South Carolina schools may teach gun safety and training

Doesn't seem that long ago when Calif. state legislator Don Perata pushed Calif Senate Bill SB-23, banning certain guns that were no more dangerous than any others, but had scarier-looking features (pistol grips, flash hiders, magazines over 10 rounds etc., restricting them even more from schools etc.

Many schools' shooting teams (some of which had been producing teenage Olympic shooters) folded as a result. When Perata was asked about that result, he simply replied, "Well, that's too bad. Maybe they need to move to a different state if that's what they want."

The arrogance of these leftist fanatics must be seen to be believed.

Looks like the pendulum is starting to swing back to the side of sanity at last.

Cuz they hain't nuttin' more "sane" than shootin' shit, right?

I tell you what, if you've never been to South Carolina they have a whole lot more important stuff to be teaching than this.

One of the worst literacy rates in the Nation and they want to teach about guns.
Assessments scale score grade 4 reading statistics - States compared - StateMaster
No, I would place the blame on the person who let my kid have access to a gun, an irresponsible gun owner.
Of course you would -- even though -you- allowed your child to die because you chose for him to remain ignorant, his death is someone else's fault.
And thus, the problem with NOT teaching basic gun safety in schools.
The problem is someone being irresponsible with their gun in that situation. Many states have CAP laws which supports my argument.
Whatever the situation regarding your child finding the gun, had you chose to remove your child's ignorance, he night very well still be alive. As you chose to allow your child to remain ignorance, you cannot soundly argue against your culpability in this matter.
In my state, the gun owner ending up in prison and me winning a large lawsuit would invalidate your argument. Your obsession with guns has clouded your brain.
You're making a mistake - I'm not talking about -legal- culpability.
As you chose to allow your child to remain ignorance, you cannot soundly argue against your culpability in this matter
Sorry, the last thing I'd think about in that situation is that I didn't get my kid trained on gun safety. You aren't going to change my mind here. This would 100% be on the irresponsible gun owner.
I can't help but think that SC should put priority on teaching children to read, which presently seems to be near the bottom of their list.
Of course you would -- even though -you- allowed your child to die because you chose for him to remain ignorant, his death is someone else's fault.
And thus, the problem with NOT teaching basic gun safety in schools.
The problem is someone being irresponsible with their gun in that situation. Many states have CAP laws which supports my argument.
Whatever the situation regarding your child finding the gun, had you chose to remove your child's ignorance, he night very well still be alive. As you chose to allow your child to remain ignorance, you cannot soundly argue against your culpability in this matter.
In my state, the gun owner ending up in prison and me winning a large lawsuit would invalidate your argument. Your obsession with guns has clouded your brain.
You're making a mistake - I'm not talking about -legal- culpability.
As you chose to allow your child to remain ignorance, you cannot soundly argue against your culpability in this matter
Sorry, the last thing I'd think about in that situation is that I didn't get my kid trained on gun safety. You aren't going to change my mind here.
Explain how you are not at least partly at faut when your child dies because you chose to keep him ignorant.
The educational priorities are upside down if gun education trumps arts education.

Educators agree with gusto that arts education is necessary for the intellectual well being of students in every grade. Arts education helps deal with leadership skills, conflict resolution and upward social mobility. In other words, arts education accomplishes much of what we expect from general education.

Inculcating students in the gun culture is all well and good so long as actual education isn't the sacrificial lamb in the bargain.
Gun education inculcates respect for others, sportsmanship and personal responsibility. All of those will also achieve your dubious statements about arts education.
Are you suggesting then that arts education be eliminated so further gun culture inculcation can happen?
No. Are you fucking stupid you can't read and understand a post?
I'm sorry. I was cleaning a gun at the time.
How many people regret paying thousands for a useless liberal arts degree.
They aren't useless at all. You should look that up...
The problem is someone being irresponsible with their gun in that situation. Many states have CAP laws which supports my argument.
Whatever the situation regarding your child finding the gun, had you chose to remove your child's ignorance, he night very well still be alive. As you chose to allow your child to remain ignorance, you cannot soundly argue against your culpability in this matter.
In my state, the gun owner ending up in prison and me winning a large lawsuit would invalidate your argument. Your obsession with guns has clouded your brain.
You're making a mistake - I'm not talking about -legal- culpability.
As you chose to allow your child to remain ignorance, you cannot soundly argue against your culpability in this matter
Sorry, the last thing I'd think about in that situation is that I didn't get my kid trained on gun safety. You aren't going to change my mind here.
Explain how you are not at least partly at faut when your child dies because you chose to keep him ignorant.
Because kids shouldn't be around loaded guns left unattended.
No Planned Parenthood but the NRA is just fine in schools? Got it. Gun nuts, fucking nuts since guns have but one purpose, killing. Next up, Understanding Racism, by the KKK.
Do move to SC then. Jeebus the butthurt is strong with this one.
I live in south Carolina, pmh wouldn't last here. We use common sense and teaching gun safety is school makes sense.
Common sense? There? Thanks, I always enjoy a good laugh but I wouldn't call finding your future spouse at a family reunion common sense in most places.
I grew up in Georgia, and we sincerely appreciated SC, Miss. and LA. They gave us folks who made us feel superior. Generally speaking, I don't think that there is much point in any SC education beyond, "Single Wide roof repair, 101."
I grew up in Georgia, and we sincerely appreciated SC, Miss. and LA. They gave us folks who made us feel superior. Generally speaking, I don't think that there is much point in any SC education beyond, "Single Wide roof repair, 101."
Which requires one 8x10 blue tarp, and four old tires from the yard.

