South Carolina schools may teach gun safety and training

Common sense? There? Thanks, I always enjoy a good laugh but I wouldn't call finding your future spouse at a family reunion common sense in most places.
That's why northerners are moving here, because liberals done fucked it all up up north.
Just because you think who a man who bathes often and isn't called Bubba is a Liberal doesn't make it so. To you a liberal is someone who didn't marry a relative, doesn't drive an old Ford, and has more teeth than dogs and children.
No, I think a liberals is an ignorant asshole. Who thinks he knows it all, but in reality doesn't know shit.
You think teaching the arts are more important than reading.
You think teaching two men taking it up the ass is normal. Rather than teaching math.
You think telling kids if you become successful, you didn't do it on your own. Instead of teaching history.
Then you, after 13 years of indoctrinating our kids. You want me to pay for 2 years of community college, but you think spending maybe a week teaching a kid about gun safety is bad.
You call us inbreded? Lol
Try keeping what different people say straight, dummy. And my gun safety class can be done in 50 minutes, it starts with this:

That you can teach.
Lol tough guy? You're a liberal, which means you're a pussy. I bet you would shit yourself if you had to shoot a gun. I'll give you a word of advice, start with a cap gun. There not as loud.
Actually, the real pussies are those too frightened to go out without a gun
That's why northerners are moving here, because liberals done fucked it all up up north.
Just because you think who a man who bathes often and isn't called Bubba is a Liberal doesn't make it so. To you a liberal is someone who didn't marry a relative, doesn't drive an old Ford, and has more teeth than dogs and children.
No, I think a liberals is an ignorant asshole. Who thinks he knows it all, but in reality doesn't know shit.
You think teaching the arts are more important than reading.
You think teaching two men taking it up the ass is normal. Rather than teaching math.
You think telling kids if you become successful, you didn't do it on your own. Instead of teaching history.
Then you, after 13 years of indoctrinating our kids. You want me to pay for 2 years of community college, but you think spending maybe a week teaching a kid about gun safety is bad.
You call us inbreded? Lol
Try keeping what different people say straight, dummy. And my gun safety class can be done in 50 minutes, it starts with this:

That you can teach.
Lol tough guy? You're a liberal, which means you're a pussy. I bet you would shit yourself if you had to shoot a gun. I'll give you a word of advice, start with a cap gun. There not as loud.
Actually, the real pussies are those too frightened to go out without a gun
I don't always carry, just when I go to the liberal side of town. You know the slums.
Just because you think who a man who bathes often and isn't called Bubba is a Liberal doesn't make it so. To you a liberal is someone who didn't marry a relative, doesn't drive an old Ford, and has more teeth than dogs and children.
No, I think a liberals is an ignorant asshole. Who thinks he knows it all, but in reality doesn't know shit.
You think teaching the arts are more important than reading.
You think teaching two men taking it up the ass is normal. Rather than teaching math.
You think telling kids if you become successful, you didn't do it on your own. Instead of teaching history.
Then you, after 13 years of indoctrinating our kids. You want me to pay for 2 years of community college, but you think spending maybe a week teaching a kid about gun safety is bad.
You call us inbreded? Lol
Try keeping what different people say straight, dummy. And my gun safety class can be done in 50 minutes, it starts with this:

That you can teach.
Lol tough guy? You're a liberal, which means you're a pussy. I bet you would shit yourself if you had to shoot a gun. I'll give you a word of advice, start with a cap gun. There not as loud.
Actually, the real pussies are those too frightened to go out without a gun
I don't always carry, just when I go to the liberal side of town. You know the slums.
So, now the big tough guy is afraid of liberals

Must be tough to go through life in fear
No, I think a liberals is an ignorant asshole. Who thinks he knows it all, but in reality doesn't know shit.
You think teaching the arts are more important than reading.
You think teaching two men taking it up the ass is normal. Rather than teaching math.
You think telling kids if you become successful, you didn't do it on your own. Instead of teaching history.
Then you, after 13 years of indoctrinating our kids. You want me to pay for 2 years of community college, but you think spending maybe a week teaching a kid about gun safety is bad.
You call us inbreded? Lol
Try keeping what different people say straight, dummy. And my gun safety class can be done in 50 minutes, it starts with this:

That you can teach.
Lol tough guy? You're a liberal, which means you're a pussy. I bet you would shit yourself if you had to shoot a gun. I'll give you a word of advice, start with a cap gun. There not as loud.
Actually, the real pussies are those too frightened to go out without a gun
I don't always carry, just when I go to the liberal side of town. You know the slums.
So, now the big tough guy is afraid of liberals

Must be tough to go through life in fear
Haven't met one on here i'm afraid of, but say if I'm in a great liberal town like Detroit. You may want to carry, but where I live no need to carry.
Exactly what is the downside of teaching this class? It is an elective and only 1 semester. There are obvious advantages, from a safety standpoint. If funding were not the issue, and I see no reason it would be difficult to get NRA or other qualified instructors.

