Soviet Jews, Indigenous Palestinians, and Iran

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Except of course that no such 'apartheid' exists within Israel as you keep falsely claiming.. And for it not to exist within the Disputed Territories, Israel would have to annex those.....which you also wouldn't like.

The entirety of your noise rests upon the basis of your desire that a State of Israel not exist for the Jewish People. Since one obviously does exist, your noises have no real relevance.

Millions of Muslims between the River and the Sea, under Israeli control, have no voting rights and face daily discrimination.

That is Apartheid. Deal with it, asshole.

Which people in what areas in Israel don't have voting rights ?
Which people in what areas in Israel don't have voting rights ?

oh, so now the West Bank isn't part of Israel?

so tell us asshole, why are Israelis living in the West Bank if its NOT part of their state?
Do we all agree that today there are nearly equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living between the River and the sea? If so, why is it that all Jews have a vote determining who will write the laws (civil and military) they live under while a majority of Arabs have no such franchise?
Is this supposed to be some kind of logic for 60 IQers with Zero knowledge of the Middle East?

Between "the river and the sea" there is One country and another (ostensibly) in waiting.
The residents of the one in waiting Have [elected] and Are ruled by TWO Govts.
They didn't vote in Israel's election and Israelis didn't vote in Theirs.

The country in waiting would already be an (unoccupied) Country had they not rejected it.
But instead they waged war for ALL the marbles/genocide and they lost.
They can't even make peace with each other now.

So much for your simplistic perversion of logic.
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Why? They'd be returning to their respective homelands, if they hate palistan so much, wouldn't they?[/size][/font]

Palestine IS their homeland and they love Palestine.

what they hate, is how the Jews treat them.
It's up to YOU to refute anything posted or SWALLOW it.
That passage is Heavily footnoted, the devastating quote coming From BRITISH Report/analysis.

Which means we'll only get more EMPTY deflection from you.


I have posted an article refuting all of Liar/Fraud Joan Peter's bullshit claims.

British reports show that the Muslim/Christian population of Palestine in the 1940s was mostly made up of people BORN in Palestine.

The notion that most Christians/Muslims in Palestine in the 1940s were immigrants, is a lie.

Joan Peters is a notorious fraud and liar.
DUH.. Peters "Mixed Race'/population claims are from the 17th C to app 1920, NOT the 1940's. (which would be at least/mostly 2nd Gen to 1940s)
And I did cite with Footnote a BRITISH analysis: UNTOUCHED.

Because YOU posted an article critical of Peters previously means what exactly? LOL.
Does it refute ANYTHING I posted?

and again: She's been 'bashed' not made a "liar" or 'discredited' except by anti-Israelers.
In fact, her work has born the test of time and was used So heavily by Dershowitz in his "A Case for Israel', He was accused of Plagiarizing it. (NOT being inaccurate)


So a mixed race population cannot be a legitimate nation of people?

Damn , the US is in big trouble.
I have posted an article refuting all of Liar/Fraud Joan Peter's bullshit claims.

British reports show that the Muslim/Christian population of Palestine in the 1940s was mostly made up of people BORN in Palestine.

The notion that most Christians/Muslims in Palestine in the 1940s were immigrants, is a lie.

Joan Peters is a notorious fraud and liar.
DUH.. Peters "Mixed Race'/population claims are from the 17th C to app 1920, NOT the 1940's. (which would be at least/mostly 2nd Gen to 1940s)
And I did cite with Footnote a BRITISH analysis: UNTOUCHED.

Because YOU posted an article critical of Peters previously means what exactly? LOL.
Does it refute ANYTHING I posted?

and again: She's been 'bashed' not made a "liar" or 'discredited' except by anti-Israelers.
In fact, her work has born the test of time and was used So heavily by Dershowitz in his "A Case for Israel', He was accused of Plagiarizing it. (NOT being inaccurate)


So a mixed race population cannot be a legitimate nation of people?

Damn , the US is in big trouble.
Not at all... Except if it's claimed otherwise for "Arab indigenes of a thousand years". For one people and Not the other.
I'm the one pointing out the hypocrisy.
It's the Arabs who want a Judenrein New State.... and Israel with not only Arabs, but other races, like Ethiopians, (and even Sudanese) from all over.
Black Muslim Sudanese Scurry THROUGH Racist Muslim Egypt to get to Free Jewish Israel.

