Spike Lee: ‘There Is a War on the Black Male’

The main war on blacks is by people like him, Sharpton, Jackson and the Democrat party. But it's probably to late to change things now. they voted themselves into this war. I doubt some white person forced them to swallow the Democrat parties BS of how they care more for them, so vote for us...Since Johnson how much better off are they? Yep they need to stand up and frikken OWN something for a change. they voted themselves back into slavery...No one else did that
Sure. Step up and own it. How's that "three strikes" stuff working out?

There is a bigger percentage of Black males in jail than justifiable in this nation and that's due to Conservative policies that break up families and deny a chance for fatherhood.

Step up and own that!

And that can only be because WHITES ARE RACIST?

I am so sick to death of libtard bullshit
Sure. Step up and own it. How's that "three strikes" stuff working out?

There is a bigger percentage of Black males in jail than justifiable in this nation and that's due to Conservative policies that break up families and deny a chance for fatherhood.

Step up and own that!

Somehow you believe committing a crime shouldn't mean prison time. Black culture is the cause of black misfortune. Keep lying to yourself.
Black culture? Do you even have an inkling of what you are talking about? Plenty of whites commit crimes simil
ar to Blacks but do not go to prison!


I didn't think so.
It's the sentencing guidelines, stupid!

You honestly believe that whites and everyone else have a different standard? Black culture today creates an environment that puts more blacks in prison. Don't rob a store or give someone a beat down if you don't want to end up in prison.
Its not a belief its a fact. There are different standards in the criminal Justice system for Backs.


Right. I didn't think so.
It's the sentencing guidelines, stupid!

You honestly believe that whites and everyone else have a different standard? Black culture today creates an environment that puts more blacks in prison. Don't rob a store or give someone a beat down if you don't want to end up in prison.
Its not a belief its a fact. There are different standards in the criminal Justice system for Backs.
The law is the law. More whiny liberal gobbledygook.
The law is not applied equally. More Repugnant Right Wing deflection!
Right. I didn't think so.
RoshawnMarkwees said:
Aren't you the same one who needed a math primer just yesterday? You must have gone to an inner city public school and were socially promoted through graduation. You're a perfect successor to obama.

Please juxtapose your numbers against the overall populations and consider how segregated blacks keep themselves and you'll get a better idea of how acute the unstructured family problem is among blacks.

Do you speak English? The goobly gook you just spewed sounds like Redneckronics to me! Relax, gather your thoughts and try it again!

Lol, this is classic.

JQPublic, ummm, Roshawn *was* using English.


and then he uses,Redneckronics. good grief
It's the sentencing guidelines, stupid!

You honestly believe that whites and everyone else have a different standard? Black culture today creates an environment that puts more blacks in prison. Don't rob a store or give someone a beat down if you don't want to end up in prison.
Its not a belief its a fact. There are different standards in the criminal Justice system for Backs.
The law is the law. More whiny liberal gobbledygook.
The law is not applied equally. More Repugnant Right Wing deflection!
Right. I didn't think so.

If you are PC you don't have to provide evidence. IT is proof that you are right just because you take the PC position.
Sure. Step up and own it. How's that "three strikes" stuff working out?

There is a bigger percentage of Black males in jail than justifiable in this nation and that's due to Conservative policies that break up families and deny a chance for fatherhood.

Step up and own that!

Fatherhood? 72% of black children don't have a father and that is BECAUSE OF leftist policies that fuck males over. So we suppose to allow crimes and violence on our streets? I doubt even the black community would like to see their murder stats double over night.
You've been shown many times on these boards that a man doesn't have to be married to the child's mother to be a father. I guess you forgot...

After making broad claims with no proof (in other words lies) suddenly you want to get specific and literal. Typical negro diversion tactic.

Illegitimacy is what he meant by "not having a father", silly negro.
Sure. Step up and own it. How's that "three strikes" stuff working out?

There is a bigger percentage of Black males in jail than justifiable in this nation and that's due to Conservative policies that break up families and deny a chance for fatherhood.

Step up and own that!

Fatherhood? 72% of black children don't have a father and that is BECAUSE OF leftist policies that fuck males over. So we suppose to allow crimes and violence on our streets? I doubt even the black community would like to see their murder stats double over night.
You've been shown many times on these boards that a man doesn't have to be married to the child's mother to be a father. I guess you forgot...

