Source says Obama had worst grades in Harvard

That is obvious, that is why lefties go after the tax bullshit, they can't run on Obama's failed policies.

Boy, if creating 4.5 million jobs in the wake of the worst financial catastrophe since the First Depression, increasing the DOW by 50% over three years (done only four other times in history), and saving the auto industry is failing, I can't wait to vote for four more years of failure.

Averaged over his 42 month tenure, we are at 107,000 per month, the break even point is 375,000 per month. He is 268,000 a month short or over 11,000,000 over his term.

Oh, I see. So you get to average in the jobs lost every single month thanks to leftover Bush economics policy when Obama took office. Okay.

So, your point somehow makes the 4.5 million jobs created in the last 29 months
Stooping to Reid's level...nice. Hopefully this keeps the tax issue in the limelight a bit longer. Can the GOP really be this bad at politics?

This is actually a big step up for Rush. Reid sunk to fox news levels when he did it, and rush is the fat puddle of slime at the bottom of fox news. So yeah Rush had to sort of ooze himself upwards from the sewer of fox to get up to this level. It is actually a new high for Rush, if you don't consider him eating crumbs off the floor hoping it was bits of oxy.

Harry Reid was serious and speaking on the floor of the United States Senate. Rush was pulling your leg with a satirical analogy.

You have to be smart enough to figure that out, or are you?

Liberals don't get anything, they just react, it is their programming.

They are entertaining.
Boy, if creating 4.5 million jobs in the wake of the worst financial catastrophe since the First Depression, increasing the DOW by 50% over three years (done only four other times in history), and saving the auto industry is failing, I can't wait to vote for four more years of failure.

Averaged over his 42 month tenure, we are at 107,000 per month, the break even point is 375,000 per month. He is 268,000 a month short or over 11,000,000 over his term.

Oh, I see. So you get to average in the jobs lost every single month thanks to leftover Bush economics policy when Obama took office. Okay.

So, your point somehow makes the 4.5 million jobs created in the last 29 months

No, I took 4.5 mill divided it into 42 the months in office. You are the dumb ass that said he created the jobs.

As far as the Bush bullshit, anyone with a brain knows that the bubble would burst, no one knew when.

It had been forecasted in the early 90's, but that doesn't fit your little agenda, that is why you keep crying about taxes, that is all you got.
Averaged over his 42 month tenure, we are at 107,000 per month, the break even point is 375,000 per month. He is 268,000 a month short or over 11,000,000 over his term.

Oh, I see. So you get to average in the jobs lost every single month thanks to leftover Bush economics policy when Obama took office. Okay.

So, your point somehow makes the 4.5 million jobs created in the last 29 months

No, I took 4.5 mill divided it into 42 the months in office. You are the dumb ass that said he created the jobs.

As far as the Bush bullshit, anyone with a brain knows that the bubble would burst, no one knew when.

It had been forecasted in the early 90's, but that doesn't fit your little agenda, that is why you keep crying about taxes, that is all you got.

How can someone use so many words and still not have a fucking clear and cogent point? You're the exemplification of a talking points machine.

What bubble? What the fuck are you talking about? The entire world's economy went shit-house after the banks decided to play a cup and ball game with people's debt. And then they started doing it for sovereign nations and municipalities. Educate yourself.
In a reference to allegations levied by Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) who said GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney paid no taxes for 10 years without providing proof, radio host Rush Limbaugh told his audience on Thursday that a source who went to Harvard University with President Barack Obama told him that the President received the lowest grades in the history of the university. Limbaugh said the source further alleged that Obama’s professors would often cover for him when he did not show up to class. “It’s up to Obama to prove it,” said Limbaugh. “The allegation is out there.”

Limbaugh: A Source Told Me Obama Got Worst Grades In Harvard University’s History | Mediaite

Rush said? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Obama's teaching and educational resume proves that was an imposibility. And proves Rush a big fat ass brain damaged drug addicted liar.:eusa_angel:
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In a reference to allegations levied by Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) who said GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney paid no taxes for 10 years without providing proof, radio host Rush Limbaugh told his audience on Thursday that a source who went to Harvard University with President Barack Obama told him that the President received the lowest grades in the history of the university. Limbaugh said the source further alleged that Obama’s professors would often cover for him when he did not show up to class. “It’s up to Obama to prove it,” said Limbaugh. “The allegation is out there.”

