South Dakota Lawmaker Says Businesses Should Be Allowed To Ban Colored People

Well if some people did not have to pay taxes, serve in the armed forces, obey the laws and so forth you might have a talking point. In the meantime more equality will be taking place and so life in America goes on.
Equality where? My right to be kicked out of an establishment for not believing in political parties while the guy that believes in allah cant be refused?
I dont think you people know what equality means.
[Deflect from what? You bringing up more institutional discrimination? LOL
I take your non-answer as further deflection -- I am not going out on a limb here when I assume the only institutionalized discrimination the Jim Crow laws targeted were not people who had white skin -- so its really easy for white folks to opine about how bad it is for the government to take your freedom to oppress colored people --boo fucking hoo...
[Deflect from what? You bringing up more institutional discrimination? LOL
I take your non-answer as further deflection -- I am not going out on a limb here when I assume the only institutionalized discrimination the Jim Crow laws targeted were not people who had white skin -- so its really easy for white folks to opine about how bad it is for the government to take your freedom to oppress colored people --boo fucking hoo...
LOL You are a fucking nut job
So glad the white man knows whats best for the blacks. Seeing as they are helpless :rolleyes:
I wonder how many black business owners would like to be able to tell a white dude to go fuck himself?
So a sitting South Dakota lawmaker recently voiced his belief that businesses should be able to discriminate against people of color. Obviously this guy saw the recent Supreme Court ruling as a green light to go full racist -- and more and more openly racist/bigoted people are feeling more embolden to run for office (mainly as Republicans).

so my question is -- How many people here wish the Civil Rights bill was never passed?

Because essentially, to try to argue that businesses should be allowed to discriminate on the basis of race is saying you are against the Civil Rights Act.

From the article:
In an interview with the Leader, Clark said he believed that business owners should be able to turn away certain customers if they would otherwise violate their religious beliefs.

"If it’s truly his strongly based belief, he should be able to turn them away," Clark told the Leader. "People shouldn’t be able to use their minority status to bully a business."

It's stunning to me that an elected state lawmaker- no matter what the state - can be so ignorant as to not know what the Civil Rights Act is and does.

I'm not surprised. It don't find it stunning at all.

I see it as typical for conservatives.

What I am is horrified that the man was elected. He will probably be reelected too.

Hate is rampant now in America. The floodgates were opened with trump and now even more with that supreme court ruling.

Discrimination to any group of people is wrong and unconstitutional.

Our supreme court ruled decades ago that if you go into business with the public then you do business with all of the public. I agree with that ruling. Everyone pays taxes. Everyone contributed to the infrastructure that the business people rely on to make money. So everyone should be included.

Things are getting very bad here in America for everyone who isn't white, male, conservative, christian and heterosexual.

We are no longer the United States of America.
Hate has been running rampant with the left for nearly 40 years now, and you only see it from conservatives?

I wasnt whining about being abused. I am complaining about discrimination and how liars that say they are for equality, only care giving certain classes special rights.
How is me losing my rights fair to me? Why should i be the loser in this? Why cant it be EQUAL?
Still waiting for you to show me what rights you don't have because of the Civil Rights Act -- which finds its constitutional foundation in the 14th A.

