South Carolina schools may teach gun safety and training

Hunting also allows someone to provide steroid and antibiotic free, lean meat for their family, friends and even food banks and other charitable organizations.
Very few people hunt for meat, and no one has to. What a clean hamburger, raises a cow, I'm not going to stop you.

And the meat donated by hunting organizations have provided millions of meals worth of lean meat to soup kitchens, food banks and other charitable organizations.
Meat that is donated didn't need to be shot. If you don't need it to feed your family, you don't need it.

So we should let the animals overpopulate and destroy the habitat, thereby dooming themselves and other species to a slow death from starvation?? Yes, there IS a need.
How many times do I have to say we have a fix for that, and it isn't Bubba in an old pickup truck with a case of cheap beer.

YOu are completely ignorant about the scale of the issue.

In Alabama the whitetail deer population is approximately 1.5 million animals. Wildlife biologists have said that we need to remove one-third of that population each year in order to have a stable herd. Who do we have available to kill 500,000 deer each year? And that is only one species in one state.

The feral hog population is estimated to be over 5 million animals (I have seen estimates as high as 9 million) and they do an estimated $1.5 billion in damages. Care to tell us who we have available to take care of that?

A wild sow is mature at as early as 6 months, and can have 1.5 litters per year. Do the math on that and tell us who we have available to solve this problem?? Texas spends $7 million per year on feral swine control, and is losing the battle.
Meat that is donated didn't need to be shot. If you don't need it to feed your family, you don't need it.

So we should let the animals overpopulate and destroy the habitat, thereby dooming themselves and other species to a slow death from starvation?? Yes, there IS a need.

Oh come on, he knows all of this. He must. He is just trying to make sense of his nonsense ideology. It should be clear to him that it is nonsense by now. If not, then he really must be just dense or something.
There's nothing nonsense about gun control, and we need far more of it like other more civilized nations, which we are not.

There is when the mindset is that it will prevent criminals from getting guns. The biggest push is for background checks. I had one stolen from my car about a year ago. Where should that person have gone to do one?
If we didn't have loose guns around that wouldn't have happened. Next time take the NRA stickers off the car and they won't know which car has the guns.

My gun wasn't loose. It was where State law says it should be. Since it was out of plain sight and I suspect the reasons they broke in wasn't because of it, your rant means nothing. Perhaps you missed the part about it being in a vehicle that they have no business going in to start with.

If you want the NRA stickers taken off, do it yourself.
Since you have no business dictating what my children need, fuck off and mind your own business. It's a private matter and people like you have said what happens privately isn't anyone else's business.

Your problem is you think as long as it's done your way, it's the only way. Bit arrogant for such a good for nothing like you. I taught my children gun safety from an early age just like my dad who owned his own gun dealership did with me and my brother.
Another gun nut, who wants everyone else to like them as well.

Another follower of the 2nd Amendment that believes, as people like you claim, what goes on the PRIVACY of my house is none of your damn business.
I got news for you, that isn't true. Just because you close the front door doesn't mean society doesn't have a say in what happens inside, for we very much do.

Only if someone is doing something illegal. Hunting is not illegal. Guns are not illegal. :D Therefore, none of your business.
Not yet, give it time. What do you think the NRA is so worried about that they want to starting teaching people to love guns in high school for.

I think it's about gun responsibility and trying to cut down on accidents. The NRA has all kinds of gun safety programs out there. They don't like it anymore than anyone else when some dummy shoots someone accidentally because it hurts them. They want people to use guns responsibly.
Yep. There's not a reason in the world why a child need ever handle a gun. There is nothing they need to kill.

Since you have no business dictating what my children need, fuck off and mind your own business. It's a private matter and people like you have said what happens privately isn't anyone else's business.

Your problem is you think as long as it's done your way, it's the only way. Bit arrogant for such a good for nothing like you. I taught my children gun safety from an early age just like my dad who owned his own gun dealership did with me and my brother.
Another gun nut, who wants everyone else to like them as well.

Another follower of the 2nd Amendment that believes, as people like you claim, what goes on the PRIVACY of my house is none of your damn business.
I got news for you, that isn't true. Just because you close the front door doesn't mean society doesn't have a say in what happens inside, for we very much do.

Until it's about what happens in a bedroom between two fags. At that point, people like you say it's a matter of privacy. Can't have it both ways.
Oh but we can. Two men fucking is none of our business, but you fucking your underage daughter is very much our business. See how that works now?
Since you have no business dictating what my children need, fuck off and mind your own business. It's a private matter and people like you have said what happens privately isn't anyone else's business.

Your problem is you think as long as it's done your way, it's the only way. Bit arrogant for such a good for nothing like you. I taught my children gun safety from an early age just like my dad who owned his own gun dealership did with me and my brother.
Another gun nut, who wants everyone else to like them as well.

Another follower of the 2nd Amendment that believes, as people like you claim, what goes on the PRIVACY of my house is none of your damn business.
I got news for you, that isn't true. Just because you close the front door doesn't mean society doesn't have a say in what happens inside, for we very much do.