But what are reasons anyone would have for not wanting this class?
Try keeping what different people say straight, dummy. And my gun safety class can be done in 50 minutes, it starts with this:

That you can teach.
Lol tough guy? You're a liberal, which means you're a pussy. I bet you would shit yourself if you had to shoot a gun. I'll give you a word of advice, start with a cap gun. There not as loud.
Actually, the real pussies are those too frightened to go out without a gun
I don't always carry, just when I go to the liberal side of town. You know the slums.
So, now the big tough guy is afraid of liberals

Must be tough to go through life in fear
Haven't met one on here i'm afraid of, but say if I'm in a great liberal town like Detroit. You may want to carry, but where I live no need to carry.

You must be pretty skeered if you need a gun gun to go out in public

Most of us chickenshit liberals can go through life without it
Lol tough guy? You're a liberal, which means you're a pussy. I bet you would shit yourself if you had to shoot a gun. I'll give you a word of advice, start with a cap gun. There not as loud.
Actually, the real pussies are those too frightened to go out without a gun
I don't always carry, just when I go to the liberal side of town. You know the slums.
So, now the big tough guy is afraid of liberals

Must be tough to go through life in fear
Haven't met one on here i'm afraid of, but say if I'm in a great liberal town like Detroit. You may want to carry, but where I live no need to carry.

You must be pretty skeered if you need a gun gun to go out in public

Most of us chickenshit liberals can go through life without it
Yeah you probably can, but if you ever are at the wrong place at the wrong time. A conservative might save your worthless ass. Just saying.
Lol tough guy? You're a liberal, which means you're a pussy. I bet you would shit yourself if you had to shoot a gun. I'll give you a word of advice, start with a cap gun. There not as loud.
Actually, the real pussies are those too frightened to go out without a gun
I don't always carry, just when I go to the liberal side of town. You know the slums.
So, now the big tough guy is afraid of liberals

Must be tough to go through life in fear
Haven't met one on here i'm afraid of, but say if I'm in a great liberal town like Detroit. You may want to carry, but where I live no need to carry.

You must be pretty skeered if you need a gun gun to go out in public

Most of us chickenshit liberals can go through life without it
Also don't you need to go make sure a defenseless baby gets murdered? Tough guy.
It's wonderful that the schools in South Carolina have the time and the money to deepen the gun culture! Their arts and extra-curricular activities must be the envy of the nation! With all that spare time to teach kids to love guns, their love of the arts must know no bounds!

So they will be teaching kids to love guns? Wow.

Or perhaps they will offer a few classes a year in gun safety.

Aren't we continually told that the anti-gun folks aren't trying to take away our guns? But we are also told that there are 700-800 accidental shooting deaths every year. Shouldn't an effort be made to remedy that?
In my primary post I said how wonderful it must be in South Carolina. What a luxury it must be to have the time and funding to teach kids about guns! With the funding and time South Carolina must have to afford extra curricular activities and arts education, special needs education and handicapped accessible facilities, they still managed to squeeze in gun culture inculcation! How do they do it in the age of funding cuts?
It's wonderful that the schools in South Carolina have the time and the money to deepen the gun culture! Their arts and extra-curricular activities must be the envy of the nation! With all that spare time to teach kids to love guns, their love of the arts must know no bounds!
What a shithead you are.
No one ever died because they werent familiar with art or music. But plenty of kids have died because they misused guns out of ignorance.
In the old days many schools maintained a range and a rifle team. And guess what, no one went rampaging through a school shooting people.
The educational priorities are upside down if gun education trumps arts education.

Educators agree with gusto that arts education is necessary for the intellectual well being of students in every grade. Arts education helps deal with leadership skills, conflict resolution and upward social mobility. In other words, arts education accomplishes much of what we expect from general education.

