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I don't identify with political PARTY, I identify with political VIEWS.

as a result, in a two-party system of the United States, that has only an option to choose the lesser evil.
And in nowadays configurations the lesser evil are Republicans.
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I don't identify with political PARTY, I identify with political VIEWS.

as a result, in a two-party system of the United States, that has only an option to choose the lesser evil.
And in nowadays configurations the lesser evil are Republicans.

I don't identify with political PARTY, I identify with political VIEWS.

as a result, in a two-party system of the United States, that has only an option to choose the lesser evil.
And in nowadays configurations the lesser evil are Republicans.


Because he wants to appear "above it all" while spouting Republican talking points.
I don't identify with political PARTY, I identify with political VIEWS.

as a result, in a two-party system of the United States, that has only an option to choose the lesser evil.
And in nowadays configurations the lesser evil are Republicans.


because nowadays dems are an extreme left-wing party. Leftism does not work. Even if millions are slaughtered at the utopian altar.
Here's my thing.

From 1980 to 2008, I was a staunch, dyed in the wool Republican.

And then in 2008, I changed my mind. Probably right after I got let go from a job after 6 years of hard work because I had the bad luck to run up some medical bills, and my boss boasted, "Good thing I don't have to deal with a union!"

But I think that's only half the story. That's why I stopped defending Republicans when they said outrageous things like "Legitimate Rape". I'd have been totally trying to explain that one away if it happened in 2004.

There are things about the Democrats I still don't like. But the Republicans have gone completely over the edge...

I think neither party really speaks for those of us who work for a living. The Republicans speak for the rich parasites sucking off our labor and the Democrats speak for the poor ones who just sit around waiting for the benefit check.
I don't identify with political PARTY, I identify with political VIEWS.

as a result, in a two-party system of the United States, that has only an option to choose the lesser evil.
And in nowadays configurations the lesser evil are Republicans.


Because he wants to appear "above it all" while spouting Republican talking points.

no, I simply know a bit more than you.
Including the political systems with more than 2 parties.
"I'm a Conservative" is listed twice.
Is that dis-honest trickery intended to split the vote?

Ooops, sorry. Mea Culpa (not really, my wife's fault. In the middle of posting my thread Mrs. Catcher was unreasonable!!! She wanted me to help with dinner, feed our dog and take out the garbage).

Just kidding. I screwed up!
Apparently, you can check more than one box.

Had I known that, I'd have checked Libertarian as well.
I"m a conservative.

A political party no longer represents the people. The Democrats are too extremist and the GOP is too liberal, the Libertarians are not focused enough (they are all over the map)

I doubt very much that many people on this forum know what these terms mean, and often fall back on outmoded and outlandish definitions to satisfy their own particular narrative.

I have noticed that in order for a majority of you to feel good about your own positions, you have to declare what those you disagree with think so that your own positions make sense to you.

Unless you live in someones head, you cannot possibly know what they think and to project what they say onto YOUR definition of what an ideology is strikes Me not only as ludicrous, but dishonest.

Essentially, I think many of you are dishonest and don't frequent these forums for discussion, but to satisfy some perverse need to belittle people.
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I used to be a registered Republican.

I was on the cusp of voting age during the Carter administration. When the time came, I voted for Reagan. Then voted for Bush, voted for Clinton the second time, voted for Bush, voted for the Libertarian candidate the second time, have voted for the Libertarian or Independent candidate ever since. That is my record on the national level.

Local and state level, I have always voted all over the board.

Ultimately, I have always voted for the candidate I thought was best for the job based on the information available at the time.

Nowadays, I'm no fan of either of the major parties. Considering the current acrimony between the Democrats and the Republicans and the general disposition of the populace, I'd say we may be closer to getting a viable third party than ever before.

I guess I'd call myself a slightly conservative, independent Libertarian.
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I grew up in a Union Democrat home. My parents strongly supported the Unions they belong to.

Then in my first job I was forced to join both AFTRA and Broadcaster's Unions because of my jobs at a Radio Station and Television Station while I was still in High School.

Didn't like seeing that money leaving my paycheck every two weeks when the nearest "Union Leader" was over 100 miles away and they had never been to our town to the recollection of the older workers.

Later, while I was in the Service, and being subjected to Jimmy Carter's Presidency. I still voted against Reagan his first term despite the fact that I liked what he said.. I was still a Democrat, just like my parents were...

By the time it came to vote for President again, I had converted being a Republican. Between my growing up and Reagan's common sense ideas, I knew I couldn't vote for another Democrat.

Then came G.H.W. Bush. I wasn't too happy with him all the time... I was becoming more conservative in my views.

Finally by the time G.W. Bush ran, I was voting for the person who agreed with me more than the other guy... Even though President G. W. Bush had many bad ideas, his worse ones were better than the Democrats.

Now today I am a Republican in registration only. We have closed primaries here and I want to help vote in the more conservative person into office.

There are many issues that I strongly disagree with the Republican Leadership on.. Issues where they are trying to be Democrat Lite.

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