South Carolina schools may teach gun safety and training

No Planned Parenthood but the NRA is just fine in schools? Got it. Gun nuts, fucking nuts since guns have but one purpose, killing. Next up, Understanding Racism, by the KKK.
Do move to SC then. Jeebus the butthurt is strong with this one.
I live in south Carolina, pmh wouldn't last here. We use common sense and teaching gun safety is school makes sense.
Common sense? There? Thanks, I always enjoy a good laugh but I wouldn't call finding your future spouse at a family reunion common sense in most places.
That's why northerners are moving here, because liberals done fucked it all up up north.
Just because you think who a man who bathes often and isn't called Bubba is a Liberal doesn't make it so. To you a liberal is someone who didn't marry a relative, doesn't drive an old Ford, and has more teeth than dogs and children.
You did not answer the question.
Why do you want children to remain ignorant to the dangers of firearms?
I really don't care one way or the other....
You don't care that children remain ignorant to the dangers of firearms? Why?
Because a very small percentage of them will be affected by firearms.
This is South Carolina we're talking about, not Commiefornia or Taxachuessettes.
You did not answer the question.
Why do you want children to remain ignorant to the dangers of firearms?
I really don't care one way or the other....
You don't care that children remain ignorant to the dangers of firearms? Why?
Because a very small percentage of them will be affected by firearms.
And so... they should ALL remain ignorant?
If it saves the life of just one child, isn't it worth it?
Sure. If that's the case then, every child should be provided with free health insurance. If it saves the life of one child, isn't it worth it?
Health insurance isnt health care, twat.
I really don't care one way or the other....
You don't care that children remain ignorant to the dangers of firearms? Why?
Because a very small percentage of them will be affected by firearms.
And so... they should ALL remain ignorant?
If it saves the life of just one child, isn't it worth it?
Sure. If that's the case then, every child should be provided with free health insurance. If it saves the life of one child, isn't it worth it?
Health insurance isnt health care, twat.
Neither is a working car but they both help you get the care you need.
Sure. I think gun safety should be optional though as many kids probably won't have to deal with guns in their lives. They all have a penis or vagina though.
Why do you want children to remain ignorant to the dangers of firearms?
So guns are dangerous now?
About like cars. Don't know what you're doing around one and bad things happen. Know what you're doing and things will be fine.
What was your point again?
And driver's ed is optional in school. What's your point?
You did not answer the question.
Why do you want children to remain ignorant to the dangers of firearms?
I really don't care one way or the other....
You don't care that children remain ignorant to the dangers of firearms? Why?
Because a very small percentage of them will be affected by firearms.
This is South Carolina we're talking about, not Commiefornia or Taxachuessettes.
That's right, it is South Carolina. The state with the lowest literacy rate in the union. Seems like they have more important things to work on.
I really don't care one way or the other....
You don't care that children remain ignorant to the dangers of firearms? Why?
Because a very small percentage of them will be affected by firearms.
And so... they should ALL remain ignorant?
If it saves the life of just one child, isn't it worth it?
Sure. If that's the case then, every child should be provided with free health insurance. If it saves the life of one child, isn't it worth it?
Health insurance isnt health care, twat.
Thanks for the correction, douche.
They aren't allowed to work on their literacy rate. They aren't even allowed to teach their children how to write. Common dumb down Core takes care of literacy.
How is it that we used to be able to teach out children how to read and write and do math, and spend an hour each day in the gym and still have time for art, music, home economics, shop class, and still had time left over for study halls or gun safety or band practice, or twirling a baton?
You don't know anything of the Common Core, obviously. It is words, words, words, and more words.

