South Dakota Lawmaker Says Businesses Should Be Allowed To Ban Colored People

Individuals and businesses should have the right to discriminate.
The government shouldnt be able to discriminate against anyone.
I don't understand why the distinction.
Because the government is public sector. The private sector is ran by individuals and owned by individuals.
I see. Yet if discrimination is alright with you for individuals, I don't see why it wouldn't also be alright with you for the government, which makes the laws.
The lawmaker in the OP's article is an individual. Yet he is in government. So is he within his rights to offer a racist opinion on behalf of his individual constituents?
What is racist about freedom? o_O
What gave us Trump should inform you that we could easily return to the days of Whites Only lunch counters, and that such businesses would thrive again.

Most businesses care about only their bottom line and would not want such bad publicity anyways. Very few businesses (and no large businesses with shareholders) are going to be discriminating against anyone. That would be bad for business in today's day and age.

That doesn't excuse or negate the fact that a small amount of businesses would if they could.

Those are more likely to be in rural areas where there's no other business for the discriminated person to go to.

What are they supposed to do?

This is the year 2018. To say they wouldn't have any other place to shop at even in a rural area is pretty naive.
We drive 90 miles to the nearest bakery if we don't know someone who makes them privately. We're used to it.

What if instead of a bakery -- its a doctor?

The people I see who are usually disinterested about the idea of businesses discriminating against people are usually people who don't belong to those historically oppressed demographics -- so its easy for those people to be dismissive about it...

Ironically, those are the same people clutching their pearls and crying they are being persecuted when Starbucks put Happy Holidays on their cups.

Privilege usually does that to a person
Freedom isnt free.
Then you can also refuse to serve/sell things to members of the Red Cap Brigade.
Individuals and businesses should have the right to discriminate.
The government shouldnt be able to discriminate against anyone.
I don't understand why the distinction.
Because the government is public sector. The private sector is ran by individuals and owned by individuals.
I see. Yet if discrimination is alright with you for individuals, I don't see why it wouldn't also be alright with you for the government, which makes the laws.
Thats precisely why, OL. They are the govt. They work for us. They shouldnt be discriminating against us.
If you still dont understand the difference, you dont "see" ;)

Some people won't be able to understand why an individual's racism doesn't offend you enough to make sacrifices with government reach.
What gave us Trump should inform you that we could easily return to the days of Whites Only lunch counters, and that such businesses would thrive again.

Most businesses care about only their bottom line and would not want such bad publicity anyways. Very few businesses (and no large businesses with shareholders) are going to be discriminating against anyone. That would be bad for business in today's day and age.

That doesn't excuse or negate the fact that a small amount of businesses would if they could.

Those are more likely to be in rural areas where there's no other business for the discriminated person to go to.

What are they supposed to do?

This is the year 2018. To say they wouldn't have any other place to shop at even in a rural area is pretty naive.
We drive 90 miles to the nearest bakery if we don't know someone who makes them privately. We're used to it.

What if instead of a bakery -- its a doctor?

The people I see who are usually disinterested about the idea of businesses discriminating against people are usually people who don't belong to those historically oppressed demographics -- so its easy for those people to be dismissive about it...

Ironically, those are the same people clutching their pearls and crying they are being persecuted when Starbucks put Happy Holidays on their cups.

Privilege usually does that to a person

I don't believe that a hospital should be able to discriminate and refuse to see a patient based on that. That is not the same as a wedding cake that you can order online.
You can go online and have a cake made and delivered and even have catering services at your home. This is not the 1950s anymore!
Most businesses care about only their bottom line and would not want such bad publicity anyways. Very few businesses (and no large businesses with shareholders) are going to be discriminating against anyone. That would be bad for business in today's day and age.

That doesn't excuse or negate the fact that a small amount of businesses would if they could.

Those are more likely to be in rural areas where there's no other business for the discriminated person to go to.

What are they supposed to do?

This is the year 2018. To say they wouldn't have any other place to shop at even in a rural area is pretty naive.
We drive 90 miles to the nearest bakery if we don't know someone who makes them privately. We're used to it.

What if instead of a bakery -- its a doctor?

