Speculate with me about the Iraq war...

Bill Clinton told Americans that Saddam was developing WMD's. George Bush gave Saddam about a year to comply with UN sanctions. Can we speculate that Iran's current nuclear development seemingly out of nowhere is a result of Iraq shipping it's nuclear technology to Iran just like they hid their air force in their former enemy's country?
Yeah Iran and Iraq have always been best friends. This obviously happened. :rolleyes:
Iraq's air force was laughably outgunned by the U.S. and they did the right thing by seeking refuge in Iran until they could come out on another day and murder their own civilians. Wouldn't you think Iran would gladly accept a bunch of trucks containing nuclear technology?
Speaking of FACISM, why don't you aim your ire at the current resident of the White House?

More people have been killed on his watch than on Dubya's...and the current humanitarian crisis facing the world is the direct result of his incredibly incompetent losing of a war that had been won.

Beside the fact that your spelling is atrocious.....you're also a moron....

More U.S. lives have been lost under Obama versus Bush??? Really?

The war was won in Iraq?......
Who signed the deal for us to leave by a certain date?
Care to speculate how long our troops with target signs on their back should have stayed in Iraq? 20, 40. 60 years?

You really, really are an idiot. (but I know that I'm not the only one who has pointed that out to you.)
Military interventions always have negative consequences. No doubt Bush holds much responsibility for the current problems. However, so does Obama who intervened in Syria, Egypt, and Libya. Your failure to recognize this, means you are a typical left wing partisan...blind to reality
Certainly Obama was a fool for involving us in thousands year old religious nonsense in a bunch of desert wastelands. But whatever he's added to the avalanche, it was Dubya that set it off in the first place.
Our pentagon in it's usual overly-optimistic way had every confidence we could ride that tiger all the way to a pacified mid-east colony that would welcome their new American overlords. What hubris those people had.
It's the Pentagon's job to think that way though. They're tasked with having a contingency plan for everything and a plan to make it work. The Bush administration is to blame for ordering them to wage a war purely for political benefit. And for managing the Pentagon according to how the political winds were blowing.
The pentagon is about HOW to follow up the commander-in chief's commands. Unfortunately, since Bush up to Obama, our leadership has been sorely lacking in international insight, if we never invaded Iraq in 03, overthrown Saddam, we would be living in a different now.And Iran won then and they still are now. Death to America? That is Tehran's mantra.Encourage suicide bombers. Kill gays, kill apostolates, stone critics to death, And you idiot liberals thought conservatives were bad?
I know, I know that asking folks to speculate is always a risky business.....But give it a try....

Have we NOT had the invasion in Iraq:

Would we have the current fear of Iran with the potential nukes? (bear in mind that prior to 2001, Iran had zero centrifuges)???

Would we have the brutal rise of ISIS???

Would we have the civil war in Syria and the tragedy of hundred of thousands of refugees???

Would we have the plight of Jordan and Lebanon???

Would we have the messes that now exist in Egypt and Libya???

If you care to honestly speculate, then think of the tragedy that was the Cheney-Bush administration.

I will pass....
We have been down this rabbit hole 100,000 times already.
Will watch the Mets instead.

But you have a good time with it...

I'm a Nats fan. :crybaby:

First place in the NL East.....
That's a whole lot of nothing?....

But go play the Bush sucks game....and enjoy.
I will enjoy the ballgame.
Lol did you skip my fine print? Sheesh sports are supposed to be fun...

Well your guys are having fun tonight....

Yeah I hope they can keep this up. Being a D.C. fan, I don't have much in the way of faith in any of my teams. I will keep up hope that they can sweep you guys for the rest of the year. No offense.
Speaking of FACISM, why don't you aim your ire at the current resident of the White House?

More people have been killed on his watch than on Dubya's...and the current humanitarian crisis facing the world is the direct result of his incredibly incompetent losing of a war that had been won.

Beside the fact that your spelling is atrocious.....you're also a moron....

More U.S. lives have been lost under Obama versus Bush??? Really?