I know how to write........
No Planned Parenthood but the NRA is just fine in schools? Got it. Gun nuts, fucking nuts since guns have but one purpose, killing. Next up, Understanding Racism, by the KKK.
Do move to SC then. Jeebus the butthurt is strong with this one.
I live in south Carolina, pmh wouldn't last here. We use common sense and teaching gun safety is school makes sense.
Common sense? There? Thanks, I always enjoy a good laugh but I wouldn't call finding your future spouse at a family reunion common sense in most places.
That's why northerners are moving here, because liberals done fucked it all up up north.
Just because you think who a man who bathes often and isn't called Bubba is a Liberal doesn't make it so. To you a liberal is someone who didn't marry a relative, doesn't drive an old Ford, and has more teeth than dogs and children.
No, I think a liberals is an ignorant asshole. Who thinks he knows it all, but in reality doesn't know shit.
You think teaching the arts are more important than reading.
You think teaching two men taking it up the ass is normal. Rather than teaching math.
You think telling kids if you become successful, you didn't do it on your own. Instead of teaching history.
Then you, after 13 years of indoctrinating our kids. You want me to pay for 2 years of community college, but you think spending maybe a week teaching a kid about gun safety is bad.
You call us inbreded? Lol
They aren't allowed to work on their literacy rate. They aren't even allowed to teach their children how to write. Common dumb down Core takes care of literacy.
How is it that we used to be able to teach out children how to read and write and do math, and spend an hour each day in the gym and still have time for art, music, home economics, shop class, and still had time left over for study halls or gun safety or band practice, or twirling a baton?
You don't know anything of the Common Core, obviously. It is words, words, words, and more words.

I know how to write........
I very much doubt it, but we'll see.
Do move to SC then. Jeebus the butthurt is strong with this one.
I live in south Carolina, pmh wouldn't last here. We use common sense and teaching gun safety is school makes sense.
Common sense? There? Thanks, I always enjoy a good laugh but I wouldn't call finding your future spouse at a family reunion common sense in most places.
That's why northerners are moving here, because liberals done fucked it all up up north.
Just because you think who a man who bathes often and isn't called Bubba is a Liberal doesn't make it so. To you a liberal is someone who didn't marry a relative, doesn't drive an old Ford, and has more teeth than dogs and children.
No, I think a liberals is an ignorant asshole. Who thinks he knows it all, but in reality doesn't know shit.
You think teaching the arts are more important than reading.
You think teaching two men taking it up the ass is normal. Rather than teaching math.
You think telling kids if you become successful, you didn't do it on your own. Instead of teaching history.
Then you, after 13 years of indoctrinating our kids. You want me to pay for 2 years of community college, but you think spending maybe a week teaching a kid about gun safety is bad.
You call us inbreded? Lol
Try keeping what different people say straight, dummy. And my gun safety class can be done in 50 minutes, it starts with this:

That you can teach.
blah blah
No, I think a liberals is an ignorant asshole. Who thinks he knows it all, but in reality doesn't know shit.
Please don't feed the trolls.

Back to the subject:
Teaching gun safety and training in school is an obviously good thing to do. (Obvious to all except the leftists who want to keep people ignorant, defenseless and terrified.) It is decision that should be made (and paid for) at the local level, possibly as high as at a state-govt level.

Nothing could be clearer from our last dozen or more years of experience as a nation, than the fact that government (state and local police) is inadequate to keep individual citizens safe. Criminals always find ways to evade the police and zero in on the citizen. And if he knows the citizens are unarmed, there is nothing left to stop him from assaulting, robbing, or raping. The citizen is the only one who is there at the scene of the crime every time. The citizen is the last (often the only) line of defense against the common criminal. Disarming him makes no sense.

And society benefits directly from making sure the citizen is familiar with the weapon he needs, trained in its safe and effective use, and unafraid to use it when needed. Gun safety and training in school is every bit as important as training in readin', writin', and 'rithmetic. And there is no batter way to make sure the citizen is able to deal with the crime that will come his way... and to make sure the criminal knows the citizen is ready.

The 2nd amendment includes a justification for why it's part of the Law of the Land. It points out that an armed and capable populace (that's what a militia is) is necessary for security and freedom. Can anybody name a better way of making sure the populace is armed and capable, than gun safety and training in local schools?
Leftist fanatics have been trying for years to keep people, especially children, away from any hint that guns might actually be useful for good purposes. They have striven unceasingly to keep people terrified at even the slightest mention of a gun, and making sure that no one would have the slightest idea what to do if they actually see a gun (in a gun store or a friend's hands etc.).

