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I'm anti liberal! I support the candidates most likely to defeat the liberal agenda. I differ from the libertarian on foreign policy as I believe we should support our TRUE allies to the last man - especially the Brits, and Israel!
My politics lean right anyone who has seen my post knows this I don't really identify with either party as both are full of self serving assholes who are only looking out for themselves and their party not the country.
I'm a libertarian, but have never been a member of the Libertarian Party and never will be. I was a member of the Republican Party, but only to vote for Ron Paul in the primaries of 2008 and 2012. Now I guess I'm an independent. Oh, and I don't see me voting much in the future, if at all. So maybe I'm just nothing.
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I"m a conservative.

A political party no longer represents the people. The Democrats are too extremist and the GOP is too liberal, the Libertarians are not focused enough (they are all over the map)

I doubt very much that many people on this forum know what these terms mean, and often fall back on outmoded and outlandish definitions to satisfy their own particular narrative.

I have noticed that in order for a majority of you to feel good about your own positions, you have to declare what those you disagree with think so that your own positions make sense to you.

Unless you live in someones head, you cannot possibly know what they think and to project what they say onto YOUR definition of what an ideology is strikes Me not only as ludicrous, but dishonest.

Essentially, I think many of you are dishonest and don't frequent these forums for discussion, but to satisfy some perverse need to belittle people.

I don't agree. One's 'agenda' is obvious; few are shy about what they believe. Simply because they don't fit nicely into a definition isn't unusual. I characterize most as Callous or Caring, not contemporary categories but one which fit a certain niche.
I"m a conservative.

A political party no longer represents the people. The Democrats are too extremist and the GOP is too liberal, the Libertarians are not focused enough (they are all over the map)

I doubt very much that many people on this forum know what these terms mean, and often fall back on outmoded and outlandish definitions to satisfy their own particular narrative.

I have noticed that in order for a majority of you to feel good about your own positions, you have to declare what those you disagree with think so that your own positions make sense to you.

Unless you live in someones head, you cannot possibly know what they think and to project what they say onto YOUR definition of what an ideology is strikes Me not only as ludicrous, but dishonest.

Essentially, I think many of you are dishonest and don't frequent these forums for discussion, but to satisfy some perverse need to belittle people.

I don't agree. One's 'agenda' is obvious; few are shy about what they believe. Simply because they don't fit nicely into a definition isn't unusual. I characterize most as Callous or Caring, not contemporary categories but one which fit a certain niche.
There is no way you could know someones agenda (Or even if they have one, not everyone does) unless they specifically spelled one out to you. What you are doing is taking what you believe, comparing it to what they support and then making assumptions of who and what they are. I see it in every post that says, "Republicans want........", and then they proceed to detail a list of things they are opposed to, which never matches up with what Republicans actually want.

In truth, it happens by right leaning posters on this forum too.

The ONLY thing a person can do is discuss what they believe and simply ignore the idiots who then ascribe motivation to their views.

My ignore list is extensive for that very reason. When I see posts and threads telling Me what I believe, and knowing full well I don't believe that, I rightly conclude this person does not merit consideration.
Liberal. Vote for people that I believe will do the best for my city, state, and nation. Would have voted for Tom McCall had I been living in Oregon when he was governor. But when the Republican party became hostage to the religious right and nutters from places like the OISM, I ceased to vote for any Republican in Washington or Oregon. Not on the local scale, state, or nationally.
Liberal. Vote for people that I believe will do the best for my city, state, and nation. Would have voted for Tom McCall had I been living in Oregon when he was governor. But when the Republican party became hostage to the religious right and nutters from places like the OISM, I ceased to vote for any Republican in Washington or Oregon. Not on the local scale, state, or nationally.
I rest My case.
And let me just add, I was a Republican for four years until last year. I got sick of the infighting and the derision and left for the Libertarian party. I espouse numerous conservative ideals, and SOME Republican ideals. I left for a more cohesive party.
I"m a conservative.

A political party no longer represents the people. The Democrats are too extremist and the GOP is too liberal, the Libertarians are not focused enough (they are all over the map)

Essentially, I think many of you are dishonest and don't frequent these forums for discussion, but to satisfy some perverse need to belittle people.

A political party no longer represents the people. The Democrats are too extremist and the GOP is too liberal, the Libertarians are not focused enough (they are all over the map)


Essentially, I think many of you are dishonest and don't frequent these forums for discussion, but to satisfy some perverse need to belittle people.

And to argue....
I am a registered.... "decline to state"

there is no check box for "unaffiliated" I belong to no party.

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