Only if someone is doing something illegal. Hunting is not illegal. Guns are not illegal. :D Therefore, none of your business.
Not yet, give it time. What do you think the NRA is so worried about that they want to starting teaching people to love guns in high school for.

They were teaching shooting in high school long before you were born, and did so until just a few decades ago. The NRA is not worried.
So we should let the animals overpopulate and destroy the habitat, thereby dooming themselves and other species to a slow death from starvation?? Yes, there IS a need.

Oh come on, he knows all of this. He must. He is just trying to make sense of his nonsense ideology. It should be clear to him that it is nonsense by now. If not, then he really must be just dense or something.
There's nothing nonsense about gun control, and we need far more of it like other more civilized nations, which we are not.

There is when the mindset is that it will prevent criminals from getting guns. The biggest push is for background checks. I had one stolen from my car about a year ago. Where should that person have gone to do one?
If we didn't have loose guns around that wouldn't have happened. Next time take the NRA stickers off the car and they won't know which car has the guns.

My gun wasn't loose. It was where State law says it should be. Since it was out of plain sight and I suspect the reasons they broke in wasn't because of it, your rant means nothing. Perhaps you missed the part about it being in a vehicle that they have no business going in to start with.

If you want the NRA stickers taken off, do it yourself.
It's your guns they are stealing and the blood is on your hands. Go for it.
So what? Some people like to hunt for sport. Without them, the deer overpopulation would be really bad in a lot of areas.
We have people who are available to fix such issues, and it ain't Bubba and his high school beer buddies.

Your claims about "Bubba and his high school beer buddies" is laughable. I have been deer hunting for 40 years, and I have never been around anyone drinking beer when they hunt.

And no, we do not have people available to fix such things. That is absolute bullshit.
The hell we don't. If I advertised for a professional hunter, and that's all they did and got paid for it, I'd need a staff of 1,000 just to process the paperwork.

Then people would just hunt illegally, like they already do.
Oh, I can fix that, since they won't have the gun in the first place.

Who is going to take it from them, YOU?
Another gun nut, who wants everyone else to like them as well.

Another follower of the 2nd Amendment that believes, as people like you claim, what goes on the PRIVACY of my house is none of your damn business.
I got news for you, that isn't true. Just because you close the front door doesn't mean society doesn't have a say in what happens inside, for we very much do.

Only if someone is doing something illegal. Hunting is not illegal. Guns are not illegal. :D Therefore, none of your business.
Not yet, give it time. What do you think the NRA is so worried about that they want to starting teaching people to love guns in high school for.

They were teaching shooting in high school long before you were born, and did so until just a few decades ago. The NRA is not worried.
Oh, the NRA is scared to death. There are many more people like me than you. That's a big problem for them.
So what? Some people like to hunt for sport. Without them, the deer overpopulation would be really bad in a lot of areas.
We have people who are available to fix such issues, and it ain't Bubba and his high school beer buddies.

Your claims about "Bubba and his high school beer buddies" is laughable. I have been deer hunting for 40 years, and I have never been around anyone drinking beer when they hunt.

And no, we do not have people available to fix such things. That is absolute bullshit.
The hell we don't. If I advertised for a professional hunter, and that's all they did and got paid for it, I'd need a staff of 1,000 just to process the paperwork.

Then people would just hunt illegally, like they already do.
Oh, I can fix that, since they won't have the gun in the first place.

Who is going to take it from them, YOU?

It's called hunting. While you may not do it, you damn sure have no right telling me I can't take my daughters and one is younger than 16.
We have people who are available to fix such issues, and it ain't Bubba and his high school beer buddies.

Your claims about "Bubba and his high school beer buddies" is laughable. I have been deer hunting for 40 years, and I have never been around anyone drinking beer when they hunt.

And no, we do not have people available to fix such things. That is absolute bullshit.
The hell we don't. If I advertised for a professional hunter, and that's all they did and got paid for it, I'd need a staff of 1,000 just to process the paperwork.

Then people would just hunt illegally, like they already do.
Oh, I can fix that, since they won't have the gun in the first place.

Who is going to take it from them, YOU?
Society. We have people for that, remember?
Another follower of the 2nd Amendment that believes, as people like you claim, what goes on the PRIVACY of my house is none of your damn business.
I got news for you, that isn't true. Just because you close the front door doesn't mean society doesn't have a say in what happens inside, for we very much do.

Only if someone is doing something illegal. Hunting is not illegal. Guns are not illegal. :D Therefore, none of your business.
Not yet, give it time. What do you think the NRA is so worried about that they want to starting teaching people to love guns in high school for.

They were teaching shooting in high school long before you were born, and did so until just a few decades ago. The NRA is not worried.
Oh, the NRA is scared to death. There are many more people like me than you. That's a big problem for them.

Not enough to amend the US Constitution.
Another follower of the 2nd Amendment that believes, as people like you claim, what goes on the PRIVACY of my house is none of your damn business.
I got news for you, that isn't true. Just because you close the front door doesn't mean society doesn't have a say in what happens inside, for we very much do.