What I am other posters have noticed from your incessant rambling is that you are mad that you can't discriminate against people who don't belong to your tribe -- and again, boo-fucking -- hoo
No country anywhere has absolute freedom. This country is actually founded on a self-evident truth that all men are created equal. It took awhile to get all citizens into the mix, but we have. No American citizen should be discriminated against because of race. American citizens give up the "freedom" to discriminate when they enter the public market place. It's really that simple. You like to say freedom isn't free. I would add that your freedom ends at my nose. Racism violates my space and unfairly limits my options, whether it is to sit down and eat the blue plate special at lunchtime or get that good paying job or that nice apartment. Read some of the posts around you and guess if that would happen to folks if there were no discrimination laws. As G-5000 pointed out, if people were willing to go along with it back in '64, there wouldn't need to be laws about it. Guess what? The laws were needed and apparently still are.
No they dont, OL. Thats some bullshit statist rhetoric. People give up their freedoms when they enter the public SECTOR. NOT the market.
Of COURSE my freedom ends at your nose. As does yours.THATS what you need to understand. My property is not your freedom. It is a symbol of my freedom.
Racism is bad, but its ok to let you go hungry over political stances right? Or for you wearing a yellow shirt? Or for simply being against the anti-racists? All thats ok but not my skin color! Or my personal beliefs on religion! Or where i come from!
What utter fucking bullshit.
Sorry, I couldn't follow that at all, except it sounds like you were whining about being abused somehow, some way. How does being fair to blacks hurt you? You can't wear a yellow shirt? Help me here.
I wasnt whining about being abused. I am complaining about discrimination and how liars that say they are for equality, only care giving certain classes special rights.
How is me losing my rights fair to me? Why should i be the loser in this? Why cant it be EQUAL?
Please in simple English tell me a right you have lost because of anti-discrimination laws. You, yourself.
I dont have the right to determine who i sell my property to. I should be able to deny my product to anyone or anything for any reason.
That was the big stumbling point during desegregation, too. I was a kid, and I remember my Dad and some of the neighbor men sitting around in their lawn chairs discussing what would happen to everyone's property values if they went along with these new laws and sold to a negro. It got pretty threatening. No one wanted to lose value on their homes.
Fast forward, it's still a nice middle class community; just everyone in it isn't white anymore. The sky didn't fall.
I think they should. I also think black people should be able to ban white people. Its their fucking property. They should be able to ban anyone for anything.

I also share this rather unpopular opinion. It's not like people have nowhere else to shop. Nobody that acquired property and built a business should have to service anybody they don't want to.

Ok well we have a lot of rural areas in our nation. Towns with one gas station. One store. One post office. Places where no other gas or store exists for miles and miles.

If the gas station doesn't want to sell gas to you because you're not the right color or skin or you love the wrong sex person or you're the wrong sex or a list of any other things, where are you going to get gas? How are you going to get around? If you're a farmer, how are you going to run your equipment to farm and make money?

If the store refuses to allow you inside, where are you going to get your food and everything you need to live?

Do you expect to have to go to every business in a small town to make sure they will serve you before you move there? Or while you're growing up there?

Do you expect that certain parts of our nation are off limits to people just because someone there discriminate?

What about a hospital? What happens to the person who is in a car accident and needs life saving care? The hospital refuses to allow them inside. So they die on the street in front of the door?

Are we now supposed to go back to separate but not equal again? Are we supposed to have stores, gas stations, hospitals and everything else one for whites and one each for every other race? Then one for homosexual people and on and on? Do you realize how stupid that is?

Do you think about the ripple effect of such thinking? Being a business doesn't give you the right to discriminate against people. Those people paid the taxes that created the infrastructure for that person to be able to do business. And it's very unrealistic to force segregation in our nation on top of being very unconstitutional.
Someday, you will have to come to terms that this country is no where near the racist country you have been brainwashed into believing it is.
So a sitting South Dakota lawmaker recently voiced his belief that businesses should be able to discriminate against people of color. Obviously this guy saw the recent Supreme Court ruling as a green light to go full racist -- and more and more openly racist/bigoted people are feeling more embolden to run for office (mainly as Republicans).

so my question is -- How many people here wish the Civil Rights bill was never passed?

Because essentially, to try to argue that businesses should be allowed to discriminate on the basis of race is saying you are against the Civil Rights Act.

From the article:
In an interview with the Leader, Clark said he believed that business owners should be able to turn away certain customers if they would otherwise violate their religious beliefs.

"If it’s truly his strongly based belief, he should be able to turn them away," Clark told the Leader. "People shouldn’t be able to use their minority status to bully a business."

It's stunning to me that an elected state lawmaker- no matter what the state - can be so ignorant as to not know what the Civil Rights Act is and does.