After making broad claims with no proof (in other words lies) suddenly you want to get specific and literal. Typical negro diversion tactic.

Illegitimacy is what he meant by "not having a father", silly negro.

And it was obvious to anyone with a brain also.

So the real question is, 'What the fuck do libtards think that they accomplish by pretending to be too stupid to understand a question?'

All I can think is, maybe they aren't pretending?
Sure. Step up and own it. How's that "three strikes" stuff working out?

There is a bigger percentage of Black males in jail than justifiable in this nation and that's due to Conservative policies that break up families and deny a chance for fatherhood.

Step up and own that!

Fatherhood? 72% of black children don't have a father and that is BECAUSE OF leftist policies that fuck males over. So we suppose to allow crimes and violence on our streets? I doubt even the black community would like to see their murder stats double over night.

You've been shown many times on these boards that a man doesn't have to be married to the child's mother to be a father. I guess you forgot...

And the black male has shown MANY MANY times over that he doesn't have to marry the child's mother to be a father! Blacks NEVER Forgot that one. That's why black women have 7 kids from seven different fathers and the men keep whoring around. The government picks up the tab and everyone is happy on their couch with their IPads while we feed the kids.

I haven't felt this way, but this whole Ferguson thing is making me think that blacks are not taking personal responsibility for anything. I'm angry.
Have you noticed the White illegitimacy rate? lets put things in perspective here!

While black Americans have the highest percentage of births that are out-of- wedlock, this does not mean that most illegitimate children in the U.S. are black. Blacks represent only a small portion of the U.S. population. Since whites greatly outnumber blacks within the population, the number of white children born out-of wedlock exceeds the number of such black children despite the higher illegitimacy rate among blacks. Of the roughly 1.2 million children born outside marriage in 1997: 41 percent were non-Hispanic Whites; 32 percent were non-Hispanic Blacks; 23 percent were Hispanics; American Indians and Asians each comprised 2 percent.
It is important to note that nearly all of the increase in illegitimacy occurring in recent years is due to whites (including Hispanic whites.) Between 1980 and 1997, annual black non-marital births increased by only about 100,000. By contrast, white out-of-wedlock births more than doubled (rising from 328,984 to 793,202). In 1980 the numbers of black and white out-of-wedlock births were nearly equal; by 1997 there were almost two white out-of-wedlock births for each black birth.

Silly negro pretending he doesn't understand percentages and correlation...I might be wrong...people who average an IQ of 85 and that's AVERAGE..there are many negroes with MUCH LOWER IQ's.
Maybe that explains not understanding basic math, percentages and correlation

Since white people are the majority, we pay more taxes and when the negro president insists on "redistribution" and higher taxes, he knows it affects white people more...and that's the whole point...undermine and cripple whites economically.
Sure. Step up and own it. How's that "three strikes" stuff working out?

There is a bigger percentage of Black males in jail than justifiable in this nation and that's due to Conservative policies that break up families and deny a chance for fatherhood.

Step up and own that!

Fatherhood? 72% of black children don't have a father and that is BECAUSE OF leftist policies that fuck males over. So we suppose to allow crimes and violence on our streets? I doubt even the black community would like to see their murder stats double over night.

You've been shown many times on these boards that a man doesn't have to be married to the child's mother to be a father. I guess you forgot...

And the black male has shown MANY MANY times over that he doesn't have to marry the child's mother to be a father! Blacks NEVER Forgot that one. That's why black women have 7 kids from seven different fathers and the men keep whoring around. The government picks up the tab and everyone is happy on their couch with their IPads while we feed the kids.

I haven't felt this way, but this whole Ferguson thing is making me think that blacks are not taking personal responsibility for anything. I'm angry.
Have you noticed the White illegitimacy rate? lets put things in perspective here!

While black Americans have the highest percentage of births that are out-of- wedlock, this does not mean that most illegitimate children in the U.S. are black. Blacks represent only a small portion of the U.S. population. Since whites greatly outnumber blacks within the population, the number of white children born out-of wedlock exceeds the number of such black children despite the higher illegitimacy rate among blacks. Of the roughly 1.2 million children born outside marriage in 1997: 41 percent were non-Hispanic Whites; 32 percent were non-Hispanic Blacks; 23 percent were Hispanics; American Indians and Asians each comprised 2 percent.
It is important to note that nearly all of the increase in illegitimacy occurring in recent years is due to whites (including Hispanic whites.) Between 1980 and 1997, annual black non-marital births increased by only about 100,000. By contrast, white out-of-wedlock births more than doubled (rising from 328,984 to 793,202). In 1980 the numbers of black and white out-of-wedlock births were nearly equal; by 1997 there were almost two white out-of-wedlock births for each black birth.