Yes, but you are forgetting the process of getting a 2nd mortgage to pay for that tarp....
Doesn't seem that long ago when Calif. state legislator Don Perata pushed Calif Senate Bill SB-23, banning certain guns that were no more dangerous than any others, but had scarier-looking features (pistol grips, flash hiders, magazines over 10 rounds etc., restricting them even more from schools etc.

Many schools' shooting teams (some of which had been producing teenage Olympic shooters) folded as a result. When Perata was asked about that result, he simply replied, "Well, that's too bad. Maybe they need to move to a different state if that's what they want."

The arrogance of these leftist fanatics must be seen to be believed.

Looks like the pendulum is starting to swing back to the side of sanity at last.

Cuz they hain't nuttin' more "sane" than shootin' shit, right?

I tell you what, if you've never been to South Carolina they have a whole lot more important stuff to be teaching than this.

One of the worst literacy rates in the Nation and they want to teach about guns.
Assessments scale score grade 4 reading statistics - States compared - StateMaster
They will find money for gun training and football but can't work on their literacy rate
Doesn't seem that long ago when Calif. state legislator Don Perata pushed Calif Senate Bill SB-23, banning certain guns that were no more dangerous than any others, but had scarier-looking features (pistol grips, flash hiders, magazines over 10 rounds etc., restricting them even more from schools etc.

Many schools' shooting teams (some of which had been producing teenage Olympic shooters) folded as a result. When Perata was asked about that result, he simply replied, "Well, that's too bad. Maybe they need to move to a different state if that's what they want."

The arrogance of these leftist fanatics must be seen to be believed.

Looks like the pendulum is starting to swing back to the side of sanity at last.

Cuz they hain't nuttin' more "sane" than shootin' shit, right?

I tell you what, if you've never been to South Carolina they have a whole lot more important stuff to be teaching than this.

One of the worst literacy rates in the Nation and they want to teach about guns.
Assessments scale score grade 4 reading statistics - States compared - StateMaster
They will find money for gun training and football but can't work on their literacy rate

When you are in the wild, and face to face with an enraged squirrel, and all you have is your 30-06, book larnin' don't matter!
No Planned Parenthood but the NRA is just fine in schools? Got it. Gun nuts, fucking nuts since guns have but one purpose, killing. Next up, Understanding Racism, by the KKK.
Do move to SC then. Jeebus the butthurt is strong with this one.
I live in south Carolina, pmh wouldn't last here. We use common sense and teaching gun safety is school makes sense.
Common sense? There? Thanks, I always enjoy a good laugh but I wouldn't call finding your future spouse at a family reunion common sense in most places.
That's why northerners are moving here, because liberals done fucked it all up up north.
They aren't allowed to work on their literacy rate. They aren't even allowed to teach their children how to write. Common dumb down Core takes care of literacy.
How is it that we used to be able to teach out children how to read and write and do math, and spend an hour each day in the gym and still have time for art, music, home economics, shop class, and still had time left over for study halls or gun safety or band practice, or twirling a baton?
Are you an idiot? You could teach gun safety thoroughly in one week. You could teach it in gym class. In my school days you had to have at least one year of gym to graduate. Problem solved.
Physical education is necessary to be sure. But if arts education is eliminated due to funding cutbacks, while gun education is introduced and supposedly fully funded, wouldn't you say that our priorities are somewhat stilted?
Do you have evidence arts education is being eliminated due to funding cuts in SC?
No. But I find it hard to believe in the days of funding cutbacks (for our own good), there can be the funds to conduct gun inculcation. One would hope that vital school programs like arts education and extra curricular programs would not be cut.
OK so your point is really a red herring fallacy.
Rabbi Rules!
Haley 146 s vetoes cripple two state agencies SC Politics Today The State
rule this
Good for her.
Nothing about arts education in the schools though.
Maybe you should think about enrolling in SC's public schools to fix that reading and comprehension deficit you've got.
Sure. I think gun safety should be optional though as many kids probably won't have to deal with guns in their lives. They all have a penis or vagina though.
Why do you want children to remain ignorant to the dangers of firearms?
I can't recall ever hearing you say that guns are in the least bit dangerous. I was under the impression you saw guns as inanimate objects and therefore free of any danger in and of themselves.
You're an idiot. When called on it you deflect to more stupidity.
They aren't allowed to work on their literacy rate. They aren't even allowed to teach their children how to write. Common dumb down Core takes care of literacy.
How is it that we used to be able to teach out children how to read and write and do math, and spend an hour each day in the gym and still have time for art, music, home economics, shop class, and still had time left over for study halls or gun safety or band practice, or twirling a baton?
You don't know anything of the Common Core, obviously. It is words, words, words, and more words.
Sure. I think gun safety should be optional though as many kids probably won't have to deal with guns in their lives. They all have a penis or vagina though.
Why do you want children to remain ignorant to the dangers of firearms?
So guns are dangerous now?
About like cars. Don't know what you're doing around one and bad things happen. Know what you're doing and things will be fine.
What was your point again?
How exactly would this work? Would schools have to hire dozens of firearm instructors? Surely you don't want one instructor teaching a class of ~25 students. Kids do dumb things in large numbers.
Lol, so you think teaching gun safety would include every student needing a gun in hand? You are clueless aren't you?
There need not be ANY guns present to teach gun safety.
Or you bring trainers that have been decommissioned. Which is what police training in the classroom does.

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