In a free market, a private business should be able to run their business any way they wish, serve whoever they wish, then let the market decide if they remain in business. A business license is extortion, they take away your right to run a business and then sell it back to you with tons of strings, that's not freedom.

I wasnt whining about being abused. I am complaining about discrimination and how liars that say they are for equality, only care giving certain classes special rights.
How is me losing my rights fair to me? Why should i be the loser in this? Why cant it be EQUAL?
Still waiting for you to show me what rights you don't have because of the Civil Rights Act -- which finds its constitutional foundation in the 14th A.

What I am other posters have noticed from your incessant rambling is that you are mad that you can't discriminate against people who don't belong to your tribe -- and again, boo-fucking -- hoo
I have stated it multiple times. Maybe you should read what i write, instead of imagining what i write :thup:
Its about freedom and the limitation of govt.
Use your ignorant and pathetic race card if you want. Its all you dumbfucks have cause you dont have the balls to say you just cant wipe your own ass.
No country anywhere has absolute freedom. This country is actually founded on a self-evident truth that all men are created equal. It took awhile to get all citizens into the mix, but we have. No American citizen should be discriminated against because of race. American citizens give up the "freedom" to discriminate when they enter the public market place. It's really that simple. You like to say freedom isn't free. I would add that your freedom ends at my nose. Racism violates my space and unfairly limits my options, whether it is to sit down and eat the blue plate special at lunchtime or get that good paying job or that nice apartment. Read some of the posts around you and guess if that would happen to folks if there were no discrimination laws. As G-5000 pointed out, if people were willing to go along with it back in '64, there wouldn't need to be laws about it. Guess what? The laws were needed and apparently still are.
No they dont, OL. Thats some bullshit statist rhetoric. People give up their freedoms when they enter the public SECTOR. NOT the market.
Of COURSE my freedom ends at your nose. As does yours.THATS what you need to understand. My property is not your freedom. It is a symbol of my freedom.
Racism is bad, but its ok to let you go hungry over political stances right? Or for you wearing a yellow shirt? Or for simply being against the anti-racists? All thats ok but not my skin color! Or my personal beliefs on religion! Or where i come from!
What utter fucking bullshit.
Sorry, I couldn't follow that at all, except it sounds like you were whining about being abused somehow, some way. How does being fair to blacks hurt you? You can't wear a yellow shirt? Help me here.
I wasnt whining about being abused. I am complaining about discrimination and how liars that say they are for equality, only care giving certain classes special rights.
How is me losing my rights fair to me? Why should i be the loser in this? Why cant it be EQUAL?
Please in simple English tell me a right you have lost because of anti-discrimination laws. You, yourself.
I dont have the right to determine who i sell my property to. I should be able to deny my product to anyone or anything for any reason.
Take it up with the Supreme Court -- Attempt to deny your product or service to someone on the grounds that you don't like their religion, color, country of origin and take your racist crusade to the Supreme Court -- if you don't like the constitution, change it -- I am sure there are plenty of other racists who will join your struggle.
No they dont, OL. Thats some bullshit statist rhetoric. People give up their freedoms when they enter the public SECTOR. NOT the market.
Of COURSE my freedom ends at your nose. As does yours.THATS what you need to understand. My property is not your freedom. It is a symbol of my freedom.
Racism is bad, but its ok to let you go hungry over political stances right? Or for you wearing a yellow shirt? Or for simply being against the anti-racists? All thats ok but not my skin color! Or my personal beliefs on religion! Or where i come from!
What utter fucking bullshit.
Sorry, I couldn't follow that at all, except it sounds like you were whining about being abused somehow, some way. How does being fair to blacks hurt you? You can't wear a yellow shirt? Help me here.
I wasnt whining about being abused. I am complaining about discrimination and how liars that say they are for equality, only care giving certain classes special rights.
How is me losing my rights fair to me? Why should i be the loser in this? Why cant it be EQUAL?
Please in simple English tell me a right you have lost because of anti-discrimination laws. You, yourself.
I dont have the right to determine who i sell my property to. I should be able to deny my product to anyone or anything for any reason.
That was the big stumbling point during desegregation, too. I was a kid, and I remember my Dad and some of the neighbor men sitting around in their lawn chairs discussing what would happen to everyone's property values if they went along with these new laws and sold to a negro. It got pretty threatening. No one wanted to lose value on their homes.
Fast forward, it's still a nice middle class community; just everyone in it isn't white anymore. The sky didn't fall.
While that is a refreshing story, it has nothing to do with my post.
No they dont, OL. Thats some bullshit statist rhetoric. People give up their freedoms when they enter the public SECTOR. NOT the market.
Of COURSE my freedom ends at your nose. As does yours.THATS what you need to understand. My property is not your freedom. It is a symbol of my freedom.
Racism is bad, but its ok to let you go hungry over political stances right? Or for you wearing a yellow shirt? Or for simply being against the anti-racists? All thats ok but not my skin color! Or my personal beliefs on religion! Or where i come from!
What utter fucking bullshit.
Sorry, I couldn't follow that at all, except it sounds like you were whining about being abused somehow, some way. How does being fair to blacks hurt you? You can't wear a yellow shirt? Help me here.
I wasnt whining about being abused. I am complaining about discrimination and how liars that say they are for equality, only care giving certain classes special rights.
How is me losing my rights fair to me? Why should i be the loser in this? Why cant it be EQUAL?
Please in simple English tell me a right you have lost because of anti-discrimination laws. You, yourself.
I dont have the right to determine who i sell my property to. I should be able to deny my product to anyone or anything for any reason.
Take it up with the Supreme Court -- Attempt to deny your product or service to someone on the grounds that you don't like their religion, color, country of origin and take your racist crusade to the Supreme Court -- if you don't like the constitution, change it -- I am sure there are plenty of other racists who will join your struggle.