Silly negro pretending he doesn't understand percentages and correlation...I might be wrong...people who average an IQ of 85 and that's AVERAGE..there are many negroes with MUCH LOWER IQ's.
Maybe that explains not understanding basic math, percentages and correlation

Since white people are the majority, we pay more taxes and when the negro president insists on "redistribution" and higher taxes, he knows it affects white people more...and that's the whole point...undermine and cripple whites economically.
So there are White racists who insist on using their utter ignorance of the Black community and their long held beliefs that they, as White citizens are superior to bolster their feeble arguments.

There is no discussing events with such stone brained people. They were carefully taught by their morally bankrupt parents that Whites are smarter and therefore deserve better treatment than Blacks. What a shame. Until such Racists finally die off, they will be saddled by ignorance and will try their damnedest to have influence.
The negro fool claimed that people (white people, of course) DYNAMITED THE LEVEES in New Orleans so the area would flood and displace negroes.
EVERYTHING is white people's fault to negroes.

To SOME blacks, yeah, the ones politicized into thinking all whites are like you.
Like me?

In what way?

In your style of responding to the topic. Your use of taboo words considered today to be insensitive and crude.

You could make your arguments much more persuasive if you would simply stop knee-jerking into explaining everything because 'NEGROE'.

Outside a few buzz word issues, you make a lot of sense, though I will never agree that we should have legally imposed segregation again.

Relax, politically correct crusader. Pick something else to be outraged about. You're off base here.

"Negro" is a correct term to describe members of the negroid race.This is an anthropological term.

Just as mongoloids are called "asians" and caucasians are called "white".

LMFAO..imagine if asians decided they didn't like that word and it was "taboo"..hahahahaha..or caucasians "forbidding" people to use the word "white" because it offended them...LMFAO..you're a dupe

"Negro" was used on gvt documents to describe race for a couple of hundred years until recently, of course...negroes don't believe in anthropology apparently.
.and neither do you, it seems.
...and negroes are PERPETUALLY offended by ANYTHING white people say or do..I'm sure they'll welcome your support in their battle against the rest of us evil white devils.

"Negro" was used on the 2010 census as a valid choice for "race".

..and then of course there's the United NEGRO College Fund...A dilemma, no?

..and look. I don't care anymore about "making arguments" and I don't care what word "offends" negroes this week..It's just more manipulation of the white man...You're being played.
I'm not going to abandon anthropology because it "offends" negroes.
After the last 50 years of negro dysfunction and anti white violence and hatred, I don't give a flip anymore.

Politically correct theories and lack of real world experience are nice and comfortable places to hide and insulate yourself and since you've been indoctrinated for so long it's hard to see the truth. We understand.

It doesn't matter whether you support segregation or not. It will happen. This country will collapse and just like the balkans where there were hundreds of years of hatred and violence there will be a period of ethnic cleansing and violence and then the various sections of the country where like minded people will congregate will be partitioned off to stop the violence and a period of reconstruction will occur as 2 or 3 new smaller nations emerge in what used to be the U.S.

Read some history and you'll see that is how multicultural empires/nations always..ALWAYS end.

But being politically correct and accommodating to the very people who HATE YOUR GUTS and who your tax dollars are funding to help destroy this nation is more important than preserving your culture and heritage. I understand. The indoctrination is strong.
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The negro fool claimed that people (white people, of course) DYNAMITED THE LEVEES in New Orleans so the area would flood and displace negroes.
EVERYTHING is white people's fault to negroes.

To SOME blacks, yeah, the ones politicized into thinking all whites are like you.
Like me?

In what way?

In your style of responding to the topic. Your use of taboo words considered today to be insensitive and crude.

You could make your arguments much more persuasive if you would simply stop knee-jerking into explaining everything because 'NEGROE'.

Outside a few buzz word issues, you make a lot of sense, though I will never agree that we should have legally imposed segregation again.

Relax, politically correct crusader. Pick something else to be outraged about. You're off base here.

"Negro" is a correct term to describe members of the negroid race.This is an anthropological term.