Only if someone is doing something illegal. Hunting is not illegal. Guns are not illegal. :D Therefore, none of your business.
Not yet, give it time. What do you think the NRA is so worried about that they want to starting teaching people to love guns in high school for.

They were teaching shooting in high school long before you were born, and did so until just a few decades ago. The NRA is not worried.
Oh, the NRA is scared to death. There are many more people like me than you. That's a big problem for them.

You mean people like you than want to limit gun ownership but don't have the balls to come and take what you say we shouldn't have?
Your claims about "Bubba and his high school beer buddies" is laughable. I have been deer hunting for 40 years, and I have never been around anyone drinking beer when they hunt.

And no, we do not have people available to fix such things. That is absolute bullshit.
The hell we don't. If I advertised for a professional hunter, and that's all they did and got paid for it, I'd need a staff of 1,000 just to process the paperwork.

Then people would just hunt illegally, like they already do.
Oh, I can fix that, since they won't have the gun in the first place.

Who is going to take it from them, YOU?
Society. We have people for that, remember?

You said we have people to handle the populations of wild animals too. Who are these people?
Another follower of the 2nd Amendment that believes, as people like you claim, what goes on the PRIVACY of my house is none of your damn business.
I got news for you, that isn't true. Just because you close the front door doesn't mean society doesn't have a say in what happens inside, for we very much do.

Only if someone is doing something illegal. Hunting is not illegal. Guns are not illegal. :D Therefore, none of your business.
Not yet, give it time. What do you think the NRA is so worried about that they want to starting teaching people to love guns in high school for.

They were teaching shooting in high school long before you were born, and did so until just a few decades ago. The NRA is not worried.
Oh, the NRA is scared to death. There are many more people like me than you. That's a big problem for them.

I think you would be wrong. That is a big reason why the filthy politicians who would love to take or limit any one of our rights as citizens have such a difficult time with these issues. People are against them, because most people are more like me than you and they want to live in a free country. :)
We have people who are available to fix such issues, and it ain't Bubba and his high school beer buddies.

Your claims about "Bubba and his high school beer buddies" is laughable. I have been deer hunting for 40 years, and I have never been around anyone drinking beer when they hunt.

And no, we do not have people available to fix such things. That is absolute bullshit.
The hell we don't. If I advertised for a professional hunter, and that's all they did and got paid for it, I'd need a staff of 1,000 just to process the paperwork.

Then people would just hunt illegally, like they already do.
Oh, I can fix that, since they won't have the gun in the first place.

Nope, you would make things worse. See post #838. Very similar to what we see with drug cartels, the same would be happening with weapons. It already does, but on a smaller scale because guns are NOT illegal. Most people, who are not criminals, would prefer to do things the legal way.
Here's how it would work. After we got the guns, if you happened to be holding one and you weren't in uniform, you're dead, no questions asked.
I think the younger generations (besides the thugs and dummies) are starting to realize just how toxic the new age liberal ideology is to our freedoms. The trend shows more young people moving towards being libertarians. :)
The hell we don't. If I advertised for a professional hunter, and that's all they did and got paid for it, I'd need a staff of 1,000 just to process the paperwork.

Then people would just hunt illegally, like they already do.
Oh, I can fix that, since they won't have the gun in the first place.

Who is going to take it from them, YOU?
Society. We have people for that, remember?

You said we have people to handle the populations of wild animals too. Who are these people?
Professional Hunters.
Your claims about "Bubba and his high school beer buddies" is laughable. I have been deer hunting for 40 years, and I have never been around anyone drinking beer when they hunt.

And no, we do not have people available to fix such things. That is absolute bullshit.
The hell we don't. If I advertised for a professional hunter, and that's all they did and got paid for it, I'd need a staff of 1,000 just to process the paperwork.

Then people would just hunt illegally, like they already do.
Oh, I can fix that, since they won't have the gun in the first place.

Who is going to take it from them, YOU?
Society. We have people for that, remember?

I’ve challenged many members of society that say I shouldn’t have them to do it. NONE, including you, have had the guts to show up.
Your claims about "Bubba and his high school beer buddies" is laughable. I have been deer hunting for 40 years, and I have never been around anyone drinking beer when they hunt.

And no, we do not have people available to fix such things. That is absolute bullshit.
The hell we don't. If I advertised for a professional hunter, and that's all they did and got paid for it, I'd need a staff of 1,000 just to process the paperwork.

Then people would just hunt illegally, like they already do.
Oh, I can fix that, since they won't have the gun in the first place.

Nope, you would make things worse. See post #838. Very similar to what we see with drug cartels, the same would be happening with weapons. It already does, but on a smaller scale because guns are NOT illegal. Most people, who are not criminals, would prefer to do things the legal way.
Here's how it would work. After we got the guns, if you happened to be holding one and you weren't in uniform, you're dead, no questions asked.

Who is "we." :D Who would help you violate people's rights and freedom against the government? Some pussies like yourself? :lol: Good luck with that. I'd probably just kick your ass.

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