yeah we're the racists

Evergreen College students back at it with ‘no white people’ day

and this was on PUBLIC property
So a sitting South Dakota lawmaker recently voiced his belief that businesses should be able to discriminate against people of color. Obviously this guy saw the recent Supreme Court ruling as a green light to go full racist -- and more and more openly racist/bigoted people are feeling more embolden to run for office (mainly as Republicans).

so my question is -- How many people here wish the Civil Rights bill was never passed?

Because essentially, to try to argue that businesses should be allowed to discriminate on the basis of race is saying you are against the Civil Rights Act.

From the article:
In an interview with the Leader, Clark said he believed that business owners should be able to turn away certain customers if they would otherwise violate their religious beliefs.

"If it’s truly his strongly based belief, he should be able to turn them away," Clark told the Leader. "People shouldn’t be able to use their minority status to bully a business."

It's stunning to me that an elected state lawmaker- no matter what the state - can be so ignorant as to not know what the Civil Rights Act is and does.

In a free market, a private business should be able to run their business any way they wish, serve whoever they wish, then let the market decide if they remain in business. A business license is extortion, they take away your right to run a business and then sell it back to you with tons of strings, that's not freedom.

A free market has and will never exist -- its no mystery that most libertarians usually end up being racist too
No they dont, OL. Thats some bullshit statist rhetoric. People give up their freedoms when they enter the public SECTOR. NOT the market.
Of COURSE my freedom ends at your nose. As does yours.THATS what you need to understand. My property is not your freedom. It is a symbol of my freedom.
Racism is bad, but its ok to let you go hungry over political stances right? Or for you wearing a yellow shirt? Or for simply being against the anti-racists? All thats ok but not my skin color! Or my personal beliefs on religion! Or where i come from!
What utter fucking bullshit.
Sorry, I couldn't follow that at all, except it sounds like you were whining about being abused somehow, some way. How does being fair to blacks hurt you? You can't wear a yellow shirt? Help me here.
I wasnt whining about being abused. I am complaining about discrimination and how liars that say they are for equality, only care giving certain classes special rights.
How is me losing my rights fair to me? Why should i be the loser in this? Why cant it be EQUAL?
Please in simple English tell me a right you have lost because of anti-discrimination laws. You, yourself.
I dont have the right to determine who i sell my property to. I should be able to deny my product to anyone or anything for any reason.
Take it up with the Supreme Court -- Attempt to deny your product or service to someone on the grounds that you don't like their religion, color, country of origin and take your racist crusade to the Supreme Court -- if you don't like the constitution, change it -- I am sure there are plenty of other racists who will join your struggle.
How is it racist, you idiot? Black men should be able to tell white people to shove it. Muslims should be able to tell jews to fuck off.
It has NOTHING to do with race you bedwetter.
Grow up.
Show me the enumerated power that gives the govt the right to create public accomodation laws.
The 14th does not do that. The 14th is a limitation on the GOVERNMENT. Go read it. Or at least attempt to..
Sorry, I couldn't follow that at all, except it sounds like you were whining about being abused somehow, some way. How does being fair to blacks hurt you? You can't wear a yellow shirt? Help me here.