Just as mongoloids are called "asians" and caucasians are called "white".

LMFAO..imagine if asians decided they didn't like that word and it was "taboo"..hahahahaha..or caucasians "forbidding" people to use the word "white" because it offended them...LMFAO..you're a dupe

"Negro" was used on gvt documents to describe race for a couple of hundred years until recently, of course...negroes don't believe in anthropology apparently.
.and neither do you, it seems.
...and negroes are PERPETUALLY offended by ANYTHING white people say or do..I'm sure they'll welcome your support in their battle against the rest of us evil white devils.

"Negro" was used on the 2010 census as a valid choice for "race".

..and then of course there's the United NEGRO College Fund...A dilemma, no?

..and look. I don't care anymore about "making arguments" and I don't care what word "offends" negroes this week..It's just more manipulation of the white man...You're being played.
I'm not going to abandon anthropology because it "offends" negroes.
After the last 50 years of negro dysfunction and anti white violence and hatred, I don't give a flip anymore.

Politically correct theories and lack of real world experience are nice and comfortable places to hide and insulate yourself and since you've been indoctrinated for so long it's hard to see the truth. We understand.

It doesn't matter whether you support segregation or not. It will happen. This country will collapse and just like the balkans where there were hundreds of years of hatred and violence there will be a period of ethnic cleansing and violence and then the various sections of the country where like minded people will congregate will be partitioned off to stop the violence and a period of reconstruction will occur as 2 or 3 new smaller nations emerge in what used to be the U.S.

Read some history and you'll see that is how multicultural empires/nations always..ALWAYS end.

But being politically correct and accommodating to the very people who HATE YOUR GUTS and who your tax dollars are funding to help destroy this nation is more important than preserving your culture and heritage. I understand. The indoctrination is strong.

Yes, negro WAS used on government docs, etc. I used to use the word as well, but while I worked for the government I was taken aside and it was explained to me that the term is no longer considered appropriate, and so I stopped using it.

Again, it is just amazing that segregationists like yourself cause your own defeat so repeatedly. For whatever reason the public has been taught and conditioned that blacks are offended by being referred to as negroes, so why persist? Why alienate regular people who still find it preferable to not offend people gratuitously?

You defeat yourself by simply insisting on being rude, by trying to explain EVERYTHING because blacks are NEGROES and you are not so stupid that you cant grasp it. You prefer to be the troll, the lone gunman, sticking it to everyone else, patting yourself on the back that you are right and no one else has the courage you do to say what is true.

If you really wanted to accomplish something, you would drop the offending language for effectiveness sake and learn how to pitch your values to the growing number of middle class white people in America who are sick to death of the race baiting shenanigans. This could be your moment, but you will botch it because NEGRO and the like just has to come out of you every time. Why? Because you have no self control? Because you like being the only one with your views at the party? Because you just like losing?

The negro fool claimed that people (white people, of course) DYNAMITED THE LEVEES in New Orleans so the area would flood and displace negroes.
EVERYTHING is white people's fault to negroes.

To SOME blacks, yeah, the ones politicized into thinking all whites are like you.
Like me?

In what way?

In your style of responding to the topic. Your use of taboo words considered today to be insensitive and crude.

You could make your arguments much more persuasive if you would simply stop knee-jerking into explaining everything because 'NEGROE'.

Outside a few buzz word issues, you make a lot of sense, though I will never agree that we should have legally imposed segregation again.

Relax, politically correct crusader. Pick something else to be outraged about. You're off base here.

"Negro" is a correct term to describe members of the negroid race.This is an anthropological term.

Just as mongoloids are called "asians" and caucasians are called "white".

LMFAO..imagine if asians decided they didn't like that word and it was "taboo"..hahahahaha..or caucasians "forbidding" people to use the word "white" because it offended them...LMFAO..you're a dupe

"Negro" was used on gvt documents to describe race for a couple of hundred years until recently, of course...negroes don't believe in anthropology apparently.
.and neither do you, it seems.
...and negroes are PERPETUALLY offended by ANYTHING white people say or do..I'm sure they'll welcome your support in their battle against the rest of us evil white devils.

"Negro" was used on the 2010 census as a valid choice for "race".

..and then of course there's the United NEGRO College Fund...A dilemma, no?