Limbaugh: A Source Told Me Obama Got Worst Grades In Harvard University’s History | Mediaite
Probably one of the reasons he keeps them secret, embarrassed.
I've never been that big a fan of Obama but I'm really getting to like him.
The far right are getting stomach ulcers at the very thought of him being in the white house.
Come on Obama, old lad, get a new term and see how many of the daft pillocks die of stress related heart attacks.
In a reference to allegations levied by Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) who said GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney paid no taxes for 10 years without providing proof, radio host Rush Limbaugh told his audience on Thursday that a source who went to Harvard University with President Barack Obama told him that the President received the lowest grades in the history of the university. Limbaugh said the source further alleged that Obama’s professors would often cover for him when he did not show up to class. “It’s up to Obama to prove it,” said Limbaugh. “The allegation is out there.”

Limbaugh: A Source Told Me Obama Got Worst Grades In Harvard University’s History | Mediaite

Oh sure, and we all believe Limbaugh, don't we.. :lol:

Limbaugh didn't even finish high school, he was so stupid. His mother even said he failed.

But you just accept everything that Harry Reid says as if it is gospel.

Funny thing is that I think that is pretty much what the OP was attempting to point out.

In a reference to allegations levied by Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) who said GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney paid no taxes for 10 years without providing proof, radio host Rush Limbaugh told his audience on Thursday that a source who went to Harvard University with President Barack Obama told him that the President received the lowest grades in the history of the university. Limbaugh said the source further alleged that Obama’s professors would often cover for him when he did not show up to class. “It’s up to Obama to prove it,” said Limbaugh. “The allegation is out there.”

Limbaugh: A Source Told Me Obama Got Worst Grades In Harvard University’s History | Mediaite

Rush said? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Obama's teaching and educational resume proves that was an imposibility. And proves Rush a big fat ass brain damaged drug addicted liar.:eusa_angel:

I'm assured he was elected as president of the Harvard law review and it's common for the worse students to get that position.
Senior lecturer at Yale. Well, it's a shit uni so they probably couldn't get a nice white boy with a reasonable degree.

or maybe he was some good and the bigots are clutching at straws.
I've never been that big a fan of Obama but I'm really getting to like him.
The far right are getting stomach ulcers at the very thought of him being in the white house.
Come on Obama, old lad, get a new term and see how many of the daft pillocks die of stress related heart attacks.

So is that muslim to muslim?
In a reference to allegations levied by Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) who said GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney paid no taxes for 10 years without providing proof, radio host Rush Limbaugh told his audience on Thursday that a source who went to Harvard University with President Barack Obama told him that the President received the lowest grades in the history of the university. Limbaugh said the source further alleged that Obama’s professors would often cover for him when he did not show up to class. “It’s up to Obama to prove it,” said Limbaugh. “The allegation is out there.”

Limbaugh: A Source Told Me Obama Got Worst Grades In Harvard University’s History | Mediaite

That's part of the problem with you folks.

It's never been precedent..that a Presidential candidate show his grades from a university. It simply had little or no bearing on the job of President.

You folks keep making up new things and hurdles to overcome, because the candidates you put up aren't up to the task.

It's precedent to show your tax returns for more then just a couple of years. And it was one started by Romney's own father. One other President was asked by the opposition to show a birth certificate. And only one has. No other President was asked by the opposition to show college records.

The left knew everything there was to know about president Bush and they even created scenarios to fictionalize his membership in the sinister "skull and bones" fraternity. What do we know about Obama? Did he lie to his biographer when he said he was born in Indonesia? Did he lie on applications and government documents? What kind of grade score did he get when he became editor of the Law Review? We won't know because the left wing media isn't curious and Harvard has the records locked up in a vault.
Source says Obama had worst grades in Harvard

Well, they were obviously good enough for him to teach constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School for 12 years. Go Obama!!!!!

But! That's not a real job and according to repuliklans and neither is being president.

He wasn't a teacher, he wasn't a professor he was a lecturer....... big fucking deal. He hates America, he lies about his birth, his schooling and does nothing but waste fuel in Air Force One trying to stay away from his stage wife and spending time with Reggie Love..... that trumps anything semi-positive about his honorary law degree.
Oh, I see. So you get to average in the jobs lost every single month thanks to leftover Bush economics policy when Obama took office. Okay.