The war was won in Iraq?......
Who signed the deal for us to leave by a certain date?
Care to speculate how long our troops with target signs on their back should have stayed in Iraq? 20, 40. 60 years?

You really, really are an idiot. (but I know that I'm not the only one who has pointed that out to you.)

When all you can do is point out a typo, then you ain't got much.

When all you can do is point out a typo, then you ain't got much.

If THAT is your only response to what I wrote......I would suggest you undergo a strong enema to relieve your constipation.
I will pass....
We have been down this rabbit hole 100,000 times already.
Will watch the Mets instead.

But you have a good time with it...

I'm a Nats fan. :crybaby:

First place in the NL East.....
That's a whole lot of nothing?....

But go play the Bush sucks game....and enjoy.
I will enjoy the ballgame.
Lol did you skip my fine print? Sheesh sports are supposed to be fun...

Well your guys are having fun tonight....

Yeah I hope they can keep this up. Being a D.C. fan, I don't have much in the way of faith in any of my teams. I will keep up hope that they can sweep you guys for the rest of the year. No offense.

None taken.....
Oh yeah the Mets just scored 3 runs to get within 1.....
No offense.... LOL
How many more 9/11s would have occurred in the U.S.?
Zero that Saddam Hussein had to do with, just like the one that scared you people into supporting all sorts of stupid/fascist things that had nothing to do with killing Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden. The military adventure in Afghanistan initially had tremendous popular support, it's the other shit that showed us what we were dealing with in the White House.

Speaking of FACISM, why don't you aim your ire at the current resident of the White House?

More people have been killed on his watch than on Dubya's...and the current humanitarian crisis facing the world is the direct result of his incredibly incompetent losing of a war that had been won.
No one except the warhawk republicans ever thought we were in a war that could be won, they never even outlined what they would consider a victory good enough to leave that hellhole. Those of us who remember Vietnam knew that you do not win an occupation you just continue to fund it and escalate it until you decide to leave. We would have been there twenty years trying to chase the impossible as it sucked increasing amounts of money away from more important things here.

I'm a Nats fan. :crybaby:

First place in the NL East.....
That's a whole lot of nothing?....

But go play the Bush sucks game....and enjoy.
I will enjoy the ballgame.
Lol did you skip my fine print? Sheesh sports are supposed to be fun...

Well your guys are having fun tonight....

Yeah I hope they can keep this up. Being a D.C. fan, I don't have much in the way of faith in any of my teams. I will keep up hope that they can sweep you guys for the rest of the year. No offense.

None taken.....
Oh yeah the Mets just scored 3 runs to get within 1.....
No offense.... LOL
Fucking Nats :crybaby:
Death to America? That is Tehran's mantra.Encourage suicide bombers. Kill gays, kill apostolates, stone critics to death, And you idiot liberals thought conservatives were bad?

You're right.....The similarities between some conservatives and crazed Muslims are overwhelming....except that those crazed Muslims are a bit more aggressive, of course.
First place in the NL East.....
That's a whole lot of nothing?....

But go play the Bush sucks game....and enjoy.
I will enjoy the ballgame.
Lol did you skip my fine print? Sheesh sports are supposed to be fun...

Well your guys are having fun tonight....

Yeah I hope they can keep this up. Being a D.C. fan, I don't have much in the way of faith in any of my teams. I will keep up hope that they can sweep you guys for the rest of the year. No offense.

None taken.....
Oh yeah the Mets just scored 3 runs to get within 1.....
No offense.... LOL
Fucking Nats :crybaby:

This from Chuck Todd on my Twitter account.....

What part of "just throw strikes" does this bullpen NOT UNDERSTAND!
Military interventions always have negative consequences. No doubt Bush holds much responsibility for the current problems. However, so does Obama who intervened in Syria, Egypt, and Libya. Your failure to recognize this, means you are a typical left wing partisan...blind to reality
Certainly Obama was a fool for involving us in thousands year old religious nonsense in a bunch of desert wastelands. But whatever he's added to the avalanche, it was Dubya that set it off in the first place.
What is it Obama is supposed to have done?
Lol did you skip my fine print? Sheesh sports are supposed to be fun...