..and look. I don't care anymore about "making arguments" and I don't care what word "offends" negroes this week..It's just more manipulation of the white man...You're being played.
I'm not going to abandon anthropology because it "offends" negroes.
After the last 50 years of negro dysfunction and anti white violence and hatred, I don't give a flip anymore.

Politically correct theories and lack of real world experience are nice and comfortable places to hide and insulate yourself and since you've been indoctrinated for so long it's hard to see the truth. We understand.

It doesn't matter whether you support segregation or not. It will happen. This country will collapse and just like the balkans where there were hundreds of years of hatred and violence there will be a period of ethnic cleansing and violence and then the various sections of the country where like minded people will congregate will be partitioned off to stop the violence and a period of reconstruction will occur as 2 or 3 new smaller nations emerge in what used to be the U.S.

Read some history and you'll see that is how multicultural empires/nations always..ALWAYS end.

But being politically correct and accommodating to the very people who HATE YOUR GUTS and who your tax dollars are funding to help destroy this nation is more important than preserving your culture and heritage. I understand. The indoctrination is strong.

Yes, negro WAS used on government docs, etc. I used to use the word as well, but while I worked for the government I was taken aside and it was explained to me that the term is no longer considered appropriate, and so I stopped using it.

Again, it is just amazing that segregationists like yourself cause your own defeat so repeatedly. For whatever reason the public has been taught and conditioned that blacks are offended by being referred to as negroes, so why persist? Why alienate regular people who still find it preferable to not offend people gratuitously?

You defeat yourself by simply insisting on being rude, by trying to explain EVERYTHING because blacks are NEGROES and you are not so stupid that you cant grasp it. You prefer to be the troll, the lone gunman, sticking it to everyone else, patting yourself on the back that you are right and no one else has the courage you do to say what is true.

If you really wanted to accomplish something, you would drop the offending language for effectiveness sake and learn how to pitch your values to the growing number of middle class white people in America who are sick to death of the race baiting shenanigans. This could be your moment, but you will botch it because NEGRO and the like just has to come out of you every time. Why? Because you have no self control? Because you like being the only one with your views at the party? Because you just like losing?

Everything white people do or say "offends" negroes, so I don't care anymore.
I won't be manipulated.
The negro fool claimed that people (white people, of course) DYNAMITED THE LEVEES in New Orleans so the area would flood and displace negroes.
EVERYTHING is white people's fault to negroes.

To SOME blacks, yeah, the ones politicized into thinking all whites are like you.
Like me?

In what way?

In your style of responding to the topic. Your use of taboo words considered today to be insensitive and crude.

You could make your arguments much more persuasive if you would simply stop knee-jerking into explaining everything because 'NEGROE'.

Outside a few buzz word issues, you make a lot of sense, though I will never agree that we should have legally imposed segregation again.

Relax, politically correct crusader. Pick something else to be outraged about. You're off base here.

"Negro" is a correct term to describe members of the negroid race.This is an anthropological term.

Just as mongoloids are called "asians" and caucasians are called "white".

LMFAO..imagine if asians decided they didn't like that word and it was "taboo"..hahahahaha..or caucasians "forbidding" people to use the word "white" because it offended them...LMFAO..you're a dupe

"Negro" was used on gvt documents to describe race for a couple of hundred years until recently, of course...negroes don't believe in anthropology apparently.
.and neither do you, it seems.
...and negroes are PERPETUALLY offended by ANYTHING white people say or do..I'm sure they'll welcome your support in their battle against the rest of us evil white devils.

"Negro" was used on the 2010 census as a valid choice for "race".

..and then of course there's the United NEGRO College Fund...A dilemma, no?

..and look. I don't care anymore about "making arguments" and I don't care what word "offends" negroes this week..It's just more manipulation of the white man...You're being played.
I'm not going to abandon anthropology because it "offends" negroes.
After the last 50 years of negro dysfunction and anti white violence and hatred, I don't give a flip anymore.

Politically correct theories and lack of real world experience are nice and comfortable places to hide and insulate yourself and since you've been indoctrinated for so long it's hard to see the truth. We understand.

It doesn't matter whether you support segregation or not. It will happen. This country will collapse and just like the balkans where there were hundreds of years of hatred and violence there will be a period of ethnic cleansing and violence and then the various sections of the country where like minded people will congregate will be partitioned off to stop the violence and a period of reconstruction will occur as 2 or 3 new smaller nations emerge in what used to be the U.S.