So, your point somehow makes the 4.5 million jobs created in the last 29 months

No, I took 4.5 mill divided it into 42 the months in office. You are the dumb ass that said he created the jobs.

As far as the Bush bullshit, anyone with a brain knows that the bubble would burst, no one knew when.

It had been forecasted in the early 90's, but that doesn't fit your little agenda, that is why you keep crying about taxes, that is all you got.

How can someone use so many words and still not have a fucking clear and cogent point? You're the exemplification of a talking points machine.

What bubble? What the fuck are you talking about? The entire world's economy went shit-house after the banks decided to play a cup and ball game with people's debt. And then they started doing it for sovereign nations and municipalities. Educate yourself.

Here's the point, you dont want meltdowns? Then dont force banks to lend money to people who cant fucking's not that difficult
No, I took 4.5 mill divided it into 42 the months in office. You are the dumb ass that said he created the jobs.

As far as the Bush bullshit, anyone with a brain knows that the bubble would burst, no one knew when.

It had been forecasted in the early 90's, but that doesn't fit your little agenda, that is why you keep crying about taxes, that is all you got.

How can someone use so many words and still not have a fucking clear and cogent point? You're the exemplification of a talking points machine.

What bubble? What the fuck are you talking about? The entire world's economy went shit-house after the banks decided to play a cup and ball game with people's debt. And then they started doing it for sovereign nations and municipalities. Educate yourself.

Here's the point, you dont want meltdowns? Then dont force banks to lend money to people who cant fucking's not that difficult

Yeah. That comment proves you actually have no clue what caused the New Depression. Google "derivatives goldman sachs" and then start talking about this subject again.
Oh, I see. So you get to average in the jobs lost every single month thanks to leftover Bush economics policy when Obama took office. Okay.

So, your point somehow makes the 4.5 million jobs created in the last 29 months

No, I took 4.5 mill divided it into 42 the months in office. You are the dumb ass that said he created the jobs.

As far as the Bush bullshit, anyone with a brain knows that the bubble would burst, no one knew when.

It had been forecasted in the early 90's, but that doesn't fit your little agenda, that is why you keep crying about taxes, that is all you got.

How can someone use so many words and still not have a fucking clear and cogent point? You're the exemplification of a talking points machine.

What bubble? What the fuck are you talking about? The entire world's economy went shit-house after the banks decided to play a cup and ball game with people's debt. And then they started doing it for sovereign nations and municipalities. Educate yourself.

We went from bubble to bubble for decades that helped keep the expansion going. In the early 90's we saw mortgage companies loaning 125% of the value of homes. Back at that time many experts were wondering when the end would come. When 9/11 hit, it should have been the end but then Then we started buying and selling bad debts, businesses had over extended credit, home owners over extended and government over extended. Then the collapse.

So unlike the idiot blaming the other guy, I am educated on what happened. You just like blaming others.
In a reference to allegations levied by Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) who said GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney paid no taxes for 10 years without providing proof, radio host Rush Limbaugh told his audience on Thursday that a source who went to Harvard University with President Barack Obama told him that the President received the lowest grades in the history of the university. Limbaugh said the source further alleged that Obama’s professors would often cover for him when he did not show up to class. “It’s up to Obama to prove it,” said Limbaugh. “The allegation is out there.”

Limbaugh: A Source Told Me Obama Got Worst Grades In Harvard University’s History | Mediaite

Sounds just like the Birther conspiracy. People will stop at nothing to bring down Obama.
In a reference to allegations levied by Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) who said GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney paid no taxes for 10 years without providing proof, radio host Rush Limbaugh told his audience on Thursday that a source who went to Harvard University with President Barack Obama told him that the President received the lowest grades in the history of the university. Limbaugh said the source further alleged that Obama’s professors would often cover for him when he did not show up to class. “It’s up to Obama to prove it,” said Limbaugh. “The allegation is out there.”

Limbaugh: A Source Told Me Obama Got Worst Grades In Harvard University’s History | Mediaite

Oh sure, and we all believe Limbaugh, don't we.. :lol:

Limbaugh didn't even finish high school, he was so stupid. His mother even said he failed.

But you just accept everything that Harry Reid says as if it is gospel.

Funny thing is that I think that is pretty much what the OP was attempting to point out.


Funny how they don't get it.

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