Spies Keep Intelligence From Donald Trump

Bernie Sanders has come out and said that Trump's possible Russian ties has made it so intelligence agencies from allies are now apprehensive to sharing it with the U.S. because they are afraid he will share it with Putin.
Looks like it's Obamas Russian ties that are the problem now.....

Look Obama is out of office, Hillary Clinton is out of the picture--so stop with YOUR bullshit desperately trying to deflect. Right now you're just trying to defend your own ignorance by making Trump the poster boy of the Republican party. You're on a big boy and girl political thread here, and there are a lot of people that have been on this board for many years that know a lot more than you do.

ALL eyeballs are focused on Trump right now. So get your crayons and coloring books out, turn on your FOX News and Reich wing talk radio, you're in for a hell of a ride.

We are talking about collusion with a Foreign Adversary to do a Cyber attack on the United States which is considered Treason. And it looks like they may already have it, with phone records, which will list dates and times, and some audio recordings, as Obama ordered the taping of Russian phone lines as soon as he became aware that the Russians were hacking into DNC databases.
Look Obama is out of office, Hillary Clinton is out of the picture--so stop with YOUR bullshit desperately trying to deflect.

Wonder why that didn't work with Bush and Cheney when they left office?

We were still hearing "it's all Bushs fault" even during Obamas second term.

It doesn't matter. This is considered the worst breach of confidence in this nations history, where we CAN'T trust the POTUS with National Security issues & briefings. Hell they've even got him doing business in his resort in front of diners.

You were warned over and over again about Trump, and you IGNORED all those warnings. You heard him praise Putin on several occasions, and you watched him state: "Russia if that's you could you find Clinton's emails, and you will be strongly rewarded by the media in this country." He's on video stating that.

You elected an Ass Clown for Commander & Chief of this country that is only interested in ratings. He has insulted, offended and even threatened so many in this country, he'll never be able to bridge this great divide. You have given more than half this nation someone they can actually hate.

And it's already showing up at Republican town halls, including in Conservative states and Districts. You have awoken a sleeping Giant. You have effectively killed the Republican party.
Republican town halls are getting very, very nasty

Bernie Sanders has come out and said that Trump's possible Russian ties has made it so intelligence agencies from allies are now apprehensive to sharing it with the U.S. because they are afraid he will share it with Putin.
Looks like it's Obamas Russian ties that are the problem now.....

Look Obama is out of office, Hillary Clinton is out of the picture--so stop with YOUR bullshit desperately trying to deflect. Right now you're just trying to defend your own ignorance by making Trump the poster boy of the Republican party. You're on a big boy and girl political thread here, and there are a lot of people that have been on this board for many years that know a lot more than you do.

ALL eyeballs are focused on Trump right now. So get your crayons and coloring books out, turn on your FOX News and Reich wing talk radio, you're in for a hell of a ride.

We are talking about collusion with a Foreign Adversary to do a Cyber attack on the United States which is considered Treason. And it looks like they may already have it, with phone records, which will list dates and times, and some audio recordings, as Obama ordered the taping of Russian phone lines as soon as he became aware that the Russians were hacking into DNC databases.
Look Obama is out of office, Hillary Clinton is out of the picture--so stop with YOUR bullshit desperately trying to deflect.

Wonder why that didn't work with Bush and Cheney when they left office?

We were still hearing "it's all Bushs fault" even during Obamas second term.

It doesn't matter. This is considered the worst breach of confidence in this nations history, where we CAN'T trust the POTUS with National Security issues & briefings. Hell they've even got him doing business in his resort in front of diners.

You were warned over and over again about Trump, and you IGNORED all those warnings. You heard him praise Putin on several occasions, and you watched him state: "Russia if that's you could you find Clinton's emails, and you will be strongly rewarded by the media in this country." He's on video stating that.

You elected an Ass Clown for Commander & Chief of this country that is only interested in ratings. He has insulted, offended and even threatened so many in this country, he'll never be able to bridge this great divide. You have given more than half this nation someone they can actually hate.

And it's already showing up at Republican town halls, including in Conservative states and Districts. You have awoken a sleeping Giant. You have effectively killed the Republican party.
Republican town halls are getting very, very nasty

I might be offended, if I had voted for him.

I didn't.

He was a better choice than Hllary, but not enough for me to give him my support.

and you might want to take a fresh look at that video you 'quoted'.

You got that wrong too
Decision to withhold information underscores deep mistrust between intelligence community and president.

U.S. intelligence officials have withheld sensitive intelligence from President Donald Trump because they are concerned it could be leaked or compromised, according to current and former officials familiar with the matter.

The officials’ decision to keep information from Mr. Trump underscores the deep mistrust that has developed between the intelligence community and the president over his team’s contacts with the Russian government, as well as the enmity he has shown toward U.S. spy agencies. On Wednesday, Mr. Trump accused the agencies of leaking information to undermine him.

In some of these cases of withheld information, officials have decided not to show Mr. Trump the sources and methods that the intelligence agencies use to collect information, the current and former officials said. Those sources and methods could include, for instance, the means that an agency uses to spy on a foreign government.

Much More: Spies Keep Intelligence From Donald Trump

Wow, what a mess! No wonder such information is withheld from Trump. I wouldn't trust him either.

Its not about Trump dumbass. Its about who's leaking intel. National Security.

You are an idiot as usual.
Watch what happens next year. Democrats will be losing even more power.
Just the opposite. Democrats are going to show up BIGLY to the 2018 midterm. The Senate and the House is going to flip. Then the real investigations start!

Yep, the democrat voters are going to show up BIGLY and toss a few more democrats out on their asses.

The senate and house aren't going to flip because not that many republican seats are on the block. Mostly it's democrat seats up for grabs and grab they will. Democrats in states that Trump won should not even bother running.
Steve Mcgarrett is a proud racist and ardent trump supporter. Goes hand in hand.

And you've got your head stuck so far up your ass you are looking out your bellybutton.
Look at his avatar. Hes NOT a racist? Or do all you deplorable racists stick together?

I don't know if he is a racist or not.

And neither do you.

But, being a left winger...you need to villify those who don't agree with you.
Is his avatar racist?
Steve Mcgarrett is a proud racist and ardent trump supporter. Goes hand in hand.

And you've got your head stuck so far up your ass you are looking out your bellybutton.
Look at his avatar. Hes NOT a racist? Or do all you deplorable racists stick together?

I don't know if he is a racist or not.

And neither do you.

But, being a left winger...you need to villify those who don't agree with you.
Is his avatar racist?

Not at all.
WTF? After we saw the bungling of the FBI during the Hillary scandals and recently some unknown "intelligence" level drone leaking confidential phone conversations to the media the left alleges that the people who work for the President get to determine the security level of the Presidency. This is upside down craziness from the left.
Steve Mcgarrett is a proud racist and ardent trump supporter. Goes hand in hand.

And you've got your head stuck so far up your ass you are looking out your bellybutton.
Look at his avatar. Hes NOT a racist? Or do all you deplorable racists stick together?

I don't know if he is a racist or not.

And neither do you.

But, being a left winger...you need to villify those who don't agree with you.
Is his avatar racist?

Not at all.
Then that makes you a racist, also.
And he'll be president for how many years ?
You pluralized 'years'. You should correct that.


Tell us how many there Nostradamus.
Impeachment will begin within the year, or he will resign.

And given your confidence...what do you want to wager ?

If it happens in 1 year, I'll say 100 nice things about Lizzy Warren and then leave the board for one year.

if it does not, you say 100 nice things (as in 100 posts) about Trump and you leave for one year.

What say you ?

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