Read some history and you'll see that is how multicultural empires/nations always..ALWAYS end.

But being politically correct and accommodating to the very people who HATE YOUR GUTS and who your tax dollars are funding to help destroy this nation is more important than preserving your culture and heritage. I understand. The indoctrination is strong.

Yes, negro WAS used on government docs, etc. I used to use the word as well, but while I worked for the government I was taken aside and it was explained to me that the term is no longer considered appropriate, and so I stopped using it.

Again, it is just amazing that segregationists like yourself cause your own defeat so repeatedly. For whatever reason the public has been taught and conditioned that blacks are offended by being referred to as negroes, so why persist? Why alienate regular people who still find it preferable to not offend people gratuitously?

You defeat yourself by simply insisting on being rude, by trying to explain EVERYTHING because blacks are NEGROES and you are not so stupid that you cant grasp it. You prefer to be the troll, the lone gunman, sticking it to everyone else, patting yourself on the back that you are right and no one else has the courage you do to say what is true.

If you really wanted to accomplish something, you would drop the offending language for effectiveness sake and learn how to pitch your values to the growing number of middle class white people in America who are sick to death of the race baiting shenanigans. This could be your moment, but you will botch it because NEGRO and the like just has to come out of you every time. Why? Because you have no self control? Because you like being the only one with your views at the party? Because you just like losing?

Everything white people do or say "offends" negroes, so I don't care anymore.
I won't be manipulated.

lol, dude, once again, I am not talking about avoiding offending blacks as the problem, but offending whites that do not have any other facts other than your demeanor.

Suppose we were at a religious debate and one guy said the Bible and logic supported religion A, and the other guy said the exact same thing but that the Bible supported religion B. But side A used F bombs over and over and gleefully spoke of everyone outside their religion burning in hell.

Is it so hard to imagine a critic telling the person representing religion A to cut it with the F bombs because most people think that shows he is an irreligious person?

This is the same thing I am telling you, using the language you do closes the minds of confused white people because you show no desire to 'be nice'. You seem to relish being mean, ugly and offensive. No one wants to be that, so why make it a block to your message?
It's defined as delusional paranoia.:hmpf:

OK, lets break this down.

We live in a country that is dominated by the PC left and they use the Identity Politics system to categorize everyone by race, right? And the laws make distinctions about people based on race, is this not true also?

And every other race in this country is organized to represent their own interests in the legal system, right? And they have their own media, their own colleges, their own graduation days and proms, etc, right?

And these organized racial groups get set asides, and special contract priviliges with the government, right?

So where is the delusion? Where is the paranoia?

Please, I am just asking because you seem to be saying everyone can organize into racial interest groups except for whites. Why?
The negro fool claimed that people (white people, of course) DYNAMITED THE LEVEES in New Orleans so the area would flood and displace negroes.
EVERYTHING is white people's fault to negroes.

To SOME blacks, yeah, the ones politicized into thinking all whites are like you.
Like me?

In what way?

In your style of responding to the topic. Your use of taboo words considered today to be insensitive and crude.

You could make your arguments much more persuasive if you would simply stop knee-jerking into explaining everything because 'NEGROE'.

Outside a few buzz word issues, you make a lot of sense, though I will never agree that we should have legally imposed segregation again.

Relax, politically correct crusader. Pick something else to be outraged about. You're off base here.

"Negro" is a correct term to describe members of the negroid race.This is an anthropological term.

Just as mongoloids are called "asians" and caucasians are called "white".

LMFAO..imagine if asians decided they didn't like that word and it was "taboo"..hahahahaha..or caucasians "forbidding" people to use the word "white" because it offended them...LMFAO..you're a dupe

"Negro" was used on gvt documents to describe race for a couple of hundred years until recently, of course...negroes don't believe in anthropology apparently.
.and neither do you, it seems.
...and negroes are PERPETUALLY offended by ANYTHING white people say or do..I'm sure they'll welcome your support in their battle against the rest of us evil white devils.

"Negro" was used on the 2010 census as a valid choice for "race".

..and then of course there's the United NEGRO College Fund...A dilemma, no?

..and look. I don't care anymore about "making arguments" and I don't care what word "offends" negroes this week..It's just more manipulation of the white man...You're being played.
I'm not going to abandon anthropology because it "offends" negroes.
After the last 50 years of negro dysfunction and anti white violence and hatred, I don't give a flip anymore.