I wasnt whining about being abused. I am complaining about discrimination and how liars that say they are for equality, only care giving certain classes special rights.
How is me losing my rights fair to me? Why should i be the loser in this? Why cant it be EQUAL?
Please in simple English tell me a right you have lost because of anti-discrimination laws. You, yourself.
I dont have the right to determine who i sell my property to. I should be able to deny my product to anyone or anything for any reason.
Take it up with the Supreme Court -- Attempt to deny your product or service to someone on the grounds that you don't like their religion, color, country of origin and take your racist crusade to the Supreme Court -- if you don't like the constitution, change it -- I am sure there are plenty of other racists who will join your struggle.

yeah we're the racists

and this was on PUBLIC property
In case you forgot, my post was about a sitting lawmaker advocating discrimination against people of color -- that lawmaker has a far better chance of actually making his racism policy than some students at a for profit college.

but your desperate whataboutism is noted
Sorry, I couldn't follow that at all, except it sounds like you were whining about being abused somehow, some way. How does being fair to blacks hurt you? You can't wear a yellow shirt? Help me here.
I wasnt whining about being abused. I am complaining about discrimination and how liars that say they are for equality, only care giving certain classes special rights.
How is me losing my rights fair to me? Why should i be the loser in this? Why cant it be EQUAL?
Please in simple English tell me a right you have lost because of anti-discrimination laws. You, yourself.
I dont have the right to determine who i sell my property to. I should be able to deny my product to anyone or anything for any reason.
Take it up with the Supreme Court -- Attempt to deny your product or service to someone on the grounds that you don't like their religion, color, country of origin and take your racist crusade to the Supreme Court -- if you don't like the constitution, change it -- I am sure there are plenty of other racists who will join your struggle.
How is it racist, you idiot? Black men should be able to tell white people to shove it. Muslims should be able to tell jews to fuck off.
It has NOTHING to do with race you bedwetter.
Grow up.
Show me the enumerated power that gives the govt the right to create public accomodation laws.
The 14th does not do that. The 14th is a limitation on the GOVERNMENT. Go read it. Or at least attempt to..
...and the Supreme Court disagrees with you

How about you move somewhere, create a country call Cuckhold-Land -- and be dicks to each other as much as you like over there -- because that bullshit won't fly here anymore -- deal with it racist
So a sitting South Dakota lawmaker recently voiced his belief that businesses should be able to discriminate against people of color. Obviously this guy saw the recent Supreme Court ruling as a green light to go full racist -- and more and more openly racist/bigoted people are feeling more embolden to run for office (mainly as Republicans).

so my question is -- How many people here wish the Civil Rights bill was never passed?

Because essentially, to try to argue that businesses should be allowed to discriminate on the basis of race is saying you are against the Civil Rights Act.

From the article:
In an interview with the Leader, Clark said he believed that business owners should be able to turn away certain customers if they would otherwise violate their religious beliefs.

"If it’s truly his strongly based belief, he should be able to turn them away," Clark told the Leader. "People shouldn’t be able to use their minority status to bully a business."