Inculcating students in the gun culture is all well and good so long as actual education isn't the sacrificial lamb in the bargain.

Why are you making the automatic assumption that arts will be dropped in favor of a full time gun safety class?

It will be, at most, one semester. It is an elective. Lighten up on the strawman arguments.
Because they have already cut funding to art, extra curricular activities, special needs education and handicap accessibility. What manner of educator allows the priorities to shift from these programs to gun culture inculcation?
Exactly what is the downside of teaching this class? It is an elective and only 1 semester. There are obvious advantages, from a safety standpoint. If funding were not the issue, and I see no reason it would be difficult to get NRA or other qualified instructors.

But what are reasons anyone would have for not wanting this class?
Texas firearms instructor accidentally shoots himself while teaching family how to clean and shoot pistol -

And the Agenda of the NRA does not a class make.
Common sense? There? Thanks, I always enjoy a good laugh but I wouldn't call finding your future spouse at a family reunion common sense in most places.
That's why northerners are moving here, because liberals done fucked it all up up north.
Just because you think who a man who bathes often and isn't called Bubba is a Liberal doesn't make it so. To you a liberal is someone who didn't marry a relative, doesn't drive an old Ford, and has more teeth than dogs and children.
No, I think a liberals is an ignorant asshole. Who thinks he knows it all, but in reality doesn't know shit.
You think teaching the arts are more important than reading.
You think teaching two men taking it up the ass is normal. Rather than teaching math.
You think telling kids if you become successful, you didn't do it on your own. Instead of teaching history.
Then you, after 13 years of indoctrinating our kids. You want me to pay for 2 years of community college, but you think spending maybe a week teaching a kid about gun safety is bad.
You call us inbreded? Lol
Try keeping what different people say straight, dummy. And my gun safety class can be done in 50 minutes, it starts with this:

That you can teach.
Lol tough guy? You're a liberal, which means you're a pussy. I bet you would shit yourself if you had to shoot a gun. I'll give you a word of advice, start with a cap gun. There not as loud.
I own guns, dummy. I use them for the only thing they were designed for, killing living creatures, but unlike you I don't treat them as toys or take one to the mall hoping to play John Wayne.
I have no problem with gun safety being taught on schools.

No rational person would.
Gun Safety, as in don't touch if you find one, don't play with one, never aim one at something you aren't planning to kill? No problem, but that's not exactly the agenda of the NRA now is it.

Boy, you left "rational" far behind long ago.
Not in the slightest. It doesn't get more rational than that, which is why you reject it.
Do move to SC then. Jeebus the butthurt is strong with this one.
I live in south Carolina, pmh wouldn't last here. We use common sense and teaching gun safety is school makes sense.
Common sense? There? Thanks, I always enjoy a good laugh but I wouldn't call finding your future spouse at a family reunion common sense in most places.
That's why northerners are moving here, because liberals done fucked it all up up north.
Just because you think who a man who bathes often and isn't called Bubba is a Liberal doesn't make it so. To you a liberal is someone who didn't marry a relative, doesn't drive an old Ford, and has more teeth than dogs and children.

Nothing wrong with an old Ford...

Neither can corner for shit, or stay out of the repair shop for long.
I grew up in Georgia, and we sincerely appreciated SC, Miss. and LA. They gave us folks who made us feel superior. Generally speaking, I don't think that there is much point in any SC education beyond, "Single Wide roof repair, 101."

That must be why Boeing is building airliners in North Charleston, SC!

(You are a truly SPECIAL kind of stupid, boy.)
Cheap labor, no unions. My bet is they spending a lot of time training their Wal-Mart quality employees, a lot of time and in very basic things, like math and reading.
Gun Safety for kids does not involve using one. They are for killing things and no child need do that, not in this day and age.

The entire point of gun safety is to teach teenagers how to follow the simple gun safety rules that would prevent almost all accidental shootings.

Originally guns were designed for killing things, and that is still a valid use for them. But target shooting, both formal and informal, involves no killing of anything whatsoever.
Gun Safety for kids does not involve using one. They are for killing things and no child need do that, not in this day and age.

Ironic because this is the same tacit that crazy the anti-sex-ed Christians use.

Safe sex is no sex.

I was taught how to use a gun when I was 11. I don't currently own of a gun, but if I had to use one I'm glad that I know how.

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