South Carolina schools may teach gun safety and training

I taught my kids "gun safety" a long time ago.

It went something like this; kids, if you are at one of your friends homes and he/she takes out mom or dads gun, get the fuck away from them as fast as you can and call me to come get you. This was when they were pretty young.

At high school age, I taught them that IF they were in school and heard repeated popping sounds, to get outside ASAP and hide. If they can't get outside, find as secure a room as they can and hide.

When my adult daughter was working as a bar tender in a rather violent bar, I told her that if she sees a person with a gun to run out the back and hide or hit the floor and crawl away to an exit. While calling 911 on the cell.

I taught my kids how to load/unload a gun, put the safety on, leave an empty chamber on a revolver for a safety.
How to shoot and hit what they aim at.

I taught them that guns are tools. That they aren't to be worshiped, played with or fondled. They are to be used with the utmost care and respect because guns have the ability to kill you or someone else without much effort.

That was my gun safety training program. And I sure don't want the schools doing what I should do as a parent.
My kids lives are my responsibility. Not the schools.
I taught my kids "gun safety" a long time ago.

It went something like this; kids, if you are at one of your friends homes and he/she takes out mom or dads gun, get the fuck away from them as fast as you can and call me to come get you. This was when they were pretty young.

At high school age, I taught them that IF they were in school and heard repeated popping sounds, to get outside ASAP and hide. If they can't get outside, find as secure a room as they can and hide.

When my adult daughter was working as a bar tender in a rather violent bar, I told her that if she sees a person with a gun to run out the back and hide or hit the floor and crawl away to an exit. While calling 911 on the cell.

I taught my kids how to load/unload a gun, put the safety on, leave an empty chamber on a revolver for a safety.
How to shoot and hit what they aim at.

I taught them that guns are tools. That they aren't to be worshiped, played with or fondled. They are to be used with the utmost care and respect because guns have the ability to kill you or someone else without much effort.

That was my gun safety training program. And I sure don't want the schools doing what I should do as a parent.
My kids lives are my responsibility. Not the schools.

What about sex-ed? Should that be taught? Or is it the responsibility of the parents?
What about sex-ed? Should that be taught? Or is it the responsibility of the parents?

Yes, I taught my kids about "sex education" as well. How about you? You think the schools should take on parental responsibilities?

But more interestingly is why you found it necessary to introduce sex ed in a gun ed thread. You think shooting guns and fucking are somehow related?
I grew up in Georgia, and we sincerely appreciated SC, Miss. and LA. They gave us folks who made us feel superior. Generally speaking, I don't think that there is much point in any SC education beyond, "Single Wide roof repair, 101."

That must be why Boeing is building airliners in North Charleston, SC!

(You are a truly SPECIAL kind of stupid, boy.)
That must be why Boeing is building airliners in North Charleston, SC!

Why I bet you think those huge tax abatements and the fact SC "offered" to pick up the educational expense of training a workforce had absolutely nothing to do with anything. Don't cha?
No Planned Parenthood but the NRA is just fine in schools? Got it. Gun nuts, fucking nuts since guns have but one purpose, killing. Next up, Understanding Racism, by the KKK.
Do move to SC then. Jeebus the butthurt is strong with this one.
I live in south Carolina, pmh wouldn't last here. We use common sense and teaching gun safety is school makes sense.
Common sense? There? Thanks, I always enjoy a good laugh but I wouldn't call finding your future spouse at a family reunion common sense in most places.
That's why northerners are moving here, because liberals done fucked it all up up north.
Just because you think who a man who bathes often and isn't called Bubba is a Liberal doesn't make it so. To you a liberal is someone who didn't marry a relative, doesn't drive an old Ford, and has more teeth than dogs and children.

Nothing wrong with an old Ford...

Can anybody name a better way of making sure the populace is armed and capable, than gun safety and training in local schools?
Draft them all into the military. They can learn about guns there, and see up close, or maybe even experience, what they are really for, killing things, especially the animal called man.