It's stunning to me that an elected state lawmaker- no matter what the state - can be so ignorant as to not know what the Civil Rights Act is and does.

Oh Goodie, another SJW troll! We don't have nearly enough of these!

This disingenuous trolling twerp did not provide a link to the article.

The phrase quoted is includes "minority status", which covers far more than race. If a business owner suspects someone with minority status is trying to entrap him in order get some $$$ or publicity, then he has every right to deny to do business with said person.
He's not a troll. I'm hoping the guy doesn't finish with us after this little beauty of a thread. He couldn't provide a link because he's too new. I put one in for him a few pages ago.

I stand by my assessment. A poster of goodwill would cite the source.

He didn't, which is quite dishonest.
He's following the rules. From May 23, 2018:

1) For NEW members --- there is a Minimum Post Limit of (20) posts AND (7) days before you can include links into your content. This is not updated in "real time" -- only when the system updates the member stats. It's not clear what that time span can be. It may be 4 hours or 24 hours. So we ask all new members to WAIT 24 hours -- after reaching the 20 post/7 day thresholds -- before filing complaints to the Mod Staff. And please don't bother the Admins. It just annoys them. Ask a MOD before elevating anything to the Admin level.
I wasnt whining about being abused. I am complaining about discrimination and how liars that say they are for equality, only care giving certain classes special rights.
How is me losing my rights fair to me? Why should i be the loser in this? Why cant it be EQUAL?
Please in simple English tell me a right you have lost because of anti-discrimination laws. You, yourself.
I dont have the right to determine who i sell my property to. I should be able to deny my product to anyone or anything for any reason.
Take it up with the Supreme Court -- Attempt to deny your product or service to someone on the grounds that you don't like their religion, color, country of origin and take your racist crusade to the Supreme Court -- if you don't like the constitution, change it -- I am sure there are plenty of other racists who will join your struggle.
How is it racist, you idiot? Black men should be able to tell white people to shove it. Muslims should be able to tell jews to fuck off.
It has NOTHING to do with race you bedwetter.
Grow up.
Show me the enumerated power that gives the govt the right to create public accomodation laws.
The 14th does not do that. The 14th is a limitation on the GOVERNMENT. Go read it. Or at least attempt to..
...and the Supreme Court disagrees with you

How about you move somewhere, create a country call Cuckhold-Land -- and be dicks to each other as much as you like over there -- because that bullshit won't fly here anymore -- deal with it racist
Who cares? They are activists appointed to get the presidents agenda across.
Look at what FDR did. He was able to get internment of citizens OKd. Even though it is NOWHERE in the enumerated powers of the Constitution.
Neither is this.
The 14th is a LIMITATION OF GOVT. You would know that if you read it. I cant help you past your wilful ignorance. Only you can do that.
You make a cuckhold joke when you are the one being a pussy and coward? LOL
I dont think you know what racism is either.
You need to read a dictionary too.
Sorry, I couldn't follow that at all, except it sounds like you were whining about being abused somehow, some way. How does being fair to blacks hurt you? You can't wear a yellow shirt? Help me here.
I wasnt whining about being abused. I am complaining about discrimination and how liars that say they are for equality, only care giving certain classes special rights.
How is me losing my rights fair to me? Why should i be the loser in this? Why cant it be EQUAL?
Please in simple English tell me a right you have lost because of anti-discrimination laws. You, yourself.
I dont have the right to determine who i sell my property to. I should be able to deny my product to anyone or anything for any reason.
That was the big stumbling point during desegregation, too. I was a kid, and I remember my Dad and some of the neighbor men sitting around in their lawn chairs discussing what would happen to everyone's property values if they went along with these new laws and sold to a negro. It got pretty threatening. No one wanted to lose value on their homes.
Fast forward, it's still a nice middle class community; just everyone in it isn't white anymore. The sky didn't fall.
While that is a refreshing story, it has nothing to do with my post.
I was replying directly to your post that you should be able to sell your property to whomever you choose. Why is that so off the mark?

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