Politically correct theories and lack of real world experience are nice and comfortable places to hide and insulate yourself and since you've been indoctrinated for so long it's hard to see the truth. We understand.

It doesn't matter whether you support segregation or not. It will happen. This country will collapse and just like the balkans where there were hundreds of years of hatred and violence there will be a period of ethnic cleansing and violence and then the various sections of the country where like minded people will congregate will be partitioned off to stop the violence and a period of reconstruction will occur as 2 or 3 new smaller nations emerge in what used to be the U.S.

Read some history and you'll see that is how multicultural empires/nations always..ALWAYS end.

But being politically correct and accommodating to the very people who HATE YOUR GUTS and who your tax dollars are funding to help destroy this nation is more important than preserving your culture and heritage. I understand. The indoctrination is strong.

Yes, negro WAS used on government docs, etc. I used to use the word as well, but while I worked for the government I was taken aside and it was explained to me that the term is no longer considered appropriate, and so I stopped using it.

Again, it is just amazing that segregationists like yourself cause your own defeat so repeatedly. For whatever reason the public has been taught and conditioned that blacks are offended by being referred to as negroes, so why persist? Why alienate regular people who still find it preferable to not offend people gratuitously?

You defeat yourself by simply insisting on being rude, by trying to explain EVERYTHING because blacks are NEGROES and you are not so stupid that you cant grasp it. You prefer to be the troll, the lone gunman, sticking it to everyone else, patting yourself on the back that you are right and no one else has the courage you do to say what is true.

If you really wanted to accomplish something, you would drop the offending language for effectiveness sake and learn how to pitch your values to the growing number of middle class white people in America who are sick to death of the race baiting shenanigans. This could be your moment, but you will botch it because NEGRO and the like just has to come out of you every time. Why? Because you have no self control? Because you like being the only one with your views at the party? Because you just like losing?

Everything white people do or say "offends" negroes, so I don't care anymore.
I won't be manipulated.

lol, dude, once again, I am not talking about avoiding offending blacks as the problem, but offending whites that do not have any other facts other than your demeanor.

Suppose we were at a religious debate and one guy said the Bible and logic supported religion A, and the other guy said the exact same thing but that the Bible supported religion B. But side A used F bombs over and over and gleefully spoke of everyone outside their religion burning in hell.

Is it so hard to imagine a critic telling the person representing religion A to cut it with the F bombs because most people think that shows he is an irreligious person?

This is the same thing I am telling you, using the language you do closes the minds of confused white people because you show no desire to 'be nice'. You seem to relish being mean, ugly and offensive. No one wants to be that, so why make it a block to your message?

So the source of your outrage is that I use the anthropological term "negro" and that will somehow offend WHITE people now...man, you're all over the map with this argument.

My "demeanor" is always polite and calm (until attacked) but I won't be manipulated by word games...

You suggest that by allowing negroes to frame the discussion and determine which words are "acceptable" to them and which are "forbidden" is the way to make progress.

...meanwhile they commit over HALF of ALL violent crime in the u.s. despite only making up 13% of the population.. THAT fact alone should outrage you. I think those facts supersede any "bad words" I use.

Your "outrage" is badly misplaced.
So the source of your outrage is that I use the anthropological term "negro" and that will somehow offend WHITE people now...man, you're all over the map with this argument.

I have consistently pointed this out, that your language and demeanor in discussions turns WHITE people off. Whites have been raised and conditioned to feel guilty about things that they have not done, and their history has been so distorted that they feel ashamed of who they are and what their ancestors have done. They have been conditioned to ID the bad kind of person responsible for all this evil as the guy who goes around calling people offensive names, among other things. But you fit the stereotype exactly. And you don't get why I say you should avoid the stereotype because it blocks your message?

My "demeanor" is always polite and calm (until attacked) but I won't be manipulated by word games...

Yeah, you are polite to a point, but you step in with all these terms that people are today conditioned to believe are racist in and of themselves. So why not jettison the buzz words and go with neutral terms? Why insist on using words that people will not use in 'polite' company? Because you want to be ostracized?

You suggest that by allowing negroes to frame the discussion and determine which words are "acceptable" to them and which are "forbidden" is the way to make progress.

Word choice does not frame the discussion. IT is merely the means and methods of the discussion. Use different language tools that do not inflame or cause people to lock down into a mental bunker and give them a chance to hear what you have to say.