Well your guys are having fun tonight....

Yeah I hope they can keep this up. Being a D.C. fan, I don't have much in the way of faith in any of my teams. I will keep up hope that they can sweep you guys for the rest of the year. No offense.

None taken.....
Oh yeah the Mets just scored 3 runs to get within 1.....
No offense.... LOL
Fucking Nats :crybaby:

This from Chuck Todd on my Twitter account.....

What part of "just throw strikes" does this bullpen NOT UNDERSTAND!
Fucking Drew Storen. Kill me now.
We trusted in Saddam and his regime. Now, after we killed him and destabilized the area, we are going to trust a country that took our embassy workers hostage, makes public proclamations of death to America, threatens to destroy Israel and fund Muslim suicide terrorist, and wants nuclear weapons? Americans aren't making very good decisions lately.
It's one thing if only we trusted them. But the treaty was signed by half a dozen countries. Countries that actually lie close to Iran.
Would things be different yes would they be better no way to know.

In your case, then, stay far, far away from any "cause and effect" issues.
Can you prove one way or another what the outcome would be today if there was no Iraq invasion? I can't and neither can those who speculate based on their own partisan politics doing so might give people a false sense of superiorty but other than that it accomplishes nothing.
How many more 9/11s would have occurred in the U.S.?
Zero that Saddam Hussein had to do with, just like the one that scared you people into supporting all sorts of stupid/fascist things that had nothing to do with killing Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden. The military adventure in Afghanistan initially had tremendous popular support, it's the other shit that showed us what we were dealing with in the White House.

Speaking of FACISM, why don't you aim your ire at the current resident of the White House?

More people have been killed on his watch than on Dubya's...and the current humanitarian crisis facing the world is the direct result of his incredibly incompetent losing of a war that had been won.
No one except the warhawk republicans ever thought we were in a war that could be won, they never even outlined what they would consider a victory good enough to leave that hellhole. Those of us who remember Vietnam knew that you do not win an occupation you just continue to fund it and escalate it until you decide to leave. We would have been there twenty years trying to chase the impossible as it sucked increasing amounts of money away from more important things here.
That's way to much thinking and study involved. Not GOP strong points.
Can you prove one way or another what the outcome would be today if there was no Iraq invasion? I can't and neither can those who speculate based on their own partisan politics doing so might give people a false sense of superiorty but other than that it accomplishes nothing.

Yes, that is why I have in the thread's title the term "speculate"....and speculation may seem like a waste of time but it does serve to avoid making the same mistakes.....

Since I NEVER personally agreed to the moronic idea that we should invade Iraq, my conscience is perfectly clear and clean........
Is yours...or don't you give a shit?
Lol did you skip my fine print? Sheesh sports are supposed to be fun...

Well your guys are having fun tonight....

Yeah I hope they can keep this up. Being a D.C. fan, I don't have much in the way of faith in any of my teams. I will keep up hope that they can sweep you guys for the rest of the year. No offense.

None taken.....
Oh yeah the Mets just scored 3 runs to get within 1.....
No offense.... LOL
Fucking Nats :crybaby:

This from Chuck Todd on my Twitter account.....

What part of "just throw strikes" does this bullpen NOT UNDERSTAND!
Tyler Clippard in a Mets uniform is a disgrace. Damn...
I know, I know that asking folks to speculate is always a risky business.....But give it a try....

Have we NOT had the invasion in Iraq:

Would we have the current fear of Iran with the potential nukes? (bear in mind that prior to 2001, Iran had zero centrifuges)???

Would we have the brutal rise of ISIS???

Would we have the civil war in Syria and the tragedy of hundred of thousands of refugees???

Would we have the plight of Jordan and Lebanon???

Would we have the messes that now exist in Egypt and Libya???

If you care to honestly speculate, then think of the tragedy that was the Cheney-Bush administration.
All that...and if we hadn't opposed Hitler just think...a world without Jews.

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