In fact, it's the 'Mixed race' claim used Against Jews: "Russians", "Khazars", "Poles" etc.
Yup, Just like the USA!
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The Palestinians are a mixture of Arabs, Egyptians, Kurds, Berbers, Circassians, Turks, Jews, and other Muslim immigrants to the Holy Land.

big deal. They have still been there for thousands of years.
Do we all agree that today there are nearly equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living between the River and the sea? If so, why is it that all Jews have a vote determining who will write the laws (civil and military) they live under while a majority of Arabs have no such franchise?
Is this supposed to be some kind of logic for 60 IQers with Zero knowledge of the Middle East?

Between "the river and the sea" there is One country and another (ostensibly) in waiting.
The residents of the one in waiting Have [elected] and Are ruled by TWO Govts.
They didn't vote in Israel's election and Israelis didn't vote in Theirs.

The country in waiting would already be an (unoccupied) Country had they not rejected it.
But instead they waged war for ALL the marbles/genocide and they lost.
They can't even make peace with each other now.

So much for your simplistic perversion of logic.
Every Jew currently living between the River and the sea has a right to vote for those who write the laws (civil and military) she lives under. Every Arab of voting age living on same real estate does not. Maybe the moral math is too complicated for some to grasp?
Do we all agree that today there are nearly equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living between the River and the sea? If so, why is it that all Jews have a vote determining who will write the laws (civil and military) they live under while a majority of Arabs have no such franchise?
Is this supposed to be some kind of logic for 60 IQers with Zero knowledge of the Middle East?

Between "the river and the sea" there is One country and another (ostensibly) in waiting.
The residents of the one in waiting Have [elected] and Are ruled by TWO Govts.
They didn't vote in Israel's election and Israelis didn't vote in Theirs.

The country in waiting would already be an (unoccupied) Country had they not rejected it.
But instead they waged war for ALL the marbles/genocide and they lost.
They can't even make peace with each other now.

So much for your simplistic perversion of logic.
Every Jew currently living between the River and the sea has a right to vote for those who write the laws (civil and military) she lives under. Every Arab of voting age living on same real estate does not. Maybe the moral math is too complicated for some to grasp?

Well, every Arab within Israel CAN vote. There are Arab members of Knesset, and Arab parties. The Arabs in the West Bank are currently in negotiations with Israel, due to last from 6-9 months. If an Arab country emerges after that, they will also vote for whomever they please. So you can reserve your judgement for the next half-year. Let's also remember that in 99% of the Middle East, Arabs don't exactly live in democratic countries.
Well, every Arab within Israel CAN vote. There are Arab members of Knesset, and Arab parties. The Arabs in the West Bank are currently in negotiations with Israel, due to last from 6-9 months. If an Arab country emerges after that, they will also vote for whomever they please. So you can reserve your judgement for the next half-year. Let's also remember that in 99% of the Middle East, Arabs don't exactly live in democratic countries.

You guys are suck freakin hypocrites.

When it comes to settling Jews, the West Bank is part of Israel.

When it comes to voting rights, the West Bank is NOT part of Israel.

Do we all agree that today there are nearly equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living between the River and the sea? If so, why is it that all Jews have a vote determining who will write the laws (civil and military) they live under while a majority of Arabs have no such franchise?
Is this supposed to be some kind of logic for 60 IQers with Zero knowledge of the Middle East?

Between "the river and the sea" there is One country and another (ostensibly) in waiting.
The residents of the one in waiting Have [elected] and Are ruled by TWO Govts.
They didn't vote in Israel's election and Israelis didn't vote in Theirs.

The country in waiting would already be an (unoccupied) Country had they not rejected it.
But instead they waged war for ALL the marbles/genocide and they lost.
They can't even make peace with each other now.

So much for your simplistic perversion of logic.

Every Jew currently living between the River and the sea has a right to vote for those who write the laws (civil and military) she lives under. Every Arab of voting age living on same real estate does not. Maybe the moral math is too complicated for some to grasp?
And I reiterate/bolded my last which made your post a Joke.
But to elaborate in more detail...