The people I see who are usually disinterested about the idea of businesses discriminating against people are usually people who don't belong to those historically oppressed demographics -- so its easy for those people to be dismissive about it...

Ironically, those are the same people clutching their pearls and crying they are being persecuted when Starbucks put Happy Holidays on their cups.

Privilege usually does that to a person

I don't believe that a hospital should be able to discriminate and refuse to see a patient based on that. That is not the same as a wedding cake that you can order online.
Hek, many hospitals are owned/controlled by the govt.
At least around here. They buy all of them up. Which sucks.
That doesn't excuse or negate the fact that a small amount of businesses would if they could.

Those are more likely to be in rural areas where there's no other business for the discriminated person to go to.

What are they supposed to do?

This is the year 2018. To say they wouldn't have any other place to shop at even in a rural area is pretty naive.
We drive 90 miles to the nearest bakery if we don't know someone who makes them privately. We're used to it.

What if instead of a bakery -- its a doctor?

The people I see who are usually disinterested about the idea of businesses discriminating against people are usually people who don't belong to those historically oppressed demographics -- so its easy for those people to be dismissive about it...

Ironically, those are the same people clutching their pearls and crying they are being persecuted when Starbucks put Happy Holidays on their cups.

Privilege usually does that to a person

I don't believe that a hospital should be able to discriminate and refuse to see a patient based on that. That is not the same as a wedding cake that you can order online.
Hek, many hospitals are owned/controlled by the govt.
At least around here. They buy all of them up. Which sucks.
Or maybe discriminating against people on the basis of race should not be allowed ...period...

Why do some keep twisting themselves into pretzels to justify someone being treated as a second class citizen -- that battle has been fought, blood has been shed -- and the people who were on the side of discrimination lost...period.
Individuals and businesses should have the right to discriminate.
The government shouldnt be able to discriminate against anyone.
I don't understand why the distinction.
Because the government is public sector. The private sector is ran by individuals and owned by individuals.
I see. Yet if discrimination is alright with you for individuals, I don't see why it wouldn't also be alright with you for the government, which makes the laws.
Thats precisely why, OL. They are the govt. They work for us. They shouldnt be discriminating against us.
If you still dont understand the difference, you dont "see" ;)
I don't get it at all, TN. Now you get to call me stupid, per usual.
This is the year 2018. To say they wouldn't have any other place to shop at even in a rural area is pretty naive.
We drive 90 miles to the nearest bakery if we don't know someone who makes them privately. We're used to it.

What if instead of a bakery -- its a doctor?

The people I see who are usually disinterested about the idea of businesses discriminating against people are usually people who don't belong to those historically oppressed demographics -- so its easy for those people to be dismissive about it...

Ironically, those are the same people clutching their pearls and crying they are being persecuted when Starbucks put Happy Holidays on their cups.

Privilege usually does that to a person

I don't believe that a hospital should be able to discriminate and refuse to see a patient based on that. That is not the same as a wedding cake that you can order online.
Hek, many hospitals are owned/controlled by the govt.
At least around here. They buy all of them up. Which sucks.
Or maybe discriminating against people on the basis of race should not be allowed ...period...

Why do some keep twisting themselves into pretzels to justify someone being treated as a second class citizen -- that battle has been fought, blood has been shed -- and the people who were on the side of discrimination lost...period.

Well, I don't remember the bible ever mentioning black people should be discriminated against, or homosexuals for that matter. It would be nice if religious people could treat everyone the same and leave the punishing up to their god (s), but some of them apparently BELIEVE that by participating in a homosexual wedding ceremony, they are shirking their responsibilities to their god. The same reason why a Muslim would refuse to serve pork products as his or her restaurant, I suppose.
This is the year 2018. To say they wouldn't have any other place to shop at even in a rural area is pretty naive.
We drive 90 miles to the nearest bakery if we don't know someone who makes them privately. We're used to it.

What if instead of a bakery -- its a doctor?

The people I see who are usually disinterested about the idea of businesses discriminating against people are usually people who don't belong to those historically oppressed demographics -- so its easy for those people to be dismissive about it...

