Stacey Abrams Says “It Is A Fallacy That We Know Exactly When A Pregnancy Starts”

The kid gets a Democrat teacher who tells them all about ltgbq stuff and then says it wants a sex change. Parents say yes.

Are you okay with it? Yes or No?

Again, does the kid fully understand what the ramifications are from such an action, as well as the many years of treatment and psych screening required for it? And, has it been just a couple of weeks after hearing the teacher, or is this something they have been thinking about for several years? Sorry, but that isn't something you can simplify to the question you are asking.
Not for nothing, but my girlfriend in high school came up to me a couple of weeks after the prom (yeah, I was a cliche) and told me that she THOUGHT she might be pregnant, as she was late on her period. A couple of weeks later, she called me happy as hell to tell me she'd gotten her period and was definitely not pregnant.

No. Women don't always know the exact time they get pregnant, or in some cases (like my high school girlfriend) if they even are.
Whatever you say Moloch
Again, does the kid fully understand what the ramifications are from such an action, as well as the many years of treatment and psych screening required for it? And, has it been just a couple of weeks after hearing the teacher, or is this something they have been thinking about for several years? Sorry, but that isn't something you can simplify to the question you are asking.
It's a child, just like the many getting sex changes today. Do you support it?
It's a child, just like the many getting sex changes today. Do you support it?

You haven't answered the questions as to whether or not the kid has been fully informed, nor have you stated how long the kid has been deciding this. Both are very important parts of the equation. Not gonna fall for your "gotcha" question.
You haven't answered the questions as to whether or not the kid has been fully informed, nor have you stated how long the kid has been deciding this. Both are very important parts of the equation. Not gonna fall for your "gotcha" question.
Democrats went over it all with the child, the child and parents say yes, and Joe Biden himself says, cut off his peter. Do you agree?
Again, does the kid fully understand what the ramifications are from such an action, as well as the many years of treatment and psych screening required for it? And, has it been just a couple of weeks after hearing the teacher, or is this something they have been thinking about for several years? Sorry, but that isn't something you can simplify to the question you are asking.
at what age do you think a kid actually CAN understand the ramifications?
It most certainly is.

That leads to the next question.

Is the problem that you're every bit as stupid as you sound, unable to even comprehend basic English?

Or do you just get off on being a lying shitstain?

Remember, you're not talking to your fellow fascist cult losers here. We can read, hence we know you're lying. The only uncertain thing is exactly _why_ you're lying.
Dear fucktard,

She said it was a “fallacy that we know when pregnancy begins.”

We know scientifically when pregnancy begins: implantation. We know scientifically when life begins: fertilization.

You are moving the goalposts to talk about our technological lack of ability to confirm pregnancy until certain milestones. What she said was objectively wrong. Your fallacies will not change that. Now fuck off.
Dear fucktard,

She said it was a “fallacy that we know when pregnancy begins.”
Yep. And from the context, she was clearly talking about the time when a woman knows she's pregnant.

If you're denying that, you're either profoundly stupid, or you're being deliberately dishonest.

Which is it?

If you'd like to claim it was a combination of both, I'm sure everyone here would believe you.

You are moving the goalposts t

Remember, you're not talking to your fellow idiot cult liars. You're talking to normal humans. You can't gaslight us. We can read, so we know you're lying.

Now, do what the cult demands of you. Obey and pay homage to The Lord of Lies, and try repeating your lies at a higher volume, as if that will make a difference.

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