South Dakota Lawmaker Says Businesses Should Be Allowed To Ban Colored People

I wasnt whining about being abused. I am complaining about discrimination and how liars that say they are for equality, only care giving certain classes special rights.
How is me losing my rights fair to me? Why should i be the loser in this? Why cant it be EQUAL?
Please in simple English tell me a right you have lost because of anti-discrimination laws. You, yourself.
I dont have the right to determine who i sell my property to. I should be able to deny my product to anyone or anything for any reason.
Take it up with the Supreme Court -- Attempt to deny your product or service to someone on the grounds that you don't like their religion, color, country of origin and take your racist crusade to the Supreme Court -- if you don't like the constitution, change it -- I am sure there are plenty of other racists who will join your struggle.

yeah we're the racists

and this was on PUBLIC property
In case you forgot, my post was about a sitting lawmaker advocating discrimination against people of color -- that lawmaker has a far better chance of actually making his racism policy than some students at a for profit college.

but your desperate whataboutism is noted
LOL, dude you guys are full of racists. And you democrats are experts at not only allowing a business to refuse service, you guys MAKE them refuse service
I wasnt whining about being abused. I am complaining about discrimination and how liars that say they are for equality, only care giving certain classes special rights.
How is me losing my rights fair to me? Why should i be the loser in this? Why cant it be EQUAL?
Please in simple English tell me a right you have lost because of anti-discrimination laws. You, yourself.
I dont have the right to determine who i sell my property to. I should be able to deny my product to anyone or anything for any reason.
That was the big stumbling point during desegregation, too. I was a kid, and I remember my Dad and some of the neighbor men sitting around in their lawn chairs discussing what would happen to everyone's property values if they went along with these new laws and sold to a negro. It got pretty threatening. No one wanted to lose value on their homes.
Fast forward, it's still a nice middle class community; just everyone in it isn't white anymore. The sky didn't fall.
While that is a refreshing story, it has nothing to do with my post.
I was replying directly to your post that you should be able to sell your property to whomever you choose. Why is that so off the mark?
Well, maybe so. My apologies
And how is that racist? Morons ruin perfectly good words for everyone :/

It allows certain people to practice their racism in a nonviolent way if they choose to. I think that should be allowed. If people care enough to hinder their own sales then they should be allowed to make that decision.
If it was possible, snowflakes would make it illegal to even think certain thoughts. As it is, they are more than eager to make expressing those ideas.
So a sitting South Dakota lawmaker recently voiced his belief that businesses should be able to discriminate against people of color. Obviously this guy saw the recent Supreme Court ruling as a green light to go full racist -- and more and more openly racist/bigoted people are feeling more embolden to run for office (mainly as Republicans).

so my question is -- How many people here wish the Civil Rights bill was never passed?

Because essentially, to try to argue that businesses should be allowed to discriminate on the basis of race is saying you are against the Civil Rights Act.

From the article:
In an interview with the Leader, Clark said he believed that business owners should be able to turn away certain customers if they would otherwise violate their religious beliefs.

"If it’s truly his strongly based belief, he should be able to turn them away," Clark told the Leader. "People shouldn’t be able to use their minority status to bully a business."

It's stunning to me that an elected state lawmaker- no matter what the state - can be so ignorant as to not know what the Civil Rights Act is and does.

In a free market, a private business should be able to run their business any way they wish, serve whoever they wish, then let the market decide if they remain in business. A business license is extortion, they take away your right to run a business and then sell it back to you with tons of strings, that's not freedom.

A free market has and will never exist -- its no mystery that most libertarians usually end up being racist too

Thanks for proving your ignorance of history and entirely missing my point. Do you seriously think early Americans had to beg the local government for the right to make a living?

Thanks for proving your ignorance of history and entirely missing my point. Do you seriously think early Americans had to beg the local government for the right to make a living?

The only ignorance showing is yours.. So I will take your failure to tell me when a free market has ever existed -- as you deflecting.