Ironically, those are the same people clutching their pearls and crying they are being persecuted when Starbucks put Happy Holidays on their cups.

Privilege usually does that to a person

I don't believe that a hospital should be able to discriminate and refuse to see a patient based on that. That is not the same as a wedding cake that you can order online.
Hek, many hospitals are owned/controlled by the govt.
At least around here. They buy all of them up. Which sucks.
Or maybe discriminating against people on the basis of race should not be allowed ...period...

Why do some keep twisting themselves into pretzels to justify someone being treated as a second class citizen -- that battle has been fought, blood has been shed -- and the people who were on the side of discrimination lost...period.
If there are no PA laws, then ANYONE could be treated as a second class citizen. Why do you support institutional discrimination against so many people?
How bigoted of you.
So a sitting South Dakota lawmaker recently voiced his belief that businesses should be able to discriminate against people of color. Obviously this guy saw the recent Supreme Court ruling as a green light to go full racist -- and more and more openly racist/bigoted people are feeling more embolden to run for office (mainly as Republicans).

so my question is -- How many people here wish the Civil Rights bill was never passed?

Because essentially, to try to argue that businesses should be allowed to discriminate on the basis of race is saying you are against the Civil Rights Act.

From the article:
In an interview with the Leader, Clark said he believed that business owners should be able to turn away certain customers if they would otherwise violate their religious beliefs.

"If it’s truly his strongly based belief, he should be able to turn them away," Clark told the Leader. "People shouldn’t be able to use their minority status to bully a business."

It's stunning to me that an elected state lawmaker- no matter what the state - can be so ignorant as to not know what the Civil Rights Act is and does.

Yeah conservatives are really feeling their racism now aren't they? They see a real opportunity to put their ideas of oppressing all non-white non-straight minorities across the board. It's ok, Hitler had his heyday too. The only question is how much damage will need to be fixed afterwards.
The law is not allowing them to have their heads, yet. There is no Hitler here. Just a tubby old fart who prefers very wealthy white folks. The jackals won't win.

No one said Hitler is here. There is a propensity of people, especially on the internet these days, to ascribe any mention of Adolph Hitler as saying he has arrived again and the end is upon us. When instead it is merely one of many bells being rung, "look here, we've seen similar before and that road is one which cannot be traveled again, it is so horrendous, and even going down that road a little leaves open the possibility that the road will at some point again be open and the few travelers going that way be joined by followers." 'Godwin's Law' is fake. There is no law, it is a flippant response that people in chat rooms and discussion boards use to describe anyone that goes immediately to a comparison to Hitler or the Nazis when it isn't warranted, and in many cases it isn't. But there is no such thing as a godwin's law, it's fake. Yet people online use the knowledge of this fake 'law' to then discredit ANY mention of Hitler, what he did and stood for, as well as the Nazis, even when such a comparison IS warranted. It has been known by another name for much longer, The Boy Who Cried Wolf. A story everyone knows. After having cried "Wolf!" a number of times and alarmed the village into frantic action Peter finally found himself guarding the sheep when a wolf did appear. He cried out again "Wolf!", but the people ignored him and their sheep were slaughtered.

You have to fine tune your filter to weed out the fake, but never ignore the signs of the real.

"The jackal's won't win." They never do, until they do. These are not normal times, recognize that.
Individuals and businesses should have the right to discriminate.
The government shouldnt be able to discriminate against anyone.
I don't understand why the distinction.
Because the government is public sector. The private sector is ran by individuals and owned by individuals.
I see. Yet if discrimination is alright with you for individuals, I don't see why it wouldn't also be alright with you for the government, which makes the laws.
Thats precisely why, OL. They are the govt. They work for us. They shouldnt be discriminating against us.
If you still dont understand the difference, you dont "see" ;)
I don't get it at all, TN. Now you get to call me stupid, per usual.
No, confounding was right. Some people just cant distinguish the difference between the govt and citizens.
Thats why govts gets the power to kill their own people and shit. Thats why we have people out there begging the govt to take away rights.
Always have, always will.
So a sitting South Dakota lawmaker recently voiced his belief that businesses should be able to discriminate against people of color. Obviously this guy saw the recent Supreme Court ruling as a green light to go full racist -- and more and more openly racist/bigoted people are feeling more embolden to run for office (mainly as Republicans).

so my question is -- How many people here wish the Civil Rights bill was never passed?