Now South Carolina is proposing that children get basic gun and safety training in school - something that used to be common at schools just a few generations ago.

If it passes, this would undermine the left's entire agenda of keeping people terrified of guns. If people - especially children - start realizing that guns are no more dangerous than automobiles or power saws, the leftists will have no end of difficulty restricting or banning them. And if normal people find that guns can actually make societies safer when criminals become afraid of assaulting or robbing a person who might have one and knows how to use it... they might start finding they have no use for leftists any more.

Count on this initiative to be fought with everything the leftists can bring to bear: Insults, screaming, fear, lying, etc. (In other words, they will act as they always do. Only more so.)


SC Schools May Teach Gun Training

SC Schools May Teach Gun Training
House bill calls for 3-week study of 2nd Amendment

By Arden Dier, Newser Staff
Posted Jan 9, 2015 8:12 AM CST

(Newser) – Two new bills could bring gun education, including gun training, to South Carolina students. The first is from Rep. Alan Clemmons, who tells WCIV that teachers don't focus enough on the Second Amendment, and that a lack of knowledge about guns and gun safety implies "the gun is an evil object." He cites the example of a student who got into trouble after writing a story about shooting a dinosaur. Zero-tolerance policies are misguided, says Clemmons, whose bill would have students spend three weeks learning about guns and gun safety each year, based on a curriculum backed by the NRA, the Greenville News reports.

Some aren't keen about involving the NRA in state education, but that's hardly the only element of contention. Clemmons' bill would also create a Second Amendment Awareness Day in all state schools, as well as a poster or essay contest with the theme "The Right to Bear Arms: One American Right Protecting All Others," to be held on Dec. 15. The date has drawn criticism because it's one day after the Sandy Hook school shooting anniversary, though Clemmons says he's open to changing it.

good bill

we should see this in all fifty states
Can anybody name a better way of making sure the populace is armed and capable, than gun safety and training in local schools?
Draft them all into the military. They can learn about guns there, and see up close, or maybe even experience, what they are really for, killing things, especially the animal called man.
UPDATE 3:45 p.m. EST: TheBlaze on Friday spoke with a Walmart corporate media relations official who said the store reached out to the couple, and that Strobl and Wehner received for free all of their photos — including the shotgun photo — on Thursday, along with a gift card.

The Crazy Reason a Walmart Clerk Refused to Print an Engagement Photo. That It Happened in Texas Is Crazier. Video
Gun photos, okay. Cake for gay wedding, not a chance. Got it.

Or, everyone could just do their damn job and shut the hell up.
UPDATE 3:45 p.m. EST: TheBlaze on Friday spoke with a Walmart corporate media relations official who said the store reached out to the couple, and that Strobl and Wehner received for free all of their photos — including the shotgun photo — on Thursday, along with a gift card.

The Crazy Reason a Walmart Clerk Refused to Print an Engagement Photo. That It Happened in Texas Is Crazier. Video
Gun photos, okay. Cake for gay wedding, not a chance. Got it.

Or, everyone could just do their damn job and shut the hell up.

more of your crazy talk
Personally, I think that certain people should not have access to guns. Historically, it just doesn't work out. German's for example. Also, if you give a South Carolinian a gun, he is likely to start taking pot shots at Ft. Sumter....
Whatever the situation regarding your child finding the gun, had you chose to remove your child's ignorance, he night very well still be alive. As you chose to allow your child to remain ignorance, you cannot soundly argue against your culpability in this matter.
In my state, the gun owner ending up in prison and me winning a large lawsuit would invalidate your argument. Your obsession with guns has clouded your brain.
You're making a mistake - I'm not talking about -legal- culpability.
As you chose to allow your child to remain ignorance, you cannot soundly argue against your culpability in this matter
Sorry, the last thing I'd think about in that situation is that I didn't get my kid trained on gun safety. You aren't going to change my mind here.
Explain how you are not at least partly at faut when your child dies because you chose to keep him ignorant.
Because kids shouldn't be around loaded guns left unattended.
And how are you not at all at fault because you refused to give your child the knowledge necessary to safe;y handle being around a loaded gun?

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