So I will try to make it easier for you -- I could say what gives your currency power, but that would be too hard for you to answer -- so I will ask you this -- who enforces contracts?

I'll wait while you reluctantly say "government"
I think they should. I also think black people should be able to ban white people. Its their fucking property. They should be able to ban anyone for anything.

I also share this rather unpopular opinion. It's not like people have nowhere else to shop. Nobody that acquired property and built a business should have to service anybody they don't want to.
The problem is Liberals believe that if you own a business "You didn't build that".
LOL, dude you guys are full of racists. And you democrats are experts at not only allowing a business to refuse service, you guys MAKE them refuse service
What business refused you service?

What "leftist" policy is making businesses refuse service to you?

I'll wait while you don't answer the question...
I wasnt whining about being abused. I am complaining about discrimination and how liars that say they are for equality, only care giving certain classes special rights.
How is me losing my rights fair to me? Why should i be the loser in this? Why cant it be EQUAL?
Still waiting for you to show me what rights you don't have because of the Civil Rights Act -- which finds its constitutional foundation in the 14th A.

What I am other posters have noticed from your incessant rambling is that you are mad that you can't discriminate against people who don't belong to your tribe -- and again, boo-fucking -- hoo
It will probably take you awhile to figure this out, but I'm pretty sure TN is more of a nut job anarchist or super libertarian than a racist. He's been pestering me for a few years now, and that's what I've decided. He's not all that great at explaining what he means, sometimes. Most of the time. For a guy from Tennessee, though, I believe he's alright. (His views on Lincoln aside)
He never said that. It's an interpretation of a statement that contained the word minority which was probably intended to describe the radical sodomite community. Nobody in their right mind would suggest that the 1st Amendment right to freedom of religion would somehow authorize racism. If you are angry and confused about the overwhelming majority Supreme Court opinion that affirmed the 1st Amendment freedom of religion the next step would be to start a racial argument however ludicrous it might be.
LOL, dude you guys are full of racists. And you democrats are experts at not only allowing a business to refuse service, you guys MAKE them refuse service
What business refused you service?

What "leftist" policy is making businesses refuse service to you?

I'll wait while you don't answer the question...
You guys implemented Jim Crow

let that sink in....
And don't worry, you lefties are getting worse and worse.....pretty soon you'll be back to the future with some jim crow type of stuff....just look at universities....
I wasnt whining about being abused. I am complaining about discrimination and how liars that say they are for equality, only care giving certain classes special rights.
How is me losing my rights fair to me? Why should i be the loser in this? Why cant it be EQUAL?
Still waiting for you to show me what rights you don't have because of the Civil Rights Act -- which finds its constitutional foundation in the 14th A.

What I am other posters have noticed from your incessant rambling is that you are mad that you can't discriminate against people who don't belong to your tribe -- and again, boo-fucking -- hoo
It will probably take you awhile to figure this out, but I'm pretty sure TN is more of a nut job anarchist or super libertarian than a racist. He's been pestering me for a few years now, and that's what I've decided. He's not all that great at explaining what he means, sometimes. Most of the time. For a guy from Tennessee, though, I believe he's alright. (His views on Lincoln aside)
I believe in limited govt doing basic services and regulations. Forcing people against their will to associate with people they dont want to, is not part of that.
I am neither of those things you listed. I am just TN. I will accept the "liberal" brand but you must distinguish it from the bullshit of today or it doesnt count ;)
And fuck lincoln, the damn tyrant
Thanks for proving your ignorance of history and entirely missing my point. Do you seriously think early Americans had to beg the local government for the right to make a living?

The only ignorance showing is yours.. So I will take your failure to tell me when a free market has ever existed -- as you deflecting.

So I will try to make it easier for you -- I could say what gives your currency power, but that would be too hard for you to answer -- so I will ask you this -- who enforces contracts?