Please stop re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-reposting your borderline-psychopathic fantasies, boy!
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I grew up in Georgia, and we sincerely appreciated SC, Miss. and LA. They gave us folks who made us feel superior. Generally speaking, I don't think that there is much point in any SC education beyond, "Single Wide roof repair, 101."

That must be why Boeing is building airliners in North Charleston, SC!

(You are a truly SPECIAL kind of stupid, boy.)

Next best labor rate outside of China regulations either
What about sex-ed? Should that be taught? Or is it the responsibility of the parents?

Yes, I taught my kids about "sex education" as well. How about you? You think the schools should take on parental responsibilities?

But more interestingly is why you found it necessary to introduce sex ed in a gun ed thread. You think shooting guns and fucking are somehow related?

Yes, I taught my children about sex and reproduction. But that was not the question I asked you.

And no, I do not think guns and fucking are related. And I did not say I did. What IS related is the idea that many people think both of these topics would be better taught at home, by the parents.

But my question still remains unanswered. Should sex ed be taught or is it the responsibility of the parents?
I grew up in Georgia, and we sincerely appreciated SC, Miss. and LA. They gave us folks who made us feel superior. Generally speaking, I don't think that there is much point in any SC education beyond, "Single Wide roof repair, 101."

That must be why Boeing is building airliners in North Charleston, SC!

(You are a truly SPECIAL kind of stupid, boy.)

Next best labor rate outside of China regulations either

You, too, are a truly SPECIAL kind of stupid.
I grew up in Georgia, and we sincerely appreciated SC, Miss. and LA. They gave us folks who made us feel superior. Generally speaking, I don't think that there is much point in any SC education beyond, "Single Wide roof repair, 101."

That must be why Boeing is building airliners in North Charleston, SC!
Yet they exceeded expectations.
(You are a truly SPECIAL kind of stupid, boy.)

Next best labor rate outside of China regulations either
But my question still remains unanswered. Should sex ed be taught or is it the responsibility of the parents?

I answered your question WTF? I don't really care if sex education is taught in school. More kids will be having sex than shooting.

But the fact remains that I taught my kids about both of these topics; guns and sex.

What part of my answer do you not understand now?
But my question still remains unanswered. Should sex ed be taught or is it the responsibility of the parents?

I answered your question WTF? I don't really care if sex education is taught in school. More kids will be having sex than shooting.

But the fact remains that I taught my kids about both of these topics; guns and sex.

What part of my answer do you not understand now?

Now you have answered the question. Previously you simply said that you taught your kids.
Now you have answered the question. Previously you simply said that you taught your kids.

And what point is it that you are trying to make? I am curious now.

That sex ed is taught because too many parents do not teach it at home, and it is in the best interest of both the students and the community to teach them.

The same can be said of the gun safety course. Which, as the article said, is an elective and is only one semester.
I live in south Carolina, pmh wouldn't last here. We use common sense and teaching gun safety is school makes sense.
Common sense? There? Thanks, I always enjoy a good laugh but I wouldn't call finding your future spouse at a family reunion common sense in most places.
That's why northerners are moving here, because liberals done fucked it all up up north.
Just because you think who a man who bathes often and isn't called Bubba is a Liberal doesn't make it so. To you a liberal is someone who didn't marry a relative, doesn't drive an old Ford, and has more teeth than dogs and children.
No, I think a liberals is an ignorant asshole. Who thinks he knows it all, but in reality doesn't know shit.
You think teaching the arts are more important than reading.
You think teaching two men taking it up the ass is normal. Rather than teaching math.
You think telling kids if you become successful, you didn't do it on your own. Instead of teaching history.
Then you, after 13 years of indoctrinating our kids. You want me to pay for 2 years of community college, but you think spending maybe a week teaching a kid about gun safety is bad.
You call us inbreded? Lol
Try keeping what different people say straight, dummy. And my gun safety class can be done in 50 minutes, it starts with this:

That you can teach.
Lol tough guy? You're a liberal, which means you're a pussy. I bet you would shit yourself if you had to shoot a gun. I'll give you a word of advice, start with a cap gun. There not as loud.

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