenn Beck flunked out too......that's why Conservatives hate education. Especially Harvard

"We don't need no fancy educations.....look how smart we is without one"

I see, that must have been why you had absolutely no respect for President G.W. Bush...... oh wait.......he has a Degree in History from Yale University and a Masters Degree in Business from the Harvard Business School....... and he also served in the Texas Air National Guard flying F-102s, an aircraft that was so difficult to fly that it was called the Widow Maker. I'm curious ace, do you have any idea what it takes, education wise, to fly a supersonic jet interceptor?
I guess you have to love Governor Romney, after achieving a 3.97 GPA from Brigham Young University in English, he decided he wanted to go to Harvard Business School. His father disagreed with that idea and wanted him to get a Law Degree. He honored his father's wish by attending Harvard Law but he stubbornly attended Harvard Business School....AT THE SAME TIME! He graduated from Law School with honors, top third of class and Business School with a Baker Scholar honor and in the top 5 % of his class........and he's a white conservative! If he was a Black liberal, he would be President of the United States already.

Bush: Daddy was a President, Vice President, Head of CIA, Grandfather was a Senator

Romney: Daddy was an automotive CEO, Governor and Presidential candidate

Yea....they got ahead on their good looks and smarts
Stooping to Reid's level...nice. Hopefully this keeps the tax issue in the limelight a bit longer. Can the GOP really be this bad at politics?

This is actually a big step up for Rush. Reid sunk to fox news levels when he did it, and rush is the fat puddle of slime at the bottom of fox news. So yeah Rush had to sort of ooze himself upwards from the sewer of fox to get up to this level. It is actually a new high for Rush, if you don't consider him eating crumbs off the floor hoping it was bits of oxy.

Harry Reid was serious and speaking on the floor of the United States Senate. Rush was pulling your leg with a satirical analogy.

You have to be smart enough to figure that out, or are you?

Oh so you think Rush is completely full of shit and in no way could have any real information in regards to Obama's records? Just checking.

I must say I do agree there is a high degree of likelihood in my mind reid is playing a gambit here designed to work on Mitt Romney's secrecy. Yeah, it is a little shady as it is a fox news and republican tactic, and even gretchen from fox news admits they make shit up in their stories, but it is actually a nice play. Romney is hiding his tax returns. the people of the US have a right to know who they are voting for and his secrecy in regards to his financial records is quite bothersome to people looking for all the info on the candidates. Obama's grades in college would have been an issue in 2008, but since he has done a relatively decent job as president they are much less of a concern this election as we have a record of his work and ability to go on. The only records we have on Romney are his claims and the conflicting government filings which are partially hidden by him. Reid's call is brilliant because it can only be disproved by the release of those records, and it plays upon the very reasonable idea Romney is hiding something. this is an idea that Romney himself has perpetuated by outright lying about his time and record at bain capital.

Aain, Romney has the opportunity to shit all over reid's reputation and accuracy and force reid to name his source or be branded himself a liar by offering up proof he paid taxes through his tax filings. if his filings show he did pay taxes it would be up to reid to either take the blame for lying or offer up the name of the person who deceived him to save what he can of his reputation. Still romney refuses to put the issue down through his tax records, which only leads to the conclusion he is hiding something which is supported by the fact he has lied about his income and record. That is politics, not that it would make any difference in the minds of Romneybots as they cannot thin for themselves anyway.
Source says Obama had worst grades in Harvard

Well, they were obviously good enough for him to teach constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School for 12 years. Go Obama!!!!!

And yet he wasn't smart enough to know that if he made the claim to be born in Kenya he couldn't be president. Makes one wonder about the Chicago school system.
Hannity and Glenn Beck flunked out too......that's why Conservatives hate education. Especially Harvard

"We don't need no fancy educations.....look how smart we is without one"

I see, that must have been why you had absolutely no respect for President G.W. Bush...... oh wait.......he has a Degree in History from Yale University and a Masters Degree in Business from the Harvard Business School....... and he also served in the Texas Air National Guard flying F-102s, an aircraft that was so difficult to fly that it was called the Widow Maker. I'm curious ace, do you have any idea what it takes, education wise, to fly a supersonic jet interceptor?
I guess you have to love Governor Romney, after achieving a 3.97 GPA from Brigham Young University in English, he decided he wanted to go to Harvard Business School. His father disagreed with that idea and wanted him to get a Law Degree. He honored his father's wish by attending Harvard Law but he stubbornly attended Harvard Business School....AT THE SAME TIME! He graduated from Law School with honors, top third of class and Business School with a Baker Scholar honor and in the top 5 % of his class........and he's a white conservative! If he was a Black liberal, he would be President of the United States already.

Bush: Daddy was a President, Vice President, Head of CIA, Grandfather was a Senator

Romney: Daddy was an automotive CEO, Governor and Presidential candidate

Yea....they got ahead on their good looks and smarts

Funny you didnt put Kerry or Gore in there....hmmmmmm interesting...and Obama got by on affirmative action and he doesnt know it proves affirmative action if crap.
Source says Obama had worst grades in Harvard

Well, they were obviously good enough for him to teach constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School for 12 years. Go Obama!!!!!

It's easy when you want to teach Law school and you're a liberal black....

What's a "liberal black?" Is that a black guy who is like liberally black, like black in places normal black people aren't the bottoms of their feet and stuff? I'm just trying to figure out what exactly a liberal black is.
Well, they were obviously good enough for him to teach constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School for 12 years. Go Obama!!!!!

It's easy when you want to teach Law school and you're a liberal black....

What's a "liberal black?" Is that a black guy who is like liberally black, like black in places normal black people aren't the bottoms of their feet and stuff? I'm just trying to figure out what exactly a liberal black is.

You just gotta make him take that brain outta a mason jar.
Obama Flunked Jobs 101!!!!!!!

That is obvious, that is why lefties go after the tax bullshit, they can't run on Obama's failed policies.

Boy, if creating 4.5 million jobs in the wake of the worst financial catastrophe since the First Depression, increasing the DOW by 50% over three years (done only four other times in history), and saving the auto industry is failing, I can't wait to vote for four more years of failure.

Averaged over his 42 month tenure, we are at 107,000 per month, the break even point is 375,000 per month. He is 268,000 a month short or over 11,000,000 over his term.

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