Because essentially, to try to argue that businesses should be allowed to discriminate on the basis of race is saying you are against the Civil Rights Act.

From the article:
In an interview with the Leader, Clark said he believed that business owners should be able to turn away certain customers if they would otherwise violate their religious beliefs.

"If it’s truly his strongly based belief, he should be able to turn them away," Clark told the Leader. "People shouldn’t be able to use their minority status to bully a business."

It's stunning to me that an elected state lawmaker- no matter what the state - can be so ignorant as to not know what the Civil Rights Act is and does.

Yeah conservatives are really feeling their racism now aren't they? They see a real opportunity to put their ideas of oppressing all non-white non-straight minorities across the board. It's ok, Hitler had his heyday too. The only question is how much damage will need to be fixed afterwards.
The law is not allowing them to have their heads, yet. There is no Hitler here. Just a tubby old fart who prefers very wealthy white folks. The jackals won't win.

No one said Hitler is here. There is a propensity of people, especially on the internet these days, to ascribe any mention of Adolph Hitler as saying he has arrived again and the end is upon us. When instead it is merely one of many bells being rung, "look here, we've seen similar before and that road is one which cannot be traveled again, it is so horrendous, and even going down that road a little leaves open the possibility that the road will at some point again be open and the few travelers going that way be joined by followers." 'Godwin's Law' is fake. There is no law, it is a flippant response that people in chat rooms and discussion boards use to describe anyone that goes immediately to a comparison to Hitler or the Nazis when it isn't warranted, and in many cases it isn't. But there is no such thing as a godwin's law, it's fake. Yet people online use the knowledge of this fake 'law' to then discredit ANY mention of Hitler, what he did and stood for, as well as the Nazis, even when such a comparison IS warranted. It has been known by another name for much longer, The Boy Who Cried Wolf. A story everyone knows. After having cried "Wolf!" a number of times and alarmed the village into frantic action Peter finally found himself guarding the sheep when a wolf did appear. He cried out again "Wolf!", but the people ignored him and their sheep were slaughtered.

You have to fine tune your filter to weed out the fake, but never ignore the signs of the real.

"The jackal's won't win." They never do, until they do. These are not normal times, recognize that.

The sky is falling, the sky is falling! :1041: You are the same as any religious person except on the opposite end of the spectrum.
We drive 90 miles to the nearest bakery if we don't know someone who makes them privately. We're used to it.

What if instead of a bakery -- its a doctor?

The people I see who are usually disinterested about the idea of businesses discriminating against people are usually people who don't belong to those historically oppressed demographics -- so its easy for those people to be dismissive about it...

Ironically, those are the same people clutching their pearls and crying they are being persecuted when Starbucks put Happy Holidays on their cups.

Privilege usually does that to a person

I don't believe that a hospital should be able to discriminate and refuse to see a patient based on that. That is not the same as a wedding cake that you can order online.
Hek, many hospitals are owned/controlled by the govt.
At least around here. They buy all of them up. Which sucks.
Or maybe discriminating against people on the basis of race should not be allowed ...period...

Why do some keep twisting themselves into pretzels to justify someone being treated as a second class citizen -- that battle has been fought, blood has been shed -- and the people who were on the side of discrimination lost...period.

Well, I don't remember the bible ever mentioning black people should be discriminated against, or homosexuals for that matter. It would be nice if religious people could treat everyone the same and leave the punishing up to their god (s), but some of them apparently BELIEVE that by participating in a homosexual wedding ceremony, they are shirking their responsibilities to their god. The same reason why a Muslim would refuse to serve pork products as his or her restaurant, I suppose.
or participating in a homosexual wedding.
Muslims and Christians are protected. They cant get discriminated against because of what they believe in.
For what i believe in? I can be discriminated against all day long because of discriminatory PA laws.
And people support this bullshit? I support ACTUAL equality. But you dont?
So a sitting South Dakota lawmaker recently voiced his belief that businesses should be able to discriminate against people of color. Obviously this guy saw the recent Supreme Court ruling as a green light to go full racist -- and more and more openly racist/bigoted people are feeling more embolden to run for office (mainly as Republicans).

so my question is -- How many people here wish the Civil Rights bill was never passed?