...meanwhile they commit over HALF of ALL violent crime in the u.s. despite only making up 13% of the population.. THAT fact alone should outrage you. I think those facts supersede any "bad words" I use.

I think most whites know this by now, but they have rationalized it in various ways. I think some of these rationalizations are legit. But for the most part, most whites are afraid to speak their minds. That if they agree to some racist talk on the internet, the leftist prick at the office might find it and then use it to get them fired, or to spread rumors that make the work environment very unpleasant. Defending themselves if the person they are agreeing with is not using ******, negro, coon, etc is much easier.

Your "outrage" is badly misplaced.

No, I am not outraged with you, I just disagree with you about goals and methods. I am simply amazed that you don't already know better.
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So the source of your outrage is that I use the anthropological term "negro" and that will somehow offend WHITE people now...man, you're all over the map with this argument.

I have consistently pointed this out, that your language and demeanor in discussions turns WHITE people off. Whites have been raised and conditioned to feel guilty about things that they have not done, and their history has been so distorted that they feel ashamed of who they are and what their ancestors have done. They have been conditioned to ID the bad kind of person responsible for all this evil as the guy who goes around calling people offensive names, among other things. But you fit the stereotype exactly. And you don't get why I say you should avoid the stereotype because it blocks your message?

The bolded illustrates my point exactly." Conditoning is another word for brainwashing. I'm not brainwashed and it disturbs you."

My "demeanor" is always polite and calm (until attacked) but I won't be manipulated by word games...

Yeah, you are polite to a point, but you step in with all these terms that people are today conditioned to believe are racist in and of themselves. So why not jettison the buzz words and go with neutral terms? Why insist on using words that people will not use in 'polite' company? Because you want to be ostracized?

I was raised that "negro" IS a "polite term" to refer to members of the negroid race. So is "colored people".
Did you see the picture in Ferguson of the negroes with the signs proclaiming "Negro Spring"? Why don't you go explain to them how racist and hateful that word is and demand they stop using it. GTFO, man.

You suggest that by allowing negroes to frame the discussion and determine which words are "acceptable" to them and which are "forbidden" is the way to make progress.

Word choice does not frame the discussion. IT is merely the means and methods of the discussion. Use different language tools that do not inflame or cause people to lock down into a mental bunker and give them a chance to hear what you have to say.

You acknowledge that people have been artificially "conditioned" (brainwashed)..but then you suggest I join the herd..LMFAO..

...meanwhile they commit over HALF of ALL violent crime in the u.s. despite only making up 13% of the population.. THAT fact alone should outrage you. I think those facts supersede any "bad words" I use.

I think most whites know this by now, but they have rationalized it in various ways. I think some of these rationalizations are legit. But for the most part, most whites are afraid to speak their minds. That if they agree to some racist talk on the internet, the leftist prick at the office might find it and then use it to get them fired, or to spread rumors that make the work environment very unpleasant. Defending themselves if the person they are agreeing with is not using ******, negro, coon, etc is much easier.

You invent hypothetical scenarios peopled with figments of your imagination doing and saying imaginary things that you made up in your own mind to achieve fantasy results that you invented out of thin air...and you want me to refute them...Very disingenuous...The "conditioning" is strong and deep rooted in you.

Your "outrage" is badly misplaced.

No, I am not outraged with you. I am simply amazed that you don't already know better.
So the source of your outrage is that I use the anthropological term "negro" and that will somehow offend WHITE people now...man, you're all over the map with this argument.

I have consistently pointed this out, that your language and demeanor in discussions turns WHITE people off. Whites have been raised and conditioned to feel guilty about things that they have not done, and their history has been so distorted that they feel ashamed of who they are and what their ancestors have done. They have been conditioned to ID the bad kind of person responsible for all this evil as the guy who goes around calling people offensive names, among other things. But you fit the stereotype exactly. And you don't get why I say you should avoid the stereotype because it blocks your message?

The bolded illustrates my point exactly." Conditoning is another word for brainwashing. I'm not brainwashed and it disturbs you."

No, you are not tactful, and that tells me that you are more of a problem than a help to your cause, if this is really your cause.

I wont bother to try any more analogies, you wont try to grasp what I am driving at anyway.

If you genuinely cannot see how you language and the way you talk is turning people off after all this, then you don't want to see it, or you know it and playing the cockroach is your point all along.

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