I'll wait while you reluctantly say "government"

Damn, you're all over the place, I told you we had free markets in early America, the currency was gold and silver, they didn't have the fiat currency we have today. And no one had to beg government to open a business. Of course that was before the government decided they could operate a business better than businessmen.

LOL, dude you guys are full of racists. And you democrats are experts at not only allowing a business to refuse service, you guys MAKE them refuse service
What business refused you service?

What "leftist" policy is making businesses refuse service to you?

I'll wait while you don't answer the question...
You guys implemented Jim Crow
Wait. Are you trying to tell us these people attacking the civil rights activists in this photo are liberals? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Oh, man. Priceless.

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LOL, dude you guys are full of racists. And you democrats are experts at not only allowing a business to refuse service, you guys MAKE them refuse service
What business refused you service?

What "leftist" policy is making businesses refuse service to you?

I'll wait while you don't answer the question...
You guys implemented Jim Crow
Wait. Are you trying to tell us these people attacking the negroes in this photo are liberals? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Oh, man. Priceless.

Those poor girls :/
LOL, dude you guys are full of racists. And you democrats are experts at not only allowing a business to refuse service, you guys MAKE them refuse service
What business refused you service?

What "leftist" policy is making businesses refuse service to you?

I'll wait while you don't answer the question...
You guys implemented Jim Crow
Wait. Are you trying to tell us these people attacking the negroes in this photo are liberals? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Oh, man. Priceless.

Those poor girls :/
Very brave girls.
You guys implemented Jim Crow
You are a real hoot. You can't possibly be so stupid as to believe these are leftist cops enforcing Jim Crow.

Who fucked up your head like that? Please stop being their useful idiot.

LOL, dude you guys are full of racists. And you democrats are experts at not only allowing a business to refuse service, you guys MAKE them refuse service
What business refused you service?

What "leftist" policy is making businesses refuse service to you?

I'll wait while you don't answer the question...
You guys implemented Jim Crow
Wait. Are you trying to tell us these people attacking the negroes in this photo are liberals? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Oh, man. Priceless.


They're most likely Democrats, bub.
You guys implemented Jim Crow
Please try to say with a straight face that these are leftists in the photo below.

Man, anyone who claims leftists were responsible for Jim Crow needs some serious cult deprogramming. Not kidding.

LOL, dude you guys are full of racists. And you democrats are experts at not only allowing a business to refuse service, you guys MAKE them refuse service
What business refused you service?

What "leftist" policy is making businesses refuse service to you?

I'll wait while you don't answer the question...
You guys implemented Jim Crow
Wait. Are you trying to tell us these people attacking the negroes in this photo are liberals? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Oh, man. Priceless.


They're most likely Democrats, bub.
But they are not leftists, are they.

So that makes them...what?

Go ahead. Be brave and say it.

Hint: The opposite of leftists.
I wasnt whining about being abused. I am complaining about discrimination and how liars that say they are for equality, only care giving certain classes special rights.
How is me losing my rights fair to me? Why should i be the loser in this? Why cant it be EQUAL?
Still waiting for you to show me what rights you don't have because of the Civil Rights Act -- which finds its constitutional foundation in the 14th A.

What I am other posters have noticed from your incessant rambling is that you are mad that you can't discriminate against people who don't belong to your tribe -- and again, boo-fucking -- hoo
It will probably take you awhile to figure this out, but I'm pretty sure TN is more of a nut job anarchist or super libertarian than a racist. He's been pestering me for a few years now, and that's what I've decided. He's not all that great at explaining what he means, sometimes. Most of the time. For a guy from Tennessee, though, I believe he's alright. (His views on Lincoln aside)
I believe in limited govt doing basic services and regulations. Forcing people against their will to associate with people they dont want to, is not part of that.
I am neither of those things you listed. I am just TN. I will accept the "liberal" brand but you must distinguish it from the bullshit of today or it doesnt count ;)
And fuck lincoln, the damn tyrant
It's up to you to distinguish what you stand for, not me.

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