1. It's Basically NOT true. The Palestinians (BOTH of them) voted for their own leaders and administration.
2. To the degree it is true, it's a function of the War the Arabs Started/Lost .. and ..
3. Because Israel offered Back The Conquered land in 1967 in exchange for mere recognition and the Arabs Refused.
Google 'Three Nos Khartoum', August 1967
4. Another Blown chance in addition to 1948.
ONLY Thus 'occupation'.
3a/4a. You refuse a country AT LEAST Twice and then complain you're not a country? WTF. (not even adding in Camp David etc, that may total 5-10 times)
The palestinians (Egyptoid Gazan Hamastan and Left-over Syrian WB) can't even present a single front/govt to negotiate with, but again, they did elect those who govern them.
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Is this supposed to be some kind of logic for 60 IQers with Zero knowledge of the Middle East?

Between "the river and the sea" there is One country and another (ostensibly) in waiting.
The residents of the one in waiting Have [elected] and Are ruled by TWO Govts.
They didn't vote in Israel's election and Israelis didn't vote in Theirs.

The country in waiting would already be an (unoccupied) Country had they not rejected it.
But instead they waged war for ALL the marbles/genocide and they lost.
They can't even make peace with each other now.

So much for your simplistic perversion of logic.

Every Jew currently living between the River and the sea has a right to vote for those who write the laws (civil and military) she lives under. Every Arab of voting age living on same real estate does not. Maybe the moral math is too complicated for some to grasp?
And I reiterate/bolded my last which made your post a Joke.
But to elaborate in more detail...

1. It's Basically NOT true. The Palestinians (BOTH of them) voted for their own leaders and administration.
2. To the degree it is true, it's a function of the War the Arabs Started/Lost .. and ..
3. Because Israel offered Back The Conquered land in 1967 in exchange for mere recognition and the Arabs Refused.
Google 'Three Nos Khartoum', August 1967
4. Another Blown chance in addition to 1948.
ONLY Thus 'occupation'.
3a/4a. You refuse a country AT LEAST Twice and then complain you're not a country? WTF. (not even adding in Camp David etc, that may total 5-10 times)
The palestinians (Egyptoid Gazan Hamastan and Left-over Syrian WB) can't even present a single front/govt to negotiate with, but again, they did elect those who govern them.
Palestinians on the West Bank and Gaza live under laws written and enforced by Jews yet have no vote when it comes to deciding which Jews write the laws. Apparently when 650,000 Jews inflicted their nation upon twice as many Arabs in 1948, the Jews chose ethnocracy over democracy and now their choice reduces to Jewish state or democratic state.
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"The dishonesty of Shamir’s position in his confrontation with Washington closely parallels the dishonesty of Prime Minister Netanyahu’s position in his confrontation with President Obama over Iran’s nuclear program; in both instances Israeli prime ministers resorted to deception to shield their government’s illegal settlement project.

"Netanyahu has demanded repeatedly that the U.S. commit itself to going to war to halt Iran’s nuclear program because he is convinced the nuclear weapon Iran seeks to develop is intended to inflict another Holocaust on Israel’s Jews.

"But if Netanyahu really believes this, why has he not taken the one measure that would predictably deprive Iranian leaders of their only rationale for their hostility towards Israel – an Israeli withdrawal to the 1967 lines in a peace accord with the Palestinians?

"That would not only remove the threat of the bomb but likely normalize relations with much of the Arab and Islamic world, a normalization held out by the Arab Peace Initiative that Netanyahu and his predecessors have done their best to ignore."

To Eliminate the Iranian Threat, Israel Must Relinquish the Settlements « U.S. / Middle East Project

Why is it some Jews never miss an chance to choose expansion over peace?
The Palestinians are a mixture of Arabs, Egyptians, Kurds, Berbers, Circassians, Turks, Jews, and other Muslim immigrants to the Holy Land. big deal. They have still been there for thousands of years.
They must've been smoking, of course.
Every Jew currently living between the River and the sea has a right to vote for those who write the laws (civil and military) she lives under. Every Arab of voting age living on same real estate does not.
Must be the wrong arab, indeed. The right arab gets to vote for abu-mazens, haniyas, etc., of course.
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