Because essentially, to try to argue that businesses should be allowed to discriminate on the basis of race is saying you are against the Civil Rights Act.

From the article:
In an interview with the Leader, Clark said he believed that business owners should be able to turn away certain customers if they would otherwise violate their religious beliefs.

"If it’s truly his strongly based belief, he should be able to turn them away," Clark told the Leader. "People shouldn’t be able to use their minority status to bully a business."

It's stunning to me that an elected state lawmaker- no matter what the state - can be so ignorant as to not know what the Civil Rights Act is and does.

Yeah conservatives are really feeling their racism now aren't they? They see a real opportunity to put their ideas of oppressing all non-white non-straight minorities across the board. It's ok, Hitler had his heyday too. The only question is how much damage will need to be fixed afterwards.
The law is not allowing them to have their heads, yet. There is no Hitler here. Just a tubby old fart who prefers very wealthy white folks. The jackals won't win.

No one said Hitler is here. There is a propensity of people, especially on the internet these days, to ascribe any mention of Adolph Hitler as saying he has arrived again and the end is upon us. When instead it is merely one of many bells being rung, "look here, we've seen similar before and that road is one which cannot be traveled again, it is so horrendous, and even going down that road a little leaves open the possibility that the road will at some point again be open and the few travelers going that way be joined by followers." 'Godwin's Law' is fake. There is no law, it is a flippant response that people in chat rooms and discussion boards use to describe anyone that goes immediately to a comparison to Hitler or the Nazis when it isn't warranted, and in many cases it isn't. But there is no such thing as a godwin's law, it's fake. Yet people online use the knowledge of this fake 'law' to then discredit ANY mention of Hitler, what he did and stood for, as well as the Nazis, even when such a comparison IS warranted. It has been known by another name for much longer, The Boy Who Cried Wolf. A story everyone knows. After having cried "Wolf!" a number of times and alarmed the village into frantic action Peter finally found himself guarding the sheep when a wolf did appear. He cried out again "Wolf!", but the people ignored him and their sheep were slaughtered.

You have to fine tune your filter to weed out the fake, but never ignore the signs of the real.

"The jackal's won't win." They never do, until they do. These are not normal times, recognize that.

The sky is falling, the sky is falling! :1041: You are the same as any religious person except on the opposite end of the spectrum.


You are obtuse to the exponential. My posts aren't meant for you, when I have a picture of a kitty I'll let you know.
What if instead of a bakery -- its a doctor?

The people I see who are usually disinterested about the idea of businesses discriminating against people are usually people who don't belong to those historically oppressed demographics -- so its easy for those people to be dismissive about it...

Ironically, those are the same people clutching their pearls and crying they are being persecuted when Starbucks put Happy Holidays on their cups.

Privilege usually does that to a person

I don't believe that a hospital should be able to discriminate and refuse to see a patient based on that. That is not the same as a wedding cake that you can order online.
Hek, many hospitals are owned/controlled by the govt.
At least around here. They buy all of them up. Which sucks.
Or maybe discriminating against people on the basis of race should not be allowed ...period...

Why do some keep twisting themselves into pretzels to justify someone being treated as a second class citizen -- that battle has been fought, blood has been shed -- and the people who were on the side of discrimination lost...period.

Well, I don't remember the bible ever mentioning black people should be discriminated against, or homosexuals for that matter. It would be nice if religious people could treat everyone the same and leave the punishing up to their god (s), but some of them apparently BELIEVE that by participating in a homosexual wedding ceremony, they are shirking their responsibilities to their god. The same reason why a Muslim would refuse to serve pork products as his or her restaurant, I suppose.
or participating in a homosexual wedding.

I was just thinking of how the libs will complain about Christians as if they are the worst possible people in the world for "discrimination", yet they tell us how Islam is the "religion of peace" as they murder and torture gay people in some Islamic states. Good grief. Lol. Then they tell us, let's bring them here. We will be even better for it! Lol.
Individuals and businesses should have the right to discriminate.
The government shouldnt be able to discriminate against anyone.
I don't understand why the distinction.
Because the government is public sector. The private sector is ran by individuals and owned by individuals.
I see. Yet if discrimination is alright with you for individuals, I don't see why it wouldn't also be alright with you for the government, which makes the laws.
The lawmaker in the OP's article is an individual. Yet he is in government. So is he within his rights to offer a racist opinion on behalf of his individual constituents?
What is racist about freedom? o_O
No country anywhere has absolute freedom. This country is actually founded on a self-evident truth that all men are created equal. It took awhile to get all citizens into the mix, but we have. No American citizen should be discriminated against because of race. American citizens give up the "freedom" to discriminate when they enter the public market place. It's really that simple. You like to say freedom isn't free. I would add that your freedom ends at my nose. Racism violates my space and unfairly limits my options, whether it is to sit down and eat the blue plate special at lunchtime or get that good paying job or that nice apartment. Read some of the posts around you and guess if that would happen to folks if there were no discrimination laws. As G-5000 pointed out, if people were willing to go along with it back in '64, there wouldn't need to be laws about it. Guess what? The laws were needed and apparently still are.
So a sitting South Dakota lawmaker recently voiced his belief that businesses should be able to discriminate against people of color. Obviously this guy saw the recent Supreme Court ruling as a green light to go full racist -- and more and more openly racist/bigoted people are feeling more embolden to run for office (mainly as Republicans).

so my question is -- How many people here wish the Civil Rights bill was never passed?

Because essentially, to try to argue that businesses should be allowed to discriminate on the basis of race is saying you are against the Civil Rights Act.

From the article:
In an interview with the Leader, Clark said he believed that business owners should be able to turn away certain customers if they would otherwise violate their religious beliefs.

"If it’s truly his strongly based belief, he should be able to turn them away," Clark told the Leader. "People shouldn’t be able to use their minority status to bully a business."

It's stunning to me that an elected state lawmaker- no matter what the state - can be so ignorant as to not know what the Civil Rights Act is and does.

Yeah conservatives are really feeling their racism now aren't they? They see a real opportunity to put their ideas of oppressing all non-white non-straight minorities across the board. It's ok, Hitler had his heyday too. The only question is how much damage will need to be fixed afterwards.
The law is not allowing them to have their heads, yet. There is no Hitler here. Just a tubby old fart who prefers very wealthy white folks. The jackals won't win.

No one said Hitler is here. There is a propensity of people, especially on the internet these days, to ascribe any mention of Adolph Hitler as saying he has arrived again and the end is upon us. When instead it is merely one of many bells being rung, "look here, we've seen similar before and that road is one which cannot be traveled again, it is so horrendous, and even going down that road a little leaves open the possibility that the road will at some point again be open and the few travelers going that way be joined by followers." 'Godwin's Law' is fake. There is no law, it is a flippant response that people in chat rooms and discussion boards use to describe anyone that goes immediately to a comparison to Hitler or the Nazis when it isn't warranted, and in many cases it isn't. But there is no such thing as a godwin's law, it's fake. Yet people online use the knowledge of this fake 'law' to then discredit ANY mention of Hitler, what he did and stood for, as well as the Nazis, even when such a comparison IS warranted. It has been known by another name for much longer, The Boy Who Cried Wolf. A story everyone knows. After having cried "Wolf!" a number of times and alarmed the village into frantic action Peter finally found himself guarding the sheep when a wolf did appear. He cried out again "Wolf!", but the people ignored him and their sheep were slaughtered.

You have to fine tune your filter to weed out the fake, but never ignore the signs of the real.

"The jackal's won't win." They never do, until they do. These are not normal times, recognize that.

The sky is falling, the sky is falling! :1041: You are the same as any religious person except on the opposite end of the spectrum.


You are obtuse to the exponential. My posts aren't meant for you, when I have a picture of a kitty I'll let you know.

At this point in your posting career, you might as well